Hard fuck at the garden party | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was about with my wife SeliaäHR married for seven months and have been given up to this pointäour intimate life is more or less on vanilla sex. To be honest, I had no problem with it, only my demanding woman was probably expecting more.

On a stinky working day Satß I then in my Büro and I still had a lot to do. Ständig came in and I discovered one of my wife. Otherwise she had done that very rarely and I wondered what she had forgotten this time while shopping.

I was all the more IüoverüFft what she had written to me. „Be point 18.00 a.m. at home or yours mistress will teach you what it isßt, you too duckäUschen!“ At first I didn’t know how to deal with it. But somehow the email from Selia turned me on and I had a thick prügel in the pants. I hurried my tasks möto be done quickly, but I was able to expect what to expectürde, little control.

So I moved to the men’s toiletüCk and Ließ my pint rattle through my fingers until I had space in my pants again.

Scenes of our getting to know me went through my head. It was at a garden party that a buddy had organized by me. It went relatively wet-fröand I had already hissed two beers when I had a slim, long -legged shineöwith a smooth, dark hair look at. She had a narrow mini skirt, high -heeled shoes and a tight, trägerless top.

I was looking for at the sight of her excerptühl, i würde your nipples at any moment, their big tits were packed so tightly. I zönot too long, went to herüabout and learned that they Selia hieß. We got on right away and laughed a lot, it was ständig a hotße, tense atmosphereäre between us.

It had already become dark when Selia took my hand and me behind a geräTeschuppen in the Weitlämy friend’s garden drew. We KüPassionate us and I pushed her top under her Bürste.

She had festivals, schöne nipple, I massaged her plump tits and sucked on the nipples until I have my Hände to your buttß. Selia öFfn my pants and turned around. When they remove on the wall of the scalesützte, I pushed her short skirt up. She had no Höand I had a clear view of her pussy dripping with lusty between her firm, well -shaped buttocks.

I enjoyed these wonderful views for a moment, but Selia had no patience. „Fuck me, I want to get it worried from you now!“, Say Selia in a documented voice. I stimulated her a little with down pants and only drove my crevice with my glans until I mean her with a jerk tail to SPüren gave. I rührte in your Möse, stieß they and stopped meück so that you are guaranteed to get your money’s worthüRDE.

With the Händen on your BRüSten VöIf I apply it, in the background it was a lot of partyäRM to Hören what somehow turned me on. CleverßI couldn’t control myself anymore, massaged her clit and fucked her until we both loudly stöif one orgasm had, I sprayed my juice deep into her pussy and SPürte the KRäfigger twitches of your höheights.

After we had recovered briefly and directed our clothes, we returned to the party companyüCk, nobody had missed us. We stayed for a while and Selia FüHid my hand on the inside of your thigh, where I go down my juiceürte. Preferably häI’ll go through it againöSelia saw it the same way.

So we soon ended up in her apartment and we drove it all night. I got it and she came incredibly often, there was hardly a position that we left out on our first eveningßen. Two days SPäter she visited me in my apartment. She wore one at the upperkörper close dress that from the Hüfte was cut far.

Soon I was able to find out that the bitch had again dispensed with a slip. We SAßen in my Küche and Schlürften iced tea, but could not keep your fingers off each other. Selia reached into my pants and massaged my cock, which will soon be in full sizeößE showed.

She knelt in front of me and started with a horny oral handling, which I and her visibly spa alsoß prepared. When she was my loud stöhnen hörte, Ließ from my pint and raised her dress so that Iöse could see clearly.

„Give me your spit and rub my hole in it properly!“, she asked me. I turned her over and did what she told me and letß also slide a finger in their butt. You stöhunt. „Oh yes, keep going, that’s awesome!“, bestäshe tended me, wäI also worked on her pussy with her other hand.

After a short time she took my Häaway, moved her butt üabout my greedy pint and ließ slowly slip into her tight muscle. She moved carefully on my cock and she letß gradually slide it into her anus, it was a crazy likeüHL, I never had before Anal sex had and I didn’t understand why some Mäso much like doing that. It was just awesome, her ass had geneüextended that Selia now moved very freely on my brush. „Ooah, I’ll spray you right away!“, stöIf I turned to her, she moved even more intensely and I came in her buttäYou also sell your orgasm loudlyündet.

After a little break we went into the shower, her miracleöner körper and their demanding kindßEnter my pint again and we are driven under running water. We have been a couple since that day, which was three years ago.

After masturbating to the personnel toilet, I worked as insane and lostß Finally the Büroam. Shortly after six in the evening I stood on our houseür and I was tired of animal. As soon as I had the Tür closed behind me höI rote the unusually strict voice of Selias.

„Come to the bedroom immediately, you are to SPäT THAT and I will do youür punishment!“ A little unsafe and yet curious I put my bag off and threw my jacket towards the cloakroom. I went straight into our room and an unusual sight awaited me. Selia had strictly the hairübound and a latex body that your well-trained, sexy köRper really horny brought up. Your BRüSte were only from wide, riveted leather straps, the Gürteln ähidden, hidden that were incorporated into a corsage.

