My African lover | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It is in Summer And everyone likes to go out. Just me, at least not during the day. I have an African friend, Tala 25 years, but we like our disputes often. We live together and both go

One day he asked me if we should get a dog and since I love dogs and have the necessary experience we were looking for a bitch. To choose from we had two dogs one black and large the other medium -sized and beige. It was not difficult for us and we decided on the medium -sized bitch Lucy. Everything went well and so we were very happy with her.

Despite that we were always working, I always took time before and after work to run with the little one even for longer walks. My friend had a lot of stress but I was also working but took my time and wanted to do something with him and the little one … Unfortunately he canceled that day and I went to the lake alone with Lucy. We arrived there at 10 p.m., it was not too cool and not too warm either. I look around me and no one was there.

So I take off naked and plan into the lukewarm water with Lucy. What a feeling! Between my legs! I was suddenly very excited it was long ago when I last slept with Tala and he is very selfish anyway … I didn’t get anything out of it with Lucy in the lake and then went out for a short break.

Drank something, smoked and ate something sweet. Suddenly my cell phone rang and I was amazed because Tala knows where I was but he didn’t want to come with me … It was my ex! I went and we talked on the phone for a few minutes.

I also told him that I was very offended because Tala didn’t come with me even though it was planned at the weekend. He didn’t talk around it for long and said he would be there in 40min and brought me something of the snack bar with him. I was sitting on my towel for a while and listening to music … I hadn’t been as relaxed for a long time as today! All the stress, the work, my stubborn friend … it did very well and now other young people built up their camps, grilled and also played music. After the long waiting, Jeffrey finally came with the fast food, which was already cold but didn’t stop me on it.

He was very happy to see me and I was glad that I was no longer alone and had a good conversation partner next to me. I have known Jeffrey for 5 years, although I’m just 20 so since I was 15 and he is still a very good friend for me. He is always there for me, always calls me, helps me when it gets delighted, be it money o.ä. He is a 1.80m tall, black man, not fat not Dürr so perfect for me! Has little sweet eyes and a nice full mouth.

We talked about old times for a while and that he still can’t forget me. He always tells me how much he misses me and that he never enjoys sex with a woman as much as with me. I think he has just never seen a woman who does everything. To seduce him always makes me horny and I know exactly what he is standing.

When you suck on your nipples, his tail blows or his rosette delightful. After a while I asked him to go swimming with me but he died first so I went in the first one and looked up at him. I waved and shouted that he should come, he hesitated … thought and finally pulled out and slowly came into the water. I saw his body and melted there … this perfect body, its soft skin, the way even as it runs went crazy, but did not show to me.

He came closer and hugged me, I melted away!

I had never had such an erotic experience. He looked at me and I knew immediately! We kissed and at the same time I felt his huge penis rub against my stomach. It tingles in me and I am very excited. He catches my chest tenderly and slowly my clitoris swells on.

I know what I’m doing is not good but at that moment I didn’t care! No valley, no stress, no worries nothing just! I let myself go there and he slowly becomes more intimate with me. He caresses my clitoris and I get even hotter. My pleasure grotto sends me signals and I can no longer stand it. I lick, suck and gnaw on his little nipples and he starts to moan lustfully.

Suddenly he grabs mine Legs In the water, raise mine ass high and found my little hole. As soon as he put his huge cock in me, I felt very calmly everything flew away my whole worries and it changed into extreme lust. Everything was so easy, I hovered in the water and for him it wasn’t exhausting to pop properly. He started to push me right and mine cunt twitched and I knew that I soon got my orgasm.

He grabbed me on my buttocks and pressed his big and thick tree trunk completely inside me.

It hurt, but I found it that nicer because I was already on the way to get. He pushed into me, I felt the twitching of his limb at my G-spot and with every bump he became more and more tougher and harder. It didn’t take a long time for me to get my wonderful orgasm, I groaned so loudly that I had fully forgotten that people were still camping there but I didn’t care, I enjoyed this moment.

My dog was also very amazed and barked hysterical because she didn’t know if I was in pain or the best feeling that you can have. He carried me in the water and we still lingered poor in arms and enjoyed the moment. We went out, dried and got back on. As called, Tala just called to know where I was … I smoked a cigarette and slowly made our way.

I was very exhausted The orgasm had happened to me, so I was very shaky on my feet.

We said goodbye at the train station and I drove home. Then I was allowed to explain to him again why I was still on the lake so late and what I did there. I didn’t care I had fun and was also very exhausted until Tala waved me out and started sucking my tits like wild.

I show him, I was very tired. He did not let himself be satisfied and started doing things what I was standing. He joined me on our bed and hit my butt one after the other. Put his fingers deep into me and pull on my nipples.

I’m trying to fight against it, but it made me so sharp that I screamed. With his tongue he fucked my hole from behind and my whole juice flowed out. He took some coconut oil and smeared his stiff penis with it and started to fuck me hard. He pulled my hair, fucked me hard and played on my breasts.

Mine pussy Was so wet that his cock slide in very slightly and out.

He looks at my cunt and positions me on the side position. He pushed a pillow under my hip so that it gets deeper and just looks at my horny pussy. After a short time he pumps his whole sperm in my hole and lie down on me.

I fell asleep immediately because I was really tired and the next day work was announced.

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