On a horny escape part 1 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

So the association was completed. Now also in the literal sense. The contracts were signed, the party At its climax. And finally she had given in to his urge.

Ultimately, they knew each other all their lives, their parents were partners and competitors. There was something like that. The two years of age difference didn’t matter. Since her body changed during puberty, he did not let her out of his eyes.

The older she got, the more she had the impression that he took her off her regularly with his eyes. In many cases he invited her to do something with him. Eating ice cream, cinema, later concerts, food, disco. And depending on her mood and your desire to play with him, she went into it.

At some point learned to irritate him with looks and clothes and enjoyed his reactions. However, she did not allow him more. He hadn’t even kissed her. And now their union was the price and the logical consequence of the fusion of the two most important companies in their country, at least in the eyes of their parents.

It had taken almost twenty years until this reality became. This topic was already one of her childhood memories. And since today, the two companies have finally went into a future together. So far, the tour has been inherited in both houses as in a royal line.

Therefore, she also suspected what the connection would mean for her. So that night was created to fulfill his desire.

Nevertheless, Lea Sanchez continued to play with him. She had chosen particularly high high heels for this occasion, her dress flattered her body, showed everyone what beauty it was hidden. Certainly this was borderline for the occasion of this social event, but it held the critical look of theirs Mother was standing.

From her she had inherited this extraordinary attractiveness, the long and slim legs, the flat belly, the narrow waist, the round butt, the big and solid breasts and the beautiful face. Even today, her mother was a beauty. And since she thought they know what her Daughter today, she let the dress go through, because here the pleasant could clearly be connected to the useful. Even with her adult daughter, the mother reserved these decisions when it came to social relevance.

Luca de Matteo almost jumped out of his head when he was on that day the first time saw. With a game of curls and rejecting, she almost brought him to the mind. He was constantly near her, she didn’t let her eyes out of his eyes. She was already intended as his table lady and his eyes burned on her body.

She could feel her while talking to others and led the usual conversation at the table. She has always excited when she felt that men desired and stared at her. In addition, she knew that she was something special and not a normal girl, not a normal woman. In the dance she felt his excitement, his harder tail pressed her body, his hands stroked her dress.

And she allowed it to. Lea was friendly to him in these moments, considering him with her eyes. Then she withdrawn again and danced with other men who deliberately let her feel her breasts and who were involved in her game. The hands of her dance partners went on a journey across their bodies, as far as it was just acceptable for this type of events.

She always looked for Lucas and saw the increasing excitement. His jealousy. His greed.

Then suddenly she whispered in his ear that she wants to withdraw with him. There was a lot of sex in her voice and if she had to commit herself, she would have said that at that moment he had come into his pants.

Fortunately, she had been wrong, because when she had finally left the celebration and had arrived in her room, she found only a somewhat above -average and very hard cock in his pants. She was satisfied with it. He seemed to have passed this first exam. Immediately she took him deep in her mouth and blew him according to all the rules of art.

She felt the twitch of his cock, which she liked so much herself. However, he shouldn’t come yet. The game of this evening had also let her get hot, even if Luca didn’t think much of it. But she could get involved in a situation.

That was one of her strengths. And the situation was that both were imminent a common future. So she released him from her mouth because she didn’t want to risk the night there ended there. At least not yet.

Her hands wanted to open her dress, slowly, present your beautiful body and ultimately bring him around your mind.

Luca was too much. He now had to have this woman he had desired all his life. They roughly attacked his hands and threw them onto the bed. The surprised loud out of her throat was immediately stopped by a hard kiss.

“Finally you belong to me, Lea Sanchez.

I can hardly believe it, ”he groaned into her ear.

She felt his hands push her dress up. Somehow he managed to take off her panties and his cock was already on her can. He penetrated her hard and demanding, so that Lea shouts with pain and surprise. Her still packaged breasts were maltreated by his hands and she had the idea that frustration was built here for almost ten years.

He ruthlessly fucked her but at some point she had adjusted to it. She remained passive and put her arms around his hips. Finally he exploded loudly into her and when she felt his juice flooded hotly, she also came to something that she classified as an orgasm. So the association was completed.

