Nobody hears the screams? | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“Quiet, otherwise they may wake up too early!“The three men cleverly cracked the old door lock. They knew exactly that the two women were at home. Janina, the only 18-year-old from Serbia, and 28-year-old Natascha.

Harald dragged the heavy bag with the utensils, diverse sex toys, extra batteries.
Niko was responsible for the castle. He knew about it.

And Simon, the leader, who was wearing the two cameras. Latest technology. Everything digital. They came from the last break.
They had accidentally came across the two women.

Simon had noticed the two in the hardware store. He was followed by the old farm, away from the village in a narrow valley, surrounded by old trees, at the end of a dirt road. Only strollers and bike drivers got lost here on the weekends.

For three days they alternately watched the house from the trees. A fairly taken VW Passat stood in the yard with which Natascha had driven.

There was an old barn, quite dilapidated. And the main house, from which the plaster peeled off, but the mountain of old boards and old bricks indicated that the woman diligently renovated inside. The huge new roof window also spoke.
The three had also discovered the boy. It couldn’t be older than 19.

He too had Slavic facial features.
Behind the house were three goats in a gate and about 10 chickens. And two cats stray around. However, none of the three men were interested in this.

However, they were interested in Janina and Natascha. The girls had left only once in the three days, and that was just about this hardware store.
Niko quickly had the castle open and the three men crowded into the dark house.

It was three in the morning, on a wet cold November day.
Simon shone with a small flashlight. They checked out the ground floor, in which there was a huge kitchen with a stable self-made wooden table, a cozy living room, a smaller guest/ study and a guest go with a shower. In addition a large pantry in which one came from the kitchen. The boy was in a bed in the guest room and slept deeply and firmly.

Harald opened his bag and took out a few things.

The three crept to the bed. Harald had a strip of adhesive tape in his hand.
At the same time, Simon and Niko grabbed the boy’s arms, while Harald quickly pressed the adhesive strip on his mouth.
The boy woke up, looked at her frightened, but Harald had already had handcuffs snapped around his wrists and tied his hands on the bed with it. For the legs sufficient knitting.
“Psssst.“Niko whispered and put his finger on his lips.

The boy nodded disturbed. The three let him be tied up and gagged back.

A steep staircase led up.
There were three doors there. The middle door was the nastiest. Behind it was a huge white -tiled bathroom, a whirlpool in the middle, a glazed shower cubicle, and a toilet a little on the side. Two other doors went right and left.

That had to be the bedrooms. The three withdrew and climbed the stairs up into the attic.

There was a single large room there, with the huge roof window. In the room there were a total of four thick wooden pillars that supported the roof. Filling and other painting utensils stood and lay around.

On the easel an almost finished picture picture by Janina, which was shown naked. A few fitness devices in a corner of the room.
The three went back into the bathroom. They chose the left door because this was apparently the larger room. Harald had adhesive tape again and knitting ready.

Natascha lay in a large double bed.

Covered to the top. In a pink silk pyjamas. They also pressed the adhesive tape on their mouths, captivated the wildly around struggling with handcuffs and knitting, and Niko remained with her because the bed offered no way to attach the handcuffs.
Harald and Simon sneak into the last room. There Janina was rolled up under the ceiling like a small kitten.

Only a naked knee looked out.
Simon pulled the ceiling aside. Janina was wearing an overwhelming T-shirt that had slipped somewhat on the sharks of the sharks in their sleep, and released the tender breast approach of their tits.

No resistance await you from Janina. Harald pulled a butterflyesser out of his pocket and sat next to her on the bed.
Simon snapped the light.
Janina didn’t wake up. Simon began to examine the drawers.

He found the Serbian passport, some other papers that he could not decipher, but no residence permit. The little bitch was illegal here.

Harald lifted the overhaul T-shirt. He looked at the cleanly trrew -up pubic hair and the girls underneath. He rubbed himself over his pants and rightly shaked his sack.
Simon looked at how Harald first tied up the girl’s breasts and then put his hand on her cunt.

