Horny vacation in Croatia! | Erotic sex stories

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Horny vacation in Croatia!

Finally the time had come, my summer vacation in Croatia was on and after eight -hour arrival I reached my destination on the island of Krk. The hotel was okay and after checking in I made myself fresh and then asked the area around the centrally located hotel. On the right and left it was only a few minutes’ walk to the beach and when you got out of the hotel you were in the middle of the promenade around the harbor.

On the second day I went to the beach early and secured a shady spot and spread out.

After the first cooling in the sea, I dotets on my couch and was awakened a little later by laughter and voices. I opened my eyes and saw that a group of boys had settled in the immediate vicinity. The three boys were estimated to be between 18 and 22 years old and alberten around before they disappeared towards the sea. Germans also seemed to be and as I later found out they came from near Hamburg and were called Kai, Oliver and Marc and looked all three well.

They had no gram of fat on their body and looked properly trained.

When the boys came out of the water shortly afterwards, we got into conversation and they told me that they were only 18 years old all three and they were their first here Vacation Spend without their families. Oliver and Marc were rather Mediterranean in terms of type, both had dark hair and eyes and were already brown -burned, Kai was the typical north German, had blonde hair, bright blue eyes and very bright, almost bleaching skin.

I continued to learn from the boys that they were all solo at the moment and hoped for one or the other adventure, Oliver and Marc were very talkative on the subject of women while Kai was subtle back.

Towards later, Oliver and Marc went swimming alone while Kai stayed in their place.

Kai then started a conversation with me again and first asked a few banal questions that I could answer him all and so a nice conversation developed in which I learned that he wasn’t actually on girls, but he wasn’t yet anythinghad with boys or men and that his two buddies did not know anything about his tendencies yet. He was not one hundred percent, but he said that he felt more attracted to boys or men.

The conversation then took an abrupt end because Oliver and Marc joined us again.

It was later afternoon when the boys wanted to leave to get a few things when I heard Kai said to his buddies that they should go alone because he would like to stay here and then meet in the hotel later. Oliver and Marc disappeared and Kai said with a carefree smile on our lips that we were able to continue our conversation from before. He told me that his feelings took a roller coaster with him, sometimes he wanted to do something with boys, then again with women and that he was in a dilemma.

I told him that I also like men and therefore alone here on holiday am because I am currently not in a steady relationship. He then said that he thought something like that when he was alone at the beach saw lying down and that’s why he had made his buddies tasty the place next to me. I was a bit surprised, I always thought, I don’t necessarily see my inclinations. Kai asked me immediately about my experience and wanted to know how it is with a man.

I answer him and told me that my age was exactly what I was doing, but that it was not so easy to commit himself to his inclinations in the country at the time.

Kai always looked me straight into my eyes during the conversation and it seemed to excite what I had to tell him, his bump in the swimming trunks grew much bigger. He did not try to hide the bump at all but smiled seductively at me. I shot a thousand thoughts through my head, I could be loose from the age Father and he could certainly find boys his age with whom he can have fun. His clearing of his throat tore me out of my thoughts and he asked we go into the water.

No sooner said than we went into the sea and swam far out to the buoys that delimited the swimming area. Once there, Kai started to romp around and pressed me under water a few times. I returned myself, took him in the sweat box and also pressed it under water. He tried to free himself from the clasp and put me in the crotch, I let go of him and he swam away.

But I immediately picked him up, grabbed him on the foot and pulled him to me. He clutched me on my neck and surprisingly gave me a kiss because I replied after short hesitation. Our tongues found each other and played together and when he loosened from me, he said that he was now sure and that he would like to gain his first experience with a man with me. He said that he was now horny and led my hand into his swimming trunks, where I could feel all his masculinity.

I took his stiff penis in my hand and made slight wanking movements while he was enjoying it with a smile. It didn’t take too long, Kai started to moan and pulsate his cock, I noticed that he injected his boys juice into the sea in several spices. When he had calmed down again, he said that it was horny and now took me between my legs around my legs. He pulled my swim shorts over his hip and started to get me down, I went through it like a flash as a flash as a quay jerked my stiff penis and I now had a lot of trouble keeping my head over water.

But he made it so tender and horny that it didn’t take long for me and the fish in the Adriatic got an extra portion of food that I pumped into the sea in several spices. Now I kissed Kai again and now we swam back to the beach. Once there, we made an appointment here on the beach for the next day and went back to his hotel, who were just a few meters apart.

The story with Kai did not get out of my head so quickly in the hotel, the boy was a real grenade for his age and the mutual jerking off in the sea was really sharp and the thought that we could possibly be observed gave me another kick! The evening passed without greater events and when I lay down in bed, the anticipation for seeing again with Kai was big. The Bengel had somehow impressed me with its relaxed uncomplicated manner.

After breakfast I grabbed my things and went to the beach, when I got there I was unpacking my things when I heard the boys arrive. They spread back near me and greeted me briefly, with Kai smiling at me with a wide grin and then disappearing into the sea with his buddies first. I, on the other hand, sonnen a little and read in my book. Suddenly I was torn from my lethargy by some water splashes and looked up and immediately saw again the smile of Kai who gave me the cooling.

