Least of a manager | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Annika clicked down/finish down/Windows and then immediately bravely on the OK button. One last look at the clock gave her the knowledge that it was 21:34. She thought: “Damn, so late again …” And then she already saw her company’s logo on the monitor and right after that idiotic “You can now switch off your computer”. She packed a few papers in her black shoulder bag and made her way to the elevator.

She pressed the “I-Dude-Gerne-after-Lunting-Knopf” and waited.

She was 29, big and successful. Yes, she was successful. She was now in 12. Stock, 3 under the boss.

4 years ago she was still in 2. been. She was ambitious, even very ambitious and worked like an obsessed.
“Thing” the elevator tore her out of her thoughts. She climbed him and pressed on “Pi”.

Yes, the times when she had to go from home 30 minutes earlier to find another parking space. Since her move “upwards” she had her own parking space in the company’s own garage that was decorated with a small brass shield with a small, her name. The elevator slid towards private life and Annika’s mood fell with him 13 floors down. In her private life she was less successful.

She had come to this city because of the company and had to admit that no friends found it, let alone a man. As well as? She worked 12 hours a day. After that she was happy her Legs To be able to put on. Your party mood was usually a little less than not available.

“Ding” she was in the parking garage.

She moved a quick step towards her 190 Mercedeses and got in. She started that a roller gate controlled by a light barrier opened rattling and in a few seconds she moved her car and herself from the glaring neon light of the garage into the darkness of the city. “Should I do it again?“A slight tingling sensation was noticeable in her stomach and her mouth was slightly dry. “No Anni, last time you said it was the last time or not? But it’s Friday.

Friday evening. You have to treat yourself to something too.“Her 2 halves of the brain began a bitter struggle that caused the barely existing vibration of her luxury body to be strange in her. “No!“, She still thought,“ that’s perverse, I don’t need that.“, She was already tore the steering wheel in Hemm and just caught the exit of the city highway, which she would lead to the place of her wishes. From now on she moved like in a trance.

It wasn’t far anymore. Many single -family houses stood in this really beautiful district of the city. She trembled slightly. No more back.

She was here. She parked her car on the roadside and left him.

A man came down the street and greeted her. In her thoughts, she said briefly “night” and went to the cast iron door in the White House.

Now quickly. Nobody should see them. She pressed briefly on the bell and 10 seconds later the flap in the door pushed to the side. The door opened immediately and she looked at the woman in the eye.

“Good evening, nice to see you again, please come in.“She followed the woman in the small lounge. There was a sofa, 2 armchairs and a small bar. “What can we do for you today?“Asked the lady kindly. Annika replied in a trembling voice: “The whole program.”

The woman looked at her skeptically.

“Are you sure?“Annika would like to be sunk in the ground. She knew that nothing had to be embarrassed here, but somehow it was terrible for her every time. She said quietly: “Yes, the whole program.“And after that should finally be the end of it. Once you have had everything, it must be enough ..

“Also wish the audio treatment?“Annika considered a second and repeated a little safer:“ Yes, the whole program.“The woman went to the small desk in the room and started filling a form. Annika knew this process major. She would have to sign the wiper to get the treatment. With her signature she would confirm that everything would happen out of her free will and that she would forget from all legal steps against the institute.

The woman handed her the paper and a ballpoint pen and Annika put her curved signature under the pre -printed and only in some places by hand filled in hand. “You pay with a card, right?“Annika nodded and gave the woman her visa card without a word. “The whole program, 850 DM, right?“Asked the woman after. Annika nodded again.

The money was the smallest problem.

In two weeks she would get her credit card statement on which “cosmetic treatment” would be shown on a beauty farm. She was also familiar with this approach, but her treatment had never cost so much money before, 500 marks had been her limit, which she now exceeded with great inner unrest. “We still have a patient at the moment, but she is already in the relaxation room. The device is being cleaned and disinfected, please take a few more minutes.

May I offer you something to drink?“Annika wanted to deny first, but then asked for a whiskey. She sat on the sofa and tried to suppress her excitement a little, but the trembling that her whole body was plagued was rather worse. The woman served the drink and immediately disappeared afterwards. Annika was alone.

She put the glass on her mouth and emptied it in one train. The alcohol Rowled her throat and Annika immediately calmed down again. The tremor weaker and a pleasant warmth spread.

