Hot injection party | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

We had known each other for a few years and also had one or two delicate meetings with him and sometimes together with his friends. It was time to arrange a new meeting. The break was too long and my sweetheart would be happy to repeat our experiences that have long been behind. And like a few times before, I would play the somewhat reserved viewer. I quickly made the agreement with our house friend.

He suggested organizing a little reunion party. But he wanted to invite other people from his circle of friends. He has Contact a couple who had expressed interest in an erotic meeting. If the couple agree, he would therefore also invite one or two friends. We made an appointment for the next weekend. We should be with him around 8 p.m. I wanted to surprise my sweetheart with the meeting.

But of course we somehow seemed attracted to the occasion with our house friend. I therefore invited Karin to an extravagant dinner in a distinguished restaurant, to which you had to dress accordingly. Before that, we did a persistent sport and so we both had to take a bath before dinner;So everything was well prepared for the taste buds of the still unknown evening guests. Karin had put on a very light skirt and a blouse.

In addition, at my request, black suspenders and high heels. When we started at home, she had not given any suspicion. At some point I held in a larger, public parking lot near the place of residence from our house friend. Of course she still knew where he lived. But she did not make a suspicion yet. Quite the opposite. “Werner lives here nearby,” she said. I looked at her innocently. “Here? are you sure? No, he lives somewhere else, ”I replied.

“Yes, yes, right in the next cross street,” said Karin. “Come with us, I’ll show you. “” Well, then show me, “I said to her. She led me to his house confident of victory. “Here, please!”” Actually, “I said,” you were right. “Karin said:“ We can call him briefly and tell him that we are here. “” If you want, “I said, took my cell phone and chose Werner’s number. “Hello,” I reported. “We’re at your door right now, we’re going to eat something nearby and wanted to tell you for a short time.

“Then I added:“ Yes, we still have some time and can come in briefly. “I ended the phone call, at the same moment the buzzer of the front door went. “We should come to him for five minutes,” he said. Karin grinned mischievously. Apparently the past meetings in this apartment remembered her, her glassy eyes revealed her secret thoughts. Arrived at his apartment door, we greeted ourselves very warmly. Karin let Werner be hugged.

He pressed her very tightly and gave her a kiss on the right and left. “You look great … we haven’t seen each other forever,” he added. Karin became red. He still kept her in a firm hug and weighed it back and forth. He pressed his abdomen against hers. “Do you feel like I’m happy?”, asked he. Werner took Karin’s hand and took her to his crotch.

A bump of his stiff cock clearly emerged in his pants. “But he is really happy!“Said Karin and stroked her hand over the hard out of the bay. “Yes, grip right,” begged Werner. Karin looked at me. She wanted me to see her excited tail massaged. Werner looked at her. “Ohh … that’s good!“He kissed her and his hand wandered from her waist to her breasts. He held her back with the other hand, so that Karin could hardly defend his kisses and did not want to seriously.

I now stood behind Karin and put my hands on her hips. She turned her head to the side and looked deep into my eyes. I also gave her a kiss. “Now there is probably no one back,” I said to her. “No,” she replied, “no more now. “Werner massaged her breasts. A hand now hiked between hers Legs. I saw how he raised her skirt a little and his hand disappeared underneath.

Karin winced and pressed her bottom back slightly. A sure drawing that Werner with his fingers her pussy had reached. Karin put her head back on my shoulder. “You’re already wet,” said Werner. He had already knotted Karin’s blouse with one hand and exposed her breasts. His lips shook their hard nipples and alternately sucked on both nipples. Karin groaned, she trembled slightly. I took my hand forward over her waist and felt how Werner stroked her pussy.

Apparently he had already moved out her panties. I went back a bit so that Karin could bend her upper body a little further back. As I kissed her passionately, Werner stroked her breasts. “Do you want more?” I asked. Karin nodded. “Naturally!”” You probably want to be fucked properly?“I asked continued. “Yes, preferably now. “Werner suddenly had a silk scarf in his hand. He said it around her head and tied it with a light knot.

She couldn’t see anything anymore. “What are you doing?”, she asked. Werner took her by the hand. “You will feel the same, just come with us!”, he said. We led Karin through the hallway to the spacious Living room, which was only sparsely illuminated. More precisely, it was almost dark. Slowly my eyes got used to the darkness. I saw three somewhat younger, strongly built men who were sitting in armchairs in a semicircle. A young woman sat alone on the sofa.

