Horny fuck with the sister of a colleague | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Alexandra is the younger one Sister a colleague. In the 2018 Advent season we got to know each other when I went through Bonn with colleagues and the colleague just said colleague after the company Christmas party. We landed in a small basement club, a kind of rock/metal pub, where we had a few more beer. So Alexandra came across us: sporty figure, almost 1.70 tall, rasp short, bleached hair, nose ring and brown eyes. In addition, blind jeans and a rather wide -cut, punkestop, which, however, spanned her breasts unusually and made it look like two tip bags were left off.

Due to our alcohol level we flirted quite a bit until late into the night. At some point, however, she had to bring her seriously drunk sister home. So I remained with very, very thick eggs and your cell phone number. We continued our flirt on the same night via WhatsApp and she admitted that she would have liked to have “more action” with me. The next few weeks there was no possibility for a meeting, but after we had clarified our situation – I married, engaged it and shortly before the wedding – the chat would always be slippery and sexually charged.

And she obviously made herself fun to heat me up again and again. So three full weeks passed until we could finally take the time. Inspord to jog to make it clear that we both do not intend to do a real affair. We made a few kilometers from both places of residence in a forest car park so that no well -known or neighbor will happen to see together by chance. So we arrived almost at the same time, both parked half below the bushes so that nobody could see the cars from the street.

She got out and was breathtaking in her very tight running clothes. We welcomed ourselves a little embarrassed and very excitedly on the cheek with hug and kiss. Then we loosened from each other and decided to start running first. Of course, of course, again and again that I was able to look at her wonderful ass behind her. After the first two kilometers through the completely lonely forest, it became more and more difficult for me through a fully grown erection in my pants.

But Alexandra also seemed to have further plans and at some point she took a first break at a park bench. It was cold winters and our breath blows steam clouds. She started stretching on the bank and asked me to help her. The whole thing led too close body contact, then too hot knuckle and suddenly my hand was not only my hand in her damp panties, but also her hand included my upset penis in running trousers while we kept smooching wildly wilder.

She started, mine tail to jerk off and my fingers keep pushing into them. We chased up with pure lust and we would have been immediately fell on top of each other if an elderly couple with a dog had not suddenly walked along the hiking trail. Kicheringly we quickly tightened our clothes and ran off. “Man, it was scarce!”She laughed. And we alberten make it easier for each other a few kilometers before we got back in the parking lot.

We put in their big combination and talked for a few more minutes. When I was relieved that there was no sex in the forest, she took over the initiative again and slipped on my lap with a clever movement. We smooched again as she started, very demanding to rub her noticeably hot step on my bump. The smooth fabric of the running clothes made the whole thing extremely exciting and now I wanted to penetrate them very, very urgently.

The slices were completely opaque through our breath and our sweating. Then she turned next to me and pushed the passenger seat completely and into the lying position. She had pants and panties down very quickly and pushed my head down. When I realized what she wanted, I quickly knelt into the footwell between her legs. That was surprisingly comfortable and spacious. She put on her legs and spread her wide so that I can see the full sight of her wet pussy Had in front of me.

Then she left no doubt what she wanted and pressed my face against her column. Within a few seconds my face was completely wet and I licked and sucked them passionately. When I fucked her with the middle finger and at the same time sucked her clit, she reared up, pressed her pelvis on my pelvis and grabbed me on the back of my head so that I couldn’t get away from her pussy, which was really going out. In doing so, she gasped by the tide until she sank exhausted and slowly let go of me.

A very sweetly breathed “thank you” came over her lips as she came to breath back. But then – at least for my testicles – the catastrophe: a whole coach with pensioners kept right behind us and we had to hectically pull our clothes up. She laughed, I laughed. Although I felt more like crying. And it came even worse: her cell phone rang and her boyfriend was on, who wanted to take her to Berlin for a long weekend and was surprised that she was not at home.

So complete demolition and drive home in separate cars. And it didn’t use much anymore that she wrote to me via WhatsApp that she would owe me something now. Small compensation was then a sent photo that made her bare upper body in front of the bathroom mirror at home. So instead of excavating myself through a cold shower, I used the picture as a wank template and then took a photo of my lifting cock for Alex, who dangled sperm over a mega load that I shot into the sink.

Then it went back and forth for over a week, with mutual sharpening and also masturbating together. Until we finally had time to run again. So we met in the same place and ran 7 km through the cold air. This time there were so many hikers that we didn’t find a silent corner for ourselves. The same when returning to the cars. But now she offered that we could still go home to her.

Your friend is on a business trip and you could drink something. Arrived at her home, but then she told me about the wedding date, which she would finally have established and that she would now try to be loyal. I was probably very concentrated and she explained how difficult it would find it too. The virtual with me and the masturbating together would not mean she. Everything that is touched would be for you Cheat.

We joked for a while about this definition and also about Clinton’s explanation that bubbles were not sex either. In the end, she asked very surprisingly and from a completely cheerful sky whether we shouldn’t take a shower together. So only so that I don’t get pneumonia if I would drive afterwards. Without touching each other, we undressed. She looked naked naked, so plump, small breasts. Of course I immediately got a stand.

She went into the shower and turned the water warm, then waved me in. With big eyes she looked at me from below and said “not be angry, I want to hold out. Remember: don’t touch. “And then she rubbed herself in front of my eyes Your pussy. If it was then, it was distributed on their tits and then masturbated continued standing up. I could no longer different and jerked with a lot of soap and gigantic lust.

It took less than five minutes and she came trembling and panting, had to hold on to the shower so as not to go to her knees. And then I couldn’t stand it anymore, exploded, sprayed in a wide arc and the sperm clapped against her thigh, but also in her finely trimmed pubic hair. A little unsettled and exhausted we looked at each other, but then she grinned and said that it would be nice too. After showering and putting on, we drank a coffee and made an appointment again for “running”.

Now it went two months with a weekly running date and showers. Then it was completely over at some point because her conscience was more and more stressed. Surprisingly, after a few weeks of break, she reported again three weeks ago and asked if I would like to run again. Now it is repeating itself again. We run once a week, go to her, take a shower. However, with one difference: she now only defines “cheating” from “singing”. Which leads us to under the shower rubbing together neatly.

You with her pussy on my thigh and I then on her inshern ass or between the slippery ass cheeks. Until I inject on her ass. So she continues to claim that she is faithful to her fiancee and we still come together from time to time orgasm.

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