Horny couple seduces me | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

On a sunny afternoon I was a käffchen outside in my favorite coffee at the Frankfurt Tor. Sat in the sun and dreamed something in front of me. The coffee was quite well attended and so a couple asked me if it could take a seat at my table. I looked at both. They were approx. In late 40, slim and looked very friendly. So I agreed and the two sat down at my table.

The operation came quite quickly and both ordered coffee and cake. They talked, but kept looking at me. They also came from Berlin, that could not only be heard from the dialect, but also what they talked about. The operation came with the order. I still ordered a coffee, maybe there is an interesting conversation, but everything should be very different. I sank something into my thoughts. The woman kept looking at me.

Suddenly she said: “Somehow I know her”. I smiled and answered. “I don’t know, I don’t know where to put it”. The man said right away. “Put it off is good”. The woman puzzled. I finally asked if they might go to McFit, which both did not. “I am a caretaker, maybe they had seen me there somehow, because I have representations in which they on holiday, Or are sick. That’s how I can get through all of Berlin “. “No, it is not,” she said.

“But I’ve already seen her somewhere, somewhere”. We continued to talk. The service brought my second coffee. Suddenly it shot out of the pistol. “You know Xhamster,” the woman asked me with a little smile on her face. I didn’t know how to answer. But then said: “Yes, I know very well”. The woman took her cell phone, her husband also grabbed his cell phone. The woman smiled said: “I’m the Heike and this is my husband Uwe and you are Teddy-50”.

Heike turned her cell phone to me and I saw my profile. I smiled and said: “Now you know where you know me from, but what does know? You know my profile at Xhamster “. “We saw all of your pictures and the videos too. I always found it horny to see how you get one down and spray horny. With your stories we always wait for the successors. You write really cool “. I didn’t know what to say now.

Until I have never been confronted directly with my profile at Xhamster. I wasn’t only speechless, I also have to have turned a little red. “You don’t have to be relocated. We are very open to sex and relationship. We saw you naked and also in holding -free stockings. Although I don’t find nylons in men exactly, but they somehow stand for you “. I looked at both with big eyes. Suddenly there was only one topic.

Topic number one, sex. Heike looked at her cell phone. “We are looking for a horny guy like you for you three, The third would have to take on a special role “. I sipped my coffee. “What role that would be?”” You’re submissive, or I’m wrong now, “asked Heike. “No, you are not wrong”. “Then you would be exactly what we are looking for”. Uwe looked at me. “Yes, I also think you would be well suited for our games”.

“But what I noticed, you are always solo with your videos and pictures,” said Heike. “Did you even do something with a guy? His tail had in the mouth or were fucked?“I looked at Heike. I had never spoken about the topic so open and free. I was partly surprised, on the other hand I didn’t know how to give myself. “You really noticed it. I am always solo in my pictures and videos because I don’t know any guys.

I was in a porn cinema every now and then, but there was never anything big, except twice “. Both listed very interested in my statements. “Once a guy had fucked me. Since I missed an enema beforehand to be clean. Came a little after fucking. I was really ashamed of it “. Heike steered in right away. “You shouldn’t have been ashamed. This is basically quite normal.

Then if you should constantly clean your intestine in order to maintain a clean intestine and not to come in such situations “. “But it is still not completely avoiding,” said Uwe. “You really don’t have to worry about that. And what was the second experience?““ I was also in a porn cinema, was in a cabin with a hole in the side wall. I wasn’t in there for long when a guy was already pushed his cock through.

I finally overcome myself to put it in my mouth, but it smelled Piss, To look completely in sight of the taste. That’s how it was done for me “. “So all your stories are just pure imagination?”Asked Heike. “Yes, everything is fictitious”. “Oh man, but you really have a blooming imagination and also so detailed described With blowing and fucking, all respect “. Uwe smiled. “If you get my cock in your mouth, you can be sure that it is clean”.

