Horny vacation fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Two weeks full of harmonious Summer, Sun, Beach and sea feeling should be. Together with her boyfriend she met in the Caribbean around the Vacation To enjoy extensively. A nice hotel, blue sea and pure sun. Hardly anything might disturb this idyll. Nothing except for the eyes of some women at the beach. While she hardly perceived the eyes of the men who laid her, she recognized exactly how one or the other woman looked at her boyfriend.

Again today the eyes of others adhered to him and he seemed, so it seemed to be enjoying her. Both of them could not forget the dispute in the evening so quickly. Instead of now enjoying the sun and itself, there was radio still. Day 1 … day 2 … day 3 … day … 4. Days passed without changing a word at all. You slept in the same room, but after breakfast your ways separated. On day five he made his way to the sea, as she suspected.

Her thoughts revolved around all the women, who saw him there alone and maybe took their chance. Would he get weak? She had her burgeoning jealousy played through all the scenarios, and every scenario ended with another one with someone else on the beach and exchanged views. And you? She was now alone with this head cinema. Her gaze fell on the flowers on the room table. Like almost every morning, they were brought by a room boy.

Quite good -looking, attentive and courteous. She thought about her stay. Narrowed or was it that? It was her as if this room boy had winked back when she saw each other. Probably, yes, it was probably just part of the service, they have to be friendly to us guests, she still thought. Nothing helped to break your head here. She ran a little through the hotel and the big lobby, only a few guests were currently here.

Many were on the way on the beach. They probably looked at their boyfriend, probably he was … No, she just didn’t want to have these thoughts. She looked a little absent in the air when she was addressed. She looked at him a little later and saw the nice roomboy next to her. Immediately he felt a good feeling that they talked something, he distributed compliments to them that were not too high. Her body was sexy, she shimmered her somewhat darker complexion, her breasts, which she had already emphasized in her scarce outfit, looked full and firmly and were also highlighted by her slim body, as well as her butt, which is crunchy under a curePants lay.

Her shiny, well -groomed long black hair was only surpassed by shining her green eyes. He saw all of this and also asked why she was alone. You could have talked even further, but, the duty called him. She went back to her room and relaxed something on the terrace, a good book, a bikini and sun. Suddenly a knock. Of course it was he who had come to clean up. She stayed on the terrace, asked him in and he started to clean.

From the corner of the eye she saw how he seemed to look over and again and yes, she felt flattered. Suddenly she felt her body warmed up and blushed. He had just had her underwear ..? Had he wanted to perceive her fragrance? No, she had probably imagined it or perceived incorrectly. He came to the terrace to wipe the ground there too. She lay there, on her couch, a scarce, red bikini, matching her somewhat darker complexion.

She was about to go into the room to make a seat when she felt how he held her on her arm. With a quick movements he turned her to him and looked at her. A look into his eyes made her knees soften. “You look so sad, please, smile princess,” he said in his somewhat strange English and looked at her. His gaze gave her goosebumps. She felt his fingertips stroking her arm, slowly eating her neck and finally gently caressing her face.

An excited cold shower flowed through her heated body. His hands held her arms, he kissed her cheeks and whispered in her: “You are so sexy. “As in an excited trance, she ran backwards, no longer let him out of his eyes and pulled on his polo shirt until she fell back onto the bed and he was lying on her. He quickly pulled his shirt away, opened his pants and kissed her. A quick movement to the top of your bikini before it ended up on the floor of the room.

He kissed her lips, felt the warmth that she radiated and kissed over her neck. His pants fell silently, her hands made his shorts to create and felt the bump before being tail jumped out. He looked at her. Her sexy body was lying on the bed with his back and he knelt in front of her without hesitation. She only heard a few scraps of words like “Beautiful Legs” and felt his hands that stroked her legs.

Just a tiny moment later, she felt his big hands on her bikini panties, she felt how he grazed through the finger with his fingers over her pussy and massaged it with one hand. His other hand grazed her left leg up and down, held on her knee and pressed her leg aside. He grinned at her, lowered his head and kissed her thighs. Starting on her knees, he kissed up, kissed her bikini’s fabric and put his hands on her waist.

