Brought up from daddy to the uninhibited hooker | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Always gave me mine Father The blame for the death of mine Mother, that died of my difficult birth. He never got over this loss and always let me feel that. My mother’s things were still scattered everywhere in the house, as if she had to come home every moment. And for over 18 years.

Oddly enough, I had developed the irresistible urge to wear my mother’s clothes in my puberty, I slipped into her lingerie, pulled her fine tights over my legs and, last but not least, clothes and pumps were added.

At the age of 18, things fit me extremely well, since my mother was a very petite person and as a boy I wasn’t exactly the biggest in my class.

Since my father was a shift worker, I had the opportunity to turn into a girl in the evening. It worked for quite a while, when I was 19 I got my Abitur and looked for a studies. However, since this was not so easy, I was sitting at home all day and always waiting longing for my father to finally go to work.

In the meantime, I had become quite good what the make -up made, my hair was long enough (that was not unusual for boys at the time), so I would have actually given a pretty nice girl. Even then I paid great attention to my figure, shaved every new body hair immediately and tried not to build a muscle mountains.

Only my feet slowly grew out of my mother’s shoes, so I had to buy from my meager pocket money which. Since there is no one back then Internet gave and an order from the catalog was too risky for me (my father was very curious when mail came), I had to cycle or bad to the city and search for suitable pumps in the shoe store there in the shoe store. It was easier than expected, it was carnival time and I simply claimed that I needed the shoes for an event in the men’s group. So so I came back home with black paint pumps with 8cm heel.

When my father went back to work, I got out a picture of my mother (that was created on the last New Year’s Eve before my birth).

A beautiful woman, I could have fallen in love with her myself.

I put the picture next to the bathroom mirror and began to make up as it could be seen in the picture. I also fried my hair like this. Then I took out this evening dress and fine top desse from her wardrobe and put everything very carefully. Then I slipped into my new pumps and looked at myself extensively in front of the big mirror in the bedroom.

It was almost frightening how similar I saw my mother.

I put a hit plate on the plate and danced to myself. I imagined that I was at this party now. The music was quite loud, so I didn’t hear how the key turned in the front door and it opened. It was only when I happened to look towards the living room door again that I saw my father standing there with tears in my eyes.

I quickly switched off the music and wanted to disappear into my room, but my father blocked my way.

I stood in front of him with a red head. He took me by the hand, put the music back on, then only said “Damn, you look the same as your mother!“In my arms and danced with me.

The rest of the evening he no longer behaved like my father, but like an admirer on a dance evening. He gave us champagne, asked me to dance again and again, made me compliments for my appearance.

He did not blame me to be somehow perverted or a tunet, he apparently enjoyed dancing with “his wife” and frankly, I also enjoyed being courted as a girl. It got late and I wanted to go to bed, I was tired, but I wanted to react my lust beforehand.

I always did it that way when I had “transformed”. Once laid out briefly, then I was always quiet, but then had a bad feeling and just wanted to get out of the “women’s matters”. So also that evening. I just pulled out the dress and put myself in my bed with tights, lingerie and pump.

I put mine tail free and satisfied myself. After injecting a full load on my stomach, I finally wanted to get out of my clothes. I stooded into the bathroom to clean myself and just wanted to take off my father back in front of me. He forbade me to take off the lingerie and there was a very violent argument.

My father was of course completely superior to me, he grabbed my arm without further ado and pulled me into my room.

Still in lingerie, pantyhose and pumps he threw me on the bed. From the bedroom he quickly got some tights from my mother and tied my arms and legs to the bed posts so that I was defenseless on the bed in the “X”.

“I’ve been on sick leave for 14 days today, so I came home earlier today. And in these 14 days you won’t wear any other clothes for a second or run around without makeup. As long as I am at home, you will Nicole play!“By the way, Nicole was my mother.

I could only nod slightly in fright, I couldn’t get a word out anymore. So I should now run around as a girl for at least 14 days? But it got even worse. Since he was quite a bit alcohol had forgotten, he forgot all inhibitions. He pulled out his pants and sat on my chest.

