Horny vacation by the lake | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Visiting our holiday home on the lake was nothing unusual. I was so often at this lake in Mecklenburg that I can’t count it anymore.

After we arrived after several hours of driving, I wanted to go swimming immediately. I asked mine Father, Whether he wanted to come with him, but he had no time and promised me for the next day. He was pretty spent after a long work name week. He wanted to be left alone and read something.

Mine Mother I didn’t want to ask. I wanted to be among men.

I took a towel and put it over my left shoulder.

“Do you have no swimming trunks?“My father asked me.

“I bought this red Speedo Slip,” I replied.

“This is no swimming trunks, which is more of an unveiling,” my father mocked. “But okay, there is hardly anyone here at the lake anyway. “

I ran to the lake and didn’t see any other person for miles.

I maybe swim ten minutes when a young guy suddenly appeared in front of me in the water, stroked the water out of my hair and grumbled me. I grabbed my chest in astonishment.

“Hi. “

I let go of my chest.

“Hello. “

“I don’t know you, who are you?”

“My name is Arno, we have a holiday home here, and you?”

“I’m Finn. Here from the area. “

Finn asked me if I sponge.

I told him only in the swimming team of mine School was.

“And where do you go to school, Finn?”

“I’m no longer at school, I have the secondary school leaving certificate. But I like swimming. How old are you, Arno?

“I’m eighteen and you?”

“Nineteen. Great Speedo swimming trunks that you wear there. You look really good with it. “

I asked him how he could know that. My swimming trunks were under water. Finn grin.

“Look down, you can see the red. And I saw her when I swimming you under water. “

I saw n oh below. He doesn’t trog. He wore cut -off jeans.

“You have horny bodies, Arno. Do you work out?”

“No. But you also have cool muscles. You will definitely go to the sports studio. “

I stared into his deep blue eyes.

“Nope. That’s nature, ”he murmured. “Is your girlfriend here too at the lake?”

“No I do not have a girlfriend.

“Me neither. No wonder I am gay. “

Now I was pretty surprised and hoped he wouldn’t ask me if I was gay too. I wasn’t sure yet if I should already come out. I have never had a girlfriend and no interest in it.

Compared to Finn I was rather shy. He was not gauge or a broken one, none of it, but he sweated out so much confidence, and that in an attractive masculine way.

His hair was long, dark brown and he had a fabulous physique.

We swam with each other until our fingertips and our toes were shriveled.

“Your fingers look like dehydrates,” he laughed.

I caught him how he looked at the beekeeping illustration of my genitals in swimming trunks, and he stared on my ass when I swam in front of him or when he was under water. Holding my hand or hands in front of my middle of my body seemed unmanly or embarrassing to me.

Five minutes after I met Finn was mine tail to life awakened and I knew he had seen it with seconds. I tried not to stare at his bump. But sometimes I just couldn’t look away, especially when I was below the water surface and stared at the large tail tent in his wet, glowing -up cutoffs.

“Arno, you would like to row to one of the islands? Most are uninhabited, ”he asked me.

“I know where a rowboat is …”

“As long as you don’t steal it,” I teased him.

“I would never do it,” he says. “Do you know the islands?”

“When we twelve, we paddled over some. With a few boys. But not since then. “

It was early in the season. Many holiday homes were still uninhabited. Finn borrowed a rowboat from one of these houses. I was sitting in the rear and he wanted to row we reached the shabby islot in a few minutes.

I looked at Finn, studied his strong arms and shoulders and strictly strained to avoid a look between his magnificent thighs.

The stand was stony. Finn discovered a hill overgrown with grass and went in front of me. The stones hurt under the feet, so I tried to run on the tips of the toe.

Finn looked at me over the shoulder.

“These shit stones break your feet, not?”

“Not mine,” I replied male and grinned inside the ‘Au … au … Au ’the big boy.

“You have to have elephant skin under your feet,” he said when we reached the grass.

“No, you have women’s feet,” I grinned and looked at Finn.

“Also tickled,” he found and giggled before he let himself fall on the grass.

“Sit next to me, Arno. “

I did and pulled my legs to me, bent her on my knees, put my arms around her and placed my chin on the right kneecap.

I hoped that Finn hadn’tised on the front of my Speedo.

I continued to have these unintentional surprise erections, then became limp again, stiff again. It was hell. Finn’s pants be rated similarly often. Suddenly he turned his head to the side and stared into my eyes.

“I can feel your hot lips on my cock,” he whispered almost inaudible.

Now I was shocked, sat upright and felt every nerve itchy in my body.

“You are gay too, be honest,” he smiled and turned to me.

I didn’t answer him at first, but he raised an eyebrow and looked at me questioningly.

“I don’t know,” I whispered.

“What??”He asked loudly.

“Maybe …” I murmured.