I looked at Uwe with big eyes, as if it were already firm that I would do something with the two. “I’ll take on your intestine,” said Heike. “You get it cleaned regularly and you will also have to change your food something”. The two suddenly surprised me that it got a little dizzy for me. “You really want me as the third in your middle?“Heike smiled at me. “Since I saw your profile, I played with the thought of writing you.

Always postponed so far. We have been in your friend list for a long time and follow your hustle and bustle. Today is probably a wink of the gods “. I smiled at Heike. “We’ll surprise you a bit?”Asked Heike. “Well, I’m really a bit surprised that I meet people who know me from Xhamster”. “I think your stories are not only imagination, but also a cry for help,” said Heike. “Shrees of help?“I asked a little surprised. “Yes, you want to do it all or that it is done”.

I smiled again Heike. “I also think you need someone who tells you where to go,” said Uwe. “Oh, and you are?” “Why not? We already know you completely naked and also in lingerie. Saw how you push something into your ass and also in your cock. You are submissive and should actually do what we tell you “. I looked at the two. “And what should I do?““ Mainly we are available.

Lick and fuck my wife’s cunt. Blow my cock and swallow “. I looked at Uwe with big eyes. “I should take your cock in my mouth, blow and swallow?”” Yes, where is the problem?“Heike looked at me. “Oh yes, you didn’t really have a cock in your mouth yet. You quickly get used to it “. “What does that mean, I get used to it quickly?”” Well, you will always blow Uwe’s tail until he fucks you “.

“Before he fucks me? I think I should fuck you?”” Yes too, but mainly Uwe will fuck you and I’ll watch you “. Now I was even more speechless. In the meantime we had switched from coffee to wine, so I drank a big sip. “We would also like to see you very naked in holding -free stockings and boots. Stop like a little hooker “. Heike suddenly fasted my bare thighs because I wore shorts.

“You want to be our hooker?“Uwe smiled at me. “If we went according to your stories, then you would like to be treated as slave. We can do that too “. Heike smiled at me again. “As a slave, you would have to blow Uwe now”. “I should blow your husband a? Where?” “On the toilet?“I looked at Uwe. “If you want to do that, it would mean that you get involved with us for a slave game or hooker game”.

I looked at Uwe, then to Heike. Drank a sip of wine. “I would have to pee,” I said to Heike and Uwe. “Okay,” said Heike. “We make one. When you go to the toilet, into a cabin, get out of naked there. Uwe in Ca. 5 minutes after coming. You kneel yourself on the floor when Uwe calls you, open your cabin door and Uwe bless you, that would be the sign that you get involved with a slave game, hooker game with us “.

“And when I’m not quite naked?”” Then you don’t want a slave game, very simple, “said Uwe. I drank a sip of wine. Stand up, looked at Heike. “Very naked?”” Yes, very naked. No shoes and no socks “. I looked at my feet because I didn’t wear socks, just sandals. I went into the coffee. The toilets were right at the back. The toilet wasn’t big either. There was only one cabin and a piss basin in front of it.

I slowly went inside. Closed the cabin door. I opened my pants and pee. I don’t know what drove into me, but suddenly I stood very naked in the cabin. It knocked and Uwe called me. I knelt on the floor and opened the door. Uwe saw me very naked. “Spread your legs”. I spread my legs wide apart. Uwe took his cell phone a photo, then he opened his trouser stable and his slightly stiff tail, which was quite large, jumped out of his pants.

Uwe also did not wear underwear like me. Uwe held his cock in front of my closed mouth. A little hesitantly I finally opened my mouth and took the uben of Uwes tail into my oral cavity. “As soon as I had the glans in my mouth, Uwe already asked. “My cock tastes?“To my astonishment, Uwe’s cock was very clean, smelled of coconut and tasted almost similar. I didn’t say a word, but sucked it a little more strongly. “I knew it when I saw you”.

I just sucked on Uwe’s tail without answering. After a while Uwe groaned something and shot his load in my mouth. I was not quite prepared for it, since Uwe didn’t ask either, I almost swallowed myself on it. Uwe pressed the last drops out of his cock, into my mouth. He stowed his cock back into his pants. Wapped down a little to get to my stiff cock.

