Group satisfaction in the youth hostel | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Last Summer I drove to the USA with my friend at the time (unfortunately we are no longer together today). When we were in Boston, we stayed in the youth hostel there. Because the Americans are a little prude, we ended up in two different rooms. In the first three nights I shared a 6-bed (3 bunk beds) rooms with three Italians, which then continued to Montreal.
On the fourth evening I was eating with my boyfriend and was back in the Juh.

When I moved into my room, I was the first, but the bed below me and the other two upper bunk beds were occupied by my new roommate’s luggage and clothing.
When I was lying in bed and the others were still not arriving, I wanted to take the opportunity and the long without sexual satisfaction provide. But as soon as my hand was hiked in my panties to get her lucky work there, the room door opened and three giggling Japanese stormed into the room. I turned to the wall more frustrated than before and tried to fall asleep, which was probably successful after some time.
At some point in the night I woke up by a strange swing of my bed. I tried to orientate myself drunk, looked around in the room lit by a street lamp and saw one of the Japanese women looking at me on the opposite bed.

She had put a finger on her mouth and pointed to the bed with the other hand under me. I carefully leaned over the edge of the bed and looked down-my “shunter” obviously had the same need as I felt: the duvet had slipped to the side and you could see in the light how her hand massaged the breasts under her t-shirtAnd the other between her spread legs in her panties went up and down. In doing so, she also moved her knees up and down – the rocking of which I was woke up. Although my excitement became clearly noticeable, I hardly dared to breathe and wanted to enjoy this erotic sight.

Under me the movements and the breath were slowly faster.

Whatever she imagined, fortunately she kept her eyes closed and seemed to smile in her dream. In between, she paused briefly and then continued at even higher speed. The smell of a highly stimulated woman spread in the room, I don’t know if it was my scents, I almost crushed with lust or whether it came from the activities in bed under me that continued to have their effect on my bed genre. The movements of her pelvis, the whole bed now rocked, because it was just before her climax, her hand in her panties just twitched back and forth.

She also knead her chest more than she stroked her. Only a few strokes and she came with a loud grunt. Breathing, the eyes are still closed, she lay there and gradually came to rest, turned to the wall and seemed to be sleeping immediately. At that moment I got it deeply.

Slowly I moved back from the edge of the bed and turned around.

My counterpart beamed at me and it was clear to see that she had enjoyed the situation as I enjoyed. Slowly she moved her hand down and pulled her t-shirt up until I could see her small but fine but fine breasts, which she then began to stroke them tenderly. I didn’t want to be inferior to her and pulled my nightgown over my head. When she saw my breasts she was clearly amazed, the sight was probably unusual for a Japanese woman.

I have size 85c and mine Nipple were already clearly erected due to the show. I stroked them delicately and at the same time my other hand had unconsciously found the way into my pre -stimulating wet panties.
I was finally on the way to the longed -for satisfaction. The feeling when my middle finger found the way between my labia and entered me was indescribable, I had never been so damp before I was the first time had touched. My counterpart had taken an example, had now got rid of her panties and the first fingers had the way between hers Legs found.

Eye in the eye we started to spoil ourselves. I could only tedge my lust and prevent me from getting to the climax with a few short handles.

I wanted to enjoy this situation as long as possible. I braked myself, stroked myself as slowly as possible and gave me great effort to avoid my clit. Contrary to the mastery was smaller or the desire for satisfaction was even greater, because it was much faster in her movements.

Her middle finger moved into her faster and faster and when she was still adding the index finger it took exactly two movements until it finally came and huge. She lay there grapidly and trembling and looked at me as expected. That gave me the last rest, a brief touch of my clit was enough to lead me to the climax of my life.

Deeply satisfied I rolled into my blanket and fell asleep. That night I woke up again when my hand got into my panties to match my dreams and once again gave up a climax.
The next morning I got up much earlier than my roommate because I wanted to continue driving with my friend.

Only my still gossip -wet panties gave me the certainty that it was not just a nice dream. The next night I spent with my friend in a lonely motel in Vermont, you can believe me that we didn’t find much sleep.
Unfortunately, he separated from me two months ago, but on the lonely evenings when my lust comes over me, I still like to think back to Boston that night.

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