With his finger he looked for the clitoris to rub it slightly over it. Janina moved very easily in her sleep. She woke up when Harald tried to push her finger into the dry fut.
She drove up in bed, but Harald showed her the knife.

“Very quiet! Stand up!“At first Janina didn’t know what Harald said. It was only when the knife approached her neck that she swung her legs out of bed and was pushed after him behind Simon, over the bedroom of Natascha.

There they pressed them into an oversized comfortable chair, behind which Harald posted himself.
Natascha had tried to start a conversation with Niko when he removed the adhesive strip over her mouth. But that didn’t react.

Now she was lying on the bed with her back and had to watch Janina led in. She hoped that the men had overlooked the boy and would get help.
“To make everything clear: Nobody can hear you out here when you scream. If one hits, we stop the other two.

So don’t try it at all. If you do what we want, then we will disappear again in a few days. The little bitch understands us?””We do not have any money. Only the stereo system and the television.““ I asked if the little hooker understands us!” “Not everything.”” Then tell her what I said.“Natascha said something about Janina, who still with great eyes.

She was a very pretty girl with big eyes, long black hair, and a very handsome body. Now she looked at Natascha questioningly and anxiously.

Simon took the cameras out of her pocket. He took a few shots by Janina with the digital photo, checked the pictures, mounted the video camera on a tripod, and nodded Harald too. It was really impatient.
He roughly pulled Janina out of the chair until she stood upright.

He turned her so that her body was on the side of the camera. Then he stood in front of her and drove the tip of the knife along her pit of your neck, from the chin to the neckline of the T-shirt. He grabbed the fabric with one hand and began to fing the knife to the knife. Janina twitched and gave a very fearful look at Natascha.
“What do you want from her? Please leave her alone.

Take me instead of.““ Don’t worry, you can also come to it.“The knife cuts the reinforced fabric on the neckline. Harald folded the butterfly with a clever rotating movement.

With both hands he grabbed the shirt just above the breasts. Then he tore apart the piece of clothing with a jerk. It gossiped loudly and torn to the stomach.

Briefly the men saw the breasts of Janina. Round hemispheres that did not need a bra. A little more than a handful. Warts directed upwards.
Harald grabbed the fabric on the stomach.

One last jerk and the entire piece of clothing was in two, down to the thighs. He pushed a side away, and now you could clearly see the naked cunt from Janina, who was trembling all over. Niko Pfiff appreciatively through her teeth. At Harald, the first drop had already formed on his cock in his pants, so this horny him.

“Please leave her alone.

She’s still a child. And they have already raped them in Serbia.““ Then she knows how to do it. Now keep your mouth.“Harald was unimpressed. He wanted to sink his cock and pushed Janina over to bed.

The end of the bed he threw her head with his head on the mattress and pressed her lower body upwards. Janina stood there deep forward. She cried quietly and didn’t move. It was clear to her what would follow.

In Serbia they and theirs were Mother was raped by 2 men.
Harald quickly undressed and hurled his clothes across the room. His cock was ready for a fuck.

He stood behind Janina, pulled her legs apart, and grabbed the column from behind. He rubbed her clitoris briefly, pressed the labia a bit with two fingers, and put his stiff cock on her column between her thighs. Then he spread his labia a little further so that his tail found an appropriate opening.
Slowly he pressed his penis into her vagina.

The mucous membranes to Janina’s cunt rubbed him a little, but he continued undeterred until he was deep in her.
Then he slowly pulled him back, while his hands now held the tits of her. Just so that they couldn’t fall to the ground..

Gradually it was better because Janina started to get wet. She had surrendered to her fate. The memory of the men in Serbia was still too fresh.
The tail in her had also not penetrated so quickly that it would have caused her extreme pain.
Of course it hurt at the beginning, but a great feeling quickly appeared, and her pussy started to produce lubricant.
She still cried silently and she didn’t move.

