My first gay experience | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello friends,

I want you my story unacceptable. I am John, 23, single, hetero and have been able to do my first gay experience. Here is my first story!

As a student, I can’t afford to entertain an apartment alone. So I live in a 2-person shared apartment.

My current roommate graduated 2 months ago and took a job in Hamburg relatively quickly. I myself study economics in 3. Semester and looking for a new roommate. Masculine! Why? Everything is easier! 🙂

When I advertised the second shared room, I soon received two email inquiries.

A computer scientist who only starts his studies and a mathematician in the third semester! So I both invited and wanted to know who better suits my lifestyle. It quickly turned out that the computer science nerd was the better candidate because he gave me the feeling of leaving me in peace and not annoying me. A short time later he moved in and my premonition was confirmed … He was calm, a little introverted and never had a visit! But if you had started a good conversation with him, there was also a longer stimulating discussion.

In the first month of living together, we quickly got used to each other and so, for example, he no longer closed the door when he showered, shaved or had to pee briefly. So it happened one morning – both of us in a hurry – that I ran into the bathroom for brushing your teeth and did not notice that Karl, according to his name, was already showering.

I burst in and Karl frightened himself very much. When he relaxed again after a brief moment and let the fright, he realized that he stood in front of me naked and covered his penis. During his hand movement, my view of his tail And the moment came when I was startled! As a hetero without a bi-thought, I suddenly found that his penis just looked overwhelmingly beautiful. His perfect proportions, this incredible size and the smooth glans captivated my gaze.

He clearly had a “meat penis”. His body, on the other hand, was normal. He was slim and very bright from the skin type. When I saw away again, grabbed my toothbrush and pretended that nothing had happened, his plump slopes didn’t go out of my head! I wondered what that was about! Why do I like this penis? But I had to hurry to get to the university quickly and so I interrupted my thoughts.

In the evening I had the opportunity to think about Karl and his great meat penis.

I imagined fantasies how he should feel in my hand, even in my mouth! I liked these perverse thoughts, although I have not yet been able to have sexual experiences with a man. But how do I get to him, I asked myself? After a long superior, I came up with the idea of addressing him on his “women’s problem” and giving him some notes to improve his charisma. He wished a friend!

I got two Beer and went to him into the room. I tried to convince him in the course of the conversation that he should shave completely on the body.

On the face, on the penis and even on anus. To my astonishment, he nodded these clues without resistance and trusted my advice. The next morning I waited the right moment to “unintentionally” plunge into the bathroom again. When he made himself ready for de shower, I ran off, burst into the bathroom and looked at his cock in brazen.

It was an indescribable feeling again to see the penis hanging in his full splendor! However, I still saw a little hair booklet and so I asked Karl why he was not yet shaved. When I pointed my finger on his little bush, I pretended that I wasn’t interested in his penis. “LOW Karl, shave, you never know when you will meet a woman! 😉 You don’t want to scare her, ”he laughed and reached for his razor. I tried to stay in the bathroom as long as possible to watch him.

I tried to look completely casual during his shave and talked to him about everyday topics. Wooow, I thought to myself when each time his penis looked bigger and I couldn’t concentrate now. I ran like in hypnosis To him and showed him a place he had forgotten when he was shaving. I deliberately touched his penis with my inside of my mind.

I apologized immediately and pretended that it was nothing special. It was amazing, I felt a limitless lust through my whole body, like an electrical impulse. I tried to hide my growing bump in my pants. When I went back to the back, I was amazed that his penis was also minimally swollen.

His penis has probably never been touched by a stranger. Now I have to do something quickly! I took the opportunity and confronted him! “You liked that, my unintentional touch? Your penis is swollen!“He totally thought to me and said:“ No, that’s not true! Please John, leave the bathroom!“I replied:“ Karl, listen to you ashamed and listen to me! If I like something, I give everything until I get it and if you like something, don’t hesitate and try to get it!“I ran back to him and grabbed his tail very briskly from below to his tail. So there he was in my hand with his weight! Karl twitched back! “Karl, let it and enjoy it!“I was amazed at how difficult it felt. I started with mine Finger to enclose completely and made the first wanking movement.

He got hard and increased incredibly quickly and enormously! I’m not overdoing … a wonderful penis. He closed his eyes and enjoyed my delicate movements. His glans pulsed strongly. I knew that he had great folded things when I wank his big cock.

I myself became so extremely horny that I felt the great desire to put his glans into my mouth. His penis also smelled incredibly well because he just showered! When I opened my mouth, I was very excited. Karl didn’t notice that he was mine right away Tongue Pampering. When my face approached his glans, I trembled all over the body – with lust.

My tongue touched his glans, my lips follow soon after and enclosed the huge, pulsating thing. Karl twitched again, but he liked it … I took it away from the quiet moan. I sucked and sucked his cock vigorously and immediately noticed that it would not take long for me to have his load on my face. I tried to spoil him again with all the perfection to give him an unforgettable experience.

The pulsation of his glans became so strong that it had to happen at any moment. I added my hand and then it was time! I didn’t want to swallow it, much better let it land on my face. Then the cargo came, every blow brought a huge amount sperm To the fore, which landed directly in my grinning face. Karls groaned very loudly and it sounded very liberating! My whole sweater, my whole face and my hand was full of sperm.

I looked at him and he just opened his eyes. “That was awesome,” said Karl and grabbed his towel! “You wanted to help me with my women’s problem? That was much better!“When he said that he grinned me slightly ashamed.

I took off and jumped to him in the shower to wash the many sperm. At the occasion he washed the sweat from his forehead again. So now we were both naked in the shower! But I didn’t want to unload my stand, rather experience my limitless lust! I caught Karl as he tried to grab my cock! However, I got out of the shower and reached for my towel! When Karl also wanted to get out, I said cheekily: “Stop my good, your anus is not yet shaved! I’m not finished with you yet! ..

Oh yes, that remains our secret!“Karl replied with a natural nod! That was the beginning of a very interesting bi-shared community with many small but extremely hot stories!

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