“Actually stupid from me..“, She thought herself. She was already the fourth time in the institute and was hardly less nervous than on her first visit.

Her first visit had to be eight or nine months ago. She had bought the city magazine to season her private life with some culture. At the end of this magazine she found the personals. She likes to read such ads and read one after the other until her interest suddenly got stuck in a very specific ad in the erotic/other section: “Serious relaxation for women from experienced female team.

No physical contact. Satisfaction guaranteed. Discreet. Tel: 32345874 “She was interested in this advertisement immediately.

No physical contact? Relaxation, eroticism? At first she was curious, then interested. She would never have answered one of the indications of the numerous men who absolutely had to indicate the size of her limb in her advertisements. But this ad … she didn’t go out of her head.

Days passed, weeks. She had long since thrown away the magazine. How accidentally she bought the latest edition of the magazine at the gas station. Although she didn’t want to admit it, the cinema program was not the reason for your purchase.

Once at home, she immediately leafed into the black and white pages at the end of the magazine and there … the advertisement was switched again. It was Friday, like today. She called.

And now she was here for the fourth time. She had received the first treatment for free. The woman said after leaving the house like in a dream “see you soon.“She kept right.

She was torn out of her thoughts when the door to the treatment tract opened. The result was a young lady with a glassy look.

She chose her a bit wide, but seemed to be happy thoroughly. Annika was amazed. The girl was eighteen, maybe twenty. What paths they had led here? She was also perverted? Was perverted by Annika himself? She didn’t want to worry about it.

Not now. The girl step towards the exit, smiled briefly and had disappeared from her life with the quiet closing of the door. At the same time the door opened through which the woman had disappeared a few minutes ago and she came back into the room. “You saw the last patient?“Asked the woman.

Annika nodded. “Your friend gave her the” little treatment “for her birthday.“Annika could well imagine how the girl had to feel. She was probably here several times? Apparently already, the first treatment was free, or not …? “You can now go into the treatment tract if you want.“Annika did not answer, got up immediately and went towards the treatment tract. “Do you need help?“Annika said no and step through the door.

She fell behind her in the castle and she was in another world.

While the “waiting room” was warm and cozy, the ambience of this wing was cool. The floor and the walls were flows and it smelled of disinfectant. The one that was unusual for them was the high temperature in the tract. It had to be close to 30 degrees.

The heat and the strange smell quickly changed their condition. The tremor became stronger again and her subconscious slowly adjusted to the things that would come there. “Krck. Please use changing room number 1 and then come directly into the treatment room.“The invisible loudspeaker fell silent and Annika pushed the door to the changing room aside.

The changing room was simple. 3 hangers on a bar and a mirror. No stool or the like. Annika put her bag on the floor and began to undress.

She first took off blazer and blouse and hanged her on one of the brackets. Her knee -length skirt got the second temple. Now she stood in front of the mirror in her underwear and looked at herself briefly. She was wearing a simple black one bra With a matching panties and black holders.

She looked good. She was even very attractive. Maybe she should look for a man. Maybe the nice technician from the 4.

floor? But the hierarchy. She rejected the thought, grazed panties and stockings and recently opened her bra. Finally. She loved this short feeling of liberation every evening.

The pressure on her chest disappeared and she had the feeling of being able to take a deep breath. Her heavy breasts sagged a few centimeters towards the center of the ground. It was so far. The cabins were connected to the treatment room.

She only separated one door from the machine.

She pushed her aside and entered the huge, high room. The door to the changing room closed slowly and it was back. At the place she feared he could make it obsessed. The room was flows like the rest of the wing.

A wall was mirrored, she knew that the woman (or maybe another woman) was already sitting behind it). However, the Domi-kidney in the room was clearly the machine. The machine that she had already given up three times. The machine that did things with her that she would not have thought possible.

She actually looked like a very highly changed car seat. However, he was in a slightly different angle. The seat was with black leather covered and was heatable, as she already knew. The well -known strange devices that she had not all got to know about so far stood around the chair, but today because of the “full program” would probably experience everyone.

There were metal arms with limb -like bodies at the ends, many cables with plastic cutters at the ends, suction cups, a container with white liquid and much more. All devices were either on the car or hung from the ceiling. The cables of all devices disappeared into the ceiling and probably led to the mysterious room behind the mirror wall.

