My first outdoor experience! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

For a long time I finally wanted to test the street as a TV and test the reactions. But how should I do that? I had to look very inconspicuous and was not allowed to notice too. I had to think of something else. Since I am only 27 years old, it shouldn’t be a problem with dressing up.

However, I can’t get on the street in my favorite fetish clothing. Even a woman in boots and leather skirt stands out. What should you say about a TV in rubber clothing. Nothing helped all considerations.

I had to trust a very dear friend. She knows my inclinations and should support me in my outdooring.
So I called Denise and she was also at home and so I was with her the same evening. Denise is around 40 years, not married and looks great. I’ve been a few nice thoughts several times.

But I’m still waiting. Now we sat over a coffee and she asked me again after my last sexual contacts. Denise likes my stories. After a while I came to the bottom of my visit.

I explained to her that I was finally a TV once outdoor but does not want to have sufficient make -up experiences yet. This is definitely not a problem for you. She confirms this to me immediately.

Denise said only clearly I will put on your make -up and we’ll take the first steps together “. But I didn’t want 0815 as a normal tv, but it should be provocative.

That made them considerably superior. With once she started laughing. However, she didn’t explain this laughter to me. I asked several times, but only the statement: “Let yourself be surprised”.

But since I haven’t had make -up utensils yet, we had to go to buy something first. For this we drove into the city. Since it was heavily made up, we did not notice at the cash register with DM 165 for make -up stuff. Since I stand on the color blue myself, everything was in blue for the eyes of the eyes.

I baked everything in my car and brought her home. We made an appointment with me for the coming day. A kiss on my mouth and she was gone.
In the morning the phone tackled and Denise was on it. She just told me that she would come by around noon and still have a razor.

Since I was still overgrown with the body. And on time around 12.45 a.m. Denise was in front of the door. As always, she couldn’t let it and once again like one whore dressed or simply said that she read men’s tails.

First we devoted ourselves to my hair. She shaved me in the simple places and the rest was eliminated with depilatory cream.

Now there was no more hair on me. Then I was made up by Denise. She made it slow and explained everything to me. I came up to a point in time.

I was actually done, at least I thought it. Then Denise said: “This is how a decent TV would put on make -up, but you need it wicked”. So my eyes were highlighted, the lips red as red. Then I got a racy permanent black wig.

I was allowed to look at the work in the mirror. I was able to get one down at this sight. Denise only said: “Not bad, but now the right outfit”. And she had already disappeared into my cupboards.

I now believed that she only wanted to take me in my outfit.

She got the following items out of my cupboards: blue latexcorsage, black thighs, latex socks, white latex brip, red wasteful latex mini skirt, red latex bolero jacket, red latex handpieces red lacquered handbag and pink thigh lacquer with 10cm sales.
I should attract the things. Of course this is not a problem for me, but a big time required. Eswar soon 21.00 a.m. I had put on everything and Denise was very enthusiastic.

Unfortunately my make -up suffered a bit and had to be renewed. Then I waited for the camera. This did not come yet. I ask about and Denise only said: “There is still no part”.

She got handcuffs out. Since I was on SM that was not a problem for me. And my hands were already made on my back.
“Well my little whore, now we can start and you will already see,” said Denise and was happy. I couldn’t counter.

The handcuffs did not allow anything. Slowly I got a thought. She didn’t want to push me onto the street. I wouldn’t even have recognized my neighbor at that time, but I was panicked.

“Your fear is unfounded, how to drive to a somewhat remote area and you will go up and down something.

This is how Denise piled me through the dark staircase to her car. I had a little trouble getting in, but then it went. We drove towards the train station and then we stopped briefly. Denise Stewed, rummaged in the trunk and came back.

She had a silk towel in her hand and it was put over my eyes. So I couldn’t see anything anymore. I didn’t ask why she did this now. We drove for a few more minutes and then she stopped.

Then Denise said a few strange things to me I will take off your handcuffs right away, the blindfold stay where it is and you get out of the car. I will then step on the gas for a moment and when Dudies hears, then you can remove your mask “. What should I think of it.

But I had no choice. I just hoped that she is really very far outside and no one is on the street anymore.

According to current news, it was just 22.30. So I got out and closed the door. Right after that, Denise gave the gas, but not just a bit brief. She just started.

