And that made zoom… | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was Saturday evening and it rang on the door. An-Ka and Lady, my dogs, plunged to the doorstep, but miraculously gave no sound of themselves. I got up and could see the outline of a men’s shape through the glass door. When I opened the door stood in front of me.

Bernie is a good friend that I have known for years. We like to go out and talk about our problems. We are both in firm hands, so that you never think about the idea of an intimate Relationship could have come. “Hello Bernie.

What’s up?“I asked him because he looked very closely taken away. “Amy left me,” he replied.

Amy was his girlfriend, they have been a couple for years. I felt very sorry for Bernie. We hugged ourselves and I comforted him as best you could in this situation.

“We want to go out to eat, maybe you will come up with other thoughts?” “If you think so”! he gave back. So we drove towards the city, we had decided on an Italian restaurant. Once there, we sat down at a cozy table, studied the menu and ordered. I haven’t noticed anything about eating myself, but but our hands touched by chance, it had happened.

A crazy feeling chased through my body, such a tingling in the stomach.

We paid for our invoice and left the restaurant. The door of the car not closed yet, we kissed hot and intimate. My hands slid down on his body, my lips touched his hard hard Nipple and sucked up while he was mine nipple kneaded. I kissed his body down, opened the zip of his pants and took the tail that has already grown into the mouth to the huge cock.

I sucked and licked like crazy.
“Yes, my darling, keep it up. I will come right away. Oh, you are good. Yes, yes, ah.“I felt his juice shooting in my mouth and swallowed it down.

When we had put ourselves again, I said: “Bernie, we still want to go to the quarry lake?”” But sure that is a great suggestion, “he replied.

So we drove to the lake, it was a nice night, the moon seemed and you saw the stars flashing in the sky. Holding hands we went to the shore, pulled out and jumped into the quite warm water. We swam around and Bernie had won the race. “And what does the winner get” he called to me.

“You will see that right away when I’m with you”.

I swam towards him, I dipped just before him and took his stand in his mouth. Slowly pulled me up and we were looking for a place in the shallow water. Then his wandered Tongue About my body, which shivered during this treatment, to mine pussy, which he now licked with fervor. He bit me very easily in the clit, the resulting orgasm I will never forget, but Bernie didn’t listen to me to spoil me.

I was always a pointed and could hardly stand it. Now I wanted to feel his cock in me, now on the spot. I turned Bernie on my back and sat on him.

When I felt the hard strap, as he entered me, I was already over the first time. Then he took me from behind, I felt his cock very deep in me, again and again he pushed, he almost brought me around the mind, we often changed positions and I already had several orgasms than he came again.

Our bodies flinched and jerked, it was just wonderful.

I had never experienced anything like that. Slowly Bernie pulled his now tired strap out of my still vibrating pussy. We kissed one last time, then we drove back.
Arrived at home, I was so exhausted I just went into bedroom, put me on the bed and slept as I was, one.

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