My 1. Porn shoot | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Not found by me online. Birgit – young, dirty and always cool. I was sitting in my cash register and didn’t get the smile out of my face. I only unconsciously noticed the beep of the scanner, I automatically called the customer the amount and could not stop smiling. A boy came to the till, at my age or maybe a little older, late in the afternoon. I scan his goods as always.

He stared at me all the time, gaffed on his smartphone and stared at me again. Just when I wanted to call him the amount, he said: “Man, I know you, or? I had you earlier in advertising for a hot film! have a look!“He showed me his smartphone and pointed to my photo, the one, where I look over my shoulder with one naked breast on it, my first professional photo. It was in large red letters: ‘The hot Birgit in the full body orgasm!’“You are or?“I was clearly recognized, I had to be ashamed now? Because of ‘full body orgasm’? No, or? He probably didn’t find it either, because he asked me for an autograph.

Me, he asked me for an autograph, me, the little cashier Birgit Sibkowski. How everything happened? How it came about at all?Was only five days ago, it started with strolling through the city and having no money to go shopping. I have to send something in advance since I am for fourteen, my tits have been growing, probably also related to the pill. Until then, they were small as with the other girls, at least since I was fifteen, they look at my chest and then in my face.

When I go or stand, take a look at the chest, then on the buttocks, on the feet and only then in my face. I am very pretty, I think the nose is a little small that that who want to annoy me call them a snappy nose. What has brought me the nickname ‘Breit muzzle’ as a child, they call an erotic mouth today. All crazy when you ask me. Of course I let my hair grow, logical, they hang down to my back and are actually real eye -catchers.

Fixed, nicely curly, I think it’s nice, but is a lot of work to keep her in shape. But nobody sees that. Nevertheless, they only gage to me on my chest as soon as you see me. Stupid or? But ok, I can’t change anything anyway. So without money in the city, I looked at the shop windows and the people who all still had money. As a cashier, you deserve as much as you need to survive.

It wasn’t enough for me to do what you want? With secondary school you just can’t get anymore. Jou, so I ran around there and watched the others enjoying it. Then a pretty old woman chatted on me on me. She eyed me from a distance like a man: chest, bottom, legs, only then my face. She asked me if I had fun with erotic photography and pressed a flyer in my hand.

A few girls were shown on it. The photos they would take, she explained to me, were artist photos, they had wonderful radiance and would say something to the viewer that the photographer would be a star photographer or would certainly be one. The photos told me that you had to be photographed with bare breasts and that you had to frighten yourself like a rubber doll and kept grinning and grinning constantly. “How about a trial shoot? Right now? If the photographer accepts you, you will get a hundred euros for a photo.

N/a? How about?“Hundred euros would save me the day, that was certain. In addition, Dennis had broken up with me three months ago and since then I had nothing more. It is clear that I was pretty, uh, loose on it. They wanted to take a photo of me and give me a hundred euros, is ok, or or? Listened to a slightly earned money. “Ok, I’m doing it,” I said the tired one. Whether I was eighteen?, she asked me.

I showed her the personal, she said: “Congratulations afterwards!“It was three weeks ago. So, who immediately pushed me into a stairwell, up to the first floor. An old woman welcomed me, gaffed me and said: “Ok, could work!”What now? What ‘could work’?Before I could ask, it had led me into a make -up room, mirror everywhere, a clothes rack with all kinds of clothes on it, light light from all directions. “Ok,” she said, “take your off.

I am the Karin, the wardrobe. “It didn’t sound like this and didn’t look as if they wanted to take a photo of my tits on the quickly, give me a hundred euros and I could go again. I had to have looked stupidly, she said: “Erotic photography always has to do with the whole body and the person as a whole. Come on, down with your clothes!“Ok, ok, I’ll do it! In a few seconds I stood in front of the Ollen in the slip.

“Nu, not so shy!“, She drove me, I also pulled out my pants. “Oh man!“She groaned and looked at my bush disgusted. Dennis always wanted me to shared it, but I didn’t want that. I heard that the bitch because he left me even published photos on Instagram. Not from her face but from her blank shaved pussy. Should he be happy with that, but I don’t shave down there!“If you are accepted, then all body hair must be removed, of course?”” As accepted?“, I keep it after.

I would like to put on my clothes again and faith. So easy it didn’t seem to be, the hundred fluttered far away in the wind and laughed. “Well, this is a trial shoot, but that was told you. If he accepts you, you will be invited to a real shoot. But first of all you have to like it now. Sit down here!“I crouched in front of the mirror, naked, very naked. She powdered my fingers and took blood from me.

I couldn’t imagine what that had to do with shooting. But I was a bit excited and said nothing. Well, then she first brushed my hair, she thought she was great, I could see that. When they looked great and she had put it right, she made up me, she could do that, there is nothing. She even powdered the cleavage, checked the butt and said everything and said: “Everyone, body hair must go, all, understood?“Sure I understood, logical.

I now pick up the hundred and then I pull leash! Tschüssikowski! Goodbye forever! I don’t let myself be made a monkey! Real shoot on the ass! Bring with the hundred and off for it! Ok, was my plan. She shook me out, naked as I was. The olle from the street was waiting for me at the door of the wardrobe. You can’t imagine how she was praised on my bush!“That there is still something like that!“, She said and led me to a brightly lit studio.

I was very naked, no thread on my body, nothing, and here everything was brightly lit and several people ran around there. “Oh yes,” said one. After he had valued my tits, he also gaffed on the bush as if he had never seen anything like that. “She was told that all body hair has to be removed?”He asked the olle. It only twisted the eyes. If I don’t like them then I just go again, they can do me!The guy gaffed me in my face.

“Beautiful, even face, sexy charisma, beautiful body,” he said, that didn’t sound bad, “what is it called?“He didn’t ask me and not the olle, he just asked into the room while taking a camera off a table. The ole looked at me, I should say the name. “Birgit,” I said in a strong voice, I cleared my throat and said loudly: “Birgit!”” Very nice Birgit, stand here!“I had to stand on a white pad that hung from the ceiling to the floor.

He came very close and photographed me in the face. Then the whole body, the tits, the butt. That was four photos, four by hundred euros. The old one had said: ‘For an erotic photo a hundred euros’, that’s right or?For four hundred euros I would even shave off the bush, but you can rely on it!He continued to photograph, from the front, from the side, I had to contort and bend down and grin and look serious and everything, I hardly got along with counting, he made so many photos.

After a quarter of an hour or something, I had arrived at over a hundred photos, when he stopped and looked at his camera in the back. He leafed through the photos taken, I could see that, leafed back and for!“I looked over my shoulder in the photo, you could just see a breast and that’s it. They only took this one photo, wrongly thought, remained with the hundred euros. “Ok,” said the Olle, “can you dress again!“She pointed to the door to the cloakroom, I went, the woman helped me make up and I got dressed again.

Outside, the olle was waiting for me. I had to leave the name and address and the phone number, she pressed two fuffers in my hand and I was released. Well, that was great or? Nothing bad had happened, everything was still on me and I had a hundred euros in my pocket that I was able to cheer. So jumping around there was no longer bad after the first few minutes, on the contrary, as intensely as he had always looked at me, that had something, that did Spitz.

Well, of course I would not forget the incident, the money was gone faster than expected. I was sitting in my cash register and scanning were when my cell phone rang. We are not allowed to make calls in the cash register, but I always wear a hands -free system under the hair. Afterwards you miss something, it is clear or? I signed up, the scanner beeped on. “Birgit? You have been selected, please be in the studio at nine o’clock tomorrow morning at nine o’clock.

“Zack, hung up!Man, anyway, they can’t be so easy … The customer in front of me cleared his throat loudly. “Uh, forty -three ninety!”, I meant. Tomorrow morning at nine, whether there is a hundred again? I could use, real. That day I had a late shift, only needed to sit in the cash register at 2:00 p.m. So I’m going, let’s see what’s coming now. Immediately after the first shoot I shaved off the bush. If you all find him so hideous, then maybe there is something to take it away.

But I didn’t like the stubblers that arose. After a few hours it feels uncomfortably stubborn and unshaven, like a man. Because I don’t like the feeling, I epilate my legs, below the knee, there are so many hair, don’t know why. Well, then I epilated the bush. Did a lot hurt, you can imagine you. But I know that from my legs when Mans has done a few times, then you can hardly notice it.

So I towards the shoot, I knew what was coming, pull off, make up and jump around in the studio and always grin grin. “Well, that looks promising!“, Said the cloakroom, what was it called right away? And imagine that it even made up my pussy! I mean, you don’t see them in the photos, but as she told me the first time, the whole body has to be right, everything is one unit or something.

