Hot disco fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I’ve been with F for 3 months now. It’s going great. And we want to go to a trendy bar with dance floor on Saturday evening. In the past you would have said disco, but apparently you can’t do that anymore.

As an outfit, I chose a white blouse and a black skirt. The bra I leave out and push the blouse 1 button on as a good one would be. When I dance, then you will be able to catch some of my chest. Good this way.

I do without chains. I hope that my freckles on my cleavage jewelry are enough. I shave again completely, because I like the feeling when everything (really) is smooth and silky. I put on black stockings and today (unlike usual) would be high -heeled shoes.

I usually no longer wear paragraphs because I found that small women are very well received by men. That probably addresses the protective instinct. But today I want to feel sexy, so he had a paragraph, because they mine Legs stretch so nicely. I have some time before I have to go to go with f in front of the bar meet.

No, I won’t be picked up. Then we would probably not go, but spend the evening in bed. I stand in front of the mirror and make up. Then I take a step back and look at.

I already said that I want to feel sexy today ? I take off my stockings. Where stockings are misleading here. It is tights. But no.

It’s kind of nice, but I’m reluctant to go with bare legs. I have to smile and go to my wardrobe. 1 minutes later I wear real stockings with a holder. Yes, black suspenders with holder.

You look a little out of the lower skirt. Yes, better. I still have 2 minutes, then I want to go. I go to the door and stay there for a few seconds.

I take my skirt on the left and right and pull my string down. I just drop it and go out of the door quickly before my courage leaves me.

I feel excited. Great. Naughty.

Sexy. I quickly go to the tram and get in. Oh god, I have the feeling that every man knows exactly what is under my skirt … or better not located. I’ve already been excited.

How should that be ? Fewer stations later than I get out, my excitement has subsided a bit. That changes suddenly when I see F. We kiss to greet each other and he puts his hands on my buttocks. He can’t notice anything, but I still imagine it.

We go in and I see a greedy look of a bouncer on my cleavage. If he knew he was looking at the wrong place. Inside it is full and loud. We push through.

And every time we pass a man, I try to stretch my bottom out to rub something along the man with him. Now I feel a decent pull in the abdomen. We stand at the bar and order. That means: I order.

As far as I can, I lean over the bar and harvest an appreciative and long look at my cleavage. I order 2 Beer and consider how much you can see from me now. F and I stand next to the dance floor. We talk.

Drink. Smooch. Shielded through his body, his hand also finds my breasts in secret in the hidden. He plays with my nipple piercing.

Damned. Now I’m so hot that I curse myself to come here at all.

I just want to ask F if we don’t want to go when he greets 2 friends of himself. I know the two fleetingly. There is a kiss left and right and the 3 are on the direction of the bar.

And stand alone and excited without underwear on the dance floor and consider what has just been wrong now. So I’m going to dance a little first. It is full. But it’s ok like that.

I feel strange bodies on my butt and my chest. Every touch is electrifying. I avoid dancing girls and dance closer to men. I let my hip circle and suddenly feel a resistance on my butt.

In a sea of bodies moving in a sea, I bumped into something like a stall wall. I continue my hips and rub a little more firmly on this wall. I take a look over my shoulder. Behind me there is a big brown -burned Italo.

He just stands there. He looks down at me and grins cheekily at me. Well, then we want to see how far we can do this game. I lean back slightly and with my back against him.

I leaning against him I turn my head to him and up.

I close my eyes and breathe out slightly through my open mouth, whereby I am a little longing “mmmmm” moan. Finally he puts his arm around me and places his hand right on my skirt. I thank you by stretching my butt a little backwards. He pretends to dance slightly and gets on his knees very easily.

My hand presses against my abdomen at the front, so that my butt is pressed directly to its hip. Now I feel him. His excitement is clearly to be felt on my butt. Damn, he has to be huge.

I take a hasty look towards F. He stands at the bar and has a blonde. Now he puts his hand on her butt. Wait, friend.

What you can do for a long time. My beautiful Italo will have to be prepared for something. Now I slowly push my buttocks back and forth on his abdomen. I feel it very clearly on my buttocks.

My abdomen pulls like crazy. I should end this game better before I lose control ..

When I pushed my butt a little further to the right, I suddenly feel a finger under my skirt. Exactly between my legs. The finger slowly pulls my lips slowly.

Then he pushes him into me without any further warning. A slight moan comes over my lips. Damn, it feels good. He knows exactly what he’s doing there.

He also does not seem to be surprised that he can let his finger penetrate me unhindered. He pulls it out slightly and pushes him forward towards my clit. I continue to stretch my butt. I really want to be touched there now.

Suddenly there is emptiness in my head. No f. No dance floor. Only his finger between my legs is still important.

And he reaches my clit. I hear him out of me sharply when he mine Piercing noticed there. He plays with it. I lean against him slightly again.

oh God,

just don’t let him stop now. He continues to rub me. One last look at f. It is busy.

The blonde or anything else. I do not care. Something like that never happened to me. Neither that I lose control, nor that anyone would have dared to touch me on the dance floor – let alone to put it under my skirt.

I lean my left shoulder against him. His right hand is under my skirt and gives me limitless pleasure. But now I want to know what to do with what I have to do with. I put my hand on his waistband.

I feel it through the thin fabric of his pants. Huge and hard as steel. I want him. Now.

“Not on the dance floor.“, My last bit of my mind screams.

But where ? My Italo has withdrawn his hand a little and pushes a finger into me again. I wish that he would push something else into me now. He tries to let a second finger penetrate into me. His hand is huge and his fingers are very thick.

Since I am very small and tight, he has to press a little more to push his second finger into me too. Now remove my buttocks to make it easier for him to penetrate. Everyone could now see where their hand is there.