She just let herself be taken like an animal.
Harald accelerated the fucking pace.

“It’s tight. Often it doesn’t have yet.“He fucked the girl like a doll. In, out, in, out. He liked her narrow down there.

Even if she just kept still. That was a snort. The main thing was that he could push them. Now he pressed her buttocks, pulling them apart when he drove out and together when he pushed his cock back into her cunt.

He was ready for the first filling. His eggs became harder and his juice rose up. With an outcry, he vehemently pushed his cock into Janina’s cunt and sprayed his juice against her cervix. It came plenty because he had been really cool.
Three short bumps until everything was in her, then he pulled out his limps and wiped him on her right buttocks.

Janina just stopped.

Natascha had sweared wildly when Harald had taken off. When he started fucking the girl, she had thrown herself on the bed and romped.
“Your dirty pigs, you cursed Animals. Why don’t you take me and leave the little one in peace.“She had to watch how tears ran over Janina’s pretty face, how these dirty sashes desecrated her delicate body, how this guy put his dirty cock in her loved one. She already knew why she hadn’t got involved with men for years.
But she had no chance against Niko.

First he let her rage, and when Natascha didn’t stop, he just sat on her that she almost stayed away her air. He only went down again when she was panting after air.

She just saw Harald pressed his cock deep into her lover and came into her. Only then did the tears go with Natascha. But more out of anger.
Simon looked at Natascha.

The tremendous of anger. Her breasts raised and lowered under the silk pyjamas. That looked promising. It was a bit mature, with short blond hair, but he would really do it.

That was more the guy who turned him on. The little one looked pretty good, but she was a bit too young for him. Not enough experience. Not yet properly.
But the older one..

He went over to her.

Niko came to the side. The nipples of Natascha pressed through the silk. He put his hand on her breasts, which rose powerfully and lowered.
Natascha hit his arm with the wrapped wrists that he swallowed away painfully. He gave her a slap in the face that threw her head to the right.
Then he went back to her chest.

And again Natascha hit his wrists on his arms. And when he killed her, she thought. I don’t let a man touch me.

He didn’t beat her dead. He dug his fingers into the pajamabluse and tore it so hard that all buttons jumped away.

Her breast was not as girlish as that of Janina, but he too was firm. Bigger with a somewhat rounder shape. And he trembled. He hadn’t seen that horny tits for a long time.
Natascha hit him again with the tied wrists.

Simon was enough now. He grabbed her on the short blond hair and pulled her head up. Niko then opened the footstells.
“Hey, the kitten still has to be tamed.“As soon as the foot chains were gone, Natascha stepped up to Simon, who cleverly exposed. He took her head in the sweat box until Natascha ran red.

Without letting go, he dragged her up, across the room, over the bathroom.

The others followed laughing. Harald had a firm grip on Janina, Niko had the video camera. Natascha lived Niko to her pants. Exactly in the crotch.

She hugged, wanted to squeeze his eggs. Simon joked briefly with pain.
“You bitch” he threw the lid of the toilet up and pressed her head into the toilet.
Her forehead hit the enamel and her mouth immersed in the water. Simon tore her head and immediately back in. This time he left it in the water longer.

When he then gave him up again Natascha and water ran over her face.

He pressed his arm in her back and tugged on her pajama pants. Natascha banged against him like wild with his legs. He promptly immersed her head back into the stale water of the toilet. He kept it under water until he had dragged her up her pants.

Only then did he let her take a breath.

The sight of her naked butt excited him. No gram fat, but very well -rounded. Niko and Harald laughed at half dead with pleasure. Simon let Natascha sink to the floor in front of the toilet shell.

She was Groggy from the water she had swallowed. Simon opened the handcuffs on her wrist.
Then he pulled his belt out of his loops and buttoned up his pants. His cock jumped out, stiff. Again he reached into Natascha’s hair, pulled her head back.

“Bite and I’ll cut you into pieces.“From the rear pocket he got a folding knife and showed her demonstrative.

