Horny summer day | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was one of the summer days that are characterized by limitless ease.
We had spent the whole day at the bathing lake, of course in the nudist area. Even if
Of course you can quickly deal with nudity, since the subliminal remains
Charm, which runs out of a beautiful undressed woman and deep inside the body

Since nobody knew us here in the area, we were not exactly reserved in exchange
of tenderness and touch, so that I prefer the prone position for some time
had to. This ease not only had us, but also had a couple
two towels further affected, which I protect my mirrored sunglasses
watched. She was in the no man’s land between the end of twenty and middle
Thirty, not too big, with shoulder -length brown hair.

It was always particularly interesting,
If your partner wrote down with sunscreen after bathing. First the back,
Starting at the shoulders gently stretching towards their narrow waist, then with
two hands follow the wonderful turns of their backbake, whereby he also
Area in between by no means forgotten. Before he could continue with the legs,
required the minimal moral decency, which is not completely out of the question in public
it can be left that his back has now been processed. Also from their movements
You felt the undisguised desire to get even more intensely with his in due course
To deal with body.

So it was no longer a cream with sunscreen, but already
Almost a kind of foreplay on a back burner with many subtle promises that his hands
breathed on her breasts and with a loving and casual movement on his
left behind not very small.

I don’t know how long I had watched your provocative game before I
A pleasant slumber with intensive dreams fell into disrepair. I only woke up again when
me kati, my wife, woke up by tender nibbling on the earlobe. My dreams
must have been quite intense, at least my best piece was by no means
resting. “Come on, let’s go into the water again before it gets too cold.“Wispert
me kati in my ear.

As soon as my condition allowed safe running, I did it to her
Fell by hunting her in the direction of the lake. When looking at the graceful movement
Her now crispy brow naked body came to me again that had nothing to do with swimming. From behind I saw her narrow shoulders
and have been played around from the blowing hair, their venison, which is down with two
Deprecks concludes and then go into their conversely heart -shaped crispy buttocks,
which is worn by two muscular legs. On the way she turned around a few times,
where their “two hands big” breasts, in a beautiful springy movement for
I became visible in order to be withdrawn my eyes when they continue running.

I had caught up with them in the hip -high water and tore them around with a last jump.

My hands sought their breasts that were now hidden through the water, which I tenderly included.
We came back to the laugh Legs. I stood behind her now, my hands
Still laid around her hills, my almost stiff tail loved the curve
Your rear part. “You are as hot as we are!“We were shocked to turn around. We hadn’t even noticed,
that someone had followed us.

I looked into the eyes of the woman that I was in the eye
had observed and was then infected by her carefree laughter.
“Don’t worry about it, that happens to us more often.“, She said with a side glance
The splendidly erected pipe of your partner. It’s good that this scene is not too
was seen, for that, the vegetation with reeds ensured. I hadn’t missed that Kati cautiously
had taken a look at what our counterpart between his daring
Had to offer legs and became almost a little jealous. The blue -wheeled stick
stood up to the candle straight up, the foreskin Had rolled up into a breakthrow
and decorated a tribe of not inconsiderable dimensions.

“I would like to do that
Feel between my thighs.“I sted as if stirred when kati
Ear whispered. The special mood of the day had apparently made it so brave that
I didn’t know her at all. “But not here.“, The man’s bass sounded, who hears everything
had. A sweet red covered Kati’s face.

She tried to go behind me
hide, which she did not quite succeed because I am not exactly a giant.

Fortunately, the brown -haired saved the situation by saying: “Let us bet
Swimming will cool our stallions a little. On the way we can think about,
What we do out of the situation.“We quickly agreed to the approximately 150m
removed to swim other bank. We were doing a lot of effort, although I almost simultaneously
reached the goal with the stranger and Kati at least at a good distance
Almost a length before her “opponent” arrived. We were in the grass for a while
without saying a word.

