My special fetish | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Since I moved to this city to study here, I bought my daily needs every day in the supermarket. The supermarket was not a discounter, there was still the counter with service, and at the meat counter I had to really swallow the first time ago two years ago. The operation there was certainly 30 years older than me and might have to weigh twice the twice or more of my weight. I was 25 years old and weighed 80 kilograms.

Many people swallow at the sight of such people out of disgust, pity or lack of understanding, but I had to swallow because this woman fascinated me.

She had a very pretty face, pretty hair that either still had her color or were colored. She was the darling of many customers because she did a good job and was able to deal with the customers very well. From now on, Ms. Michelsen was the main reason for me to go to the supermarket.

Her body was of course powerful, and that was exactly what made me a chirrel, I couldn’t explain the whole thing, so far fat women hadn’t repelled me, but I had never thought of a fat woman as a sexual partner. That changed abruptly, because from that day on I was infected.

In the Erosshop I tried to get magazines with thick women, but there was nothing.

I had to flap a few more shops to find something there. I had never seen a fat woman naked, and the thickest women in the magazines made my heart beat, and these women did not have the format of Ms. Michelsen by far. Her age, her maturity, also turned me on, and I didn’t find such women in the magazines at all.

Well, what should you do as a 25-year-old customer when you fell in love with the 55-year-old seller? Well, nothing, and so was Erika, that is what she was called, my secret love.

Well, a few days ago I had accepted a temporary job at a folk festival, I should fry the sausages for a snack bar. It was well earned money to improve my household budget.

On the first day of the festival at seven o’clock in the morning I arrived on the market square and quickly found the stand, went behind the counter and searched for other personnel. Ms. Michelsen came up to me from a corner of the rather large stand, I was pleasantly surprised to see her here: “Ms. Michelsen, but I find that a nice surprise to meet her here. I am the Dirk and should grill the sausages.“She replied:“ Hello Dirk, nice, here is everything per you, I am the Erika.”

Well, that was a nice surprise. Erika did not wear the supermarket costume, but was casually dressed.

She had pants and a t-shirt on, the T-shirt was not a sack as you could see otherwise, it emphasized her figure as far as possible and gave an idea of what kind of body was covered therebecame. She had a really fat belly, but it was guessed that it wasn’t just a stomach. Her breasts were apparently not held by a bra and had to reach the navel or over it.

Erika had noticed with a smile, how I had patterned her and finally she came to me and whispered in my ear: “Well, you like what you see there?“I got red, but I could still say:“ Yes, and how. You are a great woman, for me you are a dream woman!”

She laughed and led me to the grill, put me in the tricks and tricks when grilling, then she hugged me and went to her work, which was the sale of grilled dishes.

I’m actually quite inexperienced what girls or.

W When women were concerned, had two relationships behind me, but I was still relatively shy. Erika apparently knew that and showed me a little at the folk festival. Her hand regularly wandered to my ass and stroked me, of course whenever I was turning the sausages. I wasn’t uncomfortable, but I wasn’t used to something like that.

After all, the last sausages were grilled and sold that day, we closed the shop.

Together we strolled away from the market square, the next day was free, we had made an appointment, Erika wanted to surprise me.

The next day we met and the surprise Was perfect because I didn’t expect that. A Ü30 party took place in the town hall, and Erika had taken two cards for that.

In front of the entrance, Erika took me in my arms and pressed me a kiss on my mouth, I couldn’t open my mouth, we both smooched long and persistent. It was a picture that you didn’t see it so often, a woman in her mid -50s with a guy in mid -20, he slim and tall, she is fat and relatively small, closely wrapped, longingly kissing. We didn’t have our hands under control because I stroked her body wherever I could get there, she made it similar with her hands on my body.

Finally the admission was opened, the controller looked at us with a smile and wished a nice evening.

Erika immediately led me on the dance floor, we faced each other and finally she started dancing. The song “I don’t want to be a hero” by “Jonny Hattes Jazz” was also known to me, and I was able to see how Erika moved to the rhythms. Her soft movements brought her whole body into a swinging movement, her stomach bumped, her breasts swung back and forth. From time to time Erika put a nuance by pushing up or jerking the movement.