Then he tried to put his stiff cock in her mouth.
Natascha didn’t open his mouth. She kept turning her head away so as not to get this fuck bracket in her mouth. But Simon knew how he could get her. He just put his nose on her until she grabbed air.

And then he already had it in her mouth.

But Natascha no longer closed it. She had opened him far. She choked slightly when he pushed the penis deep into her throat, but she kept her mouth very wide open.
So Simon pulled out the stiff again, took between two fingers at the root, and had it cracked on her bridge of the nose. Since his cock was tough, Natascha felt the pain.

But she didn’t get a nosebleed.
Niko and Harald cheered him on with well -meaning advice. Harald particularly stood out with stupid sayings. Simon Stank that tremendously. The stupid babe just didn’t want to suck.

Well, his cock was stiff enough. He would pull her through until she screamed for mercy.

He roughly dragged Natasha up, turned her, and grabbed one of her thighs. He pressed her right leg onto the toilet bowl. At the groove he had noticed that the sow was shaved.

And that she had a pretty horny cunt, with thick labia.
When her right leg stood on the bowl;the left still on the ground;he pressed her back against the tiled wall with his arm.
He pushed the other hand between her legs until he touched her cunt. Natascha gasped with exertion. She turned and tried to get rid of her hand between her legs. But Simon pushed the arm into her back even more until her cheek was on the cold tiles.

With one foot he pushed her main leg to the side.

His second hand drove a little back to the buttocks, so he just had his fingers on her column.
Then a little further back, and Natascha felt horrified how his finger stroked the furrow back to linger on her anus. There he pressed his index finger into the rosette.
Although Natascha still defended herself, she could not prevent his index finger from blewing her rosette. And then he was in. Two finger members.

He felt her ass from the inside, pulled his finger back, pushed it back straight back until her anus was widely wide that he could push a second finger.

Natascha’s cheek was firmly pressed onto the tiles when he finally took his fingers out. But only to make room for his hard cock, which he pushed into her buttocks.
Natascha hit her back with her free left hand. The other arm was pressed against the tiles with his shoulder, and it wasn’t going back with it. She caught Simon’s side, but not hard enough.
With a strong push, he rammed Natascha into the intestine.

Natascha screamed at horror, tried to push her tormentor away by hand. But she didn’t have enough strength back. Simon fucked her relentlessly in the ass.

Natascha had to put up with that helplessly. Her attempts to defend it when she found it confused that she became wet.

That just could not be the case. For four years she had not left a man for herself, let alone ever be fucked in the ass because. And now she was horny with this rape In your ass. Your spirit fought against it.
Simon pushed vigorously into her ass.

This dirty whore Had made him ridiculous in front of his buddies. That should pay him that. He fucked her with deep bumps. His sack dangled with every bump.
Natascha cramped the burgeoning feeling of pleasure.

You bite yourself to the lower lip so as not to reconcile. She didn’t want to do this to the pigs.
Almost she had made it, but when Simon gave birth to her hip and her labia touched her involuntarily. But she did not replace the bumps.

Simon’s eggs contracted. He fucked her even faster, now she was far enough too.

Although her ass itself was quite tight. He felt her pussy mucus on his finger. What he did not notice was the short tremor of Natascha when the one orgasm had that she was laboriously hidden.
It was indifferent to him, since his eggs filled up and then boiled over. With a huge pressure he shot her sperm In the intestine.

Without pulling out his belt, he filled her off. But that wasn’t enough for him yet. The dirt piece had to be humiliated.

He jerked her back on his shoulder. Nata-Scha’s tits rocked.

Again he pressed her down on the toilet seat. He reached into her hair, turned her head all the way back. His now half -sleeper tail was directed to her face. And then he let it run.

He peed on Natascha’s face, which was totally surprised.
She had just had the half -flap cock in front of her eyes, and now he straightened up and the opening on the glans had a thick jet clapping her face. Oh how disgusting. She could turn her head a bit, but she couldn’t escape.
It seemed to last forever. Finally he let go of her.