“I’m Adam and this is my wife Ulli.“The two introduced themselves. “Kati and Holger”, Kati took over our part of the performance. For a while entertained
we are about irrelevant things like of course the wonderful weather and the great area. So
we learned that Adam and Ulli had rented a bungalow nearby in the
They invited us to a bottle of wine for the evening.

Somehow we swam on the same wavelength.

We had the feeling that we were already
To know forever and enjoy swimming back together. In the meantime we were
The last ones noticeably cooled Beach and shivering we got dressed.
Before we made our way to the two of them, we pulled something in our quarters
Warmer. We were excited to see what the evening would bring, especially since Kati’s spontaneous
Thought at the sight of Adam’s masculinity did not remain secret and I too
Not precisely because of lack of interest in Ulli. We have been for ten years at the time
together and had always had enough together, but this evening should
show unimagined ways of sexuality so far ..

Ulli and Adam sat in front of their bungalow and waited for the promised by us
Wine that we had quickly uncorked.

We talked splendidly and the time passed
As in the flash that we only noticed in the cold, what time it was already. To warm us up,
Then there was hot tea in the house with rum.
“We noticed how you watched us apply cream.”Added Ulli” And it has
made us even hotter.“Adam added. “You don’t seem to have noticed it,
that it went high with you too.“Of course Adam was right. We had the afternoon
Hardly spent on the border with the youth -free behavior, which is only now really aware of us

Gradually the tension had increased and now literally crackled in the
Air. I had cuddled with Kati and had a hand through the wide sleeves of hers
Dress pushed onto her chest. Great how it felt, but the soft but still elastic
Meat, the broken wipers and it is more and more faster
breath. Ulli and Adam stepped behind us unnoticed.

Adam got on the buttons
to create from Kati’s dress and soon exposed her tight breasts. Kati Castle
The eyes and put his head back when Adam’s hands touched her breasts, first gently
Breasts stroked, then raised and finally kneaded with the whole hand. Kati bowed hers
Head far back and offered the half open to the Adam behind the sofa
Mouth as an invitation for his researching tongue. It was a picture of passion, how
buried their tongues in the mouth of the other, touched their lips and then breach
fell into wild movements.

Suddenly Ulli stood in front of me and I couldn’t help it, I had to have my hand between
Place your thighs, slowly move up to the top until I
Had reached legs that I had admired so much in the afternoon.

She opened for
me. As in a trance, my thumb drove through her column, with the moisture of her excitement
My actions relieved. I pulled her slip down and she rose with a granted
Movement out. Then I pulled her to myself so that her shame at my head
was and put my head under her skirt.

This turned through the red fabric
Light into a red glow that gave their opening a magical attraction. It
smelled of women, after excitement, according to lust. My tongue found the way between itself
Your swollen labia. I tasted it.

This bitter taste that is
does not compare anything. I picked up her secretion with my tongue, drank greedily out of her.
Due to the fabric of her dress, she had put her hands on my head and thus held
My mouth in the most pleasant distance. I was able to lick through her column,
Play on her clit, surround him with her lips and when she allowed it from time to time, deep
penetrate. Then I felt her dressed her dress and was suddenly again
surrounded by brightness.

I looked up and saw two breasts, whose warts slightly outwards
were inclined to float like an invitation about me. My tongue slid over her abdomen,
While staying in the navel briefly, moving upwards and then tenderly her warts
Now I could see Kati again, who had now exchanged the place with Adam. He sat
still fully clothed on the sofa and she knelt in front of him. Said in a throaty voice
You: “Finally show me your cock.

I’ve been waiting for so long.“She opened
His pants and grabbed with the hand. You could see her fingers under that
Moving fabric, which included acorn, moved downwards. He got up with a jerk
And grazed the pants and a real splendid specimen came to light. In your
Eyes went on a glow and I granted her the fun of the whole heart, I became
at the same time spoiled according to all the rules of art.