“What?“He smiled.

“Yes, I am,” I admitted grumbling.

“Yes, I suspected that,” he said with a wide grin. “Have you ever…?”

“No!“I cut off the word for him.

“Oh shame. Do you have a Mecklenburger than ancestors?” asked he. “I’m Mecklenburger. “

“No, I do not think so. My mother is Schwäbin and my father Westphalia. “

“How would you like a Mecklenburger in you?“He grinned and giggled.

I knew how he meant that, but pretended not to have understood him. I could have been wrong too.

“You play the herb ‘stirring-me-not-into’, or?“He smiled.

“You’re really cool to slip one of what?”

I couldn’t answer this and vigorously shook my head.

“Then you want a Mecklenburger in you, which means I have to fuck you,” he murmured without becoming red or winking with his eyes.

Now I got shit.

“I think we are doing better back,” I stuttered and put on my feet to get up.

“Wait, you think you can just go away now?“He rumbled and grabbed my right arm.

“You don’t go anywhere,” he added and pulled me next to him.

“You don’t have to be so stupid with me, Arno,” he said, leaning on the elbows. “I’ll kiss you now. “

His warm right hand landed on my chest.

“No, Finn,” I whined when he was practically on me.

“Yes, Arno. I can see it in your eyes. You want me to kiss you and you also give me a kiss back.

I felt so uncomfortable to kiss Finn’s hot lips. I had never kissed a boy before. Finn’s lips relaxed. He put his right hand on my left shoulder, turned his head to me and pressed his lips tenderly to mine. His body on me didn’t feel difficult. At that moment he could have weighed two hundred kilos, his kiss felt so good. His cock dug into my right side, and when he put his hand on my penis, my upper body reared up automatically.

“Now go, give me back my kiss,” said Finn.

My hand clawed into his right shoulder when he massaged my tail and my eggs through the fabric of swimming trunks. We rolled from side to side, our arms and legs devoured into each other.

“Man, you are a good kisser,” gasped Finn and pulled his head back. Then he started pulling on the sides of my Speedo.

“We want to make ourselves a little comfortable,” he whispered and put his lips on mine.

He now worked on the back of my swimming trunks below my tense ass cheeks.

Finn rolled on his back, cleverly grazed his wet Cutoffs down to his feet. I trembled the same thing with my Speedos.

“Horny cock and fat eggs,” he whispered, staring between his legs on my fully extended latte and my commuting sack.

Finn’s tail was almost as big as mine. He reached for my hand.

“Now I was already jerking my thing …”

When I closed my hand, it awakened to full life. Now it was half a centimeter longer than mine.

“Now let yourself go flat, Arno. “

I had to turn a little sideways because I didn’t want to let go of his stiff penis. I gasped and reared up when Finn gave my cock a really hard pressure. He lowered his head and began to suck on my Adam apple.

“Finn …” I whimpered.

“Very quiet,” he soothed me and put his hot lips on my right earlobe. I turned when he put his tip of his tongue in my ear. He now pressed my cock again. Then I felt his hand tormented on my erection and rubbed it off.

He looked at his hand that mine foreskin moved far back and my glans exposed.

“Boy, you run out,” he whispered.

“With so much precaution you really want to knead your slippery glans. “

“Finn!“I whimpered as his fingertips pressed into the glossy-glossy skin.

“Kiss me”, he whispered and sucked on my chin.

“I said: kiss me!“He grumbled, turned my glans and tortured my corona.

“Now I’m blowing your beautiful cock,” he whispered. “Don’t try to stop me. “

I felt his head lay on my chest.

I screamed out loud when he put my glans into his mouth. I thought I would inject now immediately. Now I did everything to count out of sheep to endure as long as possible.

Finn changed position. Suddenly he was between my spread legs, put his hands on my sides. He raised and lowered his head rhythmically, became faster and faster, took more and more of my pulsating penis into his mouth, ever deeper and deeper, to ..

My glans penetrated into his tight throat.

I roared and tried to raise my hips. Finn kept me in place with strong arms. His lips slid up my shaft and reached my glans at the same time as the first, thick ray of cream, which I shot back into his mouth.

I held my head. My stiff nipples ached exactly as my eggs, who had pulled close to my body with a scrotum. I gave myself that orgasm there, sprayed and syringe while Finn pressed my shaft with his lips so as not to lose a drop of my precious sperm.

My heels drilled into the grass. My tip of my cock clapped against my stomach when Finn dismissed my output, but still stiff penis out of his mouth. Now he turned his head, took my two nuts in his mouth and sucked it. Crying not ending came out of my mouth. I called Finn’s name until my testicles finally slipped out of his mouth. My cock shrugged up and a little sperm flowed out of him, then ran sluggishly on the underside towards the earth.