She wavered to the shower to wash off the piss that had run over half the body. From her face over her tits down to her legs. The men let them take a shower while more and more hatred in their climb.

Janina had kept her so that she had to watch Simon did with Natascha.
How he had raped her girlfriend and patron in the ass from behind. How desperate Natascha had defended himself.

And how this guy then pissed them off. Now that Natascha was allowed to take a shower, they wound her again.
It was indifferent to her whether she was raped once or several times. What did that do for a difference. The main thing is that they disappeared again and left them in peace.

Niko built up in front of her.

He had gotten hot from watching Simon. But he hadn’t wanted to miss anything. Although he was short of cumshot, just from watching. He quickly raised the zip of his pants, picking up his cock.

He pressed Janina down his shoulders. It made it happen without will. She saw how hard the tail was and that a sticky thread dripped from the tip.
Niko knocked the cock against her mouth that Janina willingly opened. Immediately he pushed the crossbar far into it.
Janina was not as combative as the older Na-Tascha.

She closed her mouth around the shaft and let Niko happen. She wasn’t active, but Niko was enough to fuck in her mouth. He pulled it back and forth a few times and then he splashed. Directly in your mouth.

Janina didn’t dare to move.
She swallowed the sperm.

Natascha had watched from the shower. Angry. About herself because she had had an orgasm, over this dirty guy she had pissed off, and over the guy who splashed his mucus in her beautiful Janina. She searched feverishly for a way out, but she didn’t think of anything.

The three had them with their violence. You, Janina with the pretty breasts, and Janina’s Brother.
Harald Niko and Simon were now satisfied. Harald was already cool again, but that could wait.
“Get the boy up. Up.“Harald and he dragged the two women with themselves.

Na-Tascha shook the hands of Simon Wild from himself.

“I can run alone, dirty kerl” Harald knocked on the bottom of Janina while running.
“Tell him should keep his fingers from her.””Anything else?“Simon tuned. And he also hit her on her buttocks.
Natascha turned lightly and smeared one. Simon hadn’t expected that. Derby he rubbed his cheek where her fingers turned out.
“You didn’t do that for nothing, you hooker.!”What? Do you want to rape me now.

Well come, you have already done that. How about my cunt? Or you only get it up in the ass?“He continued to push her. High in the studio. Niko came with the boy.
When Janina saw him, tied up and glued his mouth, she quickly ran to Ihzm and threw herself into his arms.

She stroked his hair.

“Ah, a couple of lovers. Get it off ”when the handcuffs opened and the adhesive tape was removed, Simon said:“ Nice, you should also have something of it. Fuck her again quickly before we take it back.“The boy looked uncomprehended.
“You can’t do that!“Natascha was horrified. “He is her brother!““ Ahhhh, so that’s how it is.

Then he is your engraver.””No. The two only help me in the house.““ Yes, he is your engraver! Come on, tell him that he should fuck you.””No!!!“Natascha cried out at the thought.
Simon looked at the boy. He was a bit embarrassed and tried, not on his naked Sister and look at the naked Natascha.

Then he dragged Natascha into an old wooden support beam. He tore her hands back and tied her with his belt.

He went to the boy, put himself in a position, and made obscene movements with the abdomen. At the same time, he shaped a large O with two fingers and pushed the index finger of the other hand back and forth. Then he pointed to Natascha.
The boy looked at the naked Natascha, which was bound to the bars. He shook his head.
Harald immediately pulled the knife and put the tip below the nipple to Janina’s titty.

He pressed slightly until Janina was shouting.

The boy started to move. He took off his pants while walking. His limb dangled in front of him in front of him. He stood in front of Natascha.
Natascha the cry of Janina went through marks and legs.

She looked at the boy and smiled encouragingly to him. Dear she than to put Janina a little. She would survive. But it wasn’t that simple.