Another belt füfrom the corsage in the middle üAbout her pussy.

I had never seen her like that, but I liked what was seen. My brush bestäToted that and swelledälong -term. I wanted to approach her, which she clearly refined. „Take off, but quickly!“, she was at me.

nerveöI climbed out of my clothes, which she watched strictly. Actually, I had never dealt with sadomasosex, but it was just cool as she was the F this timeürecovery üBernahm and especially in what way! Her SM outfit had the effect on me, which Selia had probably expected. „What should I do now, Selia?“, I ask her when I was naked. „You just call me a mistress, stop standing.“ She went around me with slow steps and in her hand she had her riding crop, which she normally took to her horse.

She stopped in front of me and looked PRüfend, but still satisfied on my upright tail. „I expect you to do everything I will tell you. I hope FüR you that you can fully satisfy me, slave!“

She ordered me to lie on the bed on my stomach. First she grazed slowly with her riding crops üabout my rücken, but plöSPüI rote a pulling pain on my buttocks.

I stöupset briefly, but I liked it! She repeated this procedure a few times. I SPürte, like my pint a little bitößhe became „This is your punishment, slave! You will never become SP againät appear with your mistress!“ I promised. Now I was allowed to see the skin of her solid BRüSte Lecken, the smell of the latex, which I now smelled even more clearly, turned me on. She allowed me to continue hiking down with my tongue.

You SAß on the bed, st stütied with his arms and had spread her thighs wide. The belt that üran over her pussy, became very narrow on the butt and divided her two cheeks. There was one in the belt directly on her cunt ÖFounding incorporated and she ordered me to do this region exactlyüMmern. I fingered and pulled out her labia and now had a clear view of her wet, horny Möse.

When I didn’t immediately start to edit her clit with my mouth, she pulled her riding crop üAbout the Rüwhich only drove me further.

I immediately took her clit in my mouth, sucked and sucked on it and My mistress was visibly satisfied. Too gladly häI gave her on the spotöall, but she didn’t allow it. Instead, she pulled out a black, huge dildo under a pillow. „You will now fuck me with the dildo and edit my clit until I am satisfied with you!“, Selia ordered me.

The sight of this giant dildo turned me on, I had an almost painfully charged tail and already stieß I her the seven centimeter thick latex penis to her in her Möse. „Keep it up, slave and edit my clit!“, My mistress cheered me on. I tried to do my best and rammed the dildo in her again and again and fed her clit properly. Soon she came huge, but she was not yet satisfied.

„That was nothing, you Jämmmerlier, lie down on the Rüon the bed, immediately!“ I did what was ordered to me.

With handcuffs she tied my HäNDE on the bed, I was allowed to keep my legs freely. Temporarily examined her work and my hard cock. She disappeared briefly out of the room and letß me helpless as I was. When she zuüCkkam she had a hair tie with her and knelt between my legs.

With just a few but solid steps, STüshe lepte the hair tie üabout my pint and the eggs, but twice the hair tie around the base of my sack. The light pull, the Für I came up with it when it was still möwas equal, my brush expanded even more, I had an Fürigish desire, finally gevöto be claimed. Satisfied, it also noticed that Selia, who still dosedäof their whip on my chest offümade made.

Mine üMerine had more in stock. She climbed onto the bed and stood wide -legged üabout me, my Hüfte was exactly under her ass and her Möse.

She stretched out the pelvis and spellbound I stared at her pussy and waited trembling what she was with me, hers slaves, now start wüRDE. Immediately after that I got a warm beam of her Pee in the face, üabout my chest and my stomach, she letß It runs and I shook with lust when she crouched and crouched on my cock and mineürten eggs pissed, üoverall SPüI still rose the fine urine rain that had gone down on me. Finally Selia widened the Öffing your SM outfit on the Möse and she letß sink down on my pint, I enjoyed the tight hair tie around the tail and sack and the hornyüHL of her pussy muscles that walk through my brush until Selia fucked her orgasm in violent movements, faster and faster until we came together loud and violent together.

I was V afterwardsöLigless breathless and done. Such a HöI had never experienced this point and Selia was visibly satisfied when she dismissed my hair tie, let go of me and strictly go out that I should wait for her in the bathroom.

There I climbed briefly in the shower, as soon as I was done, Selia was added. She was no longer the strict, dominant mistress of just, but my wife, as I actually knew her, without latex outfit and with open hair. She hadn’t gotten me all eveningüSST, DAFür I got a long kiss on tongue now and she nestled against me. „Thank you for participating, that was totally cool!“, she said to me.

„Honestly, Selia, I häTte never thought that Sadomaso sex turn me onönante, but I enjoyed it, even the Schläge with the whip.“

We talked for a long time that day üAbout this experience. They oreäI had long imagined in her imagination, like the Wäre. Only she hadn’t finished it, with meüto talk about. So she came up with the idea of just throwing myself into the cold water.

It didn’t take long and we went to SM parties and fetish events and todayöRT BDSM Simply to our lives.

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