But nothing happened. In any case, I don’t notice whether someone watches us.

Everyone only seems to dance. The stroboscope light, the tight, the dancing quantity. Everything shields us. Now I’m going to be braver too.

I put my hand in his pants and let it slide down into his panties over his stomach. I immediately touch him. I take it and encompass him. He’s really huge.

Almost as thick at the top and with a long thick shaft. He leans down to me. For the first time I hear him speak: “Het your skirt up.“His fingers withdraw from me. I lean back against him with my back.

I grab behind and open his pants. I get it out of our bodies. Then I lift my skirt over my buttocks. Now I feel him.

Hard. Excited. Right on my bare buttock. He goes slightly into his knees and I feel his tip slowly paving his way between my thighs.

I could just go away. Pretend to have never happened. Then he reaches around me and grabs my skirt from the front and rubs my clit. Its tip has made its way between my thighs.

Because of our difference in size, however, he cannot penetrate this. His finger rubs me tighter and he pushes his tip through my lips to the front.

In front of my eyes dance small stars of lust. I feel so sexy and horny. A stranger finger me on the dance floor while my friend drinks beer somewhere … and what-white-I does with the blonde.

What should I do ? Should I give in ? Should I continue this wild game ? The last bit of mind whispers “no.

Go away. Nothing has happened yet.“But my body screams after fulfillment.

Yes, today I want to be a little bitch. I push my back and make a hollow cross so that my butt is really stretched out backwards. Immediately he divides my lips and pushes it completely into me.

I usually have problems with real great lovers, but I’m so excited and wet that he can fully penetrate me. I open my eyes and moan loudly. Fortunately, the music is so loud that nobody can hear me. I lean against my Italo again.

So he can only make small movements, but I don’t care. I just want to feel it in me. He bumps me lightly and grabs my blouse with one hand in front. His hand finds my nipple and begins to twist together with piercing.

“You little bitch are pierced everywhere.“, He groans in my ear. Yes that’s me. Pierced … and a small bitch that can be taken from a stranger. He still only moves slightly.

We only weigh ourselves back and forth as if we were only intensely dancing. He bite my throat slightly and turns my nipple piercing. I am so sharp that I want him to hit me really hard now. And I’ll tell him that now.

I almost have to scream, but I don’t care. “I want you to fuck me really hard now.“He pulls it out of me and covers him with his shirt by quickly pulling it out of his pants over his nose. I quickly pull my skirt back over my bottom. I take it on my hand and pull it off the dance floor.

In addition to the bar – about 5 meters from F – I see a dark corner with a box.

I pull my Italo there. When I think we are at least a little hidden, I sit on the box and pull it up. I raise his shirt and take it deep in my mouth. I taste his lust mixed with my own.

He touches me on the back of the head and begins to determine the pace himself by lighting me in my mouth. Now I finally want to feel it again. I get up, turn around and bend over the box and spread my legs.

He’s not long in coming. He pushes my skirt up and penetrates hard into me.

This time he can easily push him deep into me. “Yes, fuck me. Fuck me hard.“, I hear myself say. And he does it.

He touches me on the left and right of my hips and rams him into me.

Now I’m loud. After a short time I notice that it will not take long for him. A feeling of victory appears in me. Yes, I’m a little bitch today.

Yes, I have done something damn stupid, but also damn horny. And now a strange man will come in me. He grabs me around my hip and from the front under my skirt. He finds my clit again and gets him to rub it wildly.

“Oh yes, keep going,” I almost shout. When I notice his twitch, it also comes to me huge. He comes with a loud, almost annal moan. I hover on a wave of happiness.

My knees become soft and I have to sit on the box. He slips out of me. I see small stars in front of my eyes. I sit on the box with a slightly raptured smile and enjoy the aftershock in me.

He leans down to me and says: “You are really sexy.“Although it’s a clumsy compliment, I’m happy about it. “Come back tomorrow.“, He says and simply disappears into the crowd.

I feel satisfied, but also used happily. Everything together. And so slowly the realization of what I just did is.

I quickly straighten my skirt and look for F. I do not see him. I quickly go to the toilets and make myself fresh. Nobody speaks to me.

Nobody seems to have seen anything. When I am presentable again, I find f in front of the door while smoking. “Hey, sweet, where were you ?“, He asks with a smile. But it’s not a mean smile … he doesn’t know what I did.

“I needed something strong.”I say truthfully. “And now I’m full and want to go home.””.

He brings me home. I am silent. I am ashamed.

But only a little. I should be very ashamed, but I don’t regret it. At my home he kisses me passionately. I should send it away.

But I can not. Again I feel the pull in the abdomen. I’m excited again. Even worse.

Really cool. Why ? Because I thought that I would sleep with 2 different men one evening. The little bitch stimulates in me again. She wants that.

No, I want that. I want to live that out today. I still raise my string in the hallway and throw him F. He looks a little speechless.

I raise my skirt slightly so that my smooth -shaved lips see. I bet that they are red and swollen, but I don’t care. Him anyway. He doesn’t understand it.

He comes to me. Kiss me and start rubbing my clitoris with his hand. And again I notice that lust almost overwhelmed me. I pull him into bedroom, Pull my skirt up my hips and put me on my back with legs spread wide.

Immediately he is over me.

Immediately he penetrates me. I don’t know when and how quickly he moved out his pants. He bumps me hard and rubs my clit with it. I moan, scream and fire at me to fuck really hard.

When he groans into my ear “but you are very far today. Were you naughty ?“, I scream“ yes, but now you are in me, so give me it !””. Moaning he and I come a short time later.

The next day I’ll end with him.

I didn’t go back to the bar the next day. I have never seen the Italo again.

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