The boy’s limb did not become stiff.
Simon went over. He went to his knees in front of Natascha. He rubbed her Venusberg with a palm. With the other hand he appealed to her clit.

“Strict you, little hooker.

If he can’t fuck you because he doesn’t get up, then I cut off his sister’s tits.“Natascha slid down on the bar. The threat was clear enough. Simon pressed the boy closer to her.
It was not that easy for Natascha, since her arms were tied behind her back and behind the bar. She could slip up and down, but she couldn’t use her hands.

She opened her mouth and stretched out her tongue until she caught the boy’s mere limb. She licked slightly over the top. Simon was thrilled.
“Well you whore, you can do that.“Sure Natascha could blow. She just hadn’t wanted it anymore.

How she had not wanted men at all. But that is why she hadn’t forgotten it anyway.
The boy came a little closer. Now Natascha could put his penis in his mouth. She sucked it tenderly, licked over the shaft and glans again and again, and felt how he started to grow.
The boy looked down on her head, who moved back and forth.

Then he closed his eyes and left it completely to her.

Natascha licked his sack with his tongue. Then again the shaft, took the tail in your mouth, sucked it, played with his tongue at the top until he was really stiff in her mouth. Then she slipped into an upright position along the bar. She had made the boy hot, and now it didn’t matter who he should fuck.

The main thing was that he could fuck.
While standing he pushed his cock in Natascha’s grotto. It was already damp. Even if she was lesbian, she prevented her when she blew a cock.

The boy was not particularly experienced. He fucked her impetuously, with quick bumps.

But Natascha wanted him to get quickly. She pulled her pussies muscle together and put it around the tail like a ring. It was an unusual feeling for her to have a real tail after such a long time. It was different from the rubber tail.

Although she lacked Janina’s tender tongue games, it was reasonably ok.
She even came. And this time she didn’t try to hide it. Otherwise they would hurt Janina. Although she had a real orgasm, she groaned a little louder than usual.

“Ohh, Jaaaa, Jaaa, come, I come, Jaaah, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ….“The boy exploded in her.

He had a huge sperm. She felt her pussy flooded. She put the back of the head on the beam and had grabbed her eyes, slightly opened her mouth.
“Yeah, oh that’s cool.“Simon pulled the boy back on the shoulder. It slipped out with still stiff, dripping tail of Natascha.

Immediately Simon squeezed two fingers into the dripping cunt and fucked her on.

Natascha opened his eyes in astonishment because the boy was out of her so quickly. She just noticed that Simon pushed two fingers into her.
But now she had already gone too far. She hadn’t held back with the boy, on the contrary. She had come once, but when he sprayed she was about to.

And now Simon’s fingers continued. She couldn’t hold it back, let his fingers fuck, and came to the climax shortly afterwards. Shently added she leaned back to the wooden pillar.

Simon stepped behind the beams and reached around. With both hands he pulled her naw cunt apart.

Harald went to his knees in front of Natascha, took photos of the gaping nose cunt, although Natascha tried to close her thighs against the pressure of Simons arms.
“Dilk pigs! “Simon’s hands let go of her labia and drove along her body to the breasts. He pushed her a little, stroked his nipples, pressed again. He lifted the tits with his hands, let it go again.

Harald looked at, reached between his legs. His cock was slightly stiff and he wanted to fuck again.

But he didn’t want this wildcat. Although she had a horny cunt. He got the naked Janina and pressed her onto the floor in front of Natascha. With your belly on the polished wooden boards.
Then he stood around his back, face to her feet.

He pulled her back on his hips a little. The little bitch not only had a pretty face, but also a pretty ass.

When Simon fucked the wildcat in the ass, that had turned him on. He wanted to try that now too.
Janina did not move, even when he spat on her buttocks and drilled her opening with one finger.
Harald moved a little deeper, then he held his now stiff cock to her asshole. Just looking forward to how he put his cock on her buttocks horned him even more.

He slowly lowered and the tip of the tail came to Janina’s Po.
He was a little surprised because it was so easy. He had expected more difficulties. But the main thing was that. Harald found that almost hornier than a normal fuck.

