Jenny’s first sex | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Jenny Gallagher was a very shy young lady. She was this type of girl with whom you walked through all classes, but never really perceived her, except if she pushed out loudly against a table leg, or sneeze too loudly. She was just an absolutely blank leaf in ours School. Since nobody actually talked to her, at some point I planned to speak to her.

Even the teachers seemed to feel that she was very shy and avoided taking her on it. The boys were absolutely not interested in Jenny, although when you looked closer, a rather acceptable body was evident under her mostly impossible clothing. Even her face had nice features when you could see it properly, because mostly she walked through the world with a headed head, read in a book, or hid her face behind her long black hair. At lunchtime during the break she was always alone on the little wall of which was bricked around the flagpole.

There was a little off the sidelines and offered a maximum of two people. For them it was probably a “safe” place because hardly anyone wanted to get it so close to them. I don’t know if it was curiosity or pity when I planned to address her. I just started to perceive her more, even if she was sitting on her wall in the last row, or in the break, or during the break.

Something drove me to get to know them better and to find out how their voice sounded. At this noon I decided to sit down with her. “Sorry, someone is still sitting here?“I asked her and now stood in front of her. She flinched slightly and looked up from her sandwich through her long black curls.

She wiped her hair aside, but said nothing. “May I sit?”I said and pointed to the square next to her. She was somehow unsettled and just twitched her shoulders and nodded. We were sitting in silence for a while now and mamping our sandwiches.

“We are not together in MR. Hardy’s math class ?” I asked. She nodded again, but didn’t look up. “Did you get it all in the last hour?“I asked and now hoped for an answer.

But she just shook with her head. “Not either,” I log “I’m not particularly good in math.“She replied again with a silence. Suddenly I remembered that it was pretty clumsy of mine to penetrate so easily into her small private area and I felt a little guilty of provoking this situation. “Sorry,” I said, “I’m just coming here and talking to you and probably just bother you”.

I got up and started to go. I thought I had heard a sound of her, something like a “Hey” and turned around, but she only stared downwards without any reaction. I walked. I thought to myself that I would have chased her fear and she was definitely angry with me and I hadn’t even heard a tone of her.

But when I came to the math class the next day, I saw her gaze that was me. During the break, she was sitting in her place as always, with her impossible clothes that I had never seen in any of the girls. But she had looked at me and that was more than probably everyone else was allowed to catch from her. So I thought with myself, I would try again.

The next noon I went near her again. Somehow she seemed a little different to me, but I couldn’t say exactly why. So I stood near her, but did not make any institutions to sit down with her. “Hi Jenny,” I said, hoping that she would not be so unfriendly to ignore me.

“Hi” she said after a moment. Her voice was very quiet, but also quite soft and somehow tender. Surprised to hear her voice, I turned to her and now I saw why she was changing me. Your hair was different than usual.

Her hair did not cover her face, but turned curly to the side. Before that, I always had the impression that she didn’t put much value on her hair, but now they looked soft and freshly washed. Because of me? “If you don’t mind, I would like to sit down again. I also promise to be quiet “.

She looked at me and our eyes met and I saw a short glow in her green eyes. I smiled, tried somehow to look harmless and then she finally nodded and immediately looked down on her feet again. We sat in silence and ate our sandwiches and it seemed to me that we were eating for an hour, although it was definitely not more than 10 minutes. I tried to concentrate on my meal, but more of my pleasant smell that she was out of.

A bit like lemons or like in a tea shop and I thought that she had definitely used a rather old -fashioned perfume. It was a kind of tension between us without being able to grab it real. I was pretty surprised when she spoke to me for the first time, or better, almost spoke. “I-I,” she started and her breath accelerated “Ha-Hahabe n-n-n-n-N-N-Nicht da-ha-ge-gen”, her face distorted a little “we-henn you talked”.

I stared at her and that determined the famous tick too long and she suddenly looked very offended. I had experienced the secret of her shyness – she stuttered and that pretty bad. It took a moment and it must have interpreted it as a disgust or rejection, because it jumped up and tried to run away. “W-W-Warte,” I said and my own stuttering was suddenly back.