Pussy make -up was probably one of them. I wanted to go to the studio with a made -up face and make -up cunt, when she put on a silk coat. Well, it was also right for me, at least you don’t see me all naked. I go into the photographer, there was also a large guy in the silk coat next to the photographer, two film cameras stood there and behind it two cameramen. What is going on here?The guy in the silk coat and the photographer looked at me. “No ass consecration, no piercing, nothing!“, The photographer just said to the guy.

He looked kindly, a bit spent, around his eyes. It was already over thirty. The photographer probably meant me with the piercings. I’m just afraid to let myself be hurt, so I don’t want to have a piercing and certainly not a tattoo. I’m not stupid and give my couple of toads still spending money to let me hurt. “You always give me the beginners, I always have to …”, the other complained, the big guy.

At that moment he looked at me. Rate where he gaffed? Logically, first on my chest. And stared and stared when he wanted to look through the fabric. ‘Don’t think I will show you anything to do nothing!‘, I still thought. The photographer saw the view and said in a tone as if he had built and attached my tits himself: “And everything is real!””Oh well!“, The big one said grinning and looked me in the face,“ it doesn’t always have to be bad to get the beginners, or?””You look cute!“He said to me and looked at me in detail from head to toe.

The photographer said to me: “This is Ken, he will be your partner, Ken, that’s, uh?“He didn’t keep my name!“Birgit!“I added and poisoned the photographer. So you don’t deal with a lady, especially not when you have already seen and photographed her naked!“Exactly, Birgit. Birgit, you do what the director says?“, He pointed to a grinning guy who was sitting on an elevated chair between the two cameras that was attached to a steel arm and looked as if he could swivel it anywhere.

He wore an important looking headset on his head, into the microphone on his cheek he laid some instruction. I was completely confused now. partner? Why partner? Cameras? Movie? Director? What is going on here? What’s that here?”Yes, Birgit,” said the photographer when he saw my face, “erotic photography is much more complex than a cheap dirty film that is turned into any backyard studio. Here we make art, here are serious artists at work, here works of art forever are created forever.

With us only real life is photographed, unadorned and unfiltered. That means for you, for both of you, but mainly for you, uh, Birgit that we need real feelings, you understand? You are the main character, our attention is pointed to you, you have the leading role and it depends on you, you understood that?”Main character? Leading role? I? Birgit Sibkowski?“Main role?”I asked,” let’s make a film?”” Exactly, we are making an erotic film. We need your real feelings.

You let yourself fall and you let yourself go, you tell us every emotion. Everything you feel must have. Is that clear so far?”I do not know anything! Movie? partner? Leading role? I just wanted to take a photo and pick up a hundred euros!”Ok,” said the director to the wardrobe who was behind me, “pull her dress over and the high heels. And you, ”he said,“ pull the pants over, then you go to the set there.

“The old woman plucked the silk coat from my body. Before I could say ‘beep’, I was outdoors again, here in the middle of the studio, everyone could see me and did that too. Then I had to climb into a snow -white dress that had more holes than fabric. It was short as I never had a dress, I just went over my butt. The nipples looked out through small holes and it had a neckline that you could see almost everything.

That was totally indecent, so I couldn’t look anywhere!Well, ok, as I said, I’ve had nothing for three months since Dennis because of the shaved bitch, oh, I have already told or? Well, that’s how I am easy to make and I came here and I knew that I had to jump around naked here. As a result, I was loosely on it, is clear or? So, even through the history, I was a little bit horny when you understand what I mean.

And honestly, it didn’t mind that they saw me all like that. They wanted me and my body. They wanted to see him and take pictures for everyone to see him, that’s pretty cool or? So, I already find. Well, Ken was there, next to the set. I had so easily the tunnel view, all the technical stuff, the many people, cameras, the light lighting and small birgit in the middle and the main role and film and everything.

Actually, I was also quite proud of the many people and I the leading role. Well, then I looked at Ken, the one stood there with bare torso and ner jeans, barefoot. It was well trained, you can’t say otherwise. No belly, hardly body hair, searing muscles. No beauty, not that, not even the sparkling face, but not well trained and somehow very male and attractive. Yes, no, I go to that, the high heels were very unusual.

So that I didn’t wobble while walking, I only took small steps, it was safer for me. Slowly I got the overview without a tunnel view, I could see what was there. There was a bed in the middle of the room, the headlights and the cameras were brought there and a third camera had strapped a man, who often changed his position. Film, leading role. I slowly linked that to the bed. They probably don’t want me and ken, uh?He didn’t look bad, but it wasn’t my guy.

He came up to me now, grabbed my arms and kissed me. I mean, he gave me a kiss, I didn’t know that at all! But he could kiss well. This was obviously part of the artistic eroticism and why not. He had probably sucked a peppermint beforehand, in any case tasted that, I found very considerate. We played together with the tongues, that was pretty cool. Just like the kissed I knew what he wanted and planned, and I didn’t really have much against it, seriously.

Erotic was there, despite the many people and the camera or because of the whole, no idea. I had nothing on under the dress, just the high -heeled shoes, that alone made me sweat. Then the proximity of the big and strong ken, his heat, the horny smooch. Poh, what was probably coming up with me?The type with the transportable camera was right next to us and filmed our smooch. I found that quite crazy, we were very intimate to kiss and base ourselves up with the tongues and he filmed that.

It was also keen and it made horny and relaxed, because it was obviously part of it. It was ordered to me I should show my feelings, so I grumbled because I liked it. Ken plucked around my dress, pushed it over my shoulder. What would come was clear, my heart knocked into the throat. I got very hot and not only on my cheeks, you can believe. He rolled down the opened fabric, over the tits, at the sight of which he almost failed his eyes.

I know yes, men always react. He rolled down the dress, up to the bottom, from there it fell onto the floor. He kept smooching, I was getting hornier, also because I was now without everything, only had the high heels on. The smooch was finished and naked here in the hot spotlight and standing around in front of the camera was a completely crazy feeling. As if I dreamed or would see it in the film.

Only, I was right in the middle of it. Kissed my neck, I put my head back and enjoyed his attention. Real feelings, they wanted that, they got them. He could kiss the ken really cool and he didn’t stop at anything!Without my intervention, the hot feelings became stronger and stronger, I left them, they wanted them. I grumbled and summed up and it was unlikely to. He kneaded a chest and sucked on the other.

They all want them, the men. He sucked on it and a bit tender and I became more and more loud and louder. He worked down on his stomach, kneading a breast. The transportable camera gaffed me in my face. “Don’t look in the camera!“, Said the director,“ under no circumstances watch the camera!“Ok, goes clearly boss. Ken sucked through my navel and further down. He will see my make -up pussi right away, let’s hear what he says about it.

It was fully exciting and horny what he was doing. And the cameras and the people and everything around it, I found it off. He licked me through the pussi, he didn’t look long but licked it down to the “Oh!“There you automatically twitch back, it’s logical!He held me on my buttocks and licked again to the “Oh!”-Point. That was incredible! And the solid camera looked at my face, the portable film what Ken did there.

He licked again, my heart raced, I didn’t know what to do, my knees gave in, I breathed loudly with an open mouth. “Ohhh!“, I breathed, then it came all by itself, from below,“ Ouhm!“I couldn’t hold myself anymore, he always licked to the point for a long time. Ken put me on the set bed, my eyes stayed, I was completely gone. He opened my legs wide and licked again and again, the whole length through and back on the “Oh!“-Klit.

Then only over the clit, very quickly. It rose in me, unstoppable, I couldn’t do anything. It increased higher and higher and louder. It came up without I could defend myself, got louder and it was there, it somehow banged, I experienced a violent climax. Really cool, really. “Ok, darling, very nice. Now help you out of your pants, get his out and make him strong, ok?”I should … ?”N/a!“, The director warned I should get started.

Ok, ok, I’ll do it. I opened his pants. The feeling of his tongue on the clit was still there in memory, the heart knocked and I was full. His dödel behind the zipper looked really big, but it wasn’t hard. I had seen Dennis and Mick’s too, but the one here was much bigger. I also thought: “Uih!“, The director gave the instruction:“ Take him in your mouth and suck it on it!“I am supposed to do a dödel in my mouth .. ?”Come on!“, The director warned.

Ok, ok, I’ll do it! I put him in my mouth. It didn’t taste dirty, but clean and cool. I could get used to that. And he was thick and long. “Well, see!“, Said the director. The camera sat right next to my cheek and picked up how I sucked the dödel off the Ken. The only idea that they made all of this filmed me glow. Everyone stood around us and watched how I edited the Dödel from the Ken.

“Show us the feeling, let’s see that you find horny what you are doing!“And whether I found it horny! And the thing grew. “Try the shaft, barrel and friction back and forth!“, Said the director and the little horny Birgit, and rubbed up and down. Cool! It grew extremely fast, grew longer and much thicker and firmer. I took him out of my mouth and looked at him. I looked ken in the face and again his thing.