I immediately tore off my head with the blindfold. And what I saw then was awesome. She had only driven me in a circle for eternal times and then ended up in the industrial area. There was the city -famous street line.

I was at the beginning of the side street.
On the sidewalk were all 10m of women and looked for the freedom. I stood there now and saw Denise driving away. But I could see that at the end of the round 600m long street. It could only be her car because there was no car on the street.

So she wanted me to come back to the car and go over the line. I wanted to go home as soon as possible. So I ran carefully. The whores were not enthusiastic about me, after all I was “competition” for them.

I ran faster and faster because the whores made me quite stupid.

I started to freeze something. Because rubber doesn’t keep you warm. Then a lot of my handbag down and opened. The content scattered on the street.

I collected the condoms all back. When I saw high, there was a minibus in front of me. A man put the pane down and told me: “Is that all latex? You are a horny whore. We wanted to experience something harder in the studio tonight, but you don’t want to blow us one?”.

I could even think properly.

Unfortunately I had to have said something. You got pretty cheeky. They had to have noticed that I was a man. Because I have a very deep voice.

Then the two jumped out of their cars and came up to me. One kept a 500dm appearance under my nose and asked me about the possibilities. Unfortunately I reached for the money and so the men thought that we already agree. However, I just wanted to look after the authenticity.

Then the men grabbed me and I had already disappeared into their minibus. I thought I was in a bad film. Since the thing had no windows, I couldn’t call Denise for help. I crouched on the floor and waited what was still coming.
After certainly 20min, the types stopped.

I had landed in any garage. Without the smallest word I was pulled out of the car. I still had the 500 DM in my hand. Then one took my handbag and packed the 500 DM in and said what was going on with you? Did you smoke a bad herb or why are you so nervous.

We will bring you back and if you do everything as we imagine, then there is another bonus “. I told you that I don’t actually do that and do not plan to go on the grain.

“Oh right. You are still a beginner, ”said one of the guys. I nodded and didn’t want to go along.

But Mirwar also clear, if I don’t do what they want, then the 500 DM are gone and I have to go on the street in my fumbler. So I went with me. Due to the garage, a path went directly into a basement. We arrived there and I was amazed.

That was a completely furnished playroom. Unfortunately it seemed very brutally to me. Everything was quite rough there and the play equipment also indicated the hard gait. But I thought we were all grown up and a level is already to be expected.
I actually wanted to get away with once.

But before I knew it, I was caught in a cage. The men left the room and I was alone. After much more than 30min they came back. Both were completely in leather dressed.

They had rivet bracelets, lederhosen and leather shirts and boots. So they walked around. They committed me to take off my skirt and the bolero jacket. I pulled it out and presented it to them.

Then join a closet. I should change a 10cm wide leather collar and attach a chain to it. I did it. Then the cage opened again.

I was immediately gynic. Stool shipped.

The chain was attached to the wall. My legs and my hands immediately followed. They were fixed on the chair.

Then the two started to laugh. They got scissors and cut me the latex patch and my not swollen cock came to light. Then one man said you know hell? Then you will know them today or why do you think that you got DM 500 from us?”. I got sick with once.

And already one man pulled a serving car. A blanket was above. He covered it. All sizes of dildos were on it.

There were huge parts. Not even so thick would be a ponytail.
I couldn’t defend myself or run away. The two sat in front of the chair and made jokes. Then someone got a saucepan with a roast fat.

It was crisco. They put on both gloves and reached into the pot. Without talking for a long time they smeared my back with me. A good hand was slowly sunk into my ass.

Then they hit me with once on my now tied hanging. I winced and screamed. It was more the fright and not the pain. This only set up after a few seconds.

And again one hit one with one whip on it. “It doesn’t hurt? It is only the beginning And you are already screaming? We want to do something about the pain “? I just nodded. And already someone held a little bottle under my nose. I should take a very deep breath and I will no longer have any pain.

However, I know the effect of this means and did not like. I just stopped the air and turned my head away.
I already got an unpleasant blow on my hanging. I continued. Then someone got a gas mask and I got it over.

I had a problem now. Now they held the hose directly over the vial. Unfortunately I couldn’t stop the air. They kept it in front of the hose too long.