Due to his position, he penetrated far without taking care of the new silent tears of Janina, which had the feeling that a wedge would split. But no loud came over her lips.

But the boy roared for that. Before Niko could still react, the boy fell forward, took out his foot and kicked Harald against his head with all his might. Harald fell like a felled flash from Janina.
Simon had reacted immediately when he heard the boy shouting.

But he only caught him after his kick against Harald. With full force, his concentrated fist hit the boy on the cheek that he fell aside.
Natascha screamed. “Stop, stop*Simon still hit the boy’s fist into his stomach. Harald straightened up.

Blood ran out of his nose and the right eye swelled too. He took his butterfly out of his pocket, looked at the boy.

“I stop him“ Harald’s erection had of course collapsed.
Janina threw herself protectively on her brother. Simon pulled her away on her arm, even though she fought back slightly.
“Tour it over there.“Niko dragged the boy to the other pillar and captivated his wrists behind the bar.

“You want a real ass fuck? With the little one? I get you one!”He said to Harald.
“Now translate nice, you hooker. The little one makes his tail stiff.

And then he fucks her in Denarsch. And I want the little one to participate. Otherwise I cut the eggs off your brother. Did you understand?“Natascha just nodded she didn’t want to put Janina or her brother something else.

She diligently talked to Janina. She listened, wanted to reply, but Natascha was resolutely. Then Janina turned to Harald. He lay on his back and crossed his arms under his head.

Janina leaned down, sat down next to him, and took his limp cock in his hand. Slowly she pulled the foreskin back and exposed the red acorn.

Niko stood with the boy. Simon on the side next to Natascha. Alternately he watched Janina’s action and the face of Natascha.
Janina put the limp penis in her mouth.

With her hand she started to crawl the sack and the eggs of Harald until the tail stirred up. The nosebleed had stopped and the lust displaced the pain. He looked at how little Janina tried to get his cock and he found the mega-horny.
Janina really strained. Natascha had made it clear to her that her brother would pay if she failed.

She had no great experience, but she made it more than betting through zeal. She brought the tail to stand. When he was stiff enough, she sat around Harald upside down.
He didn’t move a finger. Janina also had to push his limb into her ass.

She slowly settled on it and ignored the pain caused by being a tail in her ass. It was only brief anyway.

Harald let her ride her. She slipped and down on his lance, fucking her ass herself with it.
Now that she was no longer so passive, she even had easy it herself. As if by itself, her hands found the hemispheres of her tits and she began to caress her breasts.
Niko was amazed.

The little one could even be really cool. It even groaned. He wanked his cock and then went over, to the soles of the feet of Harald. He looked closely at how Harald’s cock was in the asshole of the little one.

And he looked at her cunt. The labia were open, the red column was really inviting.
He spread his legs wide, pulled up, and settled with his buttocks on Harald’s thighs. With his tail he aimed at Janina’s front hole.

Harald pulled Janina back on his shoulder until she was almost horizontal on his chest with her back. This opened her cunt a little further.

Niko pushed his cock into the steaming cunt.
Harald could feel the tail of Niko in Janina’s ass with his cock, which was in front in the cunt. Together they fucked the little one. Janina groaned every push, whether it was in her ass or in her cunt. She felt nailed through the two cocks.

And in this positive-on she felt the irritation on her clitoris by the cock of Niko particularly.

Niko also sprayed the first. He didn’t bother to take his twitching cock out of her cunt when he came. He just let it run into her and leaned far back.
With his cock, Harald felt that the other’s twitch within the cunt felt. He wanted to come now too.

His hands reached for the tits of Janina on his stomach. He pushed the round hemispheres, felt the hard warts, and paid attention to Janina’s moaning until the eggs finally cooked him.
Niko was ready and got up, Janina rode back on Harald’s tail. Until then he emptied into her intestine. As soon as he was done, Janina stopped.