He had his hands spread over her sides, felt her tender, delicate skin before he grabbed her panties with a quick movement, raised her legs and pulled it over her legs over her legs. His tip of his tongue lay down on her calves and kissed over her legs, which she slowly opened as by itself. She looked down and saw this well -built guy, who slowly kissed over her legs and in turn always looked for eye contact with her again and again.

He briefly loosened, put his lips on her hill and looked at her. Bit by bit he started to kiss over her hills, from left to right, downwards, somewhat upwards, back down while his hand always stroked her pussy and her hip. He kissed her hill downwards and put his head between her legs before blowing on her pearl with a slight touch.

He looked at her with a smile while he started to slowly let his tip of his tongue circle over her pearls, raised her again and again and let her slide over her with his movements. He licked over her pearl, so that she kept in his warm mouth, licked over her gently and let his tongue dance over her. While his tongue kept pampering her, an arm moved up her hot body, stroked her firm breasts and twirled a bit over her nipples.

He felt her excitement and led a finger over her pussy. Slowly, almost devoutly slide his finger over her before he slowly penetrated it with it. Slowly his finger penetrated her, he disappeared deeper and deeper into her. With the fingertip he had it circle in her damp cunt and gently moved him up and down. He continued to slide over her clit, kissed her and spoiled her with changing movements with his tongue, fingered her a little faster …

He stroked her clit soully as he led his z, wide fingers into her and fingered her faster. Her juice ran over his fingers, which became faster and faster. His tongue touched her clit again, wandered over her pussy and tasted her excitement. He took his wet fingers out of her, pushed into her briefly with his tongue, let her circle in her, pressed her pearl a short kiss and loosened. He smiled at her and leaned over her.

His lips kissed over their stomach, kissed their breasts and pressed their gentle soft lips an intense kiss. She felt his strong large hands as she encompassed her breasts and kneaded her with gentle pressure before putting his lips around her nipples and playing around with his tongue. She could feel his pulsating, hard cock as he rested on her hill. His hand took him, let him hike over her hill and pressed him down slightly.

With his plump glans, he stroked her clit, looked her deep in her eyes and kissed her neck. In doing so, he gently penetrated her, let his cock disappear into her narrow, wet pussy and moved his hip slightly. His quiet moan penetrated into her ear, with every movement he penetrated a little deeper into her. He straightened his upper body, put his hands on her legs, held her tight and pushed his hard cock completely into her with a quick push.

For a moment he stays, his hands stroked her legs and his thighs, his fingers rubbed slightly over her pearl, he let his tail circle in her before he started moving his pelvis and letting his cock glide into her. His bumps became faster. For a short moment he let him slide out of her, then quickly penetrated her again, stroked her hands with his hands. With deep, slow movements he fucked them, both moaned full of lust.

He took her pearl between his fingers, rubbed over her, circle over her with his fingertips while feeling his hard tail at the changing pace. She felt his palm pushing on her stomach while he spoiled her clit with his fingers and felt his cock in her tight pussy lust groaned and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw his cell phone camera pointed to her. He was in the process of filming.

He filmed it as he was just fucking her, filmed his bumps, filmed her groaning face and her bouncing firm breasts, filmed her slim body, who shook his cock further and further into her. The brief uncertainty quickly gave way to excitement, lustful smiled in the camera and let him do it. His movements became faster and faster, the clapping filled the room, his hands stroked her body, her legs, his pelvis clapped against her.

He let his cock slide out of her, let his plump acorn circle over her clit, leaned into her face and kissed her for a long time and intensely. He whispered something in her, hardly perceptible, words full of lust. He got up and sat on her bed, took her body, straightened him up and kissed her. She sat down on all fours, looked at him, saw his hard cock held in his hand and slowly jerked.

His gaze wandered over her back, while his delicate but strong hands followed his eyes and stroked her back. He took her slim waist, grazed her sides with his fingertips and began to bend over her and kiss her neck and back. Little by bit, his lips wandered down her spine, his hands slid over the back of her wetted thighs, stroked them along them and slid between their thighs.

Slowly his kissing moved over her couch before kissing her firm, crispy buttocks. Again and again his hands slipped from her bottom between her legs, back to her buttocks and kneaded him slightly. He caught up for the first slight folding, which she easily felt on her buttocks. A few seconds later she felt the next blow on her buttocks more clearly, a folding that already turns her butt a little red. Again and again he stroked her ass and kept spanking it.

