My first sex partner over 30 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Female ejaculation, a myth?My name is Julia and born in 1985. I am a petite woman, 163 cm tall and 48 kg easy. Even if that may seem little, I have a beautiful female body shape. I am absolutely satisfied. Ok, my legs work because of my body size, probably not as long as many men would like.

My glatt hair that extends to the waist has been colored since my youth, normally colored in the brightest blond tones. Because in my opinion the natural hair color (street kushing blonde) does not fit me properly. The bright hair bring my bright blue eyes even better. More characteristics from me are that I only wear a little make -up because I am convinced, “Of course it’s most beautiful!“I have also been equipped with piercings in the navel and on the right nipple for a long time.

In addition, I usually wear inconspicuous earrings on my ears. On my right half of the body below the chest, I am now also in possession of a relatively large tattoo (a dream catcher), although I had nothing left for a long time. I am a very open and happy person and actually always happy single. Except for a few early enthusiasm at school, I had no steady relationship and do not regret this either. My goal was to enjoy freedom in my best years, to have a varied sex life and to gain as much experience as possible.

The time in which many young people plunged from one relationship to the next and had to process painful separations, I saved myself. After all, I can still go into a steady relationship until the end of life. Such a life, which is tolerated in men, unfortunately, I was not allowed to live out as openly as I quickly noticed. I have been an enthusiastic reader of erotic stories for a long time, which might have shaped and influenced me.

Since I was also able to experience some nice and exciting things in my life in this regard, I just started writing on it … I would like to create a mixture of completely truthful and fictitiously invented stories. Since I never reveal here, whether true or lied, I write all stories in the first person perspective. My fantasy stories are also written as if I had experienced them myself. Unfortunately I am not a professional writer and unfortunately I have no experience in writing such texts so far.

I am already looking forward to your feedback, as well as your assessments, whether truth or lie … please also let me know if you are interested in a casual topic in my stories. This is the only way to try to write another true or invented story exactly. At the age of 20 I was definitely the youngest visitor to the local swinger club. It was the time when I visited the establishment most frequently because, in contrast to later years, I was usually there without fixed intentions.

At least two days a week I was at area here. Of course I had sexual contact from time to time, but in most cases I only spent a relaxed evening in a nice company. While many of the same age in pubs or cinemas made an appointment, I stayed in a cozy atmosphere in the bar area of the swinger club during the week. As clearly as many would think, the deviation was not at all. The complete facility on the ground floor hardly differed to that of a conventional restaurant.

In addition, a billiard table and a dart panel were also on site to equalize. Only the slightly dressed cloakroom from guests and staff deviated from it. At that time I often wore my black, transparent negligee because my wardrobe was not yet well equipped with erotic lingerie. Maybe it was even my favorite garment, since I also liked it as a party outfit. With a bright bra or top below and a skin -tight jeans, I was also able to be seen in the disco.

One day I only sat with my night dress and a tiny tanga at the club’s counter. The delicate, highly transparent network gently flattered my female curves and gave a lot of guessing underneath. Narrow straps crossed over my back and the wide hem made of shiny satin just reached just above my buttocks. My rear part was just as clear as the cords of my T-String, which ran at the height of the hip and disappeared between the buttocks in nothing.

The side abdominal area and my breasts were covered by an elegant flower pattern. While my piercing -decorated navel stood out, the clamp -short gel ring in my right nipple shimmered only slightly through the thin fabric. However, many looks were not necessary to discover this. My blank butt touched the cool leather of the bar stool while I was sitting there with legs hit on top of each other. I sipped my fruit cocktail with pleasure and let myself be affected by the men who have not yet been present.

I was certainly not perfect, but I was satisfied with myself and my appearance, which is why I didn’t have to hide. It didn’t bother me in any way of being curiously examined here by strangers. On the contrary, I could even enjoy it and there was self -confirmation. Shortly afterwards I had already received a company from a man at the bar whose age I appreciated to about 35 and we were doing some small talk. I only listened superficially because I secretly listened to another conversation behind me.

A couple had gathered on the sofa with another man and spoke about the orgasm problems of the woman. I was not aware of whether the three had known each other for a long time, but due to the course of the conversation, I didn’t assume. The woman bravely told in a uncertain voice, an apparently strange man about her most intimate problems. It didn’t seem easy to fall because I kept hearing her voice stalling during a sentence.

