Slip overt [6] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Lilie, ten thousand kilometers further at the same time, but not at the same hour -it was already ten in Tokyo -Rudolf, together with his Japanese colleague Masahiro Sakai, strolled through the alleys of Yoshiwara. The sky was night black, but the heat had hardly subsided. The high humidity drove his sweat out of all pores, let the hair curl up and the clothes glue on the body. An hour ago the two had been sitting on the counter sushi restaurants, her Beer drunk, and of course the conversation had soon come to the topic of women.
“I couldn’t endure it for that long,” Masahiro meant.

“And what would you do?““ I would go to a Turkish bathroom.“Rudolf was listened to, because he had already heard a lot of that, but never anything concrete. “What’s it all about?“Asked Rudolf emphasized, although he was very interested in him. “What should it be all about. The women at home do not offer that, and we can’t ask them to see what we get there.

That’s why we’re going there. It has nothing to do with infidelity.“I heard something similar, Rudolf thought, only that it was Corinna, his own wife, who had represented such a view. “And what do these baths offer, which you don’t get from your women?““ You would have to find out yourself. If you want, I will accompany you to such a house, ”Masahiro offered himself.

“But you have to pay yourself, because the prices are not low.“Rudolf decided to put the trial on the test.
With the taxi, the two drove to Yoshiwara, the old, if not venerable Freudenviertel of Tokyo, which already existed when the city was still called Edo and instead of Mitsubishi the shogun ruled the country. So not only cleaning, also leisure and everything the man needs, offer these bathrooms, Rudolf learned during the taxi ride from Masahiro. In Yoshiwara, the largest accumulation of such facilities in Japan, Wohlen no less than a hundred seventy houses for the favor of visitors. And there are more every day.

Therefore, the police, no, did not have to take note of prostitution -it does not take note of it because it cannot be what is not right -but restrict the opening of other baths in order not to let the number of establishments. The owners of the existing houses will thank her, as this ban also prevents an increase in the annoying competition. Rudolf revealed a strange mix of Japanese and European elements in this district. It was already shown in the fairytale architecture and fantastic decoration.

There were also romantic names that translated Masahiro. Japanese – such as “Engelspalast”, “Queen Castle”, “Fragrant Juwel”, “Love Princess” – competed with foreign names such as “Ladies Academy”, “Madame Joy”, “Arabian Night”, “Renaissance”, “Harem 69” …The imagination seemed limitless.
A house aroused Rudolf’s special attention. He stopped in front of it.

“Junge Bride” was in a fluorescent publication under a relief illuminated by headlights. Half was that Virgo, The grace -rich, half the goddess Kannon, the merciful that appeared on the sky blue stucco relief. Surrounded by putts, wreaked with roses, the girl in the pose of a Madonna was floating against the background of impact cream clouds. The refined erotic gestures of her body, which emphasized the flowing robe, was more of a strange contrast to the childish, unwained face.

“Do we want to go here?“Rudolf nodded. The Vörraum looks the foyer of a small well -kept hotel. While Masahiro regulated the modalities, Rudolf took a seat in the armchair in front of a low table. A young man in pagen uniform -black trousers, wine -red jackets -, in the hand a tray with a cognac bottle and two swivel on it, bent his knee in front of him and gave in a glass.

With a grateful look he took the drink. Such a service resembled him.
If Rudolf had known that Corinna also received a cognac as a greeting at the same time, from the hand of the “likeable man”, he would have been so happy. But so he was excitedly expecting the things that would come there. However, there were no things, even if they did not have a course, as can be found on woodcuts, on high wooden sandals, dressed in precious kimonos, the black hair stuck into artistic hairstyles that still raised the contrast of the white -made face, rather two freshness appearedYoung girls, too uniformed.

They wore dark blue skirts and white blouses. Her Feet were in white socks and black low shoes. They could have been twins. They bowed deeply in front of the guests.

“Irasshaimase.”” Welcome “, translated Masahiro.
Willig followed Rudolf in his “young bride” in her room, a combination of bathroom and bedroom. “Yuri,” she said and pointed to her nose with her index finger. Rudolf understood that this was the name of his playmate for the next hour. In Japan, man points to the nose and not on the chest when you point to yourself.

He later learned from Masahiro that Yuri is called “Lilie” in German ”. The girl meant that he should take off. She helped him undress and put the wardrobe on a pedantic manner in a plastic basket. While Rudolf was already sitting naked on the edge of the bed, Yuri was parked out of skirt and blouse.

The bra and the panties also fell. White skin shone, formed into lines, finally revealed a perfect girls’ body with tiny breasts and a loved one -loving little dark triangle in the right place. Both were now ready for the liturgy of love, he in Adam’s costume, in the most beautiful dress that a young girl can wear for such an action ever, in her bare, peach office.
There was a hot bath at the start, because nothing refreshes better in the oppressive summer sunda and agrees for the following joys. Then Rudolf settled on a stool, and Yuri rubbed the male body with a well -fragrant lotion, the feet first, the ankles, the knees, the thighs, then shoulders, back, stomach and of course his limb and the testicles to which theyparticularly intensive care was given.

It tickled pleasantly when Yuri’s finger touched the glorn wreath and the wrinkle underneath. Rudolf’s member grew up to his full size under her tenderly knowing hands. In doing so, she smiled at him constantly. The praefatio was enough.

Now he had to lie down on a golden glittering, water -filled mattress that was close to the tub embedded in the ground. Yu-Ri rubbed with a special foam, her whole cute, naked body. The soap massage could begin.
Rudolf should turn around his stomach, Yuri meant him. He willingly followed the request.