“Okay, dress and come after a brief moment”. Uwe left the cabin. I still knelt on the floor like in the tran. I couldn’t believe what I had done. Was it the wine that brought me to it, or my lust? Slowly I got up and got dressed. Left the toilet. I was a little amazed that no other guest wanted to go to the toilet in the meantime. When I came back to Heike and Uwe at the table, Heike grinned me from afar.

I was sitting next to Heike, the Uwes cell phone held in my hand. “You look really hornier than in the pictures at Xhamster, Uwe said to me”. Heike turned the cell phone to me. I saw the picture as I knelt naked with spread legs on the floor in the toilet. Then Heike showed me another picture. In the picture you could see how I had Uwe’s tail in my mouth.

Heike looked at me very seriously. “I would now like to see how you take Uwe’s tail in your mouth”. “What do you mean?”” Go back into the corner, pull yourself out, very naked. Knee on the floor, spread your legs and wait until we come “. I looked at Heike with big eyes. I knew the area quite well and knew from experience that the corner meant the Heike was well suited for such actions, since I had already taken nude photos of me there, but that I should kneel down there and on the two with spread legshad to wait, it was a bit risky that someone could come.

“What is? Do you need a special invitation? If you get involved in games, you should also adhere to the rules “. “Should that mean that I should play your slave?““ Who had taken off naked on the toilet and blown my husband my cock?“I looked at both. Uwe already smiled because he was looking forward to having to put his cock back into my mouth. “You started the game because you heard what I had committed to you”.

Now Uwe looked at me very strictly. “If you don’t go straight over and pull yourself out naked, then you just pull yourself out of here. “. “As move out here?”” Lot T-shirt, “said Heike. I looked at Heike, don’t know why, but I suddenly pulled out my T-shirt. Heike took my T-shirt. “Shoes off,” said Uwe now. Without thinking about it, I also took off my shoes. Uwe now took this. Heike and Uwe now looked at me and smiled.

“No, not the pants,” I said and looked around. Heike suddenly fasted me to my waistband. “Should I take off my pants?“Without saying anything, Heike opened the belt, the hose button and zipper. Immediately my stiff tail jumped out of my pants. Since we had already drunk three glass of wine and I was already a bit tuned, I had Heike done. Heike looked at my stiff cock, then to me. Suddenly Heike turned her head to the side and looked at the big second hand shop.

“I have an idea. Close your pants again, but you pull the belt out and give it Uwe “. I did something Heike immediately told me. Heike gave the service a sign. This immediately came to our table, saw me with bare torso and all the tattoos. Smiled and received. Uwe paid the complete invoice. Heike got up. “Come on we go to the second hand and see if we find a few holding stockings, boots and a dog leash for you”.

I looked at Heike with big eyes. She looked really sexy in her short skirt and boots. She wore Nylons too. As horny as I was, I would have wanted to fuck her on the street. “Do you want to make me your hooker, or to your slaves?“Heike smiled. “Maybe too. Uwe will fuck you and I’ll fuck you. And when I feel like it, other guys will fuck you and I’ll watch you with you sperm Full pumping “.

I also got up and we went to the second hand, whereby I only wore my shorts, but which was a bit going, since my belt Uwe had already packed. Arrived in the load, Heike and Uwe went to a seller and showed her my things, pointed to me. All three smiled. Heike came to me. “What kind of shoe size do you have?“Without thinking about it, I said:“ 42 ”the seller and Heike went to a grave box.

The seller searched for a short moment and pulled out a few black holy stockings. “You can put them on over there,” said the seller and pointed to a changing room. I went into the cabin without saying anything. What am I doing here? I thought with myself when I stood in the cabin and unpacked the stockings. I put on the stockings, but had to let my pants down. When I had the holding stockings, I pulled my shorts up again and left the cabin.