“I’m going to stand off …” She turned around and I saw bleed rejection in her eyes, because she certainly thought, now I am also funny about her. But the stuttering of me was suddenly defeated was suddenly broken up again and I had no chance to explain it to her, because she finally turned and ran away. I ran afterwards to explain to her that I didn’t make fun of her, but she disappeared into the toilet and no longer appeared. She had to think I was an absolute asshole and I felt really shitty.

The following week I tried again and again to make it clear, but she kept going to avoid me and her clothes were even darker than before. I was pissed off on myself and decided to write her a few lines and put it in her locker. “Dear Jenny, I know that it looks like I would have made fun of you because of your language problem, but please believe that this is not the case. I have stuttered quite violently myself and can only talk like this because of therapy today.

When I was aware that you think I am alien to you, my stuttering was suddenly back. I know what it means to stutter. I think you are a nice girl and I don’t want you to think, I was disgusted or something in this way, because I like you. Scott “I put the letter through an opening of her locker and the next day I hurried to be in front of her.

She didn’t look at during the next lunch break And I thought she certainly didn’t believe me. What else could I do? Mine Family Of course I noticed that my stuttering had come back, not as bad as it used to be, but at least it was back. I felt that my problem was related to Jenny and the fear came over me that it could be as bad as before. And suddenly she looked up.

She took her hair aside and I saw the approach of a smile on her face – she believes me! What a relief for me! She came to me and stopped in front of me and it was complete silence for a moment. She took a deep breath and said “W-W-W-Urde it D-I EI E-E-E-TWW-AS out, W-W-WEN I M-M-MIC SE-Hetze?”” No, “I replied in astonishment about their certainty. I could imagine how difficult it had to be for her. Stutterers prefer to be alone than to be with someone and to be forced to speak.

So she did something very unusual for her. So we sat together and I saw her the first time With other eyes she was beautiful. I couldn’t understand why I hadn’t noticed that long ago. But it was also not easy to discover their true beauty through the unwashed hair and the impossible clothing.

Her face was bright and lovely at the same time. It reminded me a little of Jodie Foster and her body, as far as you could see in T-shirt and jeans, was well-shaped and slim. I feel that she had a certain attraction on me. “I’m really sorry for the end,” I said.

“I didn’t want to hurt you. Sometimes it is so shockable to find the right words and especially … ”But she just raised her hand and interrupted me. “I-i-I white-really.“Her smile became a bit wider and she suddenly held a folded note in her hand. When she gave me the piece of paper, I became a face bright red and she turned away.

“From all people I should have understood what happened to you. But I was so hurt that I stopped thinking. Please forgive me that I was so repellent to you.“That was definitely not a real love letter, but nevertheless he touched me. I folded the note again and inserted it.

She turned back to me and looked at me. “It’s okay. It was just a misunderstanding.“I smiled and promptly got a smile back from her. I noticed her beautiful green eyes.

Maybe I could help her. “Look, I don’t mean patronizing or something, but I’ve already went through it. Maybe I can help you?“But she waved off. “V-V attempt already.

Nobody K-K-K-K-Kann the Sch-Sch-Stopen.“She now looks pretty depressed. “I thought that too, but I was wrong. What do you have to lose?“She looked at me, but her eyes were dark. She knew about the effort and pain when you try and tried and no success.

Everything just frustrating. We sat quietly for a while, ate our sandwiches until she suddenly said “OKK-K-K-K-Kay, Scott. I try W-W-Wills to A-A-Ber..”But please don’t let me fall” said her eyes. “I’m trying my best,” I said, but I felt as if I had made a big mistake.

The next three weeks we practiced all the things that I learned at the time and which led to success at the time. She all went down in conjunction, but there was no success. But we became close friends during this time and maybe a little more, but it seemed that I couldn’t help her. I became more and more frustrated and I felt that it was similar and I told her that too.

“N-n-n-a scott” and she gives me a smile that went through and went through “i-i-is not D-D-D-Deine Sch-Schuld. E-e-e-eh is s-s-sosüß w-w-wie du Mi-Hir help possible.“And then suddenly it happened. Your sweet face, the pretty curly hair. My thoughts rolled over and in me the desire to kiss her.