“Boh eh eh!”I said and continued to suck. What a large part, it was at least twice as thick as that of Dennis and twice as long. Whether he wants to put it in with me? The whole thing? I had to be afraid of it?Ken grabbed me, I had to lie on the bed. And then it came, he stroked my hot pussy with his dödel, long through the gap up to the “Oh!“-Klit. One of the two solid cameras looked in my face, the second filmed us from the side, I didn’t see the transportable.

I saw something anyway and not really something, I was very concentrated on what the Ken did there. What he was doing in which he caressed my horny mouse with his soft glans, completely through and up to the top, so, I was a wet-hot lump down there, I was completely left and only felt with closed eyes and full of hornyExpectation. “Boh, the little one goes!“, Said the director to the photographer. Ken paused, looked for the höchlein and found it.

He carefully pushed his piece. I breathed in loudly, because now it would happen now! The heart raced like Doll, I stopped the air. The giant base set out to drill my little pussy. But no, very briefly he pushed him in a tiny piece, upper horny!, and immediately out again. I wanted to follow him with the hot mouse because I wanted him to have it completely. But he held me tight, his dödel was outside again.

I felt his heat on my pussy, he was still very close. I stretched towards him to lure him. He pushed it back in a bit again, and immediately out again. I started moaning under this torture. It was so horny and I was so horny, it was no longer endured. He grabbed my breasts and finally, finally he made serious. Very slowly he pushed his giant thing in my little wet pussy.

As in slow motion, the hot giant thing rose in me, rubbed at the entrance that I went crazy and continued to push himself in. It didn’t stop, it went incredibly far in. Very slowly he stretched everything down there and filled with strength and a lot of feeling not only my pussy but the entire body. So defenselessly filled out and irritated let me be horrified and stop my breath because, it was so horny, you can’t describe something like that, really not.

He continued to penetrate than ever before, he stretched and rubbed and tumbled and I sobbed because it was so unlikely and so scary and so horribly beautiful. Fear was there too. If you had seen the giant down, then every fear that should be put in it would get it. He kept penetrating. You can’t imagine defenselessness, I couldn’t do anything! I lay there, fully at the mercy and the hot guy came over me and the huge thing continued to push in.

He was almost on me, my tits firmly in my hand and pushed and pushed his huge part into my cunt. And it continued and further up towards the heart. The charm was unlikely, it was horrific because it went on and it was incredible because it was so appealing and rubbed and was so beautiful. I don’t know if he made it slow or if it only felt like this, but he was only completely in it after a very long time.

But quite inside, his hip pressed against my buttocks. You have to imagine that, real, the huge part was in my little mouse and I was fully impaled, done, couldn’t do anything more. Out of sheer helplessness, I didn’t know where to put my hands, the fidgets on the bed. With the thick and long part, he almost touched my heart, so far the glowing part stuck in there and made me delusion. When the fear was gone, the fear that Son Riesending would hurt me when it was gone, it slammed in my skull.

The stimulus was fully awesome, serious. It was as strong as I have never felt, it was so dominant, I couldn’t do anything, I could only be hot cunt. And radiate heat. “Boh is the hot the little one!“, Said the director. All the man stood around me and saw how I almost fell into the hinge on the giant toilet with lust and lust. Well, and then it went off with the Luzi, Ken started to fuck me.

Get out with the giant part, down the whole cunt, and back in, the whole trip up to the center of existence. I clawed on my sheet, it was so horribly beautiful, I thought at the next thrust I have to die. What had seemed to me as a highlight for Dennis, Ken achieved in the second shot. I always thought that it would be over, but it went much further. It went up much higher, I thought every time he went in and out, I would die next time.

Then he pulled it out of it, grabbed me, turned me on my stomach, lifted my buttocks and pushed back in from behind. I was completely passive and amazed at the change of position, but immediately it went on, in and out. Again the fear came I would die if it didn’t stop, but nothing, it was getting hotter, more uncontrollable. My heart raced like crazy, I thought it would break right away, so it knocked it down.

I sobbed and groaned and whined, it was simply not enduring what happened to me here. The Ken fucked quickly and straight, in and out and every time the feeling increased, and increased and I thought I died and it increased again and again and again. Suddenly it was over, there was a little bit of a bit of afraid because it was so big and so fast, then it came over me.

I screamed with fear and then with lust, my consciousness disappeared in the middle of nowhere, reason was gone, was just feeling, red and black and happiness and white. I collapsed. My forehead was on my hands, my butt rose up and ken rammed his giant into my wet pussy. I was back, it had been unlikely beautiful in orgasm and was still, wonderful. Ken clawed in my hips, crumbled until his hip and his sack bang against my buttock.

I felt it out of him and injected in me, it clapped something I had in there. Two or three times. He roared and cramped. It was so fully blatant-horny, it was so extremely hot, you can’t tell that at all, so horny and so intimate and so far inside was that. Ken pulled out, he breathed loudly and quickly. I let myself fall, head on my hands, but still in height.

The cameraman stood right behind me and filmed in great recording how Kens juice dripped out of my small, hot cunt. “OK!”, Called the director,” cut! Horny scene, only where were the other three positions? Ken?“I got up and went with soft knees, the best lover ever. His breath was still violent, his dödel was no longer so firm, he hung a little and dripped. Still it was beautiful and hot and everything.

Ken’s face was red and he made a made impression. I hugged him and pressed myself firmly on him and so I would stay forever. Such a good and strong man, the madness!He hugged me limp. “My God!“, He said with his Czech or Russian or Polish dialect,“ are you a hot girl!“I pressed myself tightly, his dödel hung in front of my stomach. I could really be again and looked at him from my waiting.

“Njet, nothing more today, nothing!“That finally sounded to me. The photographer stood with the director and they looked at the three camera perspectives on a monitor. I was wonderfully limp and was no longer needed here, so I went to the wardrobe. The juice ran down my leg, it was really cool, really super nose. So that was, the great art of eroticism, fuck until you think you die. I think that will be my thing! Would never have guessed that I would still bring it to the artist.

The old woman sent me in the shower, she put on my make -up and showed me how I could enlarge my eyes a little with very little make -up and how I could better bring my face. I thanked and got dressed. I was just about to make my way to work, when the olly -up ole lured me to her office, the one who had picked me up from the street a few days ago.

I had to sign a contract in which I only committed myself to make erotic films for the company and that for at least two years. I didn’t care about the condition. I grinned from one ear to the other all the time because I was so well. She pushed an envelope into my hand, held it up and looked at me until I returned her eyes. She said, “You’re really so horny or?“I had no idea what she wanted from me, I grined her and I am to work.

Well, and then I was sitting in the cash register and grinning. I always thought of the strong ken, the giant kingdom and what the two had done with me, he and his dödel, this full and crass-horny thing. Only since today I am no longer a virgin, today was the first day that I ended as a woman. My first orgasm, fully awesome. I was sure that the boy would not only look at my autograph, he would definitely look at how I was fucked.

As soon as the film Online would be a look at it, for sure. I would like to see the face of that. The only idea of this made me liquid-horny, how he looks at when the thick dödel drills into my bare cunt and how I go off and how well I do that to me. Maybe even more people would recognize me again who Watched while fucking had and imagined how it would be with me and knew how I look under the smock.

I was not ashamed of myself, because what was experienced was so blatant, I bet that the greatest part of women did not experience such a violent orgasm throughout life. I was even sure, because otherwise they would not all look so grumpy. I had no expectations of the film and the company and the photographer and all those who had to do with it. I had no idea whether what I had delivered to her requirements, I have no idea whether they were satisfied with me.

It didn’t matter because I had had this full, horny experience and nobody would be able to take that anymore. When I was shooting under the shower Stand, I noticed that they scolded Ken. When I was drying after showering, I was able to hear better and he defended himself and blamed me to blame him that he would have come so early. He said I had been so hot, he hadn’t experienced something like that, never.

The photographer said something like: “Professional! Professional endurance! That I don’t laugh!“I didn’t care, I would find it horny if you would ask me again. I would want to fuck with ken every day. Incidentally, there were three five hundred in the envelope, more than I earn in the cash register all the month. Fucking two hours horny brought more than 170 hours of slave service at the cash register. -Jou, at the moment I had early service, means to grant four hours of goods, check the MHD and four hours at the cash register.

With the experience with Ken in the back a few days ago, the work made me much less, I was just happy and that lasted for a long time. So at twelve or something, I just had to get rid of a frustrated cinnamon bitch because she was not quick enough, it happened. Before the experience with Ken I would have turned her on and got a bad mood, so I just grinned at her. If she is too stupid to type in her secret number, then it was definitely not up to me and not at the cash register.