Then he took out his penis through the intervention of the underpants and held it on my lips. With one hand he jerked it stiff, with the other he kept my nose and exactly the moment I wanted to snap for air, he put the part in my mouth. “Yes Nicole, and now blas”, his words, which soon went over to moan, because he made deep fucking movements. It only took seconds to splash his sperm deep into my throat.

He left his cock in my mouth for a while until the last drop ended up on my tongue. “Yes Nicole, that was cool, finally you’re back!“I choked and I felt dog elderly, but that didn’t bother my father in the slightest. He put on again and just left me so helpless.

The next morning he tied me off after he had put on a black stretch of stretch and a white bluse.

“Off to the bathroom, washing, shaving, make -up and putting on – but Dalli!“Was the only thing I heard from him. I knew from the past what happened when I didn’t obey him, I had had his handprint on my face several times several times.

And since I actually enjoyed being dressed as a girl, so I obeyed him. I put on the things, made a more extensive make -up than on the previous evening and touped my long hair into a lion mane, then I slipped back into my pumps and ran into the kitchen, where my father was already waiting for breakfast. He had never made breakfast for me since I went to school, but that day the table was richly covered.

When I wanted to sit down, he grabbed my arm, pulled me to him, kissed me on my mouth and just sat on his lap. As I drank coffee and ate my rolls, he stroked me constantly under my skirt through the thin panties.

After I had had breakfast, he pressed me under the table and I had to blow his stiff cock again and swallow his sperm again. As soon as he was done, he pushed me into my room and fixed me again on the bed in “X” position.

“I just have to go into town quickly, go shopping and so that you don’t make me stupidness here, you will stay that way for now!“I still had the sperm taste on my tongue and actually just wanted to brush your teeth, but he just said that I should get used to the taste. So again I stayed on my back for a few hours in this uncomfortable position. It was only in the afternoon that my father came back home, heavily packed with countless bags and boxes.

He parked all of this in my room, but did not freed me from mine Tie up. He gradually showed me every single part that he had bought.

Pumps and boots in different colors and paragraph heights, straps belts with suitable stockings, paint and leather dessous, partly open in the crotch, a latex overall and a number of dildos. Vibrators and butt plugs in different sizes. “You have enough clothes of your mother and everyday underwear, but these things are only for special occasions – just the shoes, I thought you couldn’t go on the street with your high heels, so I also have a few flatterBrought pumps “.

On the street? I had heard right? That couldn’t be serious to send me to the street as a girl! I always dreamed of it, but that was just dreams! I would never have thought seriously to do that ..

Finally he tied me and sent me to the toilet.

But even there he followed me. When I emptied myself, he pointed to a last small package that stood on the bathing tub. He opened it and took out a enema bag, which he filled with lukewarm water. I had to bend down and he pushed the nozzle in my butt, which was pretty painful.

He let almost two liters of water flow into my intestine, then he removed the nozzle and ordered me to put together that it shouldn’t fall on the tiles. After over five minutes I was finally allowed to go to the toilet again, the pressure was hard to endure. The procedure was repeated three times before I was allowed to pull the panties and tights back up.

When I got to my room, my father captivated me again in the usual way, pulled my panties down slightly and put the smallest of the butt plugs in my rosette. Then he pulled the panties and tights backwards, the skirt down and left me alone again.

Two hours later he came back to me, removed the plug and examined it carefully.

It was not the slightest trace of any excrement and he was visibly satisfied. For this he now unpacked the next largest plug and put it back in.

After dinner (I still had the plug in myself) the enema game repeated itself. I was now given the third and biggest plug, now I had to put on another bodice brief via panties and tights and let myself be captivated in bed again. My father put a vibrator under my top panties and switched it on at the highest level.

This was now on my back bent tail and stimulated me scary. My father went into the living room and I was now there, defenseless with a huge eumel in the buttocks and a vibrator on the tail. It didn’t take long for me to – without touching my penis – had a mighty orgasm and sucked the panties and tights. Unfortunately there were very good batteries in the vibrator, so I was tortured by the thing for hours.

