Sex in the gay sauna | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was on a business trip overnight in Frankfurt. In the evening I went to Amsterdam – sauna, one Gay -Sauna to give me a nice one blow allow. I pulled out naked, packed my things into the locker and caught the towel around my hips that I had got at the entrance. Then I went in and looked around. It was best to be a large room for my purposes in which there was a fairly large lying area, there were already a lot of people on it.

It was pretty dark in the room, I had to look for a while until my eyes got used to the darkness and I could see something. I saw very shadowy some guys lying on the mat that almost all of them played out and just lay down on a free area. I spread the towel and lay back on it, so that I was completely naked on the presentation plate and harmed things.

After a while someone came in, stayed for a long time to get used to it, and then came straight towards me, lay down right next to me so that it was tail The outside of my thigh touched. He put his hand on my stomach and stroked it, my chest, my lower abdomen and finally my cock. He obviously said whether I agreed to what he did. Well I was and he went on.

After all, I had come here for that. In the dark, only schemes and silhouettes were recognizable, but I could see that much that it was a pretty young guy, I guess, at most 30. When my cock was really nice, I hoped that he would now bend down and blow me one. But he didn’t do that, but he rolled up completely on me and started rubbing his cock on mine, as if he were fucking me.

This large -scale touch of his skin on mine, his tough cock, which was on my rubbing, but now I liked that too. So I wrapped my arms around him and stroked his back and his buttocks, who moved rhythmically. When I thought how long he wanted to do and what he was going to do, he pulled them Legs very little, then she had lying on the right and left of my legs and pressing them together.

Then he slid down a bit and his tail now slid over my sack and my thighs than over my tail and stomach. He raised a little so that he could push his cock into the triangle between my thighs and my sack and then let himself down on me again. I felt his not a little cock past my sack through my poreates to mine rosette pushed and she stimulated beautifully.

I was somewhat surprised at how cool it felt, especially when he started to fuck me in this triangle of my legs and my sack, which was certainly very tight for him due to the side pressure of his legs on mine. I had wrapped my arms around him, and now he was digging his arms under me and clutching me, so that we were now closely wrapped together and he fucked me in the gap between my thighs and my poreates.

It slowly became clear to me that he would probably continue until he would inject his juice between my legs. The guy didn’t even think about my fun to take care of my bedding, he just used me to satisfy himself. However, I was not angry about it, on the contrary, somehow the thought made me horny and it was also a very nice feeling to feel his cock in rhythmic bumps through my poreates and driving over my rosette.

How he had wrapped me so tightly, pressed me firmly on his body, I virtually him delivered Was, he had his head right next to my lying down and I could feel and hear his excited and violent breath, he fucked me to a certain extent after a line and thread and now rammed his cock between my legs quite high, so it was for meJust sucking horny to be used and taken ranging. And I was really looking forward to the moment when he would inject his warm, wet seeds into my poreates.

I hoped I would feel it well how things are going down to me warm. Yes, and then the moment came, he groaned loudly and for a long time, pulled his cock back so far that only his glans stuck in my gap and then I felt it running. Man, what was it a great feeling, like his warm sperm poured out between my thighs. He then pushed his cock back and forth a few more times as if he wanted to enjoy the slippery feeling a little, then he pulled it out and rubbed it over my sack and my tail and distributed his sperm on it too.

Then he rose, wiped off the roll with a few towels and went out silently and let me be used and inseminated. I looked right and left and saw a few figures who looked over at me and obviously had looked at the whole number with relish. I felt a bit belomed, but then one came to a ranger, leaned over my abdomen and just whispered “I may?“What I answered with a short“ only ”.

The guy, already much older than the insemer, immediately began to lick my cock and sack, licked every Fitzel sperm that was sticking to it. I had now stepped back, my eyes closed and enjoyed. Finally he pushed my legs apart, raised my knees, so that I was now in front of him with legs spread wide. It was lying in between and licked my crack and my rosette and also got every drop of the sperm that was still stuck to me.

When he had probably licked everything, he came back, leaned over my cock and started to blow the like. Obviously he also wanted to get my sperm. I didn’t have anything against it and let him grant him. He blew me for a long time and persistently until I finally gave him my sperm to swallow down. He just said “Thank you” for a short time and then went out. I had everything for the evening too, went have a shower, Put on me and drove back to my hotel and had a very pleasant night’s sleep.


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