I did a breath and thought they were taking the bottle away now. But nothing happened. I have definitely inhaled 5-6 breaths. I got a bit strange and I became looser.

Then the man took the bottle away and waited for a good minute. The mask was removed from me. At the same moment I saw the whip flew towards my inhang. I hardly felt a pain left.

I also no longer felt general touches. And again the bottle was held under my nose. I was briefly dazed.

Now both sat in front of me again and rubbed my butt again. I didn’t feel much of it.

Then the first fingered something in me. Now a man took a dil-do about 30cm long and 5cm wide and pushed it in very slowly. I felt no discomfort. This was pushed so deep into me that only the last tip looked out.

This was quickly removed. Now followed the next size. It was a short but quite thicker Dildo. I kept this inside for some time.

Now my eyes were connected to me once. I smelled this stuff out of the bottle again and breathed it in very deeply because it let me forget every pain. I only heard the men laugh and they got up and only said: “Now we need some strength”. I only noticed a little pull in the abdomen.

The next few minutes passed quite quickly and the bandage was removed from me.

I should look down. I thought the blow meets.
A black dildo with 2 ends looked out with. How deep he put in me shows me one. By pressing my belly button, he made it clear to me that it ends in this area.

The men only said that they hadn’t believed that I could tolerate 10.5 cm thick parts. When I heard this, I got sick. But after a prescribed train out of the bottle, things went well again.
“Then we want to fuck the whore”. Then one man took the dildo out and put him to the side.

I saw the true length of the device for the first time. It had to be at least one meter long. He got a dildo with a scrotum ran. This was just as thick, but was more stable.

He slowly introduced it to me and pulled out a bit again, rubbed the shaft with Crisco and pushed it in. Now he started to fuck me. At first he slowly pushed the dildo into me and out and very quickly he increased the pace. He had to have a lot of strength in his arms, because the thing went in and out twice a second.

Now my cock started to run out. I ran it sperm Slowly out of the tail. The effect of the vial has reduced and I was strangely excited. I really enjoyed once with once.

I let the men know this and they only said: “We made you really horny there? You always need it now “.

I wanted to ride this cock myself. I asked for redemption from the chair. They agreed with this. They pulled out the dildo and put it on the floor.

Before I was allowed to get off, a mirror was given to me and my cunt. I had never seen such a huge hole with me. It wasn’t bad and I could look into myself. I tried to move the sphincter, but my hole just stayed huge.
After I got down I knelt over the dildo.

He was smeared with Crisco again and then I slowly let him slide into myself. I got a stand. I started slowly and then rode wilder. I could see the guys well.

They enjoyed themselves about me. But I didn’t care. I was too horny. I always rode wild.

I didn’t care. The sperm ran out of the tail again. I didn’t stop the time, but 10min my ride took 10 minutes. Then I was exhausted and sweated.

I stopped and got up. The men grinned at me and only said: “You spoiled that nicely. We thought it would be hell for you, but you need something like that so “.

I just said to the men that I wouldn’t have thought of that and was actually grateful. “Show us your thanks and blase our cocks”.

I like to do this. But for that I pulled the dildo again, sat down on him and blew each of the men. Since I was a little afraid because of an infection, I only did it with Parisian. That didn’t matter.

However, they insisted that they can inject my face. I did not care. After they were finished, I was allowed to jerk off. This went very quickly.

After we were all satisfied, I went into the one corner.

There were paper towels. With that I made Michsauber. Unfortunately my make -up was broken. Since they cut my slip, I had to leave it out.

I got my skirt and jacket back. Since I started to run slowly, I pressed some towels between my legs. Crisco liquefied and wanted to get out again. The men moved without every word and came back moved.

They combined my eyes again and I was driven back to the line.

I opened the bandage and Denise was gone. What should I do now. Then I asked the men to drive in the direction of where Denise lived around the corner. The men liked to do that.

Her car stood in front of Denise her door. I sneaked into the house and rang. She opened and was totally crumpled. You were angry with me once.

I explained what happened and she started laughing. Because it was her school too. She wanted to see my hole right away. That was still quite big and very moist.

Denise said you will run around for the next few days, have fun with it “.
That was my first outdoor experience. Unfortunately I had some problems with my cunt for the next few days and still headaches from the bottle.

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