Shameless Brigitte [2] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: Tom 0 this history is the intellectual property of the author and must not be spread without his consent. Part 2 The first adventure with tension Brigitte now went to her PC this afternoon and called out her emails. She received an email from her husband, which she suddenly lased through. He asked her about 18 this evening. To appear in her favorite restaurant, he would come right after work and she should take a taxi.

He continued to write that he would be happy if she had a chic short skirt and including the new pantyhole and the black network stockings. He also asked her to carry her panties over the stocking belt. Brigitte was a little queasy to mute. It was midsummer and light outside in the evening. She actually didn’t love to wear provocative clothing and certainly not in public in the bright.

Nevertheless, she had to admit a certain excitement. What did her husband have with her?Their tension increased than it was around 17. 30 o’clock was. She showered, cared for, put on an exciting fragrant perfume and put on the laundry desired by Tom. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she found her reflection very exciting. The network stockings emphasized their long, slim Legs and the black color of the Lingerie Suitable for her blond hair.

She had not yet got used to the fact that her pubic hair was shaved off and therefore did not wore dingy tag day. Now she put on a chic stringtanga and was surprised at the pleasant feeling that the cool silk left on her lust hill. As Tom wanted, she wore a (not too) short skirt and a blouse and a blazer over it when she got into the taxi.

She had already arrived in the regular restaurant for 10 minutes earlier. The waiter greeted her and led her to the table that Tom had ordered for both of her. Her regular restaurant was a former wine bar that was now leased by an Italian. There were many intimate places in small niches that could hardly be viewed by others and she was now sitting in such a niche at the table and was annoyed that her husband wasn’t there yet.

Her tension and curiosity could hardly be beaten, but she realized that she was actually too early. She thought extensively about the events since Sunday and felt how a slight excitement suddenly stood next to her and greeted her with a tender kiss. He took a seat to her and briefly told the events of the day while studying the menu together with her.

They opted for some starters, a main course and a bottle of wine and Tom applied the waiter to the waiter. Then he looked at her testing and flattered her with compliments how good she looked. The wine was served, then the starters, then the food and they talked about this and that, everything completely decent and normal. Brigittes tension grew more and more. She began to ask why she should clean herself like that when he hardly responded to it.

Due to her tension, she grabbed the wine glass a little more often and unconsciously than usual and after eating it felt the effect of alcohol. Tom told her, leaned over the table to kiss her and then told about his work again. The waiter had already cleared the table, they had ordered half a liter of wine again and it was still a normal evening. Tom suddenly paused in the middle of the sentence and looked at her with cunning eyes.

“I want you to sit out your panties sitting here and reach it over the table. “Uff. Brigitte was shocked at first. Tom looked her in her eyes and she tried to avoid his eyes. How should she take off her slip here at the table?“If you don’t want, I have no problem with it. Our game would then be over and we would go home without being offended or evil.

“That was blackmail! She had been looking forward to this evening all day and now it was out. At the same moment she almost disappointed whether it should have been all?Her feelings played with her. On the one hand, she kept her inhibition threshold of this to do something indecent, on the other hand, she was excited more and more and was amazed at it. After a few minutes her curiosity kept the upper hand.

She slipped a little on the chair, reached under her skirt and grazed her panties a little cumbersome. She watched her surroundings carefully whether someone would notice something. Then her panties pulled over the shoes and handed him stealthy and inconspicuously hidden in the hand over the table. Tom had observed her closely. She had greatly reddened cheeks and obviously she was pretty warm, which he attributed to the wine on the one hand and on the other hand to her excitement.

While Brigitte roamed her tanga under the table, he looked at her examining and considered whether Brigitte would continue to play the game. When she gave him the panties the table he took the pretty part out of her hand. He disguised the ball and looked at the piece of fabric that was at the entrance of her pleasure cave. He was satisfied with a damp area, looked at it grinning and put the panties on the table openly in front of him.

Brigitte blushed, she got hot and cold. Everyone in the surrounding area was able to see the string tanga spread out on the table and everyone had to see that it was their underwear. Tom realized that he had to continue the game to distract them from these thoughts. “Thank you my sweetheart. How does it feel when there is suddenly air on your shaved one pussy comes?”He asked her. She looked at him a little embarrassed.

“Well, I don’t really know” was the uncertain answer. Tom leaned over the table again to kiss his wife for a long time. “You know you can stop our game at any time. Your panties will then disappear from the table, we pay and then go home to sleep. “Again this extortion. “Do you have even more such surprises for me?”She asked him. “It is still early in the evening and our game has some adventures,” he grinned at her.

Brigitte grabbed the wine glass and drank it on a train. “I’m ready,” she replied briefly. Tom gave her again until the carafe was empty. He himself still had an almost full glass. “You have become horny?” asked he. “Well, I’m already excited,” she replied a little unsafe. “When I look at your Tanga like that, there is more than just a little excitement.