It couldn’t really me, I just stood over there. I owe all of this to Ken and his giant tok. Horny or?I only needed to get through torture for two hours until Quitting time was my cell phone. I taped my hands against my hands -free system and reported in a half. The zettering old had finally really typed her secret number, stared at me aggressively and moved away. It was the photo studio. Actually it was not a photo studio, but a film studio or? But they also called the film photography.

Can be that I don’t have the right idea of it, probably has something to do with art, but I didn’t really care about it either. “Come tomorrow morning at nine o’clock,” said the heavily made -up olle, who with the contract, you already know. She did not say ‘please’ or asked if I could come at the time, but she just said ‘come tomorrow morning at nine o’clock!’Well, nobody can choose his nursery, but you can also learn as an adult.

I had the closest and the next day the day. I wanted to shop and hit the fifteen hundred on my head, but for Ken and his giant tokle I would always leave and leave everything else, I’m not stupid. Well, I was there shortly before nine o’clock, carefully epilated and horny to the tips of the hair, logical or? Karin was called the wardrobe or makeup artist or whatever she was, I remembered the name in good time.

Today she treated me differently than four days ago, more confidants and more respectful, somehow. She checked again whether all the hairs were gone, plucked around my eyebrows and put on my make -up. As already experienced, she also painted my little horny pussy. In contrast to the last time, they swam out of sheer lust and anticipation, I knew that I would experience an extreme orgasm right away. Wrapped up in the silk morning mantle I went to the studio to see Ken.

The photographer stood there with three guys who were not interested, he said so that I shouldn’t hear it: “There she is there!“The three figures looked at me as if I was an alien, but, as I said, I didn’t care. I didn’t see ken, will still change, I thought. “Birgit”, the photographer called me, I shredded towards him. Do you know what the guys stared at? Logical, or? They only looked at my face when I stood next to them.

“These are Günni, Selo and Tobi!“, He said it as if I were interested in. “You will be your partners right away,” he added as if it hadn’t meant anything. It took a while until I strapped it. “Why, where is Ken?“I asked excitedly. That was the man who had got me so much and who had made me experience this brilliant orgasm. I wanted to have that again, heaven sack! I was here for that, for that they even made up my cunt.

“Yes, Ken doesn’t come today, the three are there for that. I am sure you will be satisfied. “I really looked at her for the first time. Really strange figures that I would not be addressed by them, let alone pop with them. I didn’t trust them, nothing at all! Only now did I notify that they wore silk coats as I and how he had worn him. “Men,” said the photographer, “I think she fears not to get their money’s worth.

Do you show what you have to offer!“They hit the coats and showed me their cocks. I was there from the socks. One stand, the other two were more so half -sized, not quite firm and not quite limp. But the stand that was at least as big as that of Ken. And the others didn’t look very small either. No comparison to the penises I knew, that of Dennis and that of Mick.

Who wants to blame me that I got great eyes? That looked really very promising. And then three men. I mean three men, three cocks and all for me! Was that horny or was the upper horny? The photographer intently watched how my facial expression changed. He laughed when he saw how I was amazed and hit my shoulder. “You get your money’s worth, promised! I’m curious to see if they last longer than Ken, I’m really excited!“The three boys had only dropped the health check yesterday, so they were clean.

Mine still came from the first shoot, from the trial recordings. At that time, the Karin smears and a blood sample took without me having thought about why she did that. Now of course I knew. So, nothing stood in the way of a hot fuck, from me it could start. But they had something else. Karin gave me a bikini, I should put it on. I think it’s strange to duke old people, but she insisted that I spoke to her with the first name and said ‘you’.

The bikini was probably intended to give the boys something to take off. I notice, I was totally flush. Clear or? Three big cocks would get it more than once, I was sure! It’s good that I was still free the next day, so I was able to live out without worrying. Only real feelings were clear to me, but the hunt also really, the real feelings!I in the bikini under the coat back to the set, the boys weren’t there.

The photographer pilied me in a brightly lit corner in the studio. They had built up a kind of balcony, with a balcony grille that looked like it was made of iron but wobbled like cardboard when you pushed against it. There was a deck chair, lots of headlights diving the chair so much in the light that it looked like the sun was shining on it. “Ok, honey,” said the director, who hovered more than a meter in the air in his chair on a steel arm, wore the important headset and gave his instructions.

The two fixed cameras were installed, one from the front, one from the side. If it had been a real balcony, it would float next to the ‘balcony’ and target the set through the ‘balcony grille’. “So, honey,” said the photographer, “take the sunscreen and cream, carefully and everything. Present your horny tits and your little horny ass in detail. Show them what you have but let the bikini be understood? Ok, you can start!“The cameras ran and I creamed myself.

If you enjoy it! I showed you my bust size, just don’t look in the camera. Nice everything creamed also under the top, each breast is taken individually in your hand, it creamed, always that you couldn’t see anything. You can imagine that something is doing something like it. Down the belly, the camera stretched and creamed the bottom and down and down to the feet and so. I was pretty heated when I worked on every millimeter of myself.

“Lay on the deck chair!“, The director said when he saw that I was done. I lie down on it. You couldn’t fuck here, it didn’t work on the shaky thing. Especially not with three men. What did they have before? What should that be?“So, the horny Birgit will now get itself. You let the panties go, but gradually take off the top and massage your tits.

OK? Understood?”” I should do something?“I asked in a spirited manner. “You should do it yourself. We want the people who look really horny, you understand? Art is not to show them your cunt, but only the real feelings, the real, homemade orgasm, you understand?”” You think I should ..? That works ..! How should ..? I do not do that!”” Come on, you’re horny, you are the horny birgit! You do it yourself or?“Naclar I do it myself, this morning, it is no different if you look forward to being fucked so violently that you get an unforgettable orgasm.

But now? Here? In front of everyone? And in front of the camera?“No, that doesn’t work!“, I said determined. “OK!“, The photographer interfered,“ then the shoot is over for you. Have a nice day. What is the name of the replacement model?“Replacement model? He wanted to cancel everything and I wouldn’t get the three big cocks? You would send me home as fueled as I was? Yes and then? No, I didn’t want that. “OK!”I cried,” I’m doing it!”” Well!“, The photographer agreed.

“Good girl!”, Said the director,” then you go. camera?””Running!””Volume?””Running!”” Ok, then action!“So now I should go here in front of everyone … Actually unimaginable. I thought of the boy who had got an autograph from me. He would see it would see how I do it myself. He would come to the cash register and look at me and knew how I do it myself. Somehow it was already or? If I do it myself alone, I often imagine what it is with several men and such.

I know that most girls dream of the fairy tale prince while doing it themselves, but I’ve always been different. I like it when things get down to the point when the man is properly freaking out and as a woman you can feel that you have irritated your drive so far that the animal comes out of him. It’s totally sharp if you can’t do anything anymore, he gives you all the strength and you have to take.

Dennis only brought that when he had drunk schnapps. Then he touched me hard and ruthlessly took me. That was always the best. If he had drunk too much, he made it in the middle of it. And he never brought it so far that I had a real orgasm. I knew that I would get it worried from three men with big cocks, that would really be a reality. Provided that I did it so well in the deck chair that they were satisfied.

OK then go. So at the beginning I massaged the breasts, first through the fabric, then under the small triangles that cover my tits. I did it that a wart could be seen every now and then, after all, the spectators should be horny. I closed my eyes and licked my lips. Two cameras recorded it, the director, the cameramen, the make -up olle and the photographer watched as I only healed through thoughts and massage my breasts.

Horny or?I stroked my hot mouse through the fabric, drove through the valley, so that it had to be drawn under the thin fabric. Was a strange feeling, real, it felt strange, not as familiar as usual. Otherwise the duvet is always over and nobody watches me. But whatever? I am finally the artist that matters and I have the leading role, right? They all saw it and they should all see it.

The autograph boy would probably see it too. Maybe he would get you down while watching me. After a while I got pretty horny and could feel the wet heat through the fabric and soon after that I became very cool and I didn’t care or even right that you watch me all. I plucked the top away, kneaded my tits with the hard warts and scurried into my panties and worked on the clit, as I actually do in bed in the evening, or in the morning when I should be fucked into orgasm in the morning.

It really went off with me. I couldn’t stop now, even if I wanted. I groaned and groaned and concentrated on the real feelings and tried to convey them to my surroundings. My voice became louder, louder and louder on its own. The heat in my pussy and in the panties took over. I wanted to show my cunt everyone, I wanted to show what I was doing, I wanted to show how juicy the horny mouse was and how glowing hot the Birgit was actually.

