Sex vacation on the Mediterranean | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Alex and Heidi had this year for theirs Vacation Selated something very special. It should go to the Mediterranean to a hotel for tolerant couples. On the hotel’s homepage was described, that you can walk around naked all day long and sex would also be possible everywhere. There was also an animation of several animators and animators who should keep the guests in their mood. Livesex and sex games were offered every day.

In addition, it was quite common for the hotel guests to make a couple exchange with the appropriate sympathy or celebrated sex orgies. Since Alex liked to fuck for his life and enjoyed women in all positions, he was able to persuade Heidi about this holiday destination. In mid -August it was time. The suitcases were packed and it went towards Stuttgart Airport. After free hours of flight time and a three -quarters of an hour to take a taxi to the hotel, they were finally at the destination and entered the reception hall.

It was already afternoon. The hotel was located directly on the fine sandy beach and protected from the outside by walls and dense hedges. Heidi and Alex went to the reception counter and greeted the receptionist a brown -burned, tall woman with long black hair. She had a short top and a black short skirt. Hello we are Alex and Heidi Schmidtbauer from Stuttgart “. Hello my sweeties, ”said the lady in almost accent -free German.

You can take your off first. If you then be naked we do check-in. “Alex and Heidi hesitated and put their clothes on the reception counter. Alex pushed them several forms with the request for filling. Heidi gave her a fluffy velvet pillow and said to her: You can kneel on it and your boyfriend one blow, while he fills out the documents. Heidi took the pillow surprised and put it on the floor in front of Alex.

His penis was already half stiff. Alex stood a bit diagonally to the counter, so Heidi also well on his penis. With pleasure she took him into her mouth and began to edit his glans with his tongue. Alex filled out the forms under groaning. The receptionist watched him lust. Meanwhile, other guests of the house were strolled through the reception hall. It was a sporty -looking guy with a black -haired brown woman.

Ah, new guests, said the man and greeted his hand greeting. You look really cool, said the woman. Then both had disappeared outside. When Alex was ready with the formalities and had got the room key, the receptionist said: You can now stop your friend tail blow. You have enough time later. Get in touch with the animation. Everything else will be explained to you there.

She showed her hand towards the pool bar, which through a door to the big one Garden was to be reached. Alex and Heidi grabbed their rolling cases and their clothes and went to the pool bar. Once there, they were greeted by a medium -sized blonde with a crunchy butt. She was wearing a short dark blue panties, which made her great butt out of it particularly well and a light blue top with the inscription Animation. The pool was bright blue in the wonderful Mediterranean sun.

Small tables with chairs were set up around the pool. To the right of the pool was said Poolbar and on the left there was a stage with headlights and a large double bed in the middle. Welcome to us at the hotel, said the animator and shook each of the two hands. My name is Hanna and I am the senior animator. Our team consists of five girls and three boys. We want to prepare a really great stay here.

There is livesex every day at 3 p.m. Another employee of the animation is alternately fucked by one of our employees every day. Without a condom goes away. You can then enjoy premium sex for half to three quarters of an hour – from prelude to cuddling after orgasm. We also organize various sex games every day, where everyone who wants and wants to experience something horny can participate. Our big beach fucking will also take place shortly.

This is a unique show in which external, invited guests will also take part. We also offer sex lessons. We then show you extraordinary positions or things that you have always wanted to do once. Just get in touch with me if you are interested. This evening after dinner, however, your entrance examination takes place. A total of three new couples have arrived today, so it should be a wet happy event.

I would like to ask you at 8 p.m. to get to the show stage naked. Now I’ll show you your room first. Hanna showed them their room and thanked them for the friendly and promising introduction. Heidi and Alex set fresh and went to the small restaurant for dinner, which was located directly in the hotel area near the pool bar. Some couples already ate in the restaurant. Everyone was naked.

There were small towels on the chairs because of the hygiene after food was thrown into containers intended for it. The typical Mediterranean food tasted excellent. Shortly after dinner, the newly arrived couples also gathered, including Heidi and Alex at the big show stage in the middle of the complex. Hanna, the senior animator entered the stage. Hello everyone she said in the microphone. First of all, I would like to introduce all the animation employees for the new guests.