Your pussy has to be really wet. “Brigitte scored the blood into her head, she would have loved to be pounded up. While she was considering whether that was embarrassed or excitement, Tom continued to speak. “With our game I will make sure that you behave like a horny bitch and mine tail is really looking forward to this game. If everything goes well, you will definitely experience some great orgasms, I promise you that.

“He took a short break. “Please don’t forget that I love you, even if I use an ordinary expression today. I would not do anything that hurt you or put you in danger. “Again he leaned over the table and kissed it for a long time. Tom had just sat down and brigitte recovered from the first excitement when the waiter suddenly came to the table.

Slightly grinning he scored the stringtanga, then looked Brigitte directly in the eye and asked if they wanted to drink something else. Both still had a full glass, but Tom ordered two grappa. The waiter went back to the counter to carry out the order. “He looked at me like a hooker” whispered Brigitte zu Tom. “And how did you feel like you?”” Not so great, it was somehow degrading “” you really mean? Come on, we check that.

I want you to grind your skirt over your butt and you ass on the chair. Then you grab your column and check how wet it is. You will then share the result with me, ok?””Are you crazy?“Wanted to call Brigitte. Tom’s expression changed. “Yes I know we can go home too,” grumbled Brigitte. “Exactly” replied Tom. Brigitte lifted her butt slightly and pulled her skirt up to her hips, watching her surroundings closely again.

Nobody seemed to notice anything and through her sitting position nobody could see her chair or look under the table. She took a nervous place again. She felt the pattern of the seat pressed into her buttocks and her blood shot back into her head. Also this time she was not entirely clear whether she was ashamed or excited. She just sat on the chair again when the waiter served the two grappa.

Again he looked at her grinning and directly in the eye and left the table again. “He looked at me again as if I was a hooker,” said Brigitte. “That is no wonder either! You sit here in stumps with a bare ass and shaved cunt at the table and everyone can see that you don’t wear underwear!“Brigitte would have loved to jump up now and would have missed her husband a slap in the face.

It was only at the last moment that she became aware that she couldn’t jump up, because otherwise everyone could see that she had pushed her skirt up to her hips and was almost naked underneath. She sparkled Tom at attack, but he couldn’t be put off. “I think it’s cool as you sit here at the table. It would be best to me if you creep under the table now and blow my cock, but that would be too much of the good.

“Before she could get something, he held the schnapps glass with the grappa and toasted her. She drank the sharp schnapps, contrary to her other habits, on a train. Burning in the throat was good for her and many alcohol more and more loosened their inhibitions. “You know that I don’t like that. But today I would make an exception … ”she countered and gave him a seductive smile.

“No, rather not otherwise slipped through this game,” smiled back Tom back. “You haven’t fully fulfilled my request before. “”What exactly do you mean? I’m already sitting half -naked here at the table. ““ I would like to determine whether your situation is going on, whether you have become horny. Are you horny?“Brigitte thought shortly after. In fact, she felt how it had become wet between her legs and was amazed at it.

She actually sat like a bitch or hooker here at the table and everyone who noticed that had to think about her about her. Nevertheless, she was more than excited that she had to admit that. “To be honest, yes. I am very hot. ““ Only very hot or cool and wet?“Should she lower his obscene expression? Well, it didn’t matter. “Horny and wet!“She said and felt her excitement increased because she noticed that Tom also became very sharp through her words.

Her husband now reached into his briefcase, which he had brought with him and put his digital camera on the table. They had one of the first digital photo cameras that did not have a viewfinder, but had a large display on the back, which served both as a viewfinder and as an image viewer. “I would love to see your shaved pussy now, but I don’t want to crawl under the table, because everyone would notice that.

Please take the camera and take a picture. It would be best for me if you open your column nicely and then take a photo of her under the table. “Brigitte had slowly got used to the ordinary wishes and the many alcohol also wore that they let more and more inhibitions fall. She reached for the camera, slipped back a bit with the chair and spread her legs far.

With the other hand she pulled her labia apart, fixed the camera and pressed off. The flash briefly attracted the attention of the other local goers, but nobody could see anything precisely. She gave her husband the camera brave and said with a smile. “Hopefully your cock will not burst out of your pants when you look at the picture?“Tom reached for the camera, put it on“ Play ”mode and looked at the picture.

It was a horny photo, well taken. You could see exactly the tights and the bare pussy. “Wow, horny!! A real slut cunt … ”called Tom and put the camera without switching it on, on the table. Anyone who stepped closer to the table could see the picture. He reached for his glass and emptied it in one train. Then he called the waiter and asked for the invoice. Brigitte was initially pleased that her husband had obviously lost some control.

When he called for the waiter, she was startled because the camera was still on the table. He wanted to show everyone how they do it?She wanted to reach for the camera quickly, but Tom could just thwart it, “Please leave the camera exactly the same way. “Brigitte now nervously grabbed her glass and emptied it in one train. The waiter stepped at the table and presented the bill.