I only kept my pants with overcoming and covered the cunt. I stretched my hot jar to the camera, lifted the body towards the sky and all spectators. It came with a power over me that I had never felt for myself. It went with me that I had to scream until I was hoarse. After the climax, I fell limp back onto the deck chair. “Cut!“, The director called in a hoarse voice.

It seemed to him to be like me, I was exhausted but glowingly hot and so horny that I could hardly wait to experience the hot cocks. When I opened my eyes I saw the three strategists stand in the background. They had watched me and horny as I do it myself. The coats were open and they proudly presented their extended slats to the area. “Ok,” said the director after he had rushed, “five minutes of conversion break.

Birgit, have you put on your make -up. God in heaven you are a horny girl, heaven again!“It really came from the heart and that made me really proud. Karin fiddled with me a little. The donation calmed me down a little, but the delicate touches made me sweat again immediately. It was like stroking units. “Have fun!“, She whispered in my ear when she was finished and gave me a pat on the buttocks. She knew how sharp I was to be taken from the thick cocks.

It knew that even though she was already so old. The boys sat two on the bed and one in the armchair next to it. The one whose cock had already stood before was a jeans from whose zipper his hard dödel stood out. Looked strange, the waistband of the pants was buttoned, the zipper was open and the root of all happiness looked out, the sack with the thick eggs was in front of it. All three grinned at me, all three wore jeans and presented me naked upper body.

I would get the big cocks right away, my throat was completely dry and I couldn’t stop by the standing giant tok. “You dance a bit, weigh yourself, show the boys your body, show them how horny you are to be fucked by them and get you on everything they want from you, clearo?“I could only nod and kept the stiff Dödel at a glance. Man was grown well!So, I wobble with my butt, turn it in your direction, I still have my panties and come close enough that you can touch it.

And of course they don’t just touch him, but clap it and finger through the fabric my hot mouse. I was going off soon, I was so horny, so much asked for it to be touched and taken by them. And whether I would get involved with everything they wanted from me and whether. I just didn’t feel fast enough. Through my solon insulation I was so fueled that I had no time for games anymore.

A fire burned in me that could only be deleted by plenty of sperm from strong hoses. My abdomen was in bright flames, I wanted it, I needed it. The tail was still out of the almost fully closed trousers. The director had said I should get involved in everything the boys wanted, but now he had to get involved with what I wanted. I plunged on the huge dödel and tried to swallow him.

Guy was that a big thing! And it was hot and delicious! I released it out of my mouth, jerked it with my hand and looked at it nearly. “Yes, sweetie, that’s right!“, Said the man who had grown to the penis. I didn’t look at it, I only had eyes for this pink, solid piece of hot meat that aroused my lust and would probably also satisfy. The director said I should stretch my legs.

I only heard it the second time, so sunk I was into the tail, which I alternately stimulated with my mouth and hand. What a horny part!Someone fiddled with my butt, grabbed me on the hip. I pushed my knees through and put my feet apart so that it looked better and he got better to everything. Then one rubbed over my hot mouse, through the panties.

Of course I felt that clearly, but another topic was also concerned: whether I could lure the sperm out? Only with mouth and hand?Then my thoughts were gone at once, because one of them was released by my panties by fingering the panties and pushed in with me with a huge cock. At Ken I almost went off when I first pushed it in, but now I fully gave me a crass before the hot dödel was still in the most damp cunt since Noah.

I was so horny you hardly believe and groaned the cock in my mouth. Regardless of this, the thing in my cunt continued to push in, on and on towards the knocking heart. I went crazy! I couldn’t do anything anymore, my knees were soft, there was no longer. The hands on my hip then gripped more closely. Now there was the hot, hard thing in me, my hands kept me tight, my feet dangled in the air, I was completely at the mercy.

I was literally crazy! My legs and my arms wrapped around uninvited, I groaned and groaned because I couldn’t do anything, but the feelings broke down above me. I struggled in front of my nose after the penis, sticked to it and wanted to take it back into my mouth. But that didn’t work because the one behind me, who kept me in the air, started fucking. It was incredible, it was so cool, I was so hot, I wanted to feel the hot big dick everywhere, completely in the body, complete.

I wagged with my butt or tried to wag so that he had fun and I feel it everywhere. He fucked me in peace, pure-raus, with me all the dams broke. The awareness went flutes, I was just orgasm, I didn’t get anything with just the hot fuck. Someone groaned loudly and louder, it became a little grinding that felt strange, the vocal cords became sore away. Then I lay on the bed, my legs open, the guy stood with a dripping dödel between my feet and breathed heavily.

“Shit no!“, He said and got off. The second had watched all the time, he pulled out his pants and dragged me on, I knelt over him and he pushed his hard dödel into my hot cunt. It smacked from the moisture inside. The other who with the cock from his pants looked at how he raised my butt under me that his big tail was almost outdoors and pushed me back on it again.

Slowly I came down from the hot orgasm and could help him to fuck me. I rocked in my knees and waved around on his hard. It was great and hot and totally dirty, or? In any case, the feeling was completely blatant. After the most violent orgasm in world history, I fucked on such a big cock, the third watched and jerked his. It got hot with me again when we go on like this, then it goes back to me again.

The one with his pants and got involved in me. I thought what he did? The one below me fucked me unmoved, lifted my butt and pushed me back on his hot horn. The other somehow pressed against my buttocks. I also thought: ‘What does he do there?‘, He pushed into my hole. But that doesn’t work! I avoided or wanted to avoid when he grabbed my buttock.

The other big cock was in my cunt, which somehow had to be met in me, so it felt like this at least. There was something in my head, it became red and black because it was so cool. I couldn’t move between the two strong guys, I really couldn’t do anything. I was crazy about fear and because it was so cool. The cocks in me moved, first slowly, then they found a rhythm, both in, both out and I completely defenseless in the middle of it and both cocks in me.

Something screamed again, my vocal cords hurt, it collapsed above me. I saw nothing more, I heard nothing, I was just a horny abdomen with an extremely hot feeling. Without a stop I staggered through the pleasure, could not move, but I turned like a snake, while the two huge pleasure swords enjoyed me. The one below me was loud, louder and louder. He cramped and I mean he shot his stuff in me.

The one in my hole rammed like crazy and cramped too, clawed at me, held his cock very far inside me and then snapped off. I was heavily breathing on the one. I lay down next to that and hardly got any air. The transportable camera filmed my cunt and the juice that quoll out of it. “Cut!“, The director called,“ short break!”” You should inject them “, he complained,” on her stomach and face, but you shouldn’t fertilize her, but you should inject her fully.

What is so difficult about it?“The one who still breathed heavily explained:“ In the heat from the pearl and the hot feeling in the cunt inside, you are no longer master of your senses, boss, it is not always the way you want!”” Man, you are professionals Verdorri, more people have to come. In an hour again here on the set!“I was pretty finished, you can think of yourself. My mouth was dry, my vocal cords sore and I totally hoarse.

Karin picked me up, she put on my coat and took me to the cloakroom. “Place down, honey and relax. If you can sleep a round. “She covered me and I closed my eyes. Guy, was the wreath horny! They even fucked me in the buttocks! Didn’t think that was possible at all. I don’t know if that was really cool, but I think so. Thinking did not work, I was too finished for that, I lay down on my side and was gone.

When I woke up again, she had already made me up and led me to the set. I was still not really awake, but I saw the three boys. Freshly showered, washed and newly styled they stood in the silk coats. The director gave his instructions. “Ok, another set. Karin, get her hair wet and put on the one swimsuit that becomes transparent when he is wet. Birgit, you go to the door, the three are craftsmen who have something to work in your house and you just come from the swimming pool, of course? Because they want to find you so horny they want to pop you first, you understand? You get involved in everything again and are as horny as before, ok?“Was clear or? I would get it again.

You cannot imagine the heat in me, in the abdomen and brain, the heart knocked out again out of sheer anticipation. “And you, men, you hold out longer, understood? I want to see the sperm out of your louts, understood, understood? A little more discipline please!“That was their thing, mine was, being as horny as possible, only real feelings. I would probably get money again to bring me to orgasm. I think you can hardly believe something like that or?I opened the door in front of the three strategists with the big cocks.

I skipped my wet hair and let go of the silk coat so that they could see the wet, transparent swimsuit and my hot mouse in there. I grinned at her and said: “Come in!“This is all I had to say in text. They looked at me as if they were seeing me for the first time. The first fingered around me and because I didn’t really fight against it, the other two also fiddled with me.

The silk coat was gone and the swimsuit hung on my hip. They enjoyed my tits and sucked and kneaded on it and I became very crazy. They pushed me on my knees and I sucked three cocks. I even got two in my mouth at a time, only when they wanted to push them in completely, that didn’t work. You really can’t get any air anymore if you press the long dödel so tight that you think he pushes it into your stomach.