Ulli had literally tore down my pants
and played with my testicles. First she stroked the sack, then she took it
Very carefully in the mouth and sucked on it. Only her index finger circled the glans,
rubbed on the ribbon. The other hand hiked to the hip bone, from there
Back and was not too fine between the cheeks and was stroking there.
“I need your cock now!“I heard Kati moan.

In doing so, she let herself on her back
fall and pulled with Adam with himself. In doing so, her hand held his phallus and conducted
him between her legs. I saw his glans shared her labia, slightly put them and then slowly sank into her grotto. She put her legs around his butt and
visibly enjoyed his bumps.

Moaned she reared up when he completely came into her
Rammed and turned back her back when he slipped out. Her pelvis whirled, threw
towards him and away from him and moved with him in the same rhythm.
I hugged Ulli and pulled her to the floor. I turned her on my stomach. I covered
Her back with kisses, worked me down and finally devoted me to hers

I embed my head on it and felt like on a pillow or
A waterbed elastic and soft with a cozy warmth. I started with the
To stroke the tongue. First the left cheek, then the right one and finally I set off
the way to explore the terrain in between. I started with hitting her pelvis,
so that I had free access to their swollen labia.

Circular caress
I the clit, pushed my tongue into her with my tongue as deep as possible, gave up the dam up
And moved my tongue through the furrow between the two soft hemispheres.
She stretched her back to me, so I was herself anus better reach
could. My tongue danced over hers rosette, Incended with the tip, she widened and drove
Ulli to ever more violent movements.
“Fuck me! Finally fuck me!“Ulli and I grabbed her breasts with my hands
While you pushed my cock inside. I was surrounded by their vaginal muscles,
which each of my movements adapted. She lay flat on her stomach and became
As a result, even narrower.

My testicles lay between their thighs and were alternating
pressed and relaxed. I lay flat on her back and enjoyed the feeling
their warm skin on my stomach. With my tongue I played in her ear what its effect
Unsigned. Their movements became more violent and demanding.

In the heat of battle
I slid out of her and slipped to her anus with the glans. Immediately she crowded me
towards and asked me: “Fuck me in the ass now!“I weren’t allowed that twice
say. In preparation I introduced two fingers into her cunt and distributed it plenty
Existing secretions on your back hole. I picked up my cock and
moved him up from the clitoris through her cunt until he snapped and bagged out there
him between her backbake.

Their glacial muscles cover it in its entire length
and appealed my trunk through flattering movements. Now I picked her to my knees
and pressed her upper body down, so that her back entrance was invitingly opposed to me.
With the exposed glans I explored the area from her vagina several times
up to the back of the back before I targeted the pressure on the buttons.
Slowly I drove my sting into it. The sphincter initially created a resistance before the glans had penetrated with a jerk. Well lubricated by
I slipped deeper and deeper into her vaginal secretion.

Ulli moan grew louder and reinforced
still when my hand found its way into her wet grotto and the hard up there
Clitoris massaged. I moved my pelvis back and forth and with every movement in yours
In the direction she pressed her wonderful ass on me so that mine Egg Against their lifting lips

Next to us Kati and Adam had now changed position. She was sitting with her back
on his tail and ride on him like on an untamed horse. He kneaded her
Free swinging breasts, and occasionally straightened up to cover her back with kisses.
She raised her butt so far up that only his huge glans stuck in her,
which was massaged by their swollen labia.

He could of course
Do not endure too long and consequently we heard him even louder during
he a cargo sperm shot into her that she could not fully absorb. The
Remnies ran out of her cunt, crawled down the shaft and continued to pearl on his dark
Pubic hair.
Ulli was from orgasm her husband only wilder and circulated with the pool, moaned
and screamed, so that I could hardly stick to myself either. Thinking was turned off,
I was just moving and with a loud cry I unlocked myself in her butt and
noticed how she sought and collapsed on the summit of lust and collapsed.
I don’t know how long we were exhausted on the fluffy carpet
Kati’s lips lipped around my crashed cock and nibbles and sucking
ensures his revival. “The second time you can hold out longer.”, I heard
unmistakably whisper Adam’s voice into my ear.