He felt the light weight of the girl’s body on which his rest until he gradually over the hill of his pos and the Legs slide. This game was repeated two or three times for Rudolf. Now he should turn again and lie on the water mattress with his back. Again the naked girl lay on his body and hugged him.

Gently, all gazettes, with spread legs she slid down again. Rudolf felt a damp warmth that enclosed his limb softly and gently. In the down glide her gender had recorded his member. She stayed motionless.

But not for long, because she was already lifted her upper body and moved forward to initiate the exciting ceremony again. The introitus was completed.
Then a break, while the Rudolf sat on the edge of the bed, smoked a cigarette and drank a fruit juice, at his feet the girl, who looked up at him and tenderly played around with his lips. The coitus followed. For the climax of the well -arranged love ritual, Rudolf had to lie on the bed with his back.

Yuri knelt over him with the thighs opened, his face turned to him. She gently picked up his limb, pushed the foreskin Back, raised her body, put his plump acorn on the labia and typed Dage-gene. Sighly sighing she picked up his member. The closed eyes, the entire facial expression of the girl reflects the concentration with which she tried to satisfy Rudolf.

As soon as Yuri moved the pool. Instead, the contractions of her vagina in him aroused sweet feelings that soon led him to the summit of the bliss. When he fueled in her -far too quickly, as he thought -he felt that he was literally out of the vaginal muscles. The Communio had happened.
With a deep sigh, the girl dropped next to Rudolf and was heavily breathing next to him for a few moments until she woke up to life with a smile.

Her fingers played tenderly on the limb that had become small. Except “Yuri”, her name, the girl hadn’t said a single word all the time. Rudolf now knew that eroticism primarily means tenderness, kindness and empathy in the others. That had taught him the “young bride” from the Yoshiwara.

When he, again on the street, announced Masahiro this impression, he waved off. “This is just one side of Japanese eroticism. But there is another, a tangible.““ Nudity ”, Masahiro continues,“ in everyday life in Japan. No wonder that the Japanese man searched and found a valve.

Example ’Liberal Theater’. In it, the men sit in the primititated basement of the big cities on rickety chairs and marvel at the bare beautiful or less beautiful, which dance on stage with open mouths. Then when the girl crows down on the edge of the stage and reveals the view between the wide -open thighs, they completely get out of the house and seem to want to crawl into the wide gap between the pubic column. So close they gather in front of it or stretch the necks so that you can not miss any detail.

The conclusion of every performance then forms the publicly carried out coitus with one of the men from the audience. If several men contact you at the same time, you can get who the girl can climb. This event is repeated every fifteen minutes. Sexuality can be sublime, but it can also be primitive.

It depends on the attitude or the respective situation. Isn’t that with you in Europe?“They continued to stroll, Rudolf and his friend Ma-Sahiro. When walking, they lit a cigarette. “What to do with the open evening?“Masahiro looked at his clock.

“In Tokyo, the lights go out very late.“Then after a short considering:“ I know a studio here nearby, the happings of a special kind is organized. Are you coming with me?”” Happings of what kind?” “I will not tell.“Rudolf went with it anyway. The studio turned out to be an ordinary Japanese room, designed with Tata-Mi, the usual rice straw mats, on the upper floor of an inconspicuous house. A few men were already sitting on the floor, the legs intertwined, in silence, looking at the arrangement in the middle of the room.

In front of a low chair there was a young girl, dressed only with a blouse, exposed his lower body, a can with a red shower at her feet, a thick brush, inserted a shock of empty leaves next to it. But nothing happened yet. The girl waited until the newcomers had settled.
“She makes Mantaku here,” whispered Masahiro to his friend. “Mantaku?”” Yes, Mantaku, “said Masahiro whispering.

“This is a word with which even very few Japanese can do something if you don’t know what it is about. It is composed of the first syllables of two words: shortcoming, a widespread, but not exactly fine expression for female shame, and Takuhon, the grated copy as it has been handed down in the stone prints. It is a copy that is taken by a stone colored in the surface, so that the scratched characters or figures appear white on the tinted paper. As a result, a mantaku is the impression that is taken from the most female place of the woman and whose shape directly reflects.“Now the girl was ready for the first trial print.

On the padded seat of the chair she put a sheet of rice paper and stood over with spread legs, in her hand the brush, which she had previously colored extensively with the tin -red ink. Prefered by the upper body, she carefully brushed the bold of her small, bald columns, so to speak the matring. “It depends on the color application, on the pressure with which she sits on the base and how she then moves,” said Masahiro in a quiet voice. “In general, only the oval shape is considered perfect, which is left out on the inside and has all around points.

To achieve this effect, she shaved the pubic hair beforehand.“The girl put the brush away and carefully sat on the paper, slipped back and forth with his buttocks and then carefully raised the butt on which the sheet stuck. She gently loosened it with her hands from the column and presented the art object that has just been created to the gaffing audience. Topography of lust. After several leaves were printed in this way, the girl left the room to clean up from the ink.

A little later she appeared out of the bathroom, this time completely naked, crouched and spread out the leaves from the spectators. A particularly successful specimen that fully met the quality criteria. “I will give you this in memory of this evening,” he said, pressing it in his hand.
After this quick course in Japanese eroticism, Rudolf and Masahiro continued their walk through the Yoshiwara until they were concerned with a low, inconspicuous pasture. At her foot a board with Japanese characters.

“This pasture marks the border of the Yoshiwara,” said Masahiro. “I translate what is on the blackboard:’ Here the gate to Yoshiwara stood here in the Edo period. When the pleasure seekers woke up from their love dreams, they went to this weeping willow the next morning, and with a heavy heart they looked back to the place of their joy. Therefore, this tree is called farewell tree.’’

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