At some point the stranger asked whether she had already tried to cause female ejaculation. “Do you mean squirting?“Asked the woman in astonishment. He hesitantly agreed because this was only the colloquial name for this, which he explained better knowing. He also offered himself to be able to carry out this if you are interested. However, the lady blocked friendly because she and her boyfriend had to break up soon. The practice was probably not quite comfortable, just like me.

I also had already seen any videos on the topic on the Internet and had doubted them. Watching a woman who sprayed more than I had ever seen in a man was simply unbelievable. It was clear to me that this had to be false facts. In my opinion, the women in such clips only decept the orgasm and urinated shock -like. Afterwards I increasingly turned to my actual interlocutor and did not pursue the rest of the conversation behind me.

A little later he said goodbye to me early and the couple behind me left the club almost simultaneously with him. In the meantime, another man took a seat next to me and greeted me kindly. I recognized the voice immediately. It was the man who previously talked behind my back. He asked me carefully if he could give me another drink because my glass had just become empty. Of course I accepted his offer, which we got into conversation.

After a short time I couldn’t resist it anymore! “So you are the squirt expert?“I just threw it out on my head. When he stared at me amazed, I gave him to understand that his previous conversation could not be ignored. “You overheard us!“I replied for fun with a rugged tone and asked me freely whether I would like it to do so. After a short hesitation, I blocked a little, like the woman before.

He assured me that female ejaculation would not be a fairy tale and could be practiced with almost any woman. Together we joined a cozy sofa in a quiet corner of the bar area and talked closer to this topic. In the further course of the conversation, it turned out that Andreas, as he had imagined, was in her early 30 years and was still studying in the field of gynecology/sexual medicine. I was skeptical about whether he told me the truth, but it built up a base of trust to me.

Even if he had lied to me about his studies, he had to have dealt with the matter in detail elsewhere. Based on his descriptions, I had the feeling that he knew the female body better than myself. He agreed with my concerns about any internet videos, because he too doubted the credibility of some of them. When I was brave and, above all, curious enough, he said that I was ready to try it.

Fueled by the exciting conversation, he immediately took the wind out of my sails because he had no time. However, he suggested another meeting at the end of the week, whereupon we finally agreed on Friday evening. Then we said goodbye and I went home with ambiguous feelings. Since I was on the axle with my friends almost every Friday at the time to celebrate, I even thought about letting the meeting whiz.

On the one hand, I continued to doubt the existence of female ejaculation by his rejection, but on the other hand, his statements seemed credible to me, which is why I ultimately decided to perceive the appointment. Of course, on the following days I thought about whether it would work, but in principle I took the matter very easily. Either it would work and I am enriched with an experience, or everything is as before. It was important for me to have tried it too less than I already had the opportunity.

Just that Friday at 8 p.m. I sat lonely at a table in said swinger clubs and waited for my date … again, only dressed in my black negligee and the tanga underneath, I sat there and sitting on my iced tea. I clearly signaled the guests present that I was waiting for someone. For this I stayed in an area of the bar, which was intended for guests already agreed. After waiting for Andreas for half an hour, it was slowly annoying me.

After all, that’s why I had put my friends. When I was going to go after almost an hour, he finally came through the door and apologized to me many times. How he stimulated and explained to me took an important training longer than expected. He also ordered a drink and I showed myself understanding, although I was a bit snapped due to the long waiting time. I would like to go to one of the rooms with him as soon as possible to finally get it behind me, but we spent a while comfortable at the table for a while.

During the conversation, he described the most important points for me to cause female ejaculation. Normally, squirting is possible in all women, as he explained to me here. However, the method would not work if I were not entirely involved in it, he contradicted himself. Basically, I had to be completely excited and was not afraid of crossing a certain point. This point is comparable to urination at least, he continued.

I shouldn’t try to hold back, but to have a positive effect on it. Now I was completely unsettled by his entire talk. For me at that moment he presented everything as if he couldn’t make a mistake at all. It seemed to me that he had mainly thought about excuses in the past few days, which is why I could be to blame if it shouldn’t work. Why I didn’t get up and just left was on his other side.

At the same time he looked trustworthy and convincing. Then it was finally ready. We got up and went to the “doctor room”, which Markus felt in this case the cheapest. It was a small tiled room in which, in addition to standard doctors’ equipment, there was also a gynecologist chair in the middle of the room. Of course, such a chair on which the woman with a spread legs also takes place also takes scope for erotic fantasies. However, this did not appeal to me, since visits to the gynecologist were rather uncomfortable.