Heike, Uwe and the seller were in the corridor and talked. When they saw me, the two women smiled. “You can’t see how high the stockings go,” said Heike. The seller now looked at me and said: “Then he would have to take off his pants”. I looked at the seller with big eyes. Looked around in the shop. There were some customers who rummaged at the clothes racks. Mostly spoke English and partly dressed in a matter of course.

Perhaps the seller didn’t know that I was not wearing a slip underneath? “You heard it,” said Heike. “Take off your Pants”. I said quietly to Heike. “But I don’t have a slip underneath”. “Where is the problem?”Said Heike. I looked at the seller, opened the hose button and zipper. My shaved charm came out and then my stiff cock jumped out. The seller smiled. If I hadn’t drunk wine, I would never have dared.

I pulled my pants down a bit so that the waistband of the owner -free stockings could be seen. Two young women who were near us saw my stiff cock. Looked at me, smiled and searched in the clothes rack. Heike said to me with a somewhat energetic voice. “To pull out completely, since the seller had said”. I looked at Heike, then the seller who nodded with her head. Now it didn’t matter anyway. I dropped my pants and climbed out with the tight feet.

Uwe immediately bent down after my pants and took her to herself. I was now almost naked in the second hand shop. The two women looked at me, looked on my stiff shaved cock. In the eyes of the seller, I was able to recognize an easy interest in my cock, which Heike also noticed. Heike grabbed my stiff cock, jerked it briefly and said to the seller: “Well, want to play something with it?“The seller now approached me very close to me.

Grabbed my testicles, kneaded briefly and said: “I like to watch when a guy gets a down”. I looked at Heike and the seller was startled. Uwe stood behind me. Basically I stood in the middle of the three. Suddenly I felt a hand on my ass. Uwe stroked it and searched my hole with his finger. Heike must have noticed that. “Come on, put Teddy a finger in the ass”.

The seller now looked into my eyes. “Jerk off your cock”. My breath punched me. We stood in the middle of the shop. Customers who looked at clothes went around us. In part she could see that I was almost naked between Heike, Uwe and the seller. “Should I get one down here? I would like to go into the cabin and you do it, ”I said to the seller. “Or we fuck nicely in the cabin”.

Uwe drilled his finger at that moment until the stop into my asshole. Heike twirled a nipple from me. “That could suit you that way. The sweet saleswoman in the cabin fuck “. The seller was at our age and looked really cute. She was about. 165, very slim and shoulder long blond hair. The seller kneaded my testicles again. “I would like to go into the cabin with you and let me fuck, but your clothing here, probably wants you to get one down in front of me because I would like to see that”.

“It might be even hornier if we first looked at the boots,” said Heike. “Should I run around almost naked here?”” Right, you need a dog collar first, “said Uwe. “Dog collars and lines are available on the fourth floor, with the junk,” said the seller and smiled again. “However, on the first floor there are the boots”. I looked at the seller a little bad because she was now playing the game of Heike and Uwe.

The seller looked behind me, to my buttocks. “Do you really have a finger in there?”She asked Uwe. “Yes, and I’m trying to introduce a second finger”, which I also felt right away. The seller pulled to my buttocks. “This is the first guy who can voluntarily put your finger into your ass,” said the seller. “Let’s go your cock, but you wet off,” said Heike. “You will only cum when you wear the boots and have the dog collar around.

The seller smiled again and looked at my stiff cock, which I now slowly took into my hand. “Well, you bitch,” said Heike. “You like that. Two women in front of your cock jerk off and to get fingers in the ass?“I bit on my lower lip and said quietly:“ Yes ”the seller said to Heike:“ This is really the first guy where I find nylons really cool. Somehow he is “. Heike got her cell phone out.

The first thing I did was to show the pictures of how I was naked and wide on the toilet and had Uwes tail in her mouth. The seller looked at me again. “You are really a horny guy”. Then Heike showed the seller my profile on Xhamster. “Wow,” she said. I said quietly: “If I have to keep jerking off my cock, I’ll inject”. “Then stop immediately,” said Heike. Uwe pushed his fingers deep into my asshole.