I had never done that with her, but I couldn’t stop it either. I leaned towards her and gently kissed her soft cheek. I heard she stopped the air, but she didn’t escape me. When she turned around, I saw a smile on her face and it became bright red and then she looked down very quickly.

“I couldn’t prevent it, Jenny” I whispered to her. “W-W-WARUM?“She said and I saw a tear flowing down on her cheek and I just hoped that it was not a tear of sadness. “I D-D-D-Denke, you know why.“Oh man, my stuttering was again. She looked up and her eyes shone.

“I-i-I-I-I G-G-Blaube yes.“I took her hand and she didn’t withdraw it to me. We got up and went back to the building hand-in-hand. We reached the little bank, sat down and looked into our eyes. “Do you want to go out with me, Jenny?“I was still holding her hand and stroking her with the fingers of the other hand.

“I v-V-V-v-first marriage n-n-n-not” and her voice sounded tortured. “If you are not interested in me, you can tell me, because …” She looked up and shook her head violently. “N-n-no, D-D-das is not e-e-es.““ Then just say that you want to go out with me.“I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible, but the desire to kiss her became stronger and more noticeable. She was sure to silence a thousand years, at least it seemed to me until she finally said “Ok.“We looked at a Mel Brook’s film and I heard her laughter and it sounded like music in my ears.

I was too tense to really enjoy the film, but it had fun and I really liked that. I now knew I had fallen in love. After buying a little something in a Hamburg restaurant, we drove to a small forest and looked for a lonely place and ate our burgers. Already during the meal I noticed a change in her, or better between us was a little different.

She looked at my eyes directly like never before. After eating, we just threw the packaging back on the rear seats and looked at each other. “Jenny,” I said and felt the stuttering came back. “I would like to D-D-Dich K-K kisses, but only W-Wenn you like it too.“She looked down at her lap and played nervously with her fingers and suddenly this smile was on her face again.

“I-i-i-I also wants e-e-es.“I raised her chin and pressed my lips on her. The kiss was long and sugar -sweet and another followed and one more than one more … Our heads gently weighed up in the rhythm of the kisses and when I interrupted to kiss her cheek, I heard a sigh from her mouth and I felt tears that hersRan down. “Why are you crying?“I asked her whisper.

“G-G-G-happily” she said and pressed me firmly. Like kissing and again and this time my tongue touched her lips. She did not react at first, but kissed me on. Then the third attempt she opened her lips and let me in.

My tongue found their and the two danced a wild dance together. I heard her violent breathing and felt that her breasts pressed against my chest. After this kiss I kissed her neck and she started to moan quietly. My hand slid very slowly on her chest and I felt its soft skin through the thin fabric.

She did not make any institutions to take my hand away. My hand now stroked her chest more intensely and kneaded the soft hill slightly. I felt her bra and how the movement of my palm of my hand her nipple stiffened more and more. Her shoulders moved and her breath came more and more in terms of attack.

I felt her fear, but I also felt that her nipples were now hard and firm. She literally pressed me. The devil had long since been going on in my pants and I felt like my harder tail Pressed against my pants. I now took both hands and stroked her beautiful breasts.

Both nipples were hard and their shoulders were now gently and rhythmically moving to my caresses. I wasn’t sure how far it could go, but I felt like I was in 7.Heaven. “Scott,” she sighed into my ear., “Oh scott, oh I’ve never experienced something beautiful like that …” I abruptly stopped my movement, my hands were motionless on her breasts. I looked her straight into her eyes and smiled.

“W-Was?”She said and her eyes danced. “You didn’t stutter.” “Real?”” You didn’t stutter, exactly when you said that you have never experienced anything like that.“She looked down at my hands on her breasts, smiled, pressed her hand against her mouth and started laughing. A sweet light laughter. “You m-m-me, everything W-W-W-WAS I needed, W-W-WAR …” And we both started out loud.

We couldn’t stop laughing and when someone stopped and looked at the other, we started all over again. I hugged her again, turned her to me and we kissed for a long time. My hands wandered back onto her breasts and started the game again. I suddenly felt her hands on mine and thought that she would take my hands away, but instead of doing it, she started to open her blouse very slowly.