Finn licked it before he put my rod back into his mouth. Be tongue circled around my glans until I became hypersensitive to stop him and touched my cock.

Finn beat my hand aside. His lips grabbed my glans again. He sucked on it before his tongue tip into my Pissloch Grub.

“Finn!”I howled.

Finally he released my cock, then sucked on my abdomen and tense belly.

I thought I would freak out now and saw stars. I tried to breathe out, but it didn’t work.

Finn’s lips approached my right, hard and pointed nipple.

“Finn,” I screamed and held his head as his lips closed around the sensitive meat.

“Very quiet,” he murmured and sucked on my nipple before biting into her and pulling her with his teeth.

“Well, how did that feel?“He whispered and kissed the side of my neck.

“Really the madness,” I gasped.

“You taste wonderful,” he murmured nibble on my earlobe nibbles. “You still squeeze my head. “

“Sorry. “

Finn knelt over my hips, squeezed our cocks when he sinked on me. We rolled from side to side and kissed passionately.

Finn was supported on my right side. He pulled his hips back and stared onto his steel -hard latte. Then he jerked himself hard with a nimble hand.

“I’ll let it come over your stomach and your chest, Arno.

I raised my head and watched him polished his tube. His loose foreskin moved behind his juice -smeared acorn, covered her again with every movement of his fist. Now Finn began to moan and stretched out his hips. His full, hot eggs rubbed on the side of my thigh.

“I feel huge right away!“He roared, squeezed the base of his penis and put it flat on my right side.

“Damn, fuck!“He pushed out.

A first, full load shot out of his tail and hit my right biceps. The second landed on my left nipple. The wide, numerous, formed a real lake between my chest and navel.

“When you injected me in my mouth, you gave me more than I now,” he whispered and pounded with his seed -moist acorn in my side.

“What you up to?“I asked when Finn was grown over my legs, stretched out his tongue and lowered his head.

“Look at and learn,” he giggled. Then he immersed his tongue into the puddle of his pleasure sauce on my stomach.

“Delicious,” he murmured and sucked on my slimy nipple. “Hmmmm”, he licked the splash on my biceps. “And that …”, he sucked my navel pit empty.

He lifted his head and stared down into my laughing eyes.

“You have sauce on your chin,” I giggled.

“Lick it clean for me,” he begged and offered me his chin.

“Well, I don’t know,” I murmured.

“Now dare, Arno and then kiss me, but with tongue”. he winked too.


When I was still rigid there, Finn rubbed his chin on my lips. Then he turned his head and pressed his hot lips on mine.

“Hmmm”, I sounded and took his tongue between my lips.

“Hmmmmmm”, I sucked on his tip of his tongue.


“Now don’t say, you’ve never tried your own seed,” he laughed and looked into my eyes.

I shook my head.

“You are a bad liar, Arno.

“It wasn’t my sperm,” I said seriously and turned red because I tasted his.

“I bet you can even slip one yourself,” grinned Finn.

I had to turn my face away, it had become red.

“Okay,” he said.

I turned my head and looked him in the eyes.


“I thought, with the long thing you can get your mouth quite well with your mouth. “

“Yours is still longer than mine. So you can blow yourself too, ”I teased him.

“Do you want to see it?“He laughed, swung his hips and rubbed his cock on mine.

“Okay, maybe later, after you taught me …”

“Do you still want me to fuck you too?“He asked before he kissed my lips firmly and gave me no time to answer.

Actually, I already knew the answer …

“Do you still want me to fuck you too?“He asked before he kissed my lips firmly and gave me no time to answer.

“No?“He asked and pulled my head up.

“I don’t know,” I adorned myself.

“So you don’t want Mecklenburger in you what?“He asked and giggled.

“Stop doing this in embarrassment,” I whispered.

“Then I think that you have to fuck me instead,” was his quick answer.

“But I’ve never had …”

His lips on mine made me silence.

“On now, we’re going back to the shore,” he said, jumping on his feet before he pulled me up too.

“I love to be naked. You too?“He grabbed my half -tire cock.

On the way back I rowed the boat.

We tied it where Finn had found it.

“Now come me,” he laid me on a narrow path.

I asked him to be able to let my parents know.

“You can do that later,” he rejected my wish.

We continued the hip on the hip.

Heard the house of yours Family?“I asked him when he pointed to a hut that looked more like a house. An old VW bus parked in front of it.

“It belongs to a guy because I know. I can use it for the weekend. And this scrap arbor is my cart. “

I actually knew all the neighbors here. But the name of the owner, whom Finn called me, was unknown to me. I didn’t want to penetrate him any further, so I didn’t ask.

The door to the lake was open.

“Come with us”, Finn invited me to.

It ended with taking a long shower.

Actually we didn’t need them, but it was fun, especially the kisses of tongue and the stiff cocks under the bubbling water.

