Hot fuck with Claudia | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I had secretly agreed with Claudia again for a walk. It was warm, we were lightly dressed and the sun was still shining in the evening. From the office we went the same way as usual towards the deer enclosure and accidentally touched our arms and shoulders when we went next to each other. We first talked about this and that.

Your perfume smelled very cute and I felt a slight pulling between my legs on penis and eggs all the time. We had kissed a few times and I had always tried to imagine how it would be to see Claudia naked. Somehow I couldn’t. It is much to tell me how well her tits or her cunt would look – whether she was shaved or whether she has red pubic hair there.

We had just passed the deer, when we came to talk about sex.

She wanted now pregnant but also told me that she actually doesn’t really want to sleep with her husband. She would only feel like it when he’s not there.

“How is it with you?“She asked surprisingly.

“Well,” I hesitated. “We don’t really happen that much at the moment. But that shouldn’t mean that I currently have no sex life.”

“Like right now?“She then asked surprised.

“If you go alien to someone?”

“No, that’s not.”

“What then? But now I don’t understand that.“She has never been particularly quick to grasp things. But since it was a little embarrassed to me, I couldn’t tell her directly immediately.

“Well, if I don’t sleep with my wife, but still have sex with me …”

“Oh you mean you get one down!“She laughed at once. “Tell me straightaway!”

I nodded.

“In the meantime, it is often more fun for me to deal with myself than to have sex. You actually find that strange?”

“Mmmmhh ..

actually not. I also enjoy masturbation.”

“Yes?“I asked incredulously. “Do you do it often?”

“Well …”, now she was relocated. “Actually every day.

He has always been out of the house early and when I lie down in bed in the morning … “

In the meantime we had arrived on the narrow path through the forest on the bank and stopped there. I suddenly shot a thought in my head, where it suddenly got very hot. Claudia apparently noticed this immediately.

“What’s going on with you suddenly?”, she asked. “You’re going to be very red right now!”

“Oh, nothing”.

“Go Go! You just thought of something specific.

Now you have to say it too. Come on! No excuses, say.“, She urged.

“Mmmmhhh … Well, I just thought about what we just spoke … that we both like to masturbate.“In these words, Claudia started grinning.

“Oh, now I understand.

You thought that you would like to get one down now.”

“Yes! No!”

“What?“, She laughed. “If you have such pressure right now … I can wait here and you can go behind the bush there. I’m already taking care of.“As I said, it is not particularly fast.

“No, I actually didn’t mean that.

I would like to be … only I wondered … so what I want to say: I sometimes imagined how it is when you watch each other with a masturbated man without touching yourself.”

Now it was out. Claudia looked at her mouth open for a moment, then apparently it clicked with her and she thought for a while.

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea.“Then she said.

“Why not. But you start.”

She looked up and down the narrow forest path, but at this time nobody would come here anymore. Encouraged by her request and a little nervous, I was only there like this. But when she looked at me directly with shining eyes, I started to open the zip of my pants.

When I did it, I realized that there was no back now and my penis noticed this too. He started to swell.

“No wrong shyness, my dear. If you want to go to me, you will probably have to unpack your penis, or?“, She caught.

Since I didn’t want to stand as a coward either, I sit on the side of the forest bank and I quickly opened the hose button. Then I pulled my pants down with the underpants.

My half -stiff penis jumped out and hung straight in the air. Claudia was obviously very interested. She also sat on the bench and looked closely at my penis.

“You can start from me.“, Asked me.

So I leaned back and took my penis in my hand. Slowly I rubbed it up and down and felt how cool I became.

That Claudia watched me, how I jerked myself was incredible. This also gave me a huge crossbar and my penis now stretched so stiff that he could hardly be moved anymore.

“Leave me!“Then she demanded and moved closer to me on the bench. I stopped in my movements and let go of my penis. She grabbed my sack instead of the penis and pressed it together.

“But you have thickness Egg.“She commented on as she pulled the sack back and forth.

“And your penis is so thick and stiff as cool.

Not as small and puny as that of my husband. That does that Jerk off But certainly a lot more fun, or?”, she asked.

“I don’t know – what do you think?“Claudia could not be asked twice. She grabbed my penis tightly in the middle and jerked up and down vigorously.

“Oh yes, that’s horny.“, She groaned, as if she were the one who was gotten away.

“Tell me when you come, o.K.?“, She said and kept wanking.

It was clear to me that it would not take long anymore. From her energetically jerking off my eggs now swing up and off and I had the feeling that it was almost a little too violent as she got me down one.

It was like sports and she really seemed to want to go to the goal. From the pain through the friction on my glans I felt the orgasm come.