He looked into the picture in the camera window stole and hardly twitched back. “If you want, you can pay differently,” he said to Tom and nodded towards Brigitte. Before Tom could say something, Brigitte looked him directly in the eye and replied sharply “I am only a bitch for my husband, not for her, not!!??“For a short time speechless, Tom handed the waiter some notes. “Keep the change, please”. The waiter left the table without a word.

Tom looked at his wife thoughtfully. She seemed slightly tipsy and so far she had played the game without much resistance. It was shortly after 20. 00 a.m., outside it was bright enough for the climax of this evening. “Are you ready to continue playing the game?”He asked his wife. “How should it go on? Should I present my pussy the whole place?“Brigitte smiled at her husband. The alcohol had solved its inhibitions so far that it would even have been ready to do so.

“No, now it goes on to a moment. Please pull your skirt back so that we can go. I keep your panties with me. “” Well “. Your answer sounded almost a little defiant. She slipped something back and forth in the chair and then said “Ok, we can”. Tom thought briefly. “Wait, I have an idea. “He rummaged again in his pocket and pulled out a small plastic bag.

Then he got up, took her hand and pulled her up. He got off quickly, brigitte stumbled behind unsafe afterwards. Before she understood where he was going, he had already opened the door of the men’s toilet and pulled it into her hand. Before she registered where she was, he enclosed her with his strong arms and kissed her wildly and passionately. During the kiss, he pulled her skirt back to the hip height and immediately began to wildly clit her clit jerk off.

Brigitte got soft knee, so horny she made his finger game. Still kissing and her clitoris wanking he pushing her in one of the toilet cabinets. As in any other toilet, left and right walls were built on the left and right walls. He gently pressed her down so that she settled on the closed toilet lid. Then he got to her knees, pulled her legs apart and began to kiss her cunt and then lick over her clit.

He pulled her labia apart with his hand, so that her clit could lick it wildly and with his tongue. Brigitte watched his actions in a trance and groaned. It was an indescribably horny feeling, this tongue on her wet Futt. Her husband had never spoiled her with her tongue because she actually didn’t want that. She was always ashamed because she thought he wouldn’t find it pleasant.

Now she was lying in a martis toilet with a high -pushed skirt in network stockings with wide -spread legs and let him lick his cunt. She really had “licking cunt”? Incredible!Tom interrupted his activities and looked at her directly in her eyes. “All of this is more of my taste. You behave completely solved and let me lick yourself in the men’s toilet. Horny, really. How do you feel?“While he spoke these words, he slowly pushed a finger into her dripping wet grotto and began to easily fuck her with it.

Her mouth was dry and she could hardly talk. Nevertheless, she replied “incredibly cool! I’ve never experienced anything like that. “It was more of a moan than a clear sentence. Tom now rummaged out the plastic bag and pulled out something. There were three medium -sized balls connected to a cord. “This will help you keep your lust for the next few hours,” he smeared and kissed them passionately and wildly again.

Then he introduced the first of the three balls into her hot hole. Bit by bit, he pushed the other three balls behind until only a small piece of the cord was visible. When he had sunk the three love balls in her grotto, he licked wild again and she had to groan and put her head back. She now looked up towards the ceiling and saw the face of the waiter, who obviously watched her across the partition all the time.

He fluctuated slightly, she suspected that he jerked his cock. Amazed about her thoughts, she immediately found that it did not disturb her in the least. She felt certain that her husband was with her and he would not allow the waiter to be out of stock of her. At the same time, she excited the idea that he jerked his cock as much as her husband had recently done in the shower.

She grinned the waiter horny and let her tongue slide over her full lips. That was obviously too much for the waiter. She heard him groaned briefly and then his face disappeared. Tom had also noticed the waiter and also the reaction of his wife. Finally she was where he wanted her. He interrupted his activities on her cunt. “Don’t stop, it’s so horny,” asked him Brigitte, but he grabbed her hand and helped her up.

Then he pulled her skirt back into a decent position. “Was nice?”” Yeah, my darling. I’m really horny for you now “. She wanted to fiddly with his pants and felt the hard stick between his legs. “Now not my darling,” she asked Tom on shaky legs from the men’s toilet. When she left the restaurant, the waiter grinned at her and said goodbye with the words “Please come back soon” “now he has looked at you again like a hooker,” Brigitte just gave back a smile, it didn’t bother her further.

It was now around half past eight, and the dusk broke out very leisurely. Tom led Brigitte to automobile and opened the door to her. Before Brigitte started, she pulled her skirt back to the hip height and then sat down in the passenger seat with a naked shame. “These balls are very pleasant, especially when walking. They really turn me on, ”she confessed to him when he took a seat at the driver’s seat. “Where are we going now?““ “We will now put it to the test whether you really become a bitch from you.

“” That sounds good, “said Brigitte back. She was so horny and also quite drunk that she was already looking forward to her next adventure.

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