Harald simply shook her down from herself.
The boy had watched everything. His outbreak had been stupid. That was clear to him now. Now they had tied him up again and he had wasted his chance.

And his sister hadn’t helped either. And he shame because he had got a stand while watching.

Natascha had kept his eyes. She couldn’t see that. Simon’s hard voice woke her out of her trance.
“Tell her she should finish her brother the tail.

Will it soon be?“Natascha spoke to Janina again. She looked at her tied brother, looked at his stand and stand without a word. She knelt in front of her brother and wanted to take the cock in her mouth.
“I said wanking! Not blow!“Natascha told her.

“And he should inject on her face …“Janina took her brother’s tail. She started to wank him as she was ordered to.

She pulled the foreskin over the glans with two fingers and down again. In doing so, she held the tail close to her face. Janina’s movements became faster. She still helped with the other hand and scratched the sack.
The boy began to gasp, and suddenly he injected.

Janina was surprised by it, but the tail was aimed at her face.

She just managed to close her eyes when the sperm clapped her right brow. From there it ran down to her cheek. Without noticing the men, she briefly wiped the sperm on her face. Only her brother had seen it.
Simon wanted to fuck Natascha again.

He loosened her handcuffs and gave her a push that threw her to the ground. He let himself down on his knees next to her. He turned her on his back through a handle under her stomach. Then he squeezed legs between her thighs.

Natascha defended herself.

But Simon held her arms with one hand. With the other he tore her left leg to the side. He was about to ram his stiff latte into her cunt when Natascha turned something to the side. It was enough that she had fucked the boy.

But this asshole will definitely not.
“Haha, that gives you a lot of tinder …“Again the others blasphemed. He was slowly sorry now. What did this dirty cunt actually believe.
He took his free hand, clenched her into a fist, and pressed it into her column. Natascha screamed.

His ankles hurt her and he blew up her pussy with his fist. Simon pushed his fist into her cunt with all my strength. He had clamped her right leg with his thighs.

Although Natascha fidgeted and screamed, Simon managed to squeeze his fist bit by bit into her cunt. When he was half in there there was a jerk and the maltreated mucous membranes gave.

He slipped in completely.
But that was not enough for him. He started to fuck her with his fist. But not careful, but he moved his fist like a boxer. Again and again he came across her cervix, which Natascha made it cry out every time.

But not with lust. It was like knife stabs for them.
Finally he stopped with it. For this he rammed his cock into her. He had done it.
For Natascha it was a redemption on the one hand because his cock did not achieve like his fist, but on the other hand it had happened now.

He fucked her.

With his piston he drove in and out. And Natascha no longer fought back. Your whole resistance was now broken. She let himself be fucked by him without a will.

He had it so far.
Simon used her cunt. But he didn’t really enjoy it. Now that he had broken her will, it was no longer fun for him. He heard to fuck her.

Natascha remained motionless on the floor. Simon went to Janina, who crouched on the floor next to her brother.

He overturned her, turned her on his back. Without words he tore her off -bake apart. Then he pushed his lance with a jerk deep into her buttocks.
Janina bits her lips to suppress the scream of pain.

Tears shot her back in her eyes. But she let him take away from him.
Simon fucked all his anger in her ass. He brutally pushed deep and again. Until his sperm was finally outside, that he was unloaded in her ass.
Janina didn’t even move when he took off her.

Without a word he went to the Natasha lying on the ground and stood over her wide -legged.

He took his cock in his hand, aimed, and peed on the woman.
Natascha didn’t even scream anymore. She only hid her head under her arm.
“Pack a. We disappear.“He only said to Natascha:“ The two are illegal here. And I’ll find you everywhere.

At any time. So think carefully about what you want to do!“He pulled up the wife, which was trimmed with piss, tied her back on the bar. Then he went to Janina. He tied her hands on her back.

This time with a cord. And the knots not too firm. You should be able to free yourself.
Niko brought his things to him. The three men disappeared as silently as they had come.

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