Horny night with Silvia | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Foreword: I remind you of my first Mallorca history: a normal Mallorca vacation?I talked well with a wide variety of guests. A clique consisting of 4 boys and 3 girls asked politely whether they could sit at my table. The boys were just out of the pimple stage and tolerated less alcohol When they thought. The girls were stupid and immature, except for one who got on the nerves that got on the nerves. I appreciated her on just under 20 with a slim figure and a sweet apple butt.

Your tits were just a mouth full. She was nice to look at with her short blond hair. We began to talk. She was called Silvia and wanted to study business administration and IT. When she heard that I was coming from this industry, she asked me. I enjoyed it and I was happy to answer her. For an internship or the like, I offered her to get to me. I gave her my business cards, she wanted to contact me in June.

The seven young people wanted to move on to Upper Bavaria. Silviaich had successfully completed an order in Passau and was on the way north as my cell phone rang. I signed up and at the other end was Silvia, my acquaintance from last month from Malle. Silvia: “Hello Karl, I’m just disturbing?”I said no in the car and have time. “Silvia:“ You offered me to take care of an internship or something if I need help.

I’m looking for a wolf and don’t get any further. I also have to earn money in between to finance my studies. “I drove to a rest area and asked:“ Where are you now?““ Near Straubing, in Hunderdorf, that’s still behind arches. Mine lives there aunt. “” I’m near Wörth an der Donau. I pick you up in Hunderdorf, I’m with you in half an hour.

Give me the address of the aunt. “On the way I thought about how Silvia looked. Right: Small tits that she hid in a bra and a sweet apple butt. My best piece of Heinz reported without being asked: “I want to fuck!“On the next descent I drove out and drove back towards Passau. From the descent I always took the state road straight to Hunderdorf. I found the aunt’s house in Fichtenstrasse. I parked my yellow 911.

I got out and went to the front door. Before I could ring, Silvia opened the front door. Two suitcases were already near the door. An approximately 50-year-old woman came up to us. I greeted politely and complimented the beautiful property. In truth it was bourgeois and fit into this kaff. But I have learned that friendliness and courtesy open every door and so many cunts. A smile went over the face of the aunt, who looked bitterly.

“Would you like to drink a coffee before you drive off,” wondered me. I accepted very much to scare and displeasure from Silvia. She couldn’t get away quickly enough. We went into the living room (oak rustic with the image of a roaring deer on the wall) and sat down. Then even Silvia stayed away the air. “Please understand the facility here. My husband is 30 years older than me and I can’t change anything.

I smiled at her: “Thank you very much, then I am no longer surprised. “Silvia looked at her aunt in a spirited manner. “Then you are not so old -fashioned”. “My child, I would love to exchange with you and disappear from this nest with your cavalier in the Porsche. “Then it was silent. More than Smalltalk no longer came about. Before we drove off I wanted to visit the sanitary facilities again. The aunt, by the way, it was called Renate, showed me the village.

She went in front of me and I looked at her more closely. She had an appealing figure with big breasts and a nice butt. He was inherited in the family. When I came from the toilet, I saw her standing in the kitchen. I went to her, turned her to me and pressed her tightly. She groaned. “How do I miss something like that. Damn it, how do I miss something like that.

“I gave her a kiss of tongue and she replied in immediately. “You are a great, horny woman,” I said to her. “Fuck morality. Find someone who fucks you properly every week. Unfortunately I live too far away. “I left the kitchen, took the suitcases from Silvia and stowed the luggage in the car. We say goodbye to Renate and drove towards the highway. Silvia: “What did you say about my aunt?”” “She should look for someone who fucks her properly every week” – “And, she will do that?” – “I hope so.

“Three trucks drove into each other right in front of us and the highway was closed. I was able to stop comfortably and the subsequent traffic also spared my Porsche. Estimated time delay three hours. I therefore called in a hotel I know in Velburg and booked a suite and a single room. With Silvia I wanted to determine in longer conversations where her way should go and how she gets there. “I can’t afford that,” came from her immediately.

“Nice it back to me if you are fat in business. You have a loan with me. ” – “Without ulterior motives?”” Without ulterior motives, promised!“We talked very excited about their previous career. I looked at Silvia very carefully. I literally scan your body through your clothes. Heinz had ulterior motives! We were lucky. After an hour one trace was so free again that we could continue. Half an hour later I parked my Porsche in front of the hotel entrance.

We checked in and the Hausboy helped Silvia with her two suitcases. “You have a indoor pool here, I go swimming, you come too,” I asked Silvia. “Loyal, but I need some time, but I’ll be coming soon,” she replied to me. I moved into my suite and unpacked my suitcase. I jumped in the shower and put on a swimming trunks that mean tail Beautiful emphasized. In the bathrobe I went into Swimming pool and put together two loungers.