This brought her body very nicely to wobble, her fat ass then wobbled like wildly.

I dance with her, tried to dance as close to her body as I was able to do, and Erika was also looking for physical contact. The song was shortly before the end, when Erika pulled me towards him and pressed my head on her breasts, I almost sank into this udder covered by fabric, at the same time I was able to smell its sweat, smelled the sweat under her armpits, but also thatSweat that had formed between the breasts and their fat belly. It smelled awesome and let me go to my knees, sink my head in her stomach. Suddenly we both were on stage, because the others preferred to see instead of dancing.

Erika pulled me up and we kissed long and persistently on stage, when we left it was joyfully joined but also unfriendly, well, you don’t have to please everyone.

We walked poor in arm from the stage, my hand had found a way under her T-shirt, I kneaded her back, which was also soft of surrounding fat, she had letted her hand slide into my pants and kneaded my cracking butt.

At the counter we let some drinks flow down our throats, made it cheerful and, above all, courageous. Somehow Erika found that the other girls could dance belly-free, she couldn’t, because her breasts were too long, she pulled the t-shirt up, so her magnificent vuters were also visible. Finally she made a decision, she wanted to bind the T-shirt accordingly so that it imitated a bra. She disappeared into the toilet for a long time, and when she appeared again I hardly trusted my eyes.

She had actually dared it, had tied her breasts up with the T-shirt, her powerful, fat belly could now be seen, now it was apparent how fat she was. The stomach stood far forward, the weight pulled it down at the same time, so that it hung a good 20 cm lower than her belt. When walking everything stood tremendously, the stomach swung back and forth. Her breasts no longer wobbled because they were caught by the T-shirt.

The next song was “Sympathy for the Devil” of the Roling-Stones, and we both went on the dance floor.

We rocked what that stuff was, and somehow we had few again and many spectators. Most of the spectators were visibly delighted with our dance, only a few made derogatory comments.

The alcohol Had completely uninhibited us both, and it came as it had to come. The knotting of her T-shirt could not endure the strain on the heavy tits for long, because Erika’s movements became more hectic, the further the piece played the play. “HU-U-HU”, “HU-U-HU” we sang both of them, then the T-shirt node loosened, the t-shirt remained at the top, of course the breasts did not.

I was finally able to see her Wahsinns tits, but also the whole pack that watched us. There was a nipple gate from the press cold coffee against. She had tits that hung deeper than her belly button, and Erika was so uninhibited that she didn’t stop the dance. Her tits now rocked in rhythm, swung back and forth, the spectators grossed and applauded.

When the song was over I went to Erika, pulled my T-shirt up and hugged her, felt her massive tits on my skin, we kissed long and persistently, but the isolated calls “take off! Get undressed!“Then we didn’t want to meet. Erika pushed her T-shirt back down and covered her splendor, which was commented on by “OH” calls.

The party Was over for us, because on the one hand we were too excited to be able to dance even further, on the other hand, we were the attention that was now granted to us a little too much.

We drove home together in the taxi, there was no need for conversation because it was unspoken that we would spend the night together.

The taxi did not have to drive far to get Erika’s apartment. I paid and Erika already opened the doorstep, didn’t want to drag off time. Arm in arm we went up the stairs to your apartment.

In her living room there was a large sofa sleep couch that had already been brought in a sleeping position, the backrest was folded down.

I couldn’t hold back, I pulled her T-shirt up, she raised her arms and I could pull the T-shirt upwards. I had pulled her big tits up, now they fell down and clapped my face, what was that horny. I raised my arms and Erika took off my T-shirt, after which we tore our way around the remaining clothes. Most recently, she still had a white underpants that was big enough to record her fat ass and belly.

She lay on her back and lifted her legs in the air, I pulled out my underpants, I just wanted to smell briefly on my pants, but it became a long act of enjoyable recording that I hadn’t known so far.

Through the smell I became pointed like neighboring Lumpi, I fell on her, who was lying on her back there, a woman that couldn’t be better. I now started taking her magnificent tits into my hands, my nose was put on like magnetic by the smell of her sweat, looking for the origin of this odor cocktail. Finally the main concentration was found, as I was steered by my hormones, I licked her breasts where they had licked on my stomach for a long time, licked her stomach. Her stomach and breasts had formed a delicious mucus together, which had formed from her sweat.