One lifted my butt and pushed his hard into my cunt. I had two in my mouth and one in the cunt. It went back to me and I could hardly hold myself anymore. The one in my cunt pushed him in with feeling and strength, just out. I wagged a little so that I can get it everywhere, the long hot thing. He groaned and had fun and I could feel it back.

If you know how to do it, it is much easier to get an orgasm, you can believe. Anyway, it arrived in the distance, I already knew that, it came to me in huge steps. I got loud and louder again. “Is that horny, age!“, Groks the one who fucked me in the cunt. The director saw it coming and heard it with me, he screamed: “Pull him out! Come on! Pull it out!“He stopped immediately and pulled it out.

It was cool with one fell swoop, I thought it was a shame, it was so shortly before!One lay down, I had to kneel on him and push his hard cock in. Cool, it got hot again immediately. The one I crouched was the Selo, a Turk, that’s how it looked. I always assumed that Turks only have small cocks, I don’t know why I thought that. In any case, the one I had seen until then had.

In addition, the goods looked like a man, I found it really cute! And I just fucked it. One got involved in my ass, I thought now he fucks me back into the buttocks. I leaned out to make it easier for him to access. Then it turned very differently! He pushed his into Selos Dödel, into my cunt! I almost died of surprise and fear, afterwards they break something! Two giant singers in my little mouse and I can’t do anything! But they didn’t take care of it, they rubbed in me and together and wild and violent.

It came with me with such a power you would no longer be able to stop that, the director could scream as he wanted! I freaked out completely, raged on the tails like the in me. Somehow I have to have roared or the others or we all three, at least I went off like a New Year’s rocket. I don’t know anything more just a horny feeling that was stronger than me and as everything there is in the world.

After that I was ready, you can believe. They held all three cocks in my face and jerked it around. “Open your mouth and take the stuff!“, The director ordered. I, as finished as I was, made the mouth open. The first said: “Uff! Uff!“And sprayed his stuff in my face, half in my mouth the other half across my face and on the eye. The second groan and sprayed his stuff completely in my mouth.

Was almost full of his hot juice, but tasted cool for sex and was just right if you were a horny bitch and so dirty that you were driving it into the door with every craftsman who came in right away. Selo waited until they were ready, then he injected his stuff in my mouth with the first shot. I first had to swallow the other with space, then I picked up his first splash and played with my tongue and tasted of it.

“Put him in her mouth and you suck him off!“, The director shouted. Selo pushed him in my mouth, sprayed twice and I sucked the dear cock clean for him. After that I was finished and just wanted to sleep, but the camera should continue to film, it should take in that Selos Dödel sucked clean and my mouth was empty. I found it horny and extremely dirty to swallow the stuff and let myself be filmed, hopefully it doesn’t make you fat.

They showed my fully sprayed grinning face then the director called: “Cut! Clean work people!“I lay chess matt on the bed, Selo lay down. “Were great horny,” he said, “you are fully cute!“I didn’t think he was too bad either, honestly he was pretty cute too. Strong and sweet, the combination is rare. After a few minutes in which we rested, he said: “Let’s eat an ice cream or have a coffee or to the cinema or something?“Why not or?But I could just nod, so I was done.

I almost fell asleep on the bed. Karin put me in the shower, washed me, dried me off, rubbed me with body lotion, put on my make -up and put on me. The upturned office roller put an envelope in my hand: “You deservedly deserved!“, And I was standing on the street. Selo waited for me. He wanted to bring me home, but I didn’t want to. Didn’t clean up with me, because since then Dennis has been gone I let the bitch hang out.

But if Selo is interested, then I’ll get it back in order. He didn’t let go and so I made an appointment with him for tomorrow afternoon. Until then, I have already brought the booth back to shape, for sure. The next morning I woke up and had the memories of the hottest fuck of the century in my memory and the broad grin on my face. Two cocks in the cunt or two in the mouth, third in hand or one in the buttocks and one in the cunt and third in the mouth.

Horny or?Incidentally, there was eighteen hundred euros in the envelope and a DVD, with my first film on it, ‘The hot Birgit at the full body orgasm’. I have to be ashamed of it? No, or? I love it when you watch me at orgasm and heal it on it. Selo in the same way after getting up, I first cleaned up my booth. As soon as the shops opened around in the boutiques. So far I have always wore pants, my thighs came into their own well.

If you have one then you can show them or not? In addition, pants were somehow safer to me, I don’t know why and what it should protect me. But knows that everyone can see how I look without everything and how I am fucked and how I go off, there is no such security unimportant or? I have nice legs, I know, they are long and slim. I can also show them in a short skirt and make the men sharp.

When you have seen the film, then you have to think that it is easy to have me, but I’ll show them that. Well, I definitely wanted to make the Selo sharp, chose a short dress, but light, white with light blue stripes and a few flowers on it. In 36 it was a bit too long for me, in size 34 I didn’t get my buttons over my chest, I took that.

I took a few short skirts with me, a tight one with stretch in it and two exhibited, but made sure that they were nice and short. The Selo should get something to see and it shouldn’t be too much in the way if he wanted to go, already knows what I mean. Yes, no when he saw me in the dress, his eyes almost fell out of his head. I had nothing underneath, he could see that because I was standing on the stairs as he came up.

He punched, his eyes came out, then he ran up the last heel, swallowed when he saw me near, grabbed me, kissed me and pushed me into the apartment. Faster than I can write without having spelled, he had swelled me and I got my first full body orgasm at home in my freshly moved hiret. I bet that the neighbors heard that too, but I didn’t care, I didn’t have any of them anyway Contact. Only to the old man who takes the post or packages to me, with whom I have already.

But it smells quite strict, even from his apartment this nasty old smell comes. Well, I have nothing. Well, Selo and I then went out to eat and then slept with me, before again, full body orgasm, logical. So life can go on, fucked horny every day, a cuddly and attentive Turks at home. After a few days he arrived with a few clothes, he said that when he sleeps with me, he wants to have something to change.

Clear or? I cleared him a bit of space in the wardrobe. That gathered quite a bit, I wouldn’t have thought! One day he came with a huge television, he and his brother. He meant by the thing we had a better quality of life. He didn’t sleep with me every day, at first he was too much done in the evening, he said about work. I understood, logical, if you popped in front of the camera all day, then you have no strength in the evening, I made sense.

The studio didn’t call me anymore, my last film was probably a flop. Although, the autograph boy, that is, it was thrilled. I had to write him a dedication on a DVD case, so I know that it is called Kai. Jou, if someone else recognized me, I don’t know with certainty. Sometimes a man looks at me strangely, exactly pusheres me, first of all the tits, logical, but so far nobody has said something. On a really hot day I had nothing on the coat.

I was very horny because Selo hadn’t slept with me for two days now. But no man dared to address me on it too. One stood behind the cash register for a quarter of an hour and looked. I assume that he has already looked at how I am fucked. Selo slept less and less with me. I lay awake next to the snoring guy at night and could make it with my fingers. So if the guy does not bring it, why should I cook for him and wash and iron his laundry, huh? And why should I let myself be put on because the shirt is not as ironed as he is used to from cleaning?You already notice that I had frustration.

I called in the studio out of sheer frustration, I wanted to have at least a DVD from my last film, so I could probably insist on it. “Birgit? You?“, Called the Olle, who with the contract and the filled make -up, you already know. It was amazed, it was that. “Can you speak again?“I thought: ‘Huh?‘I thought: ‘Watt?’”How to speak?“I asked because I couldn’t think of anything better. I was totally amazed. “Well, Selo reported you would have fallen down the stairs and would have injured you life -threatening.

Your face would be distorted and whether you could ever run again in the stars. In which hospital you are in?””I? hospital? Nothing hospital, supermarket fund. How does the guy get something like that … “Well, then it occurred to me, logical! Selo is Turk and jealous and does not want his loved one to be filmed while fucking. Besides, he doesn’t want me to fuck someone else than with him. Somehow cute or?Although, if he doesn’t fuck with me, then I have to take someone else, there is no other way!”So, no!“, I made a little clear now,“ I didn’t fall down the stairs and I look like you know me.

What I wanted to ask … “” So you can shoot?“, She interrupted me very hectically. “Yes, of course I can shoot! I … “” You have WhatsApp, or? I have to talk to the boss and then send you a shooting plan, ok?”” Yes, like now? I wanted … “, but she had already hung up. I also had to go to work and didn’t have time to think great. When I was sitting in the cash register my cell phone, I had a shooting plan.