Heavily breathing he came to rest on her.

She felt his hot breath in her face. He literally pumped, seemed to be completely done. Lea managed to roll it down and gathered briefly. Now she urgently had to go to the bathroom.

Luca remained mated on the bed. There was no sign that he wanted to undress or go again.

“You poor guy. The past few years must have been very exhausting for you. But I’m sure we will find a way to get along.

And at some point you will satisfy me too.”

Lea smiled at these thoughts. It could have been worse. She closed the door to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. His juice ran out of her and she felt that she was still very excited.

That meant that she had to put a hand on her. Better than letting Luca put it around. Again a smile scurried over her face. Suddenly the light went out and she was sitting in the dark.

Lea cursed over the ailing power grid in this country and waited for the generators to jump on for emergency care. But that it did not use the well -known typical hum of the diesel. Lea cursed again. Now it wasn’t even relying on it.

she got up. She still had the high heels. Not the best choice in a dark room, she thought with herself.

“What the hell…”

She also heard Luca swearing. Apparently that was part of the good sound.

However, he did not finish his sentence and Lea heard strange noises that she could not assign. She couldn’t have said why later, but she behaved calmly and stayed still.

“Princess Tausendschön … Princess Tausendschön …”

The voice of a man called for… her? However, she did not know this voice. Panic rose in her. What was going on here? What did this man want? And what about Luca?

“Come out you most beautiful of all flowers.

I know you are here.”

The voice continued to have a blunt sound. However, she preferred not to answer it. Then everything went very quickly. The door to the bathroom was opened, Lea got something in his hand and when the black shadow entered the room, she already hit the object towards him.

The man swelled surprised and Lea wanted to push himself past him out of the bathroom. However, she apparently hadn’t hit him properly. Although he was well -dazed, he held her tight. His handle was strong.

Lea shouted but the guy just laughed and came back to himself.

“You are a little wild cat? All the better.”

He pulled her back into her bedroom. The moonlight illuminated the room so much that it could see what had happened. Luca was on her bed in his blood. Her tormentor wore a mask and an army uniform.

She could feel his muscles under his top. But that hardly penetrated her. Luca was dead, killed by this monster. She screamed in horror and held her hands in front of her face.

“Unfortunately, your prince is no longer among us.

And you will be similar if you don’t do what I tell you now. take off your dress.”

This was no longer an attraction. These were threats and command. She looked at the man and was unable to act.

A slap in the face crashed into her face, which she almost overturned and as if it had asked for this impulse, she immediately opened her dress and dropped it. Lucas Murderer raised his eyebrows appreciatively and admired the body of this beautiful woman on her high heels. Then he pulled slightly on her impact bra. Lea understood and so her breasts were also revealed to his greedy look.

They were comprised by his strong and calling hands. She felt him between her legs, a finger penetrated her. She closed her eyes. Disgust and disgust rose in Lea.

But she stayed calm and finally looked past him.

“So your prince just fucked you. Your cunt is well lubricated.”

The finger continued to move into her. Lea’s view remained rigid.

“You don’t like it as I touch you, princess thousand beautiful? Maybe you like this better here!”

The man let off from her and opened his pants. With both hands he pressed his hostage down.

She saw a mighty cock in front of her. By far the greatest that she had seen in her life. She swallowed briefly, but knew what was required. Her mouth opened and approached his huge glans.

In another situation, they would have made these muscles and this hard and big mast. However, this was about your life. So she just wanted to work. He should be the best Blowjob get his life.

Suddenly, however, all tension seemed to leave his body. He fell over with a bump and she knew. that he was dead.

“If you want to live, follow me.”

This voice was well known to her. Johann Hauser, chief security chief of her father.

She jumped up and threw herself into the arms of the big and muscular man. She started crying uninhibitedly.

“Even if it is difficult for them. You have to calm down. There will be a time to cry but now we have to go away from here.”

She actually managed to calm down halfway, but she couldn’t avoid a whimper.