My heart raced. Nothing is as sexy as if a woman leaves voluntarily without being asked about it. She buttoned up one button after the other and grazed the blouse from her shoulders and let her hang on her hips. I now only stroked her breasts through the fabric of her bra and only now realized what a pretty body she had she had.

Her skin was soft and tender and her breasts looked almost perfect in the bra. The sight of the column between the slightly compressed breasts almost threw me around. The lock was in front and I put my fingers there. “OK?“I asked and played around the lock.

“Ok,” she said I needed three attempts until I finally had the thing open – I was just too nervous and too unsure how she would react now. But finally the fabric shared and I saw her magnificent naked breasts for the first time. Since it was getting dark, her white breasts shone brightly in the upcoming moonlight. Their nipples were dark red and clearly excited.

I stared at this beautiful breasts and let my gaze wander over my shoulders to her face. On the one hand I was excited, but also unsettled on the other hand, because she had never felt a male hand on her skin. And now she was sitting in front of me, naked to the hip. “Jenny,” I said “if it is too much for you …” She smiled, a little nervous but also sincerely.

“No. It i-i-is ok.“I leaned over to her again and my tongue touched her nipple. Her smile went out and she closed her eyes when I started sucking tenderly and playing my tongue. I felt her hand at my back and she supported my movements.

I clearly felt that I had aroused something in her that should now make her the right woman. My left hand stroked the other chest and now and then I switched back and forth between her horny breasts. Her nipples were already hard as stone and looked like small mountain peaks. Slowly and carefully I put my free hand on her leg and touched her knee.

Again I was unsure how far I could and should go. I really wanted yours pussy see and touch, but sleeping together today was definitely no question. But more than that was striving for a beautiful one orgasm To be provided and I was pretty sure that it would be her first. “Jenny,” I said while sucking her nipples, “Tell me ….

if you want….. that I stop … ”I looked into her blushed face and saw how much she was concentrated on what was happening to her. So my fingers wandered up on their thighs until they disappeared between their thighs. Her eyes were suddenly open and she bit her lips.

My movements died and a moment that felt like hours, nothing moved. I went too far? The tension was almost unbearable. Suddenly and without warning she closed her eyes again and I felt how her legs opened. Her butt slipped forward as her thighs opened, her skirt slipped up to the middle of her thighs.

I heard them whisper “be gently” as my fingertips reached the fabric of her panties. I started to stroke her pussy through the fabric very carefully and tenderly. With the other hand I pushed her skirt all the way up so that I could also see what awaited me there. Her panties were a very simple made of cotton, similar to a bikini panties.

Slowly I felt moisture through the fabric. I put my free hand back on her chest and kneaded her slightly, while the other hand further researched her wet column through the panties. Her breath became faster and faster and in my pants there was a risk of bursting, so much my stiff tail pressed against the pants. I slid into your slip with both hands and started pulling him down very slowly.

A first moan came out of her mouth when she raised her butt so that I could pull her slip completely down. My eyes stare at her pussy when the fabric sliding downwards exposed her. She had sweet pubic hair which formed a small triangle of curly delicate hair. I put the panties on the driver’s seat, which I had already left.

We had brought the backrests in sleeping position. I now knelt in the footwell of the passenger seat and saw that their eyes were firmly closed. Her hands rested on my shoulders, probably as an insurance company to be able to push me back if necessary. My fingers slowly wandered along her thighs and then drove through the lunches of her pubic hair playfully.

My touches were gentle and tender and she opened her thighs a little more. Now finally I could see her pink labia and already the little pleasure button at the top. I tenderly breathed a kiss on her pub. Then I let my lips hike on her labia and felt the tiny droplets of her liquid on my lips.

I looked up and saw a somewhat nervous, but honest and at the same time excited smile on her face. The smile died when I slowly pushed my tongue between her labia. I had my tongue bathed in the horny liquid of her cunt. I did not let them penetrate, but only pushed them back and down, up and down, and spoiled the entire pubic area.

My tongue now played very around her clit and I heard her breath accelerated again. Now my tongue moved further down again and immersed again in her wet cave. I now let them penetrate deeper and started with rhythmic movements, always in and out, not without spoiling their clit from time to time. The violent breathing now became a moan and I felt that it would come soon.