So far I couldn’t imagine anything under it, but when I saw him, everything was clear. After that I had the shooting date from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., with a partner, Tamira and two boys, Tobi, I already knew it and one of the woki was called. Sometimes they have strange artists’ names, but please, everyone as they want. But they were pretty hot to turn with me again, that was already noticeable to me. I’ll go online in the evening, searched my film.

I found both films on Sonem porn portal. From because of artists and so, porn portal!Well no matter. The first film had over four million clicks. I had no idea whether this was a lot, there are seven billion people and half of them are men. Then four million are not that much. But the film next to it, two naked miezen bales around a monster cock, which had thirteen thousand clicks, that was a different house number. Then came my second film, ‘The horny Birgit has craftsmen in the house’, who had seven million clicks! The next film had a thousand four and a few small ones, the next twenty -two thousand.

I mean, I have no idea how much the studio deserve, but if the ten centers get a click, then they made more than a million mice with my two films. Even if they only earn one cent per click, that’s still over a hundred thousand euros!My grandpa always said on such occasions: ‘There was a stork to me!’I don’t know how stork taste, but that was awesome or? Of course it was no wonder that they wanted to turn me or? But the horny Birgit would have to get a little more than eighteen hundred and a DVD, what do you think? I finally have the main role in the films.

The next morning I was more in the studio and directly to the office rolls. She looked at me if I was really still completely, but everything was still on it, she also made a satisfied face. “I don’t think so!“, She said,“ the olle slit ear!“By that she said Selo, of course. I said, “We have to talk about the contract. “” Logical “, she was in a hurry,” I have already prepared something here, you will get three hours per shoot of four hours.

“Three thousand five hundred was meant, I only looked at her, so she quickly said:“ I my five, five thousand. Five thousand euros for four hours that are, uh, more than a thousand euros per hour!“There was more in there, bets? I frowned and looked from the side as if I couldn’t believe it that she serves me such a sum. She hurried to say: “Good ok, the boss says, maximum seven five, no one else gets with us.

I lay down on ten. Turn ten thousand euros for four hours. I box that through the boss, for you I do that for you!“It seemed to me to be the point where I should either go or had to agree. “OK!”,” I said, “For today, we will continue to see the next day of shooting, ok?“The Olle was relieved. I stroked in the contract: ‘and all other shoots’ and put my Karl-Otto underneath. Ok, ten thousand euros, pretty crazy or? I am fucked horny and get ten thousand euros for it, it couldn’t be hornier!Well, I didn’t grin too much because, it was none of it that I was very happy about it.

Selo hadn’t touched me over a week now, you can’t imagine how cool I was on the next orgasm!It was really cool to see the Karin again and to see how they were happy to see me. It was as if I was missing her when she opened the cloakroom door to me. I know that you don’t just burst in, but knock and wait for you to open you.

The photographer didn’t know that, he just tears the door open and stands in the middle of the room. Well, at least I went into the cloakroom, there was a girl in the chair and got the cunt put on make -up. You saw immediately that she was a colored blonde, and she had not epilated her pussy but shaved. It looked like a black -haired man with a strong beard growth, terrible. But the make -up has to do it properly if you don’t see that!I assumed that we would fuck in pairs, she a man and I a man, there were two boys on the shooting plan.

I said, “Hi!“, And looked angry, was my chair on which she flooded there. “You are too early!“Karin said and winked at me. She said that I shouldn’t get upset. Is ok, I’m not like that. I pulled out and the other girl was already done. “Is Tamira,” said Karin, I gave the girl’s hand, why not either. You one and I one, we can’t get ourselves in the way.

Let’s see what they think of that will definitely be horny. Yes well, Karin put on my make -up and praised that I epilated myself, so that the girl noticed it. Of course what she wanted to achieve should also be epilated, the colored. We should put on sexy underwear, got the coats overturned and went to the studio, both extremely high -heeled shoes. I got some of them for at home, so I practiced so so that I wasn’t so stupid here in the studio.

I went totally elegant, Tamira wobbled. I didn’t see boys, just the photographer with the director, they stood on the set bed with the cameras. We go. “What are we glad that you are fine again!“, Said the photographer. I thought ‘huh?‘Before I remembered that Selo let me fall down the stairs. Well, that’s why I just grinned, I was also interested in a lot more: ‘Where are the boys?‘I wanted to show the real feelings at the full body orgasm, for this it takes thick long cocks!”So you girls,” said the director, “you look both hotly.

You get it here now. Real, hot feelings and real orgasms, clearo?”” Uh, like now?“, I said, I really fell down my jaw,“ uh, without boys?”” Girls can also have fun among themselves. Shows us how to do it!”Well, I do not know. I looked at the director and the photographer. The bleached was still a bit smaller than me, she cuddled with me and asked with an affected eyes: “I don’t like you?“Her eyes were black, I’ve never seen anything like that, I know brown, also dark brown, but black?I didn’t want to hurt her, but when I think of the shaved pussy and how the stubble will feel, I got anything but the desire.

Well, then she kissed me, quite surprising, you don’t expect a girl with a girl. The transportable camera was already running, that could not be missed. The most blatant was, the kiss was awesome! I wouldn’t have thought! At first it didn’t belong, it was a girl after all, and then she had no stubble! Pure heat, sweet soulful wet lips and a little cheeky Zünglein, which I asked my dance that made you horny. I mean, of course I like to put up with something like that, no matter what, the main thing is horny.

Well, then it went off. We are only peeled out of the silk coats. It was horny to touch a strange breast, really now to touch it and rub it on it was extremely dirty, I thought, you don’t do it as a good girl, and then still to do it and in front of all the people and the cameraMade horny. She was very enthusiastic about my tits, I know yes, but her touches were nice and tender, not as rough and demanding as from a man.

I had to have more of the kisses, they were really cute, super sweet. They went fully until it turned into a real smooch, rumbling with hair and kneading and kneading everything and everything. I didn’t care after a while, we caressed each other, everywhere. First only on the outside, then the bra moved out each other. Do you know how horny it is when you touch your breast a different girl’s breast? Was like electrical as if there was electricity in there.

We both went off quite a bit. When she touched my cunt for the first time, there was an even stronger electrical system. I suddenly lay on the set bed, she pulled out my underpants and when she touched me I knew that she put it on to bring me to orgasm and she also knows how to do it. With a man you can pretend that I don’t do it, I don’t need it, I’m really fine when a man does it with me.

But now, the girl, that knew exactly where she had to touch and rub and push it on and pinch it up so that my feelings arise from me. Then she did that too. It had me up so quickly, I didn’t want to believe how quickly the glowing hot came up. Of course I don’t build myself, on the contrary, I took part. She had two fingers in my cunt in it and rubbed it at a point that really made me crazy and she skilfully fiddled with my “Oh” point that I heard and see.

I lay on the bed there, couldn’t do anything except groaning and moaning and winching and being horny and making sounds and take what came. They got the original feelings, the very real but plenty of! The stimulus was totally tender, she also slipped on my clit, I noticed, sucked it and with my tongue and fingers in the cunt and always rub and rub and rub, and lick and licking and luring out and ready.

I thought I was going crazy, I thought it didn’t stop at all, I thought it would do it until I die. Until I thought nothing more, I hovered in the orgasm sky, I was everywhere and nowhere, at least not on earth anymore. I thought now I was dead, I thought, I thought it is now, now I’m done, I thought now I’m going to Peter, finito, over, over. I came to myself on the bed, all three cameras stared at me, the little one crouched between my knees and grinned with her juice-masked face.

She lay down on me and asked: “And? How was it? It was as horny as it looked?“I could say Garnix, no chance. I hugged her and pressed against me. I couldn’t kiss her now, she had my cunt juice on and in my mouth, I couldn’t. But I could also finish her, it went after a few minutes. She also spread out on the bed and I ran.

I had never done it, I just did what I thought that I would enjoy if she did it on me. The stubborn cunt did not look as repulsive as I thought, it smelled cool. I fiddled with two fingers in her cunt until I found the point where she flinched and then went off. She played an orgasm for me, I realized that right away.

I thought: “I want to see that if I couldn’t do it better!“Well, I overcome myself and licked the clit. It tasted very different than expected, very differently! Cool, totally dirty, similar to spit and similar to sperm. I wanted to have more of the taste, I licked her through the whole furrow and grabbed the point and again with the fingers at the inner point and sucked the clit. Then she went off.

In contrast, there was no means, the real feelings came out, it went off, the little one. “Very good, Birgit!“, The director praised me. I showed the camera my ass and between the cheeks you would have to see my wet cunt. I was so horny it was hard to endure. Someone fingered around me, I didn’t care who, the main thing was that what happened. I continued the Tamira and the one behind me the stimulated my clit.