What an interest in mine
Could not have perseverance at this point.
Ulli meanwhile settled on my face, which caused my tongue to
even found her clit and cost her new flaming excitement. Grew in her mouth
In the meantime, Adam’s stand to considerable size. If you disappear in your throat
let it be seen, how his glans appeared through the bulging skin.
My cock longed to dive into Kati’s lap and the familiar warmth too
enjoy. To do this, I pushed out under Ulli and lay my stomach on belly with kati.
My hands stroked their columns, played with their nipples, got lost in theirs

She reached down and showed me the way into her paradise. Without haste I slid slightly into her, felt her wet heat and searched her mouth with my tongue. I remained one
For a while only motionless in her and let me drive me.
Meanwhile, Ulli had joined us. She lay down behind Kati and hugged her.

stroked Kati’s breasts, her stomach, her clit and my now on and out-to-day
shaft. It was really a nice sight to see how Kati the tenderness of the others
Woman enjoyed with a real dedication and satisfaction. Suddenly I felt like two
Hands moved on my back, drove under the armpits and with Ullis
Fingers on my wife’s breasts united. I felt his breath on mine
Back, felt his hairy breast shouting my shoulders and felt at first frightened,
How his cock developed between my thighs.

He led him between
My legs towards Kati, from which I had suffered in fright
Receive there from Ulli’s hands. Kati and Ulli gently took my right hand and led
she towards his tail. With trembling fingers I comprised his glans, stroked with
the index finger over it and distributed the first moisture over the whole link. Somehow
had made the special mood of the evening sound in me, from the
so far I had only guessed something in my subconscious, which was adjusted by taboos.

I had never had a cock in my own hand and felt like
at the first time. Since I had crossed the border, there was no stopping now
more. I threw myself around with a jerk and turned it on my back to mine
Put your mouth over his belt. Surprisingly, it was not difficult for him to enjoy it

Pampering a woman is much more difficult. One tries to move a movement
Or to interpret a moan, but only gets difficult to find out whether you are on the right
is away. With your own gender you can obviously go out of yourself and
do what you would like yourself. I was amazed at the velvety tenderness of his glans,
which I first touched off with my tongue and finally included my lips, although I
Carefully the salty taste of the lucky drop in the urethra in its urethra in
I accept.

I let his phallus disappear as far as I could disappear in my mouth and
Didn’t stop flattering it with his tongue.
The two women watched fascinated how I face my face on Adam’s shame
put and he put the myston. He only explored me with his hands in every detail,
Then with the tongue before he put me on my stomach and his tongue between mine
Baking buried. He let me feel what he wanted. He wet the ditch between
My back baking with his saliva and turned back on the side.

Kati lay me
again opposite and kissed me. I introduced a hand into her column and distributed her abundant juice at my back entrance. I could clearly feel like Adam
His preparations met. First he pulled his cock through mine several times lengthways
Kimme, then let him rest between my cheeks before he halves my buttocks halves
pressed to put his hard stick on my rosette.

I felt how
The blood pulsates in his glans when he slowly split my meat, noticed how the escaping
Drops increased the sliding ability before drilling into me. It was a feeling
Between pain and lust that I felt when I was introduced, which was then of wild ecstasy
was replaced. He filled out my butt, I was able to rub it from the inside my prostate
feel. He only moved slowly and tenderly to become faster and faster until
I was flooded by a gush of his hot sperm.
It took a long time before we came back to ourselves and his smaller again
Tail with a smacking sound slipped out of me.
In the absence of other partners, our women had started a hot game together
and apparently shortly before the climax.

The wide -open column of Kati, which in
the dog position over Ulli knelt and its cunt licked while herself with the
Tongue was spoiled, was like an invitation for me. I pushed into her pink swollen swollen
Shame, which was still dripping and feeling from Adam’s sperm
orgasm. Your pulsating muscles ensured that my tension
unloaded with a cry while pumping my juice into it.

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