My tongue became more demanding. I licked and sucked on her clit and pushed my tongue into her hole again and again. My hands slid under her bare buttocks and I felt how she moved her hips more and more violently. A tremor went through her body and her butt and then it really ran out of her.

A warm stream of her juice flocked into my mouth and it was cute like honey. I did not miss a drop and licked everything eagerly. She said nothing, but she gave little groans like a whimper and biting her lips. Suddenly her eyes opened and our eyes met when her body calmed down and the twitches stopped.

A tear ran down her cheek, followed by many others and her gaze just radiated love. She pulled my shoulders and wanted to hug me. I slid up and kissed her face and neck, while my fingers slowly stopped, stroking her pussy and only slid over the wet lips tenderly. Her breath was almost normal again and I hugged her now and pressed her firmly to me.

“I love you” whispered her after we had loosened. “I love you too,” I said and I said that honestly. My cock was still hard, but I felt something that was more than pure lust. I wanted a little relief now, but I didn’t want to abrupt our hug and destroy the moment.

She felt the hardness between my legs when we hugged. All the more than my stand pressed against her bare pussy through the pants. “I would also like to do an E-E-E-E-ETWAS for D-D-Dich,” she told me tenderly in my ear. “You want?“I was surprised that she wanted to go even further.

“Yes. It was S-S-SO W-Wunder beautiful and I would like to make D-D-D-DU an O-O-O …”” An orgasm?”She ran red on” Yes “I got back to the driver’s seat and smiled at her. I leaned back, opened my pants and got my hard cock out of my pants. Since my cock is a little bigger than the average, I could see that she hadn’t imagined him so big.

She watched my pants and the panties down to her knees with wide eyes. Now she could see him naked and ready for love. “He is yours,” I said. “W-W-WAS should do i-i-I?“She asked and her voice trembled.

“You can do one or all of three things. You can rub it with your hand, you can do it with my mouth, or you can let it go into yourself.“Your eyes fixed mine. “I’m not w-white, o-OB I am B-B-B ready F-F-F-FOR A-AALLES.”” That’s ok “I said and hoped not to have shocked her. “What i-i-I-IT B-B-B-Besser F-F-TUR?“She asked, obviously she said hand or mouth.

“How about it and then the other?“I smiled at her and she smiled back nervously. She slipped closer to me and her hand reached my cock. When her fingers closed around the shaft, I heard a slight gasp. “S-S-so warm and H-H-hard” she said.

Her hand closed to the fist and I showed her how to rub him. It was a wonderful feeling when she moved my foreskin up and down. The first droplets quickly show themselves on the glans and burn over her ankle, whereupon she looked at me questioningly. “That’s OK.

It shows that I am ready.”” I now put him in the M-mouth?”” Oh yes, please “I said tenderly to her. I now pulled out my pants completely and they knelt between my legs. “You can lick it on the underside and then the glans and then take it completely in your mouth. But please take on your teeth and just let your tongue play.“She leaned forward and started licking my cock with her tongue.

The moonlight threw an unreal light on the scene and it looked so cool to see her tongue on my stand and slide down. Shortly afterwards she opened her mouth, took him between her lips and began to suck lightly as her tongue danced over my glans. She looked very concentrated when she sucked and sucked my cock. Again and again she released him from her mouth around her gliding over him.

It increased the pace more and more and I could only find that she was a natural talent and could simply blow divine. Her long hair fluttered with every movement and the tips of the hair touched my sack with every downward movement. All of this made me hornier and hornier and I noticed how the juices rose. When I felt that it would come to me, I warned her: “I feel like it …Sneak it if you like …“The next time she let him slide into her mouth, I felt that he was almost completely disappearing in her mouth and I couldn’t help but let it come.

The first two slopes splashed deep into her throat and it didn’t stop. I sprayed and sprayed as she kept him in her mouth and tried to swallow everything. The sperm landed on her tongue and filled her mouth. She swallowed everything down.

Then it was over and I was really done. She sucked my shrinking friend clean and then slipped up to me. I took her in my arm and whispered “thank you”. “W-W-WAR OK OK?“She asked back whispering.