I went off again and got the Tamira quite violently. She should no longer know whether she survives, which should also occur in the sky gate, which should no longer know what is going on. It went off unlikely, the fingerere brought me up on my cunt and made me absolutely uninhibited. I pushed the little hand into the cunt, edit the clit with the tongue, the whole hand into the cunt.

Made a fist inside and fucked with it. I thought she got a heartkasper, so she screamed and reared up and still wanted more. I remember what the boys did with me and I stimulated her hole. First with one finger and I rubbed it around. It was crazy, alternately she cheated and stopped the air, the air pumped the air into her chest that you could see all ribs. I fucked her on with my fist, I also pushed one, then two fingers in the hole and rummaged in it.

She screeched and clawed in my hair. She lifted the pelvis as if she wanted to fly to the sky, cheated as if she died, torn up, shouted out loud and then fell together. She was completely limp, headed to the side and breathed heavily. “Cut!“, The director screamed,“ good work, girls!“I looked at the men at the cameras, the hardened guys almost all had a bump in my pants.

I would have found it horny if they had all worked on me, these bumps. But I didn’t dare to say that, instead I fell on the bed to a limp. The cameras were over, the light was just an emergency lighting. I was pretty finished, I can’t say otherwise. Tamira lay next to me, we held hands. “Was really cool with you!“, She said when her breath and all of this calmed down,“ it is fun to work with someone who is so horny and works so intensely.

“” Do you only do it with girls?“, I asked the question that I didn’t get out of my head all the time. Because if a woman is experienced and can do things like her, I can bring me to such a brilliant orgasm and not only once, but often, she has to have a lot of experience. The way it looked and moved it was just eighteen, if at all. “Oh what!“, She said and laughed at me,“ I was in a girls’ boarding school, you will learn that before you have your first days and make it practically constantly.

I have a man at home. Maybe you know that? Son Turk, which also turns here one-two times a week. He pushes my big one … ““ You have a Turk at home that also turns here? Selo or who?”” Exactly, the Selo! It’s totally cute. I hope that we will move together soon, then I get his horny latte in the morning too. So far he has lived together with Soner Frigid Tussi. But he thinks she can iron well and cooks quite well, but for a long time he doesn’t want to do it with it anymore.

“History, but I was flat!”Well, the Selo who turns here has such a cock,” I showed her how big the cock was from my Selo. “Exactly!”,” She said, “you know that?”” We have already shot together, “I said,” how long have you been with that?“I don’t show anything, it is clear. My heart slipped into my pants and the stomach became heavy. So I can iron well and cook quite well, otherwise I’m frigid.

Understood. You come home to me!“Well, two weeks or something. He has a horny body, right? And is a really cool fucker, even at home, I can whisper you. When I talk about him then I almost come. Come on, let’s take a shower together, I’ll get you again and then I go home and get the thick Turkish cock. “I was really flattened, but now the connections were clear. That’s why my sweeter didn’t touch me anymore.

Not because he was flat, but because he fucked the colored blonde here. The man had to be lit up! I with a throat home. So I cook ‘quite well!‘And can iron well and otherwise I’m Frigide, I, the horny Birgit and Frigide. Well, that’s a great assessment!When he came home, he made such a stuck, silky impression so that I just didn’t ask him. Don’t worry, sweeter, I no longer ask you!He saw his bag standing in the hallway.

I packed everything in it that fit in. “What’s that supposed to mean?”, He said. He probably saw my expression that I was angry. I asked him: “I turned today, how do you get such fairy tales to cite me? I would have fallen down the stairs and would look like a zombie?”” Oh yes, come sweet, do not make a barrel therefore. You work in the cash register and then also turn, I think that will be too much … “” This is your concern, yes? And that you nailed this blond -colored one, what does that have to do with it?”” Sweet, you fuck in the studio with those on the shooting plan, you know!”So I’m Frigide, I can iron well and cook quite well? Yes?”” Uh, you spoke to Tamira?““ Imagine we turned together and she told me about her turkish dick that she gets right away.

And? She got him?”” Oh sweet, that’s very different, I … “I pointed to the door, nothing else. It probably came across that I was angry and it was serious. “Oh come on honey, me …” “The keys!“I said and held his hand out. “Oh come on, let’s go over it again …” “The keys!!!”” Can’t true … “” The keys!“Finally he pushed the keys to me. He pointed to his pocket and says: “And the other things?”” They are already below.

“” Like below?”” Well, in the yard!“, I pointed to the balcony that leads to the courtyard. “You put my things on the yard? The television too?”” Yes, of course, you have that from it!”” Man, if one steals that!“He grabbed his bag and ran down. I right away, I didn’t want to be there when he found his television. Even a good television no longer works properly when he fell from the second floor from the balcony to the paved courtyard.

Even the Blu-Ray player will not be well received, I guess, just like the high-performance satellite receiver receiver. During the race down, I was annoyed that I put his stupid laptop into my pocket with the sick rap music instead of giving him a free flight. I go to the Bermuda triangle, what drink and see if there are interesting people there. You don’t go to whom I met there, the quay stood there with three buddies.

Really, the autograph boy stood there and had fun with his friends. When he saw me he arrived immediately. “Hi, Birgit, you here?”,” He said, “Boh you look sharply. Do you want to drink something?“He introduced me to his buddies and it was a nice evening. Well, I was a bit of afraid that the Selo was still standing up, so I took the quay home with me. But it wasn’t the Selo, the broken TV was still there.

Logical that the Kai wanted to popp. I thought: ‘Yes and? Meingott, if he were on the shooting plan, I would also pop with him. ‘A reward also had to be, because he gave me one and brought me home. I unpacked his dödel without a lot of hope after he was swelling of me pretty quickly and horny to my tits. What can I tell you? The little one had a really big cock.

One that a demanding woman can have so wonderful, horny joy. I would say that it was about as big as Selos Dödel, really now. The little one and had such a horny dödel, I hardly wanted to believe it! And he could handle it, the quay, I was in the seventh heaven. I suddenly had a natural talent in bed without guessing it! He got me so tight that the neighbors talked over the next day and looked at me at an angle, really now!After two days I had the shooting date again, the second part was up.

Tamira was not on the shooting schedule only I and two boys, Tobi and Woki. They drove it to me, I was pretty finished afterwards, I can’t say otherwise. As was turned, two cocks at once in the cunt, and one in the ass and one in the cunt. So horny things I like, I went off totally. The director said to the photographer, so I shouldn’t hear it: “She really doesn’t get enough, she’s still horny after the many numbers.

“” Jupp!“, Said the photographer,“ and that is exactly what people want to see!“I have to be ashamed of it? No, or? I have a colleague who likes to crochet. If there is nothing to be done, it sits in the cash register and crochet. Another one who likes to bake. She always brings cakes and cookies. And I like to fuck, that’s forbidden? Everyone has their hobby, I fuck that. Well, where was I? Oh yes! The woki was a very quieter, he only said something if someone went out to him.

He could even inject four times! Once, the first time Didn’t get the camera with him, when he fucked me in the ass and found it so horny that someone was completely uncontrolled and he injected his stuff into my intestine. I’m proud of it, I mean that they are professionals and the fuck so much with me that the mastery is difficult for them. Is a compliment or?The Tobi made it three times, the first time he injected his stuff in my face.

I think it’s horny that you find it horny to spray me on the eye and in my mouth, I find it delicious too. It is still a full-crass feeling for me to make sex in front of the camera, whether with Tamira or from me also with other girls or with one or with many men. That was really my thing, dirty things and everyone can watch. – On the schedule it stood that the next day I should do it with Selo and two others.

I go to the make -up grade, already know. “I no longer turn with the Selo,” I said. It reacted pretty acid. “I am against the fact that you also meet privately, that always gives trouble. That is why it says in your contract that you must not have private contacts with set colleagues. Did you have private contacts with Selo?””I? No, but the one with the Tamira. “” And that’s why you don’t want to turn it anymore?”” Exactly, exactly for the reason.

“” You want to fool me! What is you doing with whom who fucks privately?”” Nothing, but I’m no longer turning with that. ““ You are here at nine tomorrow, then we’ll see further. I can’t decide that. Until tomorrow hearts, I have already instructed your money for today. “I’ll go the next morning at nine o’clock. It remained that they insisted that I was turning with Selo, I rejected. I didn’t even get to the cloakroom, sat in the office and let me complain about the made -up of.

After a while I was fed up with it, I said into her speech wall: “I just get my days, we should still shoot?””Watt?“, She asked, I had brought her out of the concept,“ You have your days?”” Yes, just got her. “”Show me!”, She said. I showed her the middle finger and went. Can I do it. I determine who I fuck with. The quay comes tonight and we will have a lot of fun with each other. Let’s see, maybe I can record it with my cell phone and then into Internet place.

Would be horny, the horny Birgit, leading role, director and camera frame in one.

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