Then four women and three men came on stage in the animation dress. Take off, Hanna demanded. Then all animators took off naked. Hanna briefly put the microphone away and also made herself naked. The animators turned in a circle, so that all of their beautiful bodies could admire. The spectators clapped and the sex tension started to really crackle. If your cocks are stiff, Hanna asked the three animators.

Immediately three animators knelt in front of the men and took the penises into their mouths and began to suck and to suck. In a short time all penises were stiff. The girls rose again and the boys proudly showed their plump erections. Now I ask the three newly arrived couples to me on the stage. Alex and Heidi rose naked as they were on stage. The two other couples Harald and Tina as well as Jutta and Jens also came.

The newly arrived men will now take an entrance examination. We will also see how potent the boys are, Hanna announced. The animator explains the game: The partner should choose one of the five entertainers who should particularly like the partner. Both now have to sleep together in the dog position. The partner must make the partner’s penis stiff and insert into the vagina of the respective animator. If the penis is in there, it has to start to bump.

Each push is counted by the jury. The man is not allowed to take a break. So he has to fuck until orgasm. To prove that he really sprays, he has to pull his penis out of the animator shortly before orgasm and spray her over back and buttocks. After the orgasm is evaluated. Up to 100 bumps there is the bronze until 200 the silver and from 250 bumps the golden badge.

Alex and Heidi should start. Heidi searched for a small, light -skinned blonde with not too small but not too big butt. The look of the butt is particularly important with Alex. The animator went down on a gymnastics mat on all fours that had been brought up without further ado. Heidi knelt next to Alex and took his cock in his mouth. In seconds his penis was glass -hard. He now positioned himself behind the animator so that he could penetrate her well.

Using a condom was obviously not an issue. Here was fucked without a rubber! Heidi picked up his stiff cock and led his penis tip between the animator’s shaved labia. Then she conducted his penis into the vagina. Alex strengthened the pressure and now completely slid into the woman. I am now completely inside, gasped Alex. Well, said Hanna, then it starts right away.

But you can’t fuck too quickly, otherwise we cannot count well. Ready, Set, Go! That was the starting command. Alex started to initiate slowly. The vagina felt great. Unfortunately it was such a vagina that can milk a male cock pretty quickly. Alex increased his pace something. The penis slipped back and forth smoothly and there was still no risk of orgasm. The animator seemed to be visibly liked to have this sexual intercourse, because she groaned and squeaked with every harder push.

Incidentally, all animators seemed to have real pleasure in sex. Alex had now reached 100 bumps. It was a lot of fun on the great ass to look at the animator and see how she was fucked by her own tail. In Germany you would have to put a lot of money in a puff for such a fuck. He had now reached 200 bumps. It started to pull suspiciously in his lumbar region.

Alex knew that he would not endure it for too long without a break – the irritation in this insane cunt was too strong. After 220 bumps, he had to reduce the pace significantly if he did not want to do a sperm bath in the animator immediately. Slowly but surely he felt his orgasm close. The spectators cheered on him: keep it up, not inject, there are still a few bumps. 235 bumps. Alex began to moan louder and louder.

The animator noticed that the tail became harder again in her body. A safe sign of orgasm. She now groaned out of body strength. So she liked to be fucked. 240 bumps. Heidi shouted: hold through, press your orgasm back, you immediately did 250 bumps. Alex slowed his bumps again. However, he shouldn’t stop fucking. 245 bumps. Now the orgasm was no longer to be stopped.

It started to pull deep in his penis root. 248 bumps. The orgasm came. 249 bumps. He groaned loudly. There was no one yet sperm. 250 bumps. He now knew that it would only take less than a second for the first sperm sprinkle with power out of his penis. 251 bumps. He pulled his penis out of her vagina at lightning speed. Immediately afterwards he sprayed violently on his bottom and back of the animator.

A splash even reached the shoulder blade. The amount applauded. Hanna called 251 bumps into the microphone. A nice result. For this he gets the golden badge. As a bracelet, he can now carry that around the wrist. So everyone can see that he is a persistent sex partner. So the time passed until the other men had taken their entrance examination. Harald got the bronze with 89 bumps and Jens with 202 thrusts the silver badge.


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