“Good evening.“The voice that she kept a shudder out of her welcomed her. No, it wasn’t the woman from the waiting room, or..? “Do you have any special wishes in audio trade?“Annika had to admit that she didn’t know exactly what the audio treatment was and shook her head.

“No, do what you think …” “Good, please take a seat, one Sister will come immediately and prepare the treatment.“Annika knew about what would come, she sat on the chair and waited. She had already used the “small treatment” and twice the “medium treatment”. The “big treatment” had a special feature. It was not revealed what exactly she included.

This made the situation a little more exciting. The leather was already heated and Annika rose half -sitting, half lying the chair. Her butt touched the leather and Annika felt a cozy tingling between her legs. It would be exhausting but that didn’t matter to her.

She was horny. That didn’t happen often, but when it happened it was about Annika. But she wanted to take it easy and at least tried to relax a little.

She heard the door opened behind her. The sister came.

She didn’t know her. Another strange of this house. This was already the fourth sister she saw. Annika said “good evening.“Immediately afterwards, the deep female voice from the loudspeaker sounded again:“ Please be quiet.

This is absolutely necessary for the success of the treatment.“Annika frightened. Yes, she had forgotten that. Every time she made this mistake. Even the sisters never spoke a word.

The sister was dressed classically. She wore a white clinic suit, sandals and a small white hood. Your hair was pitch black. She had a pretty face, but was otherwise a bit slimming.

She didn’t move a mine. Annika had never heard a word here in the clinic tract. No smile had ever been elicited from the sisters. The sister reached under the seat and pulled out 2 rails between Annika’s legs, which were also padded with leather.

Annika knew these rails. They were leg supports that they would be tied up so that no freedom. The rails could be folded on hinges so that the car seat suddenly turned into a gynecological chair.

“Please slide so far that your buttocks move slightly over the edge of the seat,” it echoed from the loudspeaker. Annika slid down a bit and the sister meant her with a pressure on her knee that the position was now good.

Immediately afterwards she took her right leg and put it on the right rail. She did the same with her left. She was sitting there as broadly as with Gynecologist. Strangely enough, she did not be ashamed.

Maybe because it was a “sister” she placed there? In any case, she could see her directly between her legs. The same applies to the woman behind the mirror wall. Or were they women? Or maybe even men? Maybe she was even filmed, but these thoughts quickly rejected her. Discretion is discretion.

Or not? Her stomach contracted briefly, or was it already her vagina? She slowly felt heat up. Then she felt the well -known pressure on her right ankle. The sister had pulled the wide band around her joint and slowly suddenly tightened it. It must have been comparable to a seat belt in the car.

She was already delivered to her fate.

She could not reach her ankle on her own, otherwise she would have fallen from the chair and would certainly have hurt quite a bit. She tried to move her leg as a test. The thigh up to about the knee could still be moved, but her leg was fixed towards ankle. The sister now took care of her left ankle.

Annika started to tremble again. Should it stop? That was still possible at all? She straightened her upper body and was about to start saying something, she didn’t even know anything when suddenly the cool voice said from the loudspeaker: “Sister, gas!”. Then everything went very fast. The sister stepped behind Annika’s head and grabbed her full hair hard.

Annika was so perplexed that she was unable to react for a few seconds. Her hair roots hurt and she already had a mask over the mouth and nose. Annika instinctively took the mask and wanted to remove her, but with her excitement she breathed so quickly that she robbed herself every possibility of resistance.

She felt a sweet taste on her tongue and at the moment her head became very light. Or he became difficult? He seemed to have gotten bigger, her arms have long hung on her body and the heaviness, or was it slowly flooded with her whole body.

The hand no longer pulled on the hair. She breathed calmly now, she relaxed. Train for train she sucked the gas slowly into her lungs. From there it seemed to flood the whole body.

She noticed that she was lay. She had put herself? The tiles on the ceiling dancing in front of their eyes. “So, our little patient will be good?“Annika wanted to say something but strangely, she couldn’t move her lips. She tried to take a clear thought of analyzing her situation as she did in the office always did, but her thoughts jumped.

She moved her head to the right cumbersome. Her arm was already fixed on the right joint and the sister moved to her other side. She hadn’t noticed how the sister had ran out the rail. Annika wanted to move her still free arm but even though he feels lightless she could hardly raise him.

The sister pulled out the rail, put Annika’s arm in and with two short, trained handles she took the freedom of her last member.

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