While I was innocent and awkward, Andreas covered the gynecologist chair with paper towels. Ok, not pinching now, I thought to myself, took off my negligee and let my tanga fall down my legs towards the floor. When Andreas turned to me again, I was already naked in front of him, whereupon he urged me with his eyes. In order to loosen up the mood a bit, I ask him if he liked what he saw, what he acknowledged with a nod and handed me his hand.

Then he helped me on the chair and gently put my legs in the leg shells before his eyes fell on my exposed intimate area. “You have beautiful pussy there!“He replied to me before he turned away from me to wash his hands on the sink. Since he had to penetrate me deep into me with his hands, he then showed me his hands for control. They were really well maintained. His fingernails were clean, briefly cut and at the same time dull.

So I denied his question whether I would rather be if he was still overriding disposable gloves. While he subsequently called on his hands with an aqueous lubricant, he asked me what my opinion was my most stimulating part of the body. “My clit!“I answered as if shot out of the pistol. While he got my column with his oily hands, he explained to me that after this evening I would answer this question differently. Just his mystical way he talked to me excited me deeply.

With his greasy hands he also stiffened me over my upper body, kneaded on my breasts and massaged my nipples. Here he kept looking in my face and watched my breathing lively while I was getting more and more excited. It seemed exactly to press the right buttons across my body. Shortly afterwards he introduced his index finger to my vagina while his thumb was placed on my pubic hill. After sighing briefly with lust, he was sure that I was excited enough enough.

Before he continued, he drilled his thumb, which was still on my pubic hill deep into my skin. Andreas explained to me that exactly my G-spot would be here, which he would stimulate immediately. He therefore asked me to keep our conversation in mind beforehand and let my feelings run wild. He also promised me that there would definitely be no urine, which would of course have been incredibly embarrassed. I didn’t believe that urine would go out, because after all, I was still on the toilet beforehand.

Completely relaxed and excited to the tips of the hair, I was there when he introduced the index and middle finger completely into me. With circular movements, he seemed to score my inside precisely before his fingers concentrated on the upper vaginal wall. His fingers quickly landed on a point that felt strange and I twitched together. At first I even felt a little uncomfortable. His fingers headed again in a targeted manner and felt them tenderly again.

I felt this point harder, rougher and wrinkled than the rest of the fabric. The feeling resembled the feeling when you lay in the bathtub for too long. Afterwards he exerted some pressure and stroked it with bent fingers. As if the wrinkled fabric wanted to smooth out and want to pull the point closer towards the exit. A little later he combined his technology with a knock, which due to the extreme moist of my vagina resulted in a tremendous noise.

He edited my vagina relatively robust while I groaned softly to myself. As it was warned, the feeling of urinating, which I perceived more intensely every second and finally it started to press easily, came quickly. At that moment I was also sure that something would happen right away that I had never experienced until now. Andreas had exactly in the feeling and only pulled milliseconds before it came over me his fingers out of my vagina.

I lay cramped and trembled all over the body. This unknown liquid flowed out of my vagina and my legs slipped out of the leg shell. This moment was indescribable! I had stepped away and completely flooded with feelings of happiness. When I came back to me after a few seconds, I noticed my cramped attitude and heard myself whimpering myself. After I brought my legs back into the starting position, we looked into each other’s eyes deeply and were silent.

Almost surprising in retrospect, since he preferred my face to the deep insight into my wide -open vagina. My wide grin and the sparkling eyes impressed him more at that moment. Only when I unconsciously slid my right hand between my legs to feel the moisture that he interrupted the continued silence. He asked if I wanted more. With an energetic nod, I clearly signaled my desire for more. His subsequent question of whether I would be ready for a longer -lasting experience this time, I acknowledged my longing “Jaaaaa”.

Even his proposal to fix me on legs and abdomen with belts, I agree without losing a thought about it. In retrospect, I am shocked by my behavior and good faith that evening. Of course it was many times more harmless in a swinger club than on a private site. But how was it possible that I delivered myself to a guy that I didn’t know ten years older, which I didn’t know? The conversations with his calm voice and his sensitive way contributed to this.

