My disabled brother [7] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

07 Rest in front of the stormich lock quietly the door behind me. It was hell. Hopefully nobody will meet me in the course. As in a trance, I followed the bright, colored sign to the output. Mean bra I still wore carelessly crumpled in my hand. Finally the automatic input and output door opened and spat outdoors. The cool night air and traffic noise caught me. Fortunately I had that automobile Parked next to the entrance.

I used the central locking, opened the passenger door and threw the bra in the empty passenger seat. As soon as I had closed the driver’s door behind me, I finally felt halfway into safety. The outrageousness that had happened to me slowly crawled the skin up like a threatening ghost. My eyes filled with tears and finally it broke out of me. The whole long drive across the city to my home I was shaken by wine cramps.

When I arrived at home, I threw the heavy front door and immediately locked it. For my protection I also put an armchair under the jack and pulled the heavy chest from the anteroom across the door. I still couldn’t quite believe what had happened to me. Full of disgusting I tore my clothes off my body. Nothing I had worn on my body there, I would ever put on again.

Slip, bra, blouse, rock, shoes, I threw everything in an empty cardboard box. I would dispose of these witnesses of my disgrace later forever. I went into bathroom and put me in the shower. It shivered and I turned the hottest temperature and the hardest beam. I don’t know how long I let the glowing water run down on me. At some point I just switched off, dried myself off and lay down in bed.

My bedroom, Until now the place for intimacy and tenderness, I was suddenly strange to me. My bedside lamp threw uncanny shadows on the wall. I switched it off and snuggled into the ceiling that didn’t warm me. At some point I fell asleep. The spirits of the day followed me into my dreams. I pursued me, did not come from the spot, the danger was getting closer and closer, I woke up in sweat … The next day I called my company in the morning.

I had Helga connected to one of the bosses at Helga at the phone center. I don’t care about anything right now. I knew one thing: nobody would bring me to work next week. I would rather be terminated without notice. Something in the sound of my voice did dr. Self immediately soft and helpful. “Yes, of course I would 14 days Vacation receive!“,“ No, it doesn’t matter, of course I can already start today, all the best!“That’s it.

I let myself fall back into bed relieved. I spent three days in my barricaded apartment. I downloaded the roller blinds, did not accept a phone call, nothing went to the mailbox, nothing. I was just in the bedroom in bed or in Living room on the couch and stared at the ceiling. Again and again the same pictures haunted me through my head. Dr. Münster had done thorough work. Even in my own apartment, I did not oppose his attack.

Everything in me was empty, deaf. In a distant corner of my consciousness, however, I knew that I had to come to a decision. I had time on Thursday. Then he wanted to see me again. I knew that once again I would not survive the same treatment. At the end of the third day the shadows. I fell an exiOvervonmirein. Robertwareinvitalmensch, the next morning the next morning went to the largest bookstore in the city and let me show me the department with Buddhist literature by a friendly, young seller.

I am amazed. Regal on the shelf was filled with books on this topic. I didn’t have that much time. I picked out a book indiscriminately, flogged it, put it back, got the next one. A quote from a book by Jack Kornfeld jumped into the eye: “If a predator follows you, run towards him”. I stelled. The author had easy to write. But what would he say in my situation?I had to admit: the sentence sounded good, but what should I do with him? And yet: the quote couldn’t let go of me anymore.

I still browse through many books, but I always came back to this book and this sentence. Finally I bought it, let it pack it up and drove home like with a valuable treasure that was found just found. I no longer know how often I opened the book and read this little quote: “If a predator follows you, run towards him. “The few words were the lifeguard, where I finally pulled myself out of the swamp of my despair and depression.

I repeated it like a Buddhist mantra and it gave me strength and strength. I only had three days left to prepare for Thursday. I went into the kitchen and prepared the first warm meal after three long days. I was sitting at the dining table, the last rays of the sun warmed me up. Life had me again. I wouldn’t give up without a fight. As long as I felt the breath of life in me, I would fight.

I was practically busy day and night. I drove to all sex shops in the city and in the surrounding area. I was finished on Thursday afternoon. An never experienced calm came over me. I had done everything that was necessary. In a few hours, fate would decide on my future life. I made myself beautiful. First I lay in the warm bathroom, then cremated my whole body from top to bottom and skillfully made myself.

I put on the newly bought bra, closed the tights’ girdle around my pelvis pulled the wafer -thin nylons over mine Legs. Finally. Now I was examined in the mirror. With all modesty – I just looked gorgeous. I couldn’t remember ever had such a sensual and seductive charisma. I took off the high heels again – I couldn’t drive with them – and slipped into my light moccasins.

I slipped into my light summer coat and stowed away the further belongings in the car. At around 5 p.m. I started the car and drove to the home by deciding my further fate ……

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