He was alone and said that Oliver and Marc would still have in the water and that he was cheating with the excuse that he was cool. He took his towel and lay down next to my couch and told me that he really liked our campaign yesterday and that he hope for more. I also told him that I found it really cool and had nothing against a repetition. When I looked down at him I could see that his bathing lort was already praying out and thinking was horny again? He grinned at me again with his enchanting smile and said: “What does it mean here again? I’m always horny!“I told him that I was always at your age and we talked about God and the world.

At lunchtime, Kai and Marc briefly disappeared into their hotel to get their rubber boat when they were back and had pumped it out, they set sail as they meant. I went into the sea with the boys and swam a bit next to their boat, but then they went full throttle and hanged out easily. I swam back to the beach and went to my place. The boys came back after an hour and disappeared towards snack to breastfeed their hunger and thirst.

Kai then came back to the square and said that the other two want to check the beach for women once, but he didn’t feel like it. He asked me if I could rub him in with sunscreen, otherwise he would catch a sunburn. No said, I creamed his back and shoulders and was able to feel his almost young muscles, when I touched Kai, a muscle was noticeable and pressed against my short. Kai turned and asked if we didn’t row out a bit together in the inflatable boat? He looked at me so seductively that I couldn’t say no.

After we were far enough from the shore and also had a huge safety distance to the most floating in the sea, Kai became a little braver again. We sat opposite each other in the rubber boat and could almost stretch our feet. Kai said that he would have been waiting for an opportunity all the time to have sex with me again, as he expressed himself. He went into the crotch with his feet and massaged mine tail and my eggs through the fabric of the shorts.

These touches did not miss its effect and my cock pumped full with blood and pressed against my pants from the inside. I lifted my butt briefly and pulled my pants down to my ankles so that my stiff tail shot into freedom in a flash. Kai did it to me, but pulled out his bathing lort completely and presented me with his boy’s cock, which had a considerable size, in full bloom. Yesterday under water his cock didn’t seem so big to me, now I thought the device definitely has 18x4cm and does not fit the muscular but maybe only 170cm big boy.

Kai Blank was around the cock, I could feel that yesterday and his glans was almost covered by the foreskin, only the top peeked out underneath. I enjoyed his plump masculinity and stroked him with his feet as he did me. We had to be careful, first that we didn’t get any nodes in our feet and secondly that we were not surprised by someone, the latter causing me an additional kick. When we both sat in the boat with hard masts and the lint became too exhausting, Kai turned and now sat in front of me with his back, so that my hard tail pressed his back and I could reach for his cock around him,which I now touched with my right hand and started moving his foreskin in front of and back.

I had the feeling that his cock became even harder during these wanking movements and the praise was also plentiful from his pleasure channel. Kai groaned quietly, then always wilder and when it was shortly before the cumshot, I heard to jerk off and instead worked on his nipples, so that the little nipples became as tight as his youthful cock. We kissed and our tongues also played with each other, the boy was horny and wanted to puss. My penis was jammed between our hot body and I also had to control myself so as not to cum out.

Then I took his cock back in my hand and started the game from the front, Kai trembled all over the body, groaned, sigh and whine, please let me inject me. But I had no mercy and stopped again shortly before the redeeming orgasm and worked on his nipples again by licking her with my mouth and lighting his stiff nipples with my teeth. Kai Schmolz there in my arms and was only trembling and moaning. Then I went over to the final sprint and turned it in such a way that he was now on his back on the boat, so that you could hardly see him from the outside and jerked his now slim tail, which was like one, nice with even wanking movements and kneadedAgain and again his plump testicles until the redeeming departure.

Kai unlocked with loud moans and shot the first three throws of his boys juice in a high arc from the rubber boat into the sea, and he inject the rest and me on the body. I jerked him the last drop from his now only half -tire cock and Kai took a few minutes to recover from this number. He looked at me with a smile and just said: “Wow, that was the hottest departure I’ve had so far!“I also answered with a smile on my lips:“ Nice for you, but mine is now waiting for it too!“Kai said no problem and started to edit my cock. It was awesome as he jerked me with his hands and also made my eggs the necessary tenderness to get gently pressing them.

I was waxed by the boy in the seventh heaven and so it didn’t take too long to get to orgasm and how he injected a lot of sperm. After I had calmed down again, we both jumped naked into the sea to clean ourselves from our traitous traces. After we put on our swimming trunks again, we rowed back to the beach and Kai told me that he had never experienced anything like this and whether he could visit me in the hotel tonight? He found the experienced so much and wanted to try one or the other. I gave him my room number and we made an appointment in the late evening.

When we arrived in our place, Oliver and Marc were also back and told that they had met two girls with whom they had to go with tonight at the disco wanted to meet. Kai replied briefly and flush: “Nice for you!“Since it was quite late, we all packed up, said goodbye and trotted towards the hotel.