Except for a young, thick girl, nobody was there. The young fat one watched me. When I moved out my bathrobe, I turned to her so that she could see my slightly stiff cock. So you help young girls dream of wet. I swam a few lanes, then Silvia came. When the thickness saw my companion, she took her towel and disappeared. Silvia went to our loungers and took off her bathrobe. Her sweet apple butt stuck in a tight bikini panties.

I whistled through her teeth. “Involved guy,” she laughed. “I can’t do anything for the tight panties. With my small bust there are no larger panties in the set. “” The bikini is very, very good for you. Where is your friend from Malle?”” Slevated, too childish “, the short answer was. She jumped from the edge of the pelvis right next to me and held onto my arm briefly. We both believed that a streamy went through our bodies. We swam a few lanes next to each other.

She wanted to try out if she could still dive as far as before. I had to stand in the pool and she wanted to dive through my legs. I saw her coming up and put my legs closer together. When she wanted to dive through my legs, a hand from her touched my cock. As if she couldn’t believe what she had felt, she reached again. Then she realized what she had done.

She appeared and coughing and I held her on my shoulders. She looked at me and turned red. “Don’t worry about it, can happen,” I calmed her down. “Nah, or, it’s not real?“I looked at her directly and just nodding my head slightly several times. She fled out of shame from the pelvis, hastily put on her bathrobe and ran out of the swimming pool. I also left the swimming pool and went to my suite.

I worked on my emails and then called Silvia to ask her for eating. “May I invite you for dinner?” – Silvia:” Without ulterior motives?“Without ulterior motives, promised!“The girl took a good dose of self -confidence as soon as possible. We had an appointment for 7:00 p.m. and I had been reserved a nice, quiet table as desired. I just drank my first Winkler-copper beer as Silvia was led to the table by a waitress. It ordered a dry white wine and water.

She hardly dared to talk to me, let alone look at me. We were sitting over corner. I took her hands into mine and I gently said to her. “Please look at me. You don’t have to be embarrassed. Nature has given me a big cock. I can’t do anything for and you either. The guy is sometimes in the way. Just forget him. “” I can’t forget the part. If you knew what my ex -boyfriend had to offer beforehand.

The cock of a ten-year-old, but the flap of a big one. “Silvia almost looked angry. “Change of topic, choose something to eat. We ordered delicious things from the region and Silvia told about childhood and from her youth. She drank two glasses of wine and I some copper. At some point she became quiet. I asked her what she had and whether I could help her. At first she did not say, then it shot out of her: “Your penis no longer goes out of my head.

“” That doesn’t matter, I feel the same way with your sweet apple butt, “I then confessed to her. “Let’s go?” I asked. Silvia just nodded. I had the bill written on my room and drove my companion towards Suite. I opened the room door and gently pressed it in. I left out the light. From the outside the room was weakly illuminated. We stood in the middle of the room and I put them on her hips. I kissed her neck and my hands stroked her butt.

“I want to take a shower” asked her, “alone”. I switched on the indirect lighting in the bathroom and went back to the room. I sat down in the seating group and waited for her. Silvia only came back with one towel dressed. I got up and also went to shower. In walking past I kissed her slightly on my mouth. I showered extensively and then tied a towel around my loins. When I got into the room, she was already naked on the bed.

I stepped next to her and dropped my towel. I look at your body in detail. Due to the steamed light, he looked even hornier when he was actually. Her little breasts hardly noticed when lying down. Only their dark brown nipples stand out. Her cunt was natural, but the pubic hair was briefly trimmed. I lay down next to Silvia and pressed her tightly to me. She sat up, slid down and looked at my Heinz. Heinz grew noticeably when he realized how Silvia marveled at him.

She stretched her hand a few times, but she didn’t dare to touch. I took her hand and led her to my cock. She stroked him and when she noticed how my Heinz liked it, she became braver. She leaned forward, opened her mouth and swallowed my cock as far as she could. Her tongue spoiled my glans. While I was there, I stroked her little tits and my other hand was looking for the way to hers pussy.

The first thing I found was her sweet ass. He was firm and crisp. Over the furrow my hand wandered to her hole and from there to her hairy cunt. I’ve already been expected. When my index finger drove through her crack, groaned out loud. When I arrived at the clit, I stroked him with my thumb and index finger. Silvia quickly straightened up: “Who should endure that? I’m going to leave. ” -” You will leave a few more tonight, “I just said.

I pulled her away and she sat on my stomach. I conducted her on my face with her cunt and made it with her mouth. Shortly before you go to orgasm Came, I stopped. I crawled under her, put her on my back and spread her legs. Your cunt was open in front of me. I knew I had to be very careful because it was tightly built. “Are you ready? May I fuck you now, ”I asked her.