In the middle of the room there was a small round table. Everyone was absolutely quiet. Karin was led by us in the middle of the room. Again I stood behind my sweetheart. Werner sucked on her breasts alternately. He knew exactly that it made her sharp. With one hand he stroked her pussy under her skirt, which I held up on the side. Probably a great sight for the guests. Karin was already groaning quietly, while Werner stroked her and tenderly sucked her nipple.

I noticed how the guests watched our hustle and bustle. Karin hadn’t noticed her yet. Werner’s finger game became a bit faster and Karin automatically adjusted her legs apart. “Yeah, keep going!“She groaned softly and turned her head to the side to me so that I could kiss her. She greedily sucked my tongue between her lips, a sign that she enjoyed Werner’s tenderness. I opened Karin’s rock, who immediately slid to the ground. Then I took around her waist and opened the remaining buttons of her blouse.

She had quickly moved out and Karin was now naked except for her long black stockings. “I want to feel a cock right away,” Karin whispered me too. Werner had heard it. “Come on, lie on the table,” he said, conducting her body against the edge of the table and helping her to sit on the table. He pressed her back on his shoulders and Karin put himself in the right position without resistance. The table was quite small and it was on a soft woolen blanket from the buttocks to the head.

Her head reached exactly to the other end of the table. Karin exposed her legs expectantly in the hope that one of us would penetrate her immediately. Werner stood between Karin’s spread legs and I could see that he had already entered her with three or four fingers and she slowly fucked. The sight had my cock swelled vigorously and briefly I got rid of my clothes. I stood at the head end and gently stroked her breasts.

Her nipples stood hard from her breasts. Almost surprised I noticed that Karin was there at the right height on the table, because my tail was right in front of her face. I turned her face slightly and conducted my cock to her lips. Karin opened her mouth and gently began to suck my glans between her hot lips. As a thank you, I massaged her breasts a little firmer and turned her two nipples alternately.

Every time I pressed her a little firm, wrapped Karin together and shaped a hollow cross. I knew that the slight squeeze of her nipples caused a tingling pull in her stomach and immediately she groaned wooly: “Yeah, keep going!“To get my cock tenderly again immediately suck, which she had in the meantime enclosed herself with one hand. One of the three men had already undressed and came to the table quietly. He meant me that he wanted to change the position with me.

Werner recognized the situation. “Come on now we exchange,” he said, so that Karin had to think that I would swap the space with him. The unknown shone. His tail also steeply got off him. He and Werner had about the same size. Werner simply turned the table top with half a turn and now I stood in front of her spread legs and Karin’s head was with Werner. “Wait, I’ll take off my way out quickly,” said Werner and made room for the young man quietly.

After a short “pulling break”, instead of Werner, the young man came to Karin’s head end. She had already stretched out and grabbed his stiff tail. In the assumption that it was Werner, she enclosed his glans with her lips and started sucking tenderly. I knelt in front of my darling and started licking her pussy. I immediately felt how she relaxed. She knew that she was now allowed to take her time and that I would spoil her very slowly.

The second still unknown guest from Werner had already undressed. He came to me with a steep tail and stood next to me. He put his hand on my back. With a wink he asked me that he would like to swap. We exchanged the space inconspicuously. After a very short break, he continued to lick Karin’s pussy. Obviously my darling from this exchange also noticed anything. I sat next to the young woman and looked over to Karin.

The first unknown pressed her nipples a little firmer. Karin had enclosed his cock with one hand and sucked it as gently as she had just done it with me. I could see how the second slowly but still firmly stuck with his fingers through her labia and then, probably also firmly firm, massaged her clit. Karin groaned a little louder and more on;She obviously liked it. Werner was still standing on Karin’s head next to the first man.

“Let yourself go …”, he said quietly to her, “if you want to come, just let yourself go, today you have more than a cock that fucks you …” Karin groaned again, apparently the two men hadAt the same time, a little more firmly accessed, because Karin bog her back up and narrowed laterally. Searching she stretched her hands up. The man at the head end reacted immediately and included her two wrists, which he now pressed onto the table over her head.