The seller introduced us to. “I am Katrin and would like to play”. “You just like guys, or also on women?“Katrin grinned Heike and stroked her breast. Heike took Katrin’s hand and pushed it under her skirt. “You little babe, you don’t wear a slip,” said Katrin. Heike suddenly groaned because Katrin probably pushed a finger into her cunt. “You are very wet. Why don’t you let yourself be fucked by teddy?”” I will also have it done, but not here because I want Uwe, Teddy fucks while Teddy fucks me “.

The two women looked at me. “I would like to play with you,” said Katrin. “We are still looking for a horny slave,” said Uwe. “Maybe you are interested?”” Why not, what should I do everything?”” First take you off and put Teddy’s Schanz in your mouth “. Katrin looked at Uwe, then she looked at me. Katrin smiled her blouse on her blouse. “Extend everything?”” Yes, very naked like Teddy “. “But Teddy wears hold -up stockings”. “Okay, then put on some,” said Heike.

Katrin wanted to go to the grave box, where she took out the owner -free stockings that I was wearing, but Uwe said: “First take you out naked”. What I slowly noticed, Heike and Uwe make it horny to have people moved out naked in public. That is probably only possible in Berlin. Since I had already taken photos from my own experience, almost very naked in Berlin, I know that you can walk naked here, except for a short look from the people, nothing comes.

Katrin slowly moved away when she pulled out her panties, a horny shaved cunt appeared. Uwe pushed his fingers back into my asshole and whispered in my ear. “You can lick the cunt right away”. Katrin had put all her clothes on a mountain. Heike now grabbed it. “Known you and take Teddy’s cock in your mouth”. Katrin knelt in front of me and immediately sucked my cock deep into her oral cavity.

Oh god, I thought, if she sucks on like this, I sprayed. I said quietly: “Should I inject?“Heike looked at me. “Yes, spray your whole cargo Katrin into her fuck mouth”. As soon as Heike had spoken, my cargo was shot. Katrin had really had to do to swallow all my sperm because Uwe said: “Woe to it goes a drop next to it”. I was relieved at first. The pressure from my eggs was out, but hardly Katrin said next to me Heike said: “Jerk off your cock again, I want you to run around here with a stiff”.

Katrin smiled, but not long. “Get your own stockings and put them on to us,” said Heike in the command tone. Katrin ran very naked to the grave box. The customers looked at her on her horny ass. Of course I also looked at Katrin and my cock stood again. Katrin really had a horny, slim figure. Small tits, horny shaved cunt and beautiful round ass. Uwe pressed his fingers deep into my ass. “We have to find something for Teddy’s ass,” said Uwe to Heike.

Katrin attracted the ownered stockings in front of us. Now she looked even hornier. “How long and thick it should be what you want to push Teddy into your ass?”Asked Katrin. Heike looked at Katrin and played with her nipples. “You know your way around here, as long and thick as possible. His ass can be tolerated “. Heike and Katrin looked at me how I jerked my cock. Katrin said: “I would like to see how Teddy is really fucked, with a huge cock”.

“You will still see that, but now a little differently has to go in,” said Heike. “Hello, you would like something else?“I was torn from my thoughts. I just imagined it all of this? I looked at the couple with big eyes. Looked down at me, I was dressed, smiled and said: “How about inviting you to a glass of wine?“Both smiled and agreed one. After the second glass of wine, I told the two of my dream that had just experienced, or rather thought debauchery.

The woman smiled. “But I am not called Heike, but Helga”. I smiled and the man said with a grin on my face: “I am interested, but don’t mean Uwe, but Holger. The conversation suddenly developed in the direction of how I had dreamed of. It was slowly getting dark and cool. Holger made the suggestion to go to them and drink something else. “Who knows what is developing,” said Helga.

We paid the bill together and went to the tram. === end ===.

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