“I’m coming …” I groaned and was shortly before the first twitch.

Claudia had only waited for that. Suddenly she let go of my penis. He twitched back and forth, but the orgasm did not come.

She had broken off in time.

“I also enjoy it.“, She laughed. “Now you are really prepared. So shortly before the orgasm, the men do everything that are required from them. I can now like one slaves Treat and you will do everything I ask you to get your orgasm?”

I felt humiliated, but that didn’t really matter because she was right.

I would do everything now, just so that she jerked me again until I get right.

“First you will lick me properly, but everywhere. And you start with the asshole.“, She said as she was buttoned her pants. Then she pulled her down to the knee and climbed onto the bench. She knelt on all fours and stretched out her butt.

“Lick my asshole really clean and put your tongue in so that it gets neat.

But leave my cunt alone, which will come later.”

I hardly wanted to believe what I heard and saw. But obviously I didn’t have a choice anymore, because the drop of lust ran down the penis and her half -shaved cunt grinned at me. So I only started licking in the ass furrow and then went deeper and deeper. When I reached the asshole, she pulled it together reflexively and the same movement was also watching her cunt.

The first shiny drops were already formed there.

“Keep going!“, She demanded. “What are you waiting for?”

So I licked it along the ass furrow several times and played around her asshole again and again in the middle. Claudia now had her hand between hers Legs put and pushed her labia apart with two fingers. The salty smell of cunt penetrated my nose.

Then she rubbed her clit with a third fingers and moved hers ass rhythmically back and forth. My tongue still circled around her hole. When she suddenly jerked her ass back to me, my tongue penetrated something into her hole and Claudia groaned slightly. It really seemed to be really like her.

So I continued and pressed my tongue deeper and deeper through her sphincter. Her movements to press her ass against my face increasingly encouraged me until I got through the sphincter through the sphincter and was in her ass. This was probably too much for her. She pushed her ass tightly back into my face and groaned loudly.

I got almost no air anymore and almost fell from the bank. Your orgasm was violent and long. When she was finished, she turned and looked at me happily. She quickly put on her pants and got up.


“That was good,” she laughed.

“Should we go on then?“She took the first steps on the way and looked at me as I was still kneeling on the bench Sounded with my stiff penis, which piped out under my T-shirt.

“And what about me?“I asked desperately.

“Well, you probably had bad luck.“Claudia grinned at me.

“You can not do this to me. You already had your orgasm. Don’t let me sit here now.”

“Well, if it has to be … then I’ll just miss you.

But I don’t feel like getting anything from your cum. So kneel on the bench on all fours.”

I did as I said. Claudia crouched next to the bank and grabbed my penis just as violently as last time and turned it down vertically. That hurt because he was still so stiff and hard.

She had to feel it, but it seemed not to be any. With a bored and impatient expression she began to jerk off and let my sack hit her sack violently against her knuckles.

“N/a? Good this way?“Asked bored, she asked.

Their wanking movements were quite unrhythmic and as much as it was difficult for me to feel. However, my penis did not make a bed, but on the contrary, the stiffness increased.

“You don’t concentrate at all.“, She blunted me and then stopped. “I don’t feel like it anymore.

The ass liked you, or? Come on! Then put your finger in your ass, and see that you can finally spray. I will soon have no desire here.“, She snapped now.

I got a little afraid and really wanted to come. My fingers in my own ass would definitely not contribute to that, but if I didn’t do it, she wouldn’t jerk off either. So I licked my finger and pressed it through the sphincter into my ass.

“That’s how it is,” she commented, and began to keep jerking off my penis.

With the other hand she pressed on my ass on my hand, so that my finger penetrated even further. Then up and down with rhythmic movements, so that I fucked my finger myself in the ass. Unfortunately, the rhythm of jerking off and I slowly lost the fun of it.

“Well my little one … will be slowly going to be?“, She continued to mock.

I continued to concentrate and tighter and now closed my eyes.

After a while I really felt my orgasm and I announced it by groaning and shock movements. Then suddenly I sprayed out the first load, which landed directly on the seat of the bank. When the second splash shot out, she stopped jerking off once.

That wasn’t allowed to be now!

I was just in the middle of an orgasm and spray on my knees sperm On a forest bench and Claudia stopped in the middle of it!

But I was already too deep in orgasm when he would stop. Violently up and off, I threw my cum into the air.

However, the orgasm fun had gone tremendously by letting go. She watched me briefly until I had sprayed.

Then she said: “Was time too. Hopefully you will still make the sperm away from the bench.”

Since I was already about to get dressed and Claudia turned and started, I quickly wiped the larger sperm puddles with my hand and hurried after her – completely degraded – afterwards.

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