The bed was not made in the bedroom. Finn had to search for fresh bed linen first. Everything we needed was a fresh sheet and two moved pillows. Finn also placed a giant bottle of lubricant on the dessert, then we stretched out next to each other in bed.

“Please don’t get nervous now,” he said when he was lubricant when he was lubricant and looked at me..

“Can you fuck me with two lubricated fingers?”

“I don’t know if I can,” I tried to answer without becoming red.

“Sure you can,” he confirmed me.

Then he knelt upright and grown over my hips.

“Now smear my hole first. But avoid my eggs, ”he giggled.

“You always make me embarrassed,” I sighed, and my index finger full of gel touched his rosy hole.

Finn’s latte was now so stiff that the glans came out of the foreskin. I tried everything to avoid that my stiff tail stretched sky and hit the full eggs between his spread legs.

“Now put a finger in with a lot of lubrication … slowly. “

Finn groaned as my finger bored into his tight hole.

“Now a second one, but very careful …”

A sigh from his mouth. I was pressed in him with a show and middle finger.

“Deeper, a little deeper. Circles something with your fingertips and now they spread something. Shit, yes. Exactly there! This is my prostate. Reib ’she! Yes, you do it well, ”he sighed with your eyes wide open.

“Now in full with both fingers, as deep as possible. Immediately you can push your huge cock into my tight ass, oh fuck, damn it, it feels so cool, ”he groaned.

When my fingers slipped out of Finn’s ass, his cock shrugged up. His piss hole gave a single clear drop of the anticipation that ran down his glans and then dripped on my stomach. My back head bored into the pillow.

My tail stood upright like a tower and touched Finn’s commuting nuts.

“Now I want your cock in my ass,” he sighed.

I held my pipe at the base and spread with my hand Finn’s ass cheeks. He lifted his ass a little when he felt my cock tip gliding through his crack in search of his lust channel. I had smeared them well. I felt my glans lay on his hole.

“Yes, exactly there. Now push your cock into my ass. At first only the top, ”he asked and circled with the ass.

“Come on, lift your hips, put your cock in my hole, I need it in me, now immediately!”

His sphincter strangled my glans after she had penetrated him.

“Finn …” I whispered.

“No matter what you feel, don’t splash. Not yet, keep it back. Now your thing is pushing deeper. I want to have it in me.

Finn asked me not to push more than my glans rubbed his prostate.

“Damn, yes, exactly there. That’s my horny place, ”he whispered.

He raised and lowered his ass. My cock poked on his pleasure gland. Then he slowly let himself sink on me until my cock test deep in it barely two minutes later.

He leaned forward. packed my shoulders. His ass rode a tango on me when his lips are my pressed.

“This is so damn good,” he moaned and let his tip of the tongue slide over my lips.

Inherited kissed me passionately before setting up again.

“Try to keep it back as long as possible,” he whispered before his hips started her horny ride on my cock to the sky up to cloud seven again.

“Let me know when you come,” he asked me and accelerated his ride.

My elbows dug into bed, my back turned until my back head pressed into the mattress, and my hips rose up.

“Finn,” I bubbled.

“Not yet,” he ordered riding on me.

“Finn!”I shouted.

“Not yet, Arno, wait!”

“Finn, I can’t. I can not anymore. It just doesn’t work, ”I roared in the greatest need.

“Now, Arno, now!“Barking, let his head sink and slammed his ass down to my pubic hill.

I stared at his twitching cock. Finn shot his cargo and cream my lips.

Just two seconds later, an amazing amount of sperm broke out of me and was almost absorbed by his ass. Finn continues to ride on my cock, Molk was completely until his own penis became limp and his cock tip claped on my abdomen. His sexy eggs also touched my stomach every time he rammed his ass on my latte. He splashed one last load on my stomach, I mean deep in his ass.

“You forgot to tell me that you come,” he teased me before he lifted his tight, hot ass from my limped cock.

We sat side by side on the edge of the bed and chatted for half an hour. Every now and then Finn reached between my thighs and stroked my penis.

“It was worth fifty euros?“He asked and grinned from ear to ear.


I was struck in front of my head.

“Fifty euros, it was worth it?“He existed.

I thought my tears would come right away.

“You are fun, not?”


How about forty? You fucked me, but I didn’t, ”he stated. “If your father is so rich that he owns a holiday home, then the few toads do not make you poor, or or?”

“Are you a stricher?” I asked.

“No idea. But somehow I have to make a living. “

Within an hour I returned to Finn’s rented house and threw him fifty euros in front of his feet.

“I hope we will have fun with each other soon,” he said and raised the money.

After this afternoon I never saw Finn again. I was rarely in this holiday home. My father told me that he wanted to inherit it to me. I hope that will take a long time, but then I would decide whether I will sell it or keep it for a few more years.

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