Horny sex in front of the audience | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The first conversation with my still-wife was calmer than I would have dreamed. “That won’t last long!“Was your opinion on my new love. She also gave me to understand that she would not move out of our shared apartment in which we had arranged ourselves. As a result, I went in search of an adequate apartment for myself and Birgit, because I sincerely hoped that she was also ready to contract with me.

Vieb, vieb. My mobile phone announced a message: cannot come to the inspection. Must work longer. Good luck. KUSS B. The apartment was perfect with a lot of nice extras, and stretched over the first floor and the attic of a two -family house. The ground floor was inhabited by a pensioner couple who left a very open -minded impression with me. The rental agreement was signed in place. The apartment was ready to move into..With the help of a good friend, the following day, a Friday, I transported some pieces of furniture, including my forty bed included.

Mattress and my music system in the new apartment. I had a great idea how I wanted to show Birgit the new apartment. A remark from my friend came to me very much. He asked if I wasn’t using for another forty -one bed included. Mattress would have the new one bedroom, which he had bought with his wife recently, was delivered yesterday. So I had two beds of the same size available by this lucky coincidence.

———- I met Birgit as a tough woman. Today I wanted to test this once. And give us both highly erotic moments. Some trust on her part is essential for my project. And she didn’t disappoint me! But it’s best to tell you from the beginning … after completing my preparations, I wanted to show Birgit the new apartment in the evening. After a shower I waited in her apartment for your arrival. When the phone heralded, I suspected the worst.

Your old automobile didn’t want to start. “Of course I will pick you up!“I calmed her and drove off. “Can we not postpone the tour to tomorrow? First of all I have to see how I can get it in line with the car, ”complained my girlfriend. She had already entrusted me with the fact that, due to the old debts from her independence, she was always close to the cash register. Now I had the opportunity to prove Birgit how serious our relationship was to me.

I stopped my convertible, pulled off the key and held it towards her. “To you!” I was serious. “Keep him as long as you want, please!“My girlfriend fended off:“ I can’t accept that!“It took a few minutes to convince her that I would like to give her my car. “Thanks!“She breathed and gave me a kiss. We changed seats and I guided them, hopefully our both new apartment.

First I showed her the lower floor Living room, Kitchen, storage room, work or guest room, one Toilet and the balcony. The kitchen was cut and furnished according to the latest standard. While Birgit was enthusiastic about, I disappeared for a short moment. With my reappearance you could hear piano music from the upper floor. But also voices, not too loud, were heard. I nestled in Birgit’s back. “Like the apartment?”I asked softly.

“Yes, it’s very nice!”” Would you like to live with me here?“I knew that my question came unprepared for her and was therefore a little unfair. Suddenly Birgit became sad. “I can’t pay for that. “” I would like to be nothing but to be with you!”I opened her,” and I need an apartment anyway. Why not with you? You have no financial obligations!”” I can’t accept that, “replied Birgit.

“O. K. , In return, I would like to kiss from you every day and from time to time a bored number!”” Ohhhh, you have to make a bit of an effort!“She smiled. We alberten a little bit around until she jokingly asked where the bedroom was in which she would have to indulge in bored. “Above!“I replied, but held her so that she couldn’t disappear me. “Do you trust me?” I asked.

“Hmmm …” she acted as if she had to think about it and then brought in with a grin: “Infinite!“Comfortable. I pulled a cloth from the stair railing, which apparently hung there by chance and combined Birgit’s eyes. “I want you to move out now!“I breathed her too. “But there are people above!”She pointed out. “No, there is nobody!“I claimed. “Don’t you hear the voices?”She asked” Believe me, there is nobody up there!” I answered.

My girlfriend pulled her shirt over my head skeptically. Then I corrected the seat of the blindfold. Next she roamed her shoes from the feet. Then she opened the buttons of her jeans and pulled them down. I reached for her hand so that she couldn’t lose her balance and Birgit got out. “Further!“I demanded from her because she did not make any institutions to continue to expose herself. “But the people …” she put on again.

“Nobody is there! Or do you think I would lie to you?“I meant calming. I was able to convince you with this statement. Of course, voices were heard. She knew that and I knew that. Despite all the concerns, she grazed her panties and turned my back on my back. I tenderly kissed her neck and opened the ticks of her bra. “I lead you!“I breathed in her ear. Level by level we climbed the attic.

The piano, but also the voices, became louder. Birgit turned her head questioningly in my direction. “Trust me!“I whispered and gently pushed her into the room. I had heated, darkened and only illuminated the room with subdued light and some candles. Visibly tentative and unsafe, my lover entered the room. Birgit remained doubtful after a few very short steps. My hands were on their shoulders. For seconds I let the atmosphere work on us before I said to her: “I set up a mattress camp on the floor.

I want us to love each other now and inaugurate our new home. “Birgit certainly cost a lot of overcoming without shamefully covering breasts and pussies to have me leading to the put together, of course, freshly moved mattresses. Judging by the votes, none of us took note. The piano played quietly ‘strangers in the night’ we let us down and kissed us. Birgit’s tension broke out very slowly.