She looked at me and nods tentatively. In her eyes I read fear and at the same time irrepressible lust. I kept rubbing my Heinz through her labia. She was getting wet. Then I stopped and put my cock on her hole. “Yes, come on,” she sighed. I introduced a very carefully. First the glans, then in small pieces until I came to the cervix. I slowly pulled it out and started from the front.

We fucked in the missionary position, her arms and legs held me. I completely filled out her abdomen. It didn’t take long, then her first orgasm. I left her for a recovery for a minute, then I turned her up and made it from behind. Again it didn’t take long and the second climax took possession of it. This time I left her a little more time, although my cock was hard to burst and I hadn’t hosed yet.

We lay down in the spoon position. My cock was between her legs. Every now and then I let him twitch so that she knew it wasn’t over yet. I caressed her breasts and kissed her neck and shoulders. She rubbed her clit during that. She always touched my Heinz. After what felt like eternity, I took her right leg and picked it up. In the same movement my cock penetrated into her again.

I immediately fucked her again and her pelvis worked violently. This time I also wanted to come, but had no chance. After a short time she came for the third time. She turned around. “Have you already come?“I smiled at her and just shook my head. “Then I’ll take care of you now,” she said, knelt in front of me and reached for Heinz. With two hands she jerked my Lümmel. Again and again her mouth pushed and licked my glans.

I noticed how it came to me slowly. I didn’t warned her. Unexpectedly for you, I inject on your face. So much pressure had built up during the day that my sperm stepped out in seven batches. She surprised me that after the third thrust she opened her mouth and put her lips over my glans. When I was finished, she opened her lips and the sperm ran out. She got up and ran into the bathroom.

I heard the shower and followed her. When she noticed me in the bathroom she covered her tits and her pussies. I leaned against the wall and looked at it. “What do you look at me?” -” Take your hands down “I asked them. I was hesitantly followed by my request. Now she stood naked in front of me, this time in the bright, and I was able to look at her very carefully. Her naked body immediately has an effect in Heinz. “You can’t do it again, or?” – “You do not want to?”, I ask.

Instead of an answer, her hand went to my cock and jerked in. “How do you want to fuck me? Standing, from behind?”She asked me. “Good idea, turn around and bend yourself!“I put my hard strap from behind in between her labia and fucked her quickly and routinely. Silvia was a quick splash. She came back after a short time. Then she turned around and blew my cock until I distributed the sauce to her little tits.

We showered, dried and went to the bed. We both fell asleep naked. At night I woke up briefly when Silvia took her things and went into her room. I fell asleep again. At around 9:00 a.m. I called them and ordered them to have breakfast. We finally had to work. We needed a plan for their professional future and I had already finished it. She came into the breakfast room shortly after me and looked enchanted despite her simple wardrobe, or precisely because of it.

Somehow she looked adult. I later wrote back on the fact that they probably the first time In her life when a woman was treated. She just wanted to sit down when she looked at me and gave me a big kiss. “Thanks for the nice night,” she whispered to me. After breakfast we moved into a seating area in the foyer and I submitted my plan. I wanted to hire her as my employee. It should be the point of contact for my customers.

For this she got an appealing salary with which she was able to finance her studies. Working hours and studies should be balanced in some dimensions. She should enroll at a university and I would then get an office and an apartment nearby for you. The office and apartment should look for you. She fell out of her armchair and hugged me. We stayed for one day and a night in the hotel. Then I should go back to Hunderdorf to the Renate aunt.

From there she wanted to look for a university. We came to Hunderdorf without complications. I parked at the door again. Aunt Renate stood in the front yard and looked at us incredulously. “What are you doing here again?“Silvia:“ I’ll tell you right away, come along. “I had been forgotten out of sheer excitement. Since I have enough self -confidence, I smiled to myself, took Silvia’s suitcase and also went into the house. In the living room I found the two ladies and an old grumpy guy who didn’t even return my greeting.

Silvia enthusiastically reported about her new job with me. “You have to drive your car away,” was the only thing the old one did. I got up and said to Silvia: “Call me when you chose a university. “I just said about Renate:“ You don’t have to be embarrassed. Just think about what I advised you. “I ignored the unfriendly sack, went to my car and drove towards the highway.

Two weeks later Silvia called me and asked me if the Julius Maximilians University in Würzburg would be fine for me. I had a very good connection in Würzburg, after all I lived nearby. I gave her some addresses for the apartment and office search. In the background I let my relationships play and Silvia found a nice three-room apartment on the Sanderring very quickly. The office in Münzstrasse was just a stone’s throw from her apartment.

Silvia takes care of all my appointment and bureaucracy. We haven’t been to bed together since Velburg. A principle of me: never sleep with your employees.

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