From a sober point of view, it was shocking way this situation. He had fixed me, so to speak,. I was horny, I was excited and wanted more. I would probably have agreed to everything as long as he would put me back into this condition. However, all of these thoughts did not play a role for me that evening. While Andreas looked around in the room, as if he were still looking for something, I lay wide -legged and almost unable to move. After searching a few drawers, he came back with a candle and pressed her into my right hand.

I then looked at him completely surprised. Since I should decide when I had enough of it, the candle was my “emergency signal”. As soon as I would drop it on the floor, he would stop with the massage. What may sound bizarre impressed me at this moment and strengthened the trust in him in addition! Why? He seemed to think of everything to make it as nice as possible for me. It was not another explanation to me what benefits this measure should have.

For an observer like him, it is difficult to distinguish in this case at what time for absolute bliss converted into discomfort. Of course I could have simply called “stop” at the right moment. But even with the short intermezzo before, I already noticed how difficult it was to get a word about my lips in this state. Since I was still extremely excited, which significantly signaled my club -hard nipples, a new prelude was not necessary.

I enjoyed the moment when he pressed a hand firmly on my pubic mound and finally slid through my gate with two fingers of the other hand. He felt the mysterious place directly. The renewed stroking and tapping puts me in ecstasy quickly. After I was unloaded again shortly afterwards, Andreas continued to massage the position without a break, which is why I fell into a trance -like state. Then a climax chased the next one. I only heard the smacking sound of my edited cunt while my body was crazy.

I fidgeted with crooked bodies as far as the straps allowed, wildly around. I stretched my feet to the top of the toe cramped. Mainly I focused on not accidentally falling in my right hand. I have no idea how many orgasms I was able to experience here. It was not for me to define where one came to an end and the next started. But in the end the moment came by intuitively opening my palm and the candle felt like it was slow in slow motion.

Andreas Finger then immediately slid out of my pleasure center. At that moment my tied upper body quickly turns forward and I japied to air with wide eyes, while I also dared a look down. There I saw my slightly twitching abdomen, this colorless slightly slippery liquid and the completely soaked paper towels. Completely done I let myself fall back back. I lay there exhausted and felt like I had just had a 5000m run behind me.

Andreas had freed me from the belts unnoticed and started to clean me and the couch. In order not to hinder him, I got up and stood a little puzzled and overwhelmed into the center of the room. Andreas smiled suddenly and said I would stand around here like a statue. He then informed me that I could go to a shower while he was still cleaning a little here. When I agreed, he helped me to one of the in -house bathrobes and gave me a kiss on the cheek with the words: “You are a wonderful woman!“With my little handbag, my negligee I went to shower.

The paper towels soaked and crumpled by me and I also took with me for disposal. As embarrassing as it may sound, I decided in front of the trash can and stowed the sucked towels in my handbag. After I was still ready with a permanent grin on my face, we met briefly in the bar area of the club and said goodbye to each other. At home I had time to sort my thoughts and review the events of the evening.

I was still overwhelmed. I would never have expected that I could have such an intense orgasm. An orgasm in which I lost control of my entire body and crazy about all muscles. On the one hand, I thought that every woman deserves to be able to experience this at least once. On the other hand, I didn’t want to tell any other woman about it and keep the secret to me. I see divided whether this practice can be integrated into the sex life of a couple.

Of course it would be an enormous pleasure for the woman, but the extremely robust finger technology has to do with little partnership with tenderness for me. In addition, I can now say from my own experience that the woman is facing some unpleasant and painful attempts until her partner can implement this technology correctly. Andreas was also an important topic for me. It was not a “maybe you can see each other”, as my usual feeling was, but I absolutely had to see him again! It was strange! Certainly I was not the first woman he had given such an adventure, which I also got along with.

The fact that it was not the last did not help me. Jealousy and a little anger was the feeling of what happened to me here. I did not recognize myself again and seriously puzzled whether I had fallen in love. But it was nonsense and probably came from the still persistent emotional chaos in me, which is why I quickly calmed down. A purely sexual experience would not have been a good basis for a steady relationship. For me, sex was more important to me than the feelings for the other person, which is why I would not have dared to be true to be true.

In addition, Andreas was my first Ü30 “sex partner” and I was already curious about what surprises his fellow species still had for me at this age. Fortunately, contact with Andreas did not tear off and together we experienced further exciting moments … P. S. What happened to the inserted paper towels remains my secret. Truth or lie? Your opinion is required!.

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