After dinner, I was drawn to the hotel bar, where I took a few drinks and wanted to bridge the time until Kai appeared. From the bar in the lobby you had a good eye on the entrance area of the hotel and so I could see Kai when he entered the hotel. So shortly after 10:00 p.m. he appeared, saw me in the bar and joined it.

I donated two drinks to him, but then Kai urged us to go into my room. Once there, he looked around and said that the equipment would be something different than with them in the hotel and he immediately let himself fall on the big bed. I offered him another drink, but he said by a sly smile that he would now like to get something else and came up to me and gave me a kiss. We kissed passionately and our tongues played together, which did not miss its effect.

I could feel Kai’s erection and the physical contact did not pass by without a trace. When our lips detached each other, Kai said that in our gimmicks yesterday and today and the whole thing would have made it so hot that he now ventured the next step and be with me first time wanted to experience. I promised him that I wanted to fulfill his wishes and that nothing happens that he doesn’t want. You determine what happens and how far we go, I breathed in his ear.

In the meantime we were lying in bed and kissing and stroking ourselves tenderly. I pulled Kai over his head and got rid of my shirt. His nipples were already stiff and I took them alternately and worked on them while he was stroking my bump in his pants. Kai groaned slightly when I licked his nipples with my mouth and let my tongue circle it.

I now opened his short -tense short and pulled it down and underpants, where. I still thought to myself, but dear God meant it well with the boy that the part had easily 18x4cm and stood like a one. Kai was now on my back and I leaned into his lap now put on hand and pulled his foreskin back over the plump and moist acorn, so that it elicited a sigh. I approached his cock with my mouth and licked his juice and circled his glans with my tongue with my tongue winged down the shaft to his eggs, which I then licked and back to his glans.

The boy lay there with their eyes closed, enjoyed the treatment and groaned out of sheer rapture. When I put my mouth around his horny cock, it was about his mastery, instantly cocked off the boy and injected his warm cream with several spells in my mouth. I hardly came after swallowing, so much ejaculated the boy and shouted his redemption that I was already afraid, the rooms heard us. After I swallowed his sauce, I licked his cock clean and let him out of my mouth.

Kai was still on her back, shrugged all over the body and took a few minutes to calm down. When he opened his eyes, he just said that it was incredibly beautiful and gave me a kiss. Now it was my turn and after I had freed myself from my pants and underwear, Kai took my cock into my hand without a hesitation and made a few hesitant wanking movements, leaned forward, pulled my foreskin back and carefully licked with his tongueMy glans. He also licked the shaft up to the eggs and not only worked it out with his mouth but also pressed it slightly with his hand, which triggered a great feeling in me and broke back to the glans.

When he did this for a few minutes he interrupted his actions, looked at me and said: “I want to be fucked by you now!“I hardly believed it, the boy who looked like Adonis and was also well stocked wanted to be fucked than to take the initiative myself. I told him, have a moment, went to the bathroom and came back with lubricant and condoms. I conducted him in such a way that he knelt on all fours on the bed and first edited his rosette, which he presented to me so magnificently with sliding cream. I first introduced him to his hole to stretch it a little and see his reaction.

When the finger penetrated the sphincter, he quickly shrugged but then easily moaned. I added a second and third fingers and then gave Kai so far that we could try our luck. I put on a condom, smeared my cock with an extra dose of lubricant and positioned me behind Kai so that my cock was right in front of his rosette. First I drove up and down his poreates with my cock and then put it on his hole.

Slowly my glans penetrated through his sphincter, Kai groaned and trembled all over the basket and said: “Push him in and fuck me!“Said done, I gradually pushed my cock into his grotto until I was in there until I was a stop. The boy groaned and whined and said that it feels cool to be so filled out. When he got used to my cock I started with the fucking movements and pulled out my part and pushed it back in and fucked him nicely in rhythm. Kai now buried his face in the pillow and enjoyed the fuck.

His cock stood out of rock again and I worked it out with one hand from behind while I fucked him. Kai was just a bundle of twitching meat and when his strength swands we made a change of position. Kai was now on the side of the bed and I fucked him further from behind. The boy enjoyed the fuck and now jerked himself his cock, we both moaned for the bet and I noticed how the juices climbed up in me.

I pulled my cock out of his hole, pulled the condom down, turned Kai on her back and completely jerked myself to the finish and injected my whole load, in several bumps, quay on the stomach and chest area up to the neck. Kai jerked his cock and also inject his sperm on the body, so that our juices mixed up and ran down on the side of his body and sucked the bed. Both let us fall on the bed without a word to recover from this number. When we had recovered something, we went under the shower to clean ourselves and then took a drink to us.

Kai’s eyes beamed and he told me that because of his inclinations, he was not quite sure whether he was gay or is on the other gender and that he had just experienced so much and he felt an inner satisfaction,that he is safe and can admit that he likes boys and men. Kai spent the whole night and the remaining three days of my vacation at night in the hotel and was a learned student. But we also agreed that our love affairs already has no chance of continued existence because of the age difference and the spatial distance (he in Hamburg, I in southern Germany) and is a horny vacation adventure. I think Kai will get to know and love a nice boy at home and can enjoy a hopefully happy future.

I wish him all my heart!

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