Weiber carnival party | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

She was 53 years since 4 >Years weathered and prudish until it no longer works, always reserved and shy but she had a beautiful face always looked very well maintained but always weared pants and only flat shoes. She had no large bust size was only about. 165 tall and approx. 50kg heavy had medium -length black/gray hair and always had long -groomed fingernails.

She has been single since then and had no boyfriend nor did anyone had hers pussy Even only touched during this time and probably not before that.

I found this woman fascinating and wanted to change it.

It was that Mother a good friend of mine that I should bring home extremely alcoholized at a New Year’s Eve party 2003, my girlfriend Say goodbye to us and said only Schnippisch my mother is lesbian not hope because she seemed to have noticed that I thought she was great.

If this woman really stands on women I couldn’t believe it and drove her home.

When we arrived at her house, I took her over my shoulder got the key out of her pocket and brought her into the house there I was looking for her bedroom And put her on the bed, then I pulled out her shoes and her top, a white silk string and a silk-bra as well as holding white stockings came to light. When browsing in their drawers I found the most beautiful underwear and a black leather Lace -up corset with suspenders (very tight), black stockings with a lace finish, a black jumping tanga made of leather, a black leather skirt (up to the knee, very tight skirt), a black leather blazer and the hottest black high -heeled (12cm) leather boots with stiletto heelas well as a lot Sex toy Like stapon, dildos u.S.W.

I was getting hotter and feverishly thinking how I could get this woman around and the answer was on the dressing table, invitation to the carnival party in the town hall ……..

Until this party I had a costume Gothic-Hexe, 1-piece witch dress in a black pannamt with red lacing, maraboos and zigs base, a wig with black long hair and a corset made of black, soft lamb nappa tight-fitting corsage with a straps holder with decorative lacing, behind, behindLacing, including a suitable, simple altar ring and arm tulips with effective lacing. Wonderfully soft, black lamb nappa. In addition, leather boots with a long zipper on the side and 12cm high heel.

Divided with long eyelash black lips well shaved (made up) artificial fingernails and and and it started to take a women.

I searched the whole hall onto my boots until I found it covered as a pirate bride with a black silk blouse and a red wide skirt underneath you saw her boots looked horny.

I went up to her and got a sparkling wine at the counter, she was already there and said very cheekily I get one too! Since I was missing the words, I also ordered her and said Prost.

We talked and she said at some point you have horny things and grabbed my butt, then I took her in my arms and she whispered in my ear we take a taxi behind me and said to the other ladiesReunite.

With the taxi it went to her, she still hadn’t noticed anything.

When we were at her, she hit the door behind her and started to kiss what I replied.

Then it went into the living room where she flakes me on the heavy leather sofa.

She sat next to me and immediately hugged me and gives me wet, greedy kisses of tongue again, I quickly took the initiative and knelt in front of her and pushed her boots apart and the skirt to the side so that a leather string came out,which I gently pulled out to her and her tongue in her wet, sticky column slide she whispers “I am terribly horny for you.“And push my head between her Legs, I feel that my stand pulls on my altarming ring and slipped out on the side.

My leak attack seemed to be visible to her “Oooo Jaaaaah… ooohooooh… Hooooooh!“She groans and her body bends in orgasm while I continued to work with my tongue her clit.

After that, she wanted to return and knelt in front of me pushed my skirt to the side and experienced a surprise “O my God … o my God … o God..

Called we both look at my wet shiny strap that showed next to the string directly on her mouth where I reluctantly sank it without warning, her tongue slowly made herself to my penis and carefully stroked him. She couldn’t get enough, although it was such an unusual situation. I put under her head with one hand, the other gave itself to the shaft of my penis and her mouth could certainly do it

no longer get enough of my penis. As if she never had anything else

Made as a cock I could no longer hold it and sprayed the full load in her mouth so that she swallowed and choked until she sperm Had below.

She looked at me in punishing and spat on anger, then she screamed at you pork now I know who you are, I tried to calm her down, she and took her in her arms and just said it wasn’t nice?

She swallowed and just said it was already … Nevertheless, the action was mean and please please keep it for you.

I swore to her if we repeated her I don’t say a word.

She just said now I’m thinking about it.

At the weekend we want to meet an SMS and talk again in peace!

I answer at 20.00am with you.

Just in time at 20.00am I was at the door and rang with a bouquet of red roses in my hand and when I opened I said Sorry.

She wore a gray trouser suit boots and a black blouse made of silk and we went into the living room.

I had my best suit and was curious what came now.

She said something about friends and staying and unique and I only said by sat next to her on the back of the armchair and her hand on my bump laying nothing and yet do what you actually want.

Soon more ….

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