It was an extreme concentration of her smell, for everyone else it would have been a stench, for me it was a great smell. This mucus was salty, but the taste was much more, it tasted to Erika, tasted of sex, tasted more.

I licked her stomach deeper and deeper, which I now raised with my hands. A cloud of an even more extreme gesture and had exactly the effect I expected. I buried my head in her lap and my leak job also had to ensure cleanliness here.

A divine broth had formed there, which I now eagerly licked away.

Erika groaned violently after my tongue massage started. “Dirk, nobody has done that horny with me yet! Keep on, lick me everywhere!”

I didn’t let it say that twice. Her venus hill was hairy, and here too I let my saliva work, my face came deeper and deeper. With my hands I kneaded her thighs, pressed her aside and finally my tongue came to her cunt, who had violent smells ready for me.

Her sweat and her urine had other delights for me, which I lifted like wildly.

We were both like in a trance, and alcohol had not failed to make its effect. When I had to take a break while licking, Erika turned around quickly, knelt on the bed and presented me her gigantic rear part. Her cunt was huge, now I could see how big everything was. With both hands, she now pulled her cheeks apart and now presented me her asshole, a sight for the gods.

I continued to lick hers pussy, But an additional smell had now attracted my attention, it was the stench that went out of her asshole. I carefully approached this stink hole at first, because somehow it was unimaginable to approach the anus with the face, with the nose, but the closer I came, the more imaginable it was, because the stench was a great smell for me, everyoneCentimeter that I came closer strengthened the smell and increased my excitement. Now my nose was right on the Kackloch, and I could only jerk off the scents, my breath was controlled too much by my excitement. Again and again I screamed as in extase “Man, what is that horny!“And couldn’t get enough.

Erika also shouted: “Lick me, lick me! Lick my asshole!“But that was too much for me, I couldn’t lick a smelly asshole, that was unimaginable.

But it had already happened in part, because my nose, my face already had that Contact searched with her anus, my head sank in her ass, I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want to sprinkle myself anymore, because I now knew that I had to lick her, that I would miss something particularly good.

My tongue now licked this place of extreme taste and stabbing, which Erika had unconsciously created for me. Of course she had used toilet paper, but nothing could be as clean as a tongue that was now trying to get deep into the asshole. Nothing escaped my tongue, I licked the area around her asshole, there were also delicious tasting mixtures of sweat and what she hadn’t had completely removed with the paper.

My saliva loosened everything and became a broth that I would have swallowed, the other part was distributed on my face. It smelled so cool, I wanted to decorate my whole face with this stinking broth. Now I licked Erika’s pussy again, and it didn’t take long for it to scream loudly, whimpered, a fierce orgasm Shaked her body, she pressed my face away from her pussy, which now seemed to have become extremely sensitive.

“Oh my god, that was cool! I want yours now tail lick!”

She now sat down on the bed, I stood in front of her. Slowly she started taking my cock in her mouth.

Her throat sucked on me, her tongue licked my glans. My cock had formed horny mucus all the time, which had landed on the bed or on Erika’s body during my leakage campaign. Now she enjoyed my mucus that seemed to taste her. In the meantime she pulled my cock out of her mouth and and wet her face with the mucus that was on my glow.

“Oh god, I’ll come right away!“I shouted, I was about to explode. She now put my cock back into her mouth, which she left wide open, quickly jerked my cock by hand. My orgasm was short but huge. With high pressure syringe my sperm in her throat, she swallowed everything, now sucked on my cock to get the last rest.

She now lay down, apparently it was like me at the end of her strength: “So, I have to sleep now, you got so ready! That was so cool!”

I could hardly talk anymore, said: “Yes, I want to sleep now, tomorrow is another day for more horny games.”

She lay on the bed, was on her side, her ass was a very inviting sight. I managed to cuddle up to her and my nose to put my face in her still odor -intensive ass column, the next morning I woke up right there, the smell got my hormones back in the event, so it would continue funny.


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