At some point my father came to me, bound me and sent me to the toilet again to empty me and remove my sperm. There were already new lingerie ready for me. Halterless, black stockings, a black paint overall, the penis and buttocks freely and chest prostheses.

So I pulled the stockings over my hairless legs, put on the silicone tits and slipped into the overall. With my additional stilettos I stuck back into my room.

My father threw me on the bed and spread my legs. Without saying a word, he put his thick penis in my rosette and fucked me hard and adamant in the butt. Since I was already stretched well by the plugs, it didn’t even hurt very much and after a short time it even made me horny myself. I continued to press my butt until I could feel his testicles on my buttocks.

My father already had a handsome part and I felt it in full length in me and although I had come through the vibrator several times, I still inject the bed sheet fully in front of my father. It wasn’t until some time later that I felt his cock began to twitch and pressed a large load of his juice into the intestine.

He pulled out his cock and quickly put the big plug back in so that his sperm could not run out and promised me if I were good and neither went to the toilet nor would change something, I should sleep without being disadiented this night. Of course I promised him before he grazed a black rubber panties over the overall so that the plug would stay well seated.

In the next few days and weeks, the game repeated itself again and again, enema, plug, blowing, fucking and I no longer slept in my room, but with my dad in the marriage bed. Whenever he fucked me, he snuggled up to me and slept with me.

At the end of November I turned 20 and my father gave myself new clothes and shoes for his birthday (lingerie and stockings he actually bought for me), I was now completely caught in the role of girls, had not worn a single male garment for several months and was alsovery often as a woman outside on the street.

I now felt very comfortable when his lover and wasted little thought of my male self. Likewise, I have liked to be helplessly tied up for some time, it often happened that I stood in a hook in the ceiling in the ceiling in the leather overall and high heels with a spreading rod between my legs and high -raised arms and look at porn films with my father. Likewise, I had lived to the gag that were given me in the meantime. While the porn had to (or were allowed) I then satisfied my father orally, which I also enjoyed more and more.

At some point he told me that my mother had also stood on these games and liked to be captivated. So I not only saw my mother very similar, I also had the same predispositions as you. Maybe I should have been better a girl after all – but although, I was practically too.

For Christmas, my father only gave me clothes this year, from the “little black” to the dirndl for the next Oktoberfest. Of course, the right shoes were not missing either.

In a last gift package I found a big surprise.

A maiden dress made of black latex with white tips, white apron and white grave, plus black ballet ankle boots (the parts with 20cm heel and straight foot), plus a black lace straps and black seam nylons. That would be for our little New Year’s Eve he said. But I was too curious and tried the boots immediately. Of course, I couldn’t stand by it, let alone run, but it was a great feeling to wear these parts.

My father only said that they were even there to hang me on the blanket, then I would not fall over with it.

I was damn excited about the New Year’s Eve and already imagined how my father would take me and pamper me.

The week until the turn of the year passed extremely slowly, because my dad also had no sexual intentions at that time. We were traveling in the city every now and then, I in the long skirt and with quite flat shoes and he played the gentleman, invited me to cafés and gave me some lingerie when we found something suitable, but otherwise nothing happened at all.

On New Year’s morning then I finally prepared for the evening. I bathed for at least two hours, shaved the smallest hair. Afterwards I massaged a good-smelling body lotion into my skin, painted my toes and fingernails in a bright red, put on my make-up and slipped into the maiden dress.

I strictly put my hair backwards, whereby the braid was almost reached to the buttocks.

Then I put on the grave, tied my apron and took out my 12cm pumps. I only wanted to put on the ballet boots in the evening.

I took care of the household all day, sucked the whole house, prepared snacks and the punch and looked forward to the evening. I was only surprised at the amounts of drinks and dishes that were in stock, but it should be a long night, so that was certainly justified.

At 7 a.m. it was finally time-I switched from the high heels to the ballet boots and my father helped me to the living room. First he tied my hands together and attached the rope to the hook in the ceiling, then he pulled out my panties and attached a long spreader rod between my ankles.