Karin continued sucking his stiff cock. Werner’s third guest also got up and slowly opened his shirt and then his pants. He brushed both without hearing a significant rustling. His cock hung big and strong between his legs. He came to the woman who was sitting next to me and stood in front of her. Immediately she took his cock in her mouth and started sucking it slowly until he grew taller and larger.

It may take two minutes for his cock to reach a considerable size and stiff and plump distance. Karin groaned so violently that she could no longer perceive soft noises. While the first one still held Karin’s hands over his head, the second Karin’s legs spread so far apart that her lower legs hung down from the table top. Then he massaged her pussy again. Slowly he penetrated her with his fingers. Karin pressed her abdomen against his hand.

I could see how he gently fucked her with his fingers, his hand circled in front of her pussy. Sometimes he held his hand very quietly. Karin whined quietly. The guy continued to massage her wet pussy, sometimes tender and sometimes hard, while my sweetheart was still sucking the supposed cock of Werner and restlessly with her lower body. Then the time had come, the third man came, left the lady and now went over to the table and stood between her legs.

The other two held Karin’s legs apart and at the same time stroked their breasts. The moment when the man slowly entered her, it became clear to my sweetheart that there was still someone. But she didn’t get over a frightened one: “Who is ..?”, Out. *** I felt that someone still had to be there. That couldn’t be my husband and Werner alone. I felt an unusually strong cock in my pussy. Suddenly someone took off my blindfold and then I saw her.

There were three other men around Werner around Werner. All well built and they all jerked their stiff cocks. The man between my legs fucked me with strong bumps. He smiled at me when our eyes met. He now penetrated his cock extremely slowly and extremely deeply. Then I saw my darling, he came to the table with a good -looking woman. My darling was already naked while she was wearing a dark dress.

She put her hand on my breasts and stroked me tenderly. “Your darling wants to watch,” she said. With one hand she jerked his stiff cock. “He will be injected right away, he’s pretty much twitching. “Werner added:“ By the way, cumshot, welcome to the injection party, my friends will do everything you can to give you a lot of fun and you want to inject your juices on you. “I was still bumped into by the handsome man. He fucked me with firm, deep bumps.

The other men stroked me all over my body. I closed my eyes and accepted her tender touch. It only took a short time. My body vibrated, I trembled and finally felt my climax. Before I could get really, he suddenly pulled his cock out of my pussy. His hot sprayed immediately sperm on my stomach. “Please fuck me!“, I begged. I blinked and recognized my sweetheart next to me. He looked at me with a smile.

The lady stood on the side behind him. She addressed his cock on my breasts and jerked him. “Come on, your marriage female sprayed nicely,” said to him. “You can already give up your juice now. There are enough men who are still fucking and fully spraying. Every time you want to cum, I will get the juice out of you, promise. “Finally my darling inject his sperm on my breasts. It felt great.

I looked at the other wanking men. Werner stood right next to my head. “Come to me,” I said quietly to him. He understood immediately and turned the table by half a lap until it stood between my legs. I closed my eyes expectantly. Werner slowly penetrated me with his hard cock and fucked me. At the same time I was gently stroked by many hands. “Would you like to come quickly?“He asked me. – “yes please,” I replied.

“Fuck me really tight!“I immediately felt his fast and hard bumps. Hopefully he completed what they had all prepared together so nicely. I felt mine orgasm finally come unstoppable. “Come on, spray me full!“I begged the men. “All inject me full, I’m coming now, please!“And then I felt how they sprayed all of their juices. Everything landed on my body, splash for splashes, on my chest, on my stomach. I loved it.

Suddenly I felt lips on my mouth. It was my darling. He pressed his tongue into my mouth. He kissed me tenderly. “She oiled my cock and is just milking me,” he said quietly. “It’s so nice to see how they fuck you and spray you, I’ll come back right away. “I looked at him. He stood next to me wide -legged. She was now behind him and had bent his cock down and jerked him hard.

He leaned over me again and we kissed. On his kissing I noticed that he sprayed. “Let it go,” I said. Werner twitched at the same moment when I reached a huge climax. I enclosed his body with my legs and pulled him to myself. He should inject his whole juice into me. I wanted everything from him in my pussy. With each of his bumps I felt how he twitched and sprayed in me.

He was so beautiful. It seemed as if we had all come at the same time. It was just great. I had closed my eyes. Everyone was calm. “That was great,” said my darling, “really great!”.

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