My hands wandered over her body. Shoulders, arms, breasts, belly, flanks, venus mounds, thighs, knees, shin, nothing was left out. After turning around, her back also got his petting unit. Then I concentrated on her feet. Admittedly, after a long working day, some parts of the body were no longer showered. I have already understood Birgit several times that it does not have to be embarrassing and it doesn’t matter to me if her pussy came into contact with water last time before I came into contact with her mouth and Tongue enjoy.

The same applies to all other places in your body. Therefore, she did not protest as hers Toes have now been spoiled by my lips. Soon her butt pulled my eyes on her and did not let go of them anymore. Birgit later told me that it was a strange and queasy feeling for her to stand naked in this almost empty apartment. In addition the music and the quiet voices from above.

“No one else would have made me undress and naked upwards, the voices, to go towards the voices. And not blind at all!“She further said that she firmly believed that I would not show her. “No, you would not abuse my trust!“She confirmed her opinion. “And when we were in the room, I was almost sure that the music and the voices came from speakers. ““ When I was there and was spoiled by you with petting units and kisses, I could almost completely forget my surroundings.

And then … “And then … I whispered Birgit that she would now have a completely new experience. “Are you ready?”She just breathed:” Yes “” All eyes look at you!“My words probably left her doubts about whether someone would be in the room. But it remained silent. I let her hang up a little bit of your thoughts. Seconds in which I hurriedly freed from my clothes. “Show me your sweet a little more open?“I asked my lover, whereupon she opened her thighs quite a bit.

“Yes, that’s how I like it!“I deliberately used a little massage oil for the strokes. I reached for one of the white candles and held it for a good half meter above the mostly bodied body of my lover. “I’ll torture you a bit now. Don’t be scared … ”I warned her and tipped the candle a little, which two drops of wax came loose. “H – H – H;Ssssssss ”after three very short breaths, Birgit air through her teeth.

The hot wax had hit its left nipple almost precisely. I gave her for a few seconds to catch up when she was my free wrist with her Finger firmly enclosed. “It’s all ok?“I asked what she was hoarse and affirmed with a nod. The next drops had the same goal. She put them away easily. Nevertheless, their fingers clung again. After a few moments of relaxation, I asked: “More?“Birgit nodded his head.

The piano was still playing in the background. The voices had become quieter?Again I tipped the candle. This time the hot wax hit its venus hill and not, as expected from Birgit, the other breast. A short cry escaped her throat. The hot drops came too surprisingly to this sensitive area. Her breath went quickly. At the same time as the sound, she had pulled her thighs on and brought together. Very quickly she was master of the situation again and took up her old lying position with the spread legs.

“You scoop!“She said with a smile and solved the clasp of my wrist a little. I leaned something to her face. “How wet are you?“I hardly asked audibly. “Very” “tell me that you want to be fucked. “” I want to be fucked “Birgit breathed more than talking. “I can’t hear you!“I whispered to her. My girlfriend repeated with a little more tone in the voice: “You fuck me?””Volume up!“I was not asked for long.

“Finally fuck me” came out loud and clearly out of her throat. “Yes;even louder! Let everyone hear it!“I continued. “Fuck me!“She screamed almost as loud. Without further warning, my belt shared her love lips and penetrated a lust cave into her flooded lust. Initially quickly, I gradually reduced the pace of my bumps. Birgit’s fingers clawed arbitrarily in my back. She groaned unusually loud for her standards several times and briefly cramped.

Of course, the scenario hadn’t left me cold and I sprayed without wanting to practice without restraint. Again and again I felt their muscle contractions in response. Completely finished, but not wanting to give up the fixed hug, we were on top of each other. One or two minutes. I don’t know it. “That was nice!“Birgit started and I felt that she wanted to free herself a little out of tightness. Only now did she pull the cloth off her eyes.

She looked around and grinned: “I knew it. But it sounded deceptively real!“Of course the piano still played and the voices were not dried up either. And of course, of course, there was no one in the room apart from us both. Birgit looked around incredulously. “Wow is awesome!“It commented on the size of the future bedroom, which was due to the second bathroom, extended throughout the floor. Admittedly, the walls had partly slope, but the room height went to the ridge.

“I had a friend, ton engineer at a broadcasting institution, made this recording made. Side product in a radio production, ”I explained to my lover. “You haven’t always wanted to be fucked in front of an audience?”I asked with a smile on my face” Sometimes I thought I would lie in front of a lot of people and everyone looks at me. “Said Birgit,” a crazy feeling!”And she enthusiastically said:” But when you wanted to hear a ‘fuck me’ several times from me, the voices, the piano and the reality merged.

My whole area was wrapped up with a veil. “She descended the cooled wax from her chest. “How did you like that?” I wanted to know. “That was at least as crazy as the voices! Short pain, tingling, just cool!”” And on your pussy?“I asked on and carefully removed the wax here too. Birgit thought a little and then said: “You make you want to play such games!”.

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