“Oh yes, it was fantastic,” I said, pressing her firmly to me and felt her breasts pressed against my chest. It was very quiet for a while and only our even breathing was heard while we cuddled together. It was so nice that I almost fell asleep to feel our bodies as close as I heard them say: “K-K-Kann you can do it again?”” “You mean whether he gets hard again?”” Yes “I led her hand to my resting tail and she knelt in front of me again and licked the glans until he was completely stiff again. She licked and sucked it a little until she raised her head and asked with reddened cheeks “T-T-TUT Es W-Weh when you put in M-m-m-Mich?“Of course I didn’t want to lie to her“ yes, but only a little at the beginning.

For the first time, a little hurt in girls. But if we are careful and it is slow, then … we could …You already know….”” F-F fuck?“She smiled and I smiled back. I thought I wasn’t really hearing to hear her talking in this way.

“Yes. We could fuck.”” I fuck W-W-Will with D-D-IR. Or ww- at least try p-p.“My cock was tough like a lamppost when she rubbed it again and sucked on it. I opened my shirt and brushed it off and lay on my back.

Then I told her that she should sit on my legs with her legs. When she did my cock came into contact with her warm labia. She leaned forward, her breasts touched my skin and her lips kissed me everywhere. I grabbed her hips and started moving her body.

Her pussy kept rubbing over the underside of my cock. Suddenly my cock skipped up and lay directly on her labia. I felt my glans slide through my damp lips and she touched her clit with every movement. She started moaning and her clit swelled again.

I felt her knees put her knees into my ribs and she was close to come again and now she moved her abdomen without the help of my hands. “Ah … ah … ah ..

Oh scott it is … Oh I love … ah … you.. Oh…

uh …“She gasped breathlessly. Then I felt how her body tensed and a warm stream flowed over my cock. Her movements became faster and more violent and, like by itself, my glans slid into her pussy. She stalled briefly when she realized that my cock was in her cunt.

“Oh god, you are in me.“Your voice was full of lust. “Yes, but only the top. I am in you. How does it feel?”” Oh it feels soo …“Then she pressed against it and a few more centimeters slid into her.

“Hmm …” she grunted “it’s so tight, but you feel so good.”” “I hate to repeat myself,” I said “but your stuttering is gone again.“She grins broadly and I grinned back, grabbed her hips a little more into her wet grotto. She bites her lower lip, but continued to smile. Now I could feel your maiden hew with my cock tip. It was like a flexible barrier that closed her opening.

She picked up her butt, then down, up and down. My cock slipped into her and deeper and after a dozen bumps I felt that the resistance was gone. The cutting was broken! She was deflowered and did not seem to feel pain. Again I grabbed her hips and pressed him deeper and deeper into her.

The feeling that her cunt surrounded my cock firmly was incredible. I had only fucked two girls before, but this pussy was the closest, worst, hottest thing in which I had ever put my cock. And the most beautiful thing was, she didn’t seem to have had any pain. I put one of her nipples in my mouth and really sucked it in my mouth and continued to rammed my cock into her.

Her face had this expression of lustful concentration again and now I was finally in it to the attack in her. She leaned forward to kiss me and I massaged both tits with my hands when she came back. She put her tongue deep in my mouth and moaned as if obsessed. I also felt that I was going back soon.

It came slower but then with all matters. “I can’t … uh.. come in you … ah ..

Jenny … no … contraception … “She quickly let my cock slide out of her cunt, slipped down and immediately took it back into my mouth, where I came immediately. The sperm literally gushed out of me like out of an open tap. She couldn’t swallow all of this and a part ran out of her mouth again and dripped onto my skin.

But even these drops did not let it overturn and licked everything. Then she came up again and pressed me so tight that I thought she crashed me. “I-I-I belonged to you forever,” she whispered in my ear and her opened cunt rubbed my cock and her nipples pressed against mine. I really had an avalanche started in her and now she was no longer the shy girl from before.

“Forever,” I whispered. Since that day, Jenny and I have been together and I am sure that we will get married very soon. And stuttering is getting better and more. Especially since we found this special and perfect therapy.

We both like it to keep doing it in this place, but now we also found opportunities at school in various secret places, but .. ..This is a different story

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