He let his hard cock clap on her buttock. His hands held her hips while he was wandering over her lips with his glans. Only with his throbbing tip he penetrated her, she moved lightly and felt her. With each push he penetrated her deeper, and she felt his throbbing lust more and more. With slow movements of his hip he began to fuck her.

He felt his hard cock in her tight, damp pussy, who lay perfectly around him. His fucking movements became faster, and stronger and harder he took them. His hands keep kneading her buttocks, hiking over her back, stroking her sides and gently clinging hard on her breasts, while his movements were still faster. They heard the smacking and clapping of the fucking movements in harmony.

Again and again he varied the pace, just got faster, only to slow down again afterwards. He held her breasts, kneaded her and leaned over her body over her, whispered something in her ear and stroked her hands down again with his hands. The movements of his hip now remained consistently fast, she felt like being thick tail She spoiled, felt his left hand stroked her hill and lay down on her clit.

She brought out a groaning “Oh yes, fuck me, oh good, so good” and kept her eyes full of lust closed. Under the clapping of the movements, a hard folding mingled on her buttocks. Again and again his flat hand landed on her ass while his fingers rubbed her pearl faster and faster. A hand hiked over her back to her hair and pulled on her, while his pelvis began to fuck her and rubbed his other hand over her pearl.

Your moans became more and more intense. His movements, his cock in her, his fingers, who kept spoiling their clit, the blows from his hand, as he pulled on her hair, all of this brought her feelings together like a thunderstorm. He pulled her hair again, stroked her pearl and felt the throbbing, pressing his cock deep and deeply into her and feeling how he started to tremble, felt her pussy trembling and how the strength was out of her body.

She had to come with a loud cry, she screamed with loud groans orgasm out of here. Unorested, he pushed his hard cock into her a few more times, loosened from her and kissed her back. She turned over heavily and now looked at him with her back on the bed lying down. She still kept the feeling of her orgasm caught. She stroked her body with her fingers, felt her wet cunt, which was still pulsating under her fingers and moaned.

She looked at his trained body and saw his hard cock, shiny of her juice and greed in his eyes. “You have to come, spray for me, come off for me,” she breathed towards him. Even if he didn’t understand her linguistically, he knew what she wanted and wanted it too. She turned her body 180 degrees. The back on the bed, her face close to him, who was still sitting there, her face close to his pulsating device.

His hard cock was seductively stood in front of her mouth. She opened her mouth, her tip of her tongue cautiously licked his plump glans and was immediately able to taste her own lust for him. Her tongue slid over his glans faster and faster, began to kiss over the entire length and spoiled him more and more. Finally she opened her mouth and sucked his cock completely into her. His gaze wandered to the spectacle, he saw his cock, felt as she sucked on it and sucked him, he saw her hot body, saw her breasts, her stomach and her pussy, shiny from her juice.

He groaned and felt exactly that he wouldn’t take long anymore. How wild she moved her head, he always pressed his cock a little further into her mouth, quickly moved his pelvis to the movements of her head, felt how much she spoiled him and groaned louder and louder. Her tongue circled in her mouth over his cock, his tail slid up and down, her hands stroked his stomach and lay around his eggs.

She felt his twitch when she touched her and looked at him. She took care of his eggs intensively, sucked over her as he held his cock in his hand and started with quick movements to get him too jerk off. She let his eggs slide over her lips, sucked on them, blew her, sucked her and stroked her again and again. This sight, he hardly endured it. His hand moved mechanically, and faster until he knew, he had to come, he has to distribute it all on her, everything he has.

He felt more and more the touch of her mouth, and a loud moan, “Oh Goood Yes, yes”, he groaned him, he groaned. His words were hard to understand, his lustful moaning was too a ****. A moment and she felt the first drops shoot on her body. He sprayed violently, he kept wanking his cock with him. Like white thick threads, the sperm injected out of it, more and more spread on her body, lay around her breasts, full of pressure he injected to her hill, over her stomach and on her face.

She let his eggs look at him, looked at him with a smile, took his cock between her lips and pressed the last sperm from him. Completely out of breath he sinked down. She looked down on her body and smiled when she saw the mess that he had held on her. It was as if several came to her, her body was full of sperm on the bed. She looked at him and saw his satisfied smile.

It was clear to her that this hotel would remain in a very special memory.

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