Johann moved them out of the room to the servants. Although she had spent most of her life in this house, she had never been in this stairwell before. They ran through a hall. Lea now heard shots and screams outside the hall.

She screamed again but the security guard kept her mouth at lightning speed.

“I’ll explain everything you need to know. Now it is important to bring you to a safe place. The power failure provoked by the attackers plays into our hands. But we have to be fast.”

Lea’s face was drawn by the horrors.

But she let her go. A short time later, Johann opened a hidden gate in another hall. Lea hadn’t seen as he opened it but suddenly the wall pushed aside. It was pulled into the room behind it, the gate closed again.

A comfortably furnished room with a sofa, several armchairs, a table. Pictures hung on the walls and it stood on a parquet floor. Three doors left this room. And she saw weapons.

Rifles, pistols, locked boxes with the inscription “Explosive”.

“What’s going on here? What is this? What’s the whole thing? Where are my parents?”

Lea was now upset and snapped Johann literally. Only now did she realize the dirty and blood -smiled clothing of the security expert. Lea got nervous.

“What does that mean if you want to live, follow me? Finally explain what is happening here!”

However, Johann was the calm himself. He did not pay attention to the scolding beauty, which was still naked and hadn’t even noticed in her stress.

He quickly got her the bare essentials to put on. Only now did she understand that she was exposed to his eyes naked and defenseless. She quickly reached for the things he had brought her and kept her protectively in front of her body.

“Could you please turn around while I get dressed?”

He turned smiling, but began to report.

“The celebration of her parents was attacked by a storm command. My people were able to keep them busy for some time, but ultimately there were too many and they knew well.

We tried to bring their parents and the di Matteos into a safe space, but we were quickly surrounded.”

Lea had stopped getting dressed.

“Where are my parents?”

“Your parents are dead, as are the di Matteos. We couldn’t protect them. Her Uncle left the celebration before the raid. Unfortunately, I don’t know what to do with him.

It does not use our protection.”

He waited for a moment to see how she recorded this message. She was obviously in shock.

“So it is all the more important that you live, Lea. I’ll get you away from here. Not just away from this house, but out of this country.

Because I am afraid that this raid is no coincidence, but part of an overthrow. Her Father Was a clever man. He knew that this was imminent and made precautions.”

He turned around again, saw this beautiful young woman, for whose security he has been responsible for more than everyone in the past ten years. At the behest of her father.

It was only in recent years that he, as the new chief of security, had taken the place on the side of her father.

“Please continue to. Especially other shoes. Even if it is difficult: we have to continue.”

Mechanically she continued what was required. Her parents were dead, Luca was dead, his parents were dead.

Your mom, her dad. She felt the world began to shrink around her. When she finished wearing, she was immediately moved on by Johann. In another room he opened a floor hatch that released a tunnel.

Lea was asked to go first. Johann followed her and closed access. Then he meant to go. They ran crashed for a while, but Lea had lost all the sense of time.

There could have been two hours or twenty hours. It was very exhausting over time. At some point they had reached the end of the tunnel. Lea discovered monitors that immediately activated Johann.

Apparently he checked the surroundings for exit. After a short time he seemed to be satisfied. He lifted the exit gap, then opened entirely and climbed out. Lea followed him.

She was in a larger garage. She could see three smaller cars. And weapons again.

“We take it there. It is prepared.

Please enter.”

She sat down in the small and older Toyota. Johann opened a folder that he carried with him.

“You need new papers and get a new name in public. From now on they are called Fabiana Karlson. Please take a look at the ID and remember the data on the sheet in the folder.

We have to expect to get into a roadblock or another control. My name has also changed. I am Max Grifino. Please try to remember that.”

Johann sat at the wheel, opened the garage door and they drove off.

Lea looked around. The gate closed again. They were on the edge of a small industrial area, about a kilometer from their parents’ house as they estimated. Who were now dead.

Lea was overwhelmed by her grief and cried uninhibitedly. Johann brought meters by meters between them and this house. He accepted her tears and had his passenger followed her thoughts.

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