Completely helpless, I was now stood in the middle of the living room with exposed lower body and spread legs on toe tips. In the video recorder there was already a horny porn film with hearty anal sex scenes. After my dad had given me a vibro plug, we looked at the film for a while until suddenly the doorbell rang. My heart slipped into my pants (which pants???) when my father got up and went to the door as if it were the most normal in the world.

Suddenly there were three couples in the living room, all work colleagues and my father’s women.

Everyone sat around the dining table and used the snacks and the punch. From time to time I got a lustful look, especially the men looked at me uninhibitedly. One pulled out even his camera and photographed me from all sorts of perspectives, until one of the women got up and came to me. It unabashedly grasped me under the too short skirt and played around with her cold hand on my cock, which suddenly became stiff.

She knelt in front of me and took the little one in her mouth. As she blew me, she fucked me with my plug in the butt. It took less than three minutes before I sprayed directly into her mouth after this treatment. She really swallowed everything and then licked my cock clean.

Slimmer and exhausted it was then under my skirt.

But as soon as the woman was back at the table, raised her friend and came to me. First he put one (accidentally?) Ball gag lying around, then he opened his pants and took out his cock. He jerked it stiff, pulled the plug out of my bottom, only to fuck me all the more violently anal. The next woman came and put my cock in her mouth – fucked from behind, blown from the front and I couldn’t defend myself!

As soon as the first guy injected his seed into my asshole, the next one came and penetrated into me without resistance.

I believed my intestine would tear, so thick was his cock. Again I had an orgasm and also sprayed my sperm into the mouth and face to the second woman when I got the second load in the intestine. And even the third guy immediately started to plug my little hole. Completely finished I hung on the ceiling hook.

My butt burned hellishly, my little one was almost dead and my feet slowly hurt extremely in the boots.

I was now left behind by my father from the ceiling, but only to be tied up immediately in the “Hogtie” on the sofa. Alternately I had to blow cocks and lick cunt. After everyone was really satisfied, they left me so tied up on the sofa and continued to celebrate together. I got a ring gag and drooled to myself until after midnight my father one of the women in front of my eyes bang.

He put himself on the floor right in front of me, the woman sat on him and rode like a wild one until another colleague came and put his pint in her ass. The second woman was then fucked by two men in the same way and the last guy put his cock through the ring in my mouth and fucked me what it was done.

Now it was turned away, every time one of the men injected his juice into a woman, I got the cock to clean in my mouth, whether he had been in a cunt or in one ass. At the end of the evening, every man was allowed to fuck me again and every woman was licked to orgasm by me again.

Even if I had suffered a lot at the beginning, I really enjoyed the evening in the end. I now knew where I was – for my father I was his beloved wife, just a cheap and willing sex object for everyone else.

A beginning of the year that showed me where my social position is.

Such parties now took place more often, but mostly only with men who didn’t even know my father. He sold my pofotze and my blass mouth to strangers, and I was helpless every time. One day my dad came up with the idea of putting his caravan in Landshuter Strasse in Munich, where I should then be useful for men with other hookers. So now I stood in front of the caravan in my ballet boots (yes you can also learn to run in it) and dragged men who wanted to experience something special.

My butt opened for everyone and when blowing the “professionals” could learn something from me. When my father was (hidden) in the caravan, the clients were allowed to captivate me and then “rape” me. If it went too far, my dad reached. But I bet he got you down every time when he watched as I was fucked.

Three years later we had enough money to fly to Thailand.

There my father had me instructed me in a clinic, where I was in a coma for two months. When I woke up again, I had tits (75c) and a cunt, I was operated on to the woman back then.

Today my name is Nicole, I am my father’s wife and go on the line almost every day. I am now a very successful hooker because I have almost everything done with me. I was already tied back onto a table, where a free champagne filled me into my cunt and then drank it out of it.

My father fucks me in all three holes every day and my mother’s clothes still fit me perfectly.

I am the woman and hooker that my father always wanted, but my mother never wanted to be.

And I’m happy to be exactly that. I don’t miss my cock or memories of my male youth.

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