Kinky student | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“It has to be!“With his finger, Henry pointed to one of the houses at the end of the street. “The district here doesn’t look exactly inviting. Are you sure that this is a good idea, ”added Charlotte from the passenger seat, while examining the area“ I can also imagine nicer, but unfortunately that is the only thing that fits in our budget. It is an older neighborhood, but there are no gangs or drugs here.

I checked all of this. The crime rate is low. In addition, it is only temporary until we have finished our studies and move out in a few years. “In the meantime, Charlotte, who was only called Charly by everyone and Henry had been a couple for two years. They were one of these typical couples who originally did not come from Silverpines-Valley, but studied at the Van-Helsing University, had also met there, who had fell in love, to graduate, to find a well-paid job, to get married, childrenGet and happy together, hand in hand old.

At least that’s how Charly introduced herself to her further life together at the beginning of twenty. But the next step in their relationship, the two agreed that their first apartment together should be. Henry had therefore researched a lot in the past few weeks and found a suitable apartment in this district, which in size met their expectations, but was also financially wearable. After Henry had parked the old VW Golf on the side strip.

From afar, the young couple saw two older, dark -skinned men who stared at them over a fence. Charlotte tried to be friendly and waved the two happily, but her hand frozen in the air when she realized that no reaction followed. Charlotte and Henry were greeted by the rounded broker on the doorstep. “Then we want. The house is inhabited by six parties. Your beautiful new apartment is in 3.

Stock ”, she announces with a smile in her voice when she opened the door and entered the stairwell. On the halfway up the stairs, there was a resident of the house that Charly appreciated on center-thirty. Her long red-blond hair framed her bright green eyes and the pink lips. The fingernails were painted in the right pink. Her skin was milky, smooth and without flaws, except for a few isolated freckles. She was wearing a pink Neckholder top on which the Playboy bunny nestled between her big breasts, which looked so firm and perfect that Charlotte bet was that they were fake.

Their swollen pointed nipples were clearly visible due to the extended material. Her belly was flat and brought her thin waist perfect. The underside of her breasts was clearly visible under the short top and a small silver-reddish plug sparkled in her pierced navel. A thick black lettering on her small, gray cotton shorts, which was the word bitch, went across her two perfect ass cheeks. She wore the shorts so deep that the ribbons of her string were clearly visible on her hips.

In her hands she held a large laundry basket. Once on the third floor, the young couple visited a three-room apartment and, in contrast to the rest of the house, was more than pleasantly surprised. For Charlotte and Herny it was clear that this should be their first apartment together. “I can very well imagine that we take the apartment,” her friend announced on the way out and conjured up a little smile on the lips to the broker.

“But I would like to look at the basement again beforehand and see if everything is fine there,” said Charlotte again. “Sure, go down quietly, it is the last basement on the right, the washing room and drying room is around to the left. I would then discuss the further details of the rental agreement with her boyfriend outside. “Arrived in the basement, Charly was surprised directly by the junk standing around, which apparently was simply left by the foremans.

When she opened up in the direction of the washing cellar, she stays abrupt. She was like she had heard strange noises. Careful, it carefully carelessly remember to create a noise, she slowly moved forward. There it was again, the noise. At first it sounded like a suppressed moan, but Charlotte was sure that it was definitely just the washing machine. She carefully peeked around the corner and didn’t trust her eyes. She clearly recognized the blonde neighbor from the staircase who apparently talked to someone.

Charlotte’s eyes emerged with astonishment when the blonde suddenly pulled out her tight, short top and her huge, plump breasts jumped free. Next she turned, let her short gray shorts fall on the floor and leaned over the washing machine. “Be a treasure hector and pull my tanga down. “Suddenly a young, black man came to her whom Charlotte had not noticed from her observation post until then. This knelt down, grabbed the thin straps on the hips of the blonde and pulled her string over her long, firmly firm Legs.

Charlotte became a bit jealous when they were the bare, firm and very well trained ass The blonde saw. The young man now also got rid of his clothes, while the blonde neighbor leaned far over the washing machine and raised her leg. The young, black man took over, pushed his arm below her knee and put his huge black man tail On your wet column. Little by little he pushed his dark, thick acorn into the wet pussy of the blonde, white neighbor.

“My goodness dolly, yours pussy is incredibly tight, ”he groaned, and had difficulty sinking into her of his huge cock. “It’s like being again Virgo. How long has it been that the last time we fucked?”” That was far too long ago, “she shouted, while his thick acorn stretched her so far that Charly thought that her pussy would tear at any moment. “I missed your black tail. How I hate that my unemployed fool’s head from a man, just hanging around at home all day, drinks beer and we can’t fuck in peace! OH! So big!“, She groaned when he jerky several centimeters of his black cock sank into her.

There was no doubt that his cock gave her joy. “OW! I think you just hit my cervix, ”she whispered. “Is he already completely inside?”” No, there are still a few centimeters, “replied the young black man and started to penetrate them. The blonde gasped with joy. “Yes, Hector! fuck me. Fuck my pussy with your big black cock, ”she called. “Oh God! Aaaaaaaahhhh! FUCK ME! YES!“Her whole body was shaking with ecstasy and her pussy was twitching around the big tail, which repeatedly penetrated her hard and deeply into her.

While Charlotte followed the spectacle presented with astonishment, she noticed how her own column began to twitch easily and her panties were more and more soaked. The young potent lover was now so in the way that his huge testicles were batting rhythmically after a few more deep thrusts and apparently he pumped in her uterus liter. The blonde’s vagina, on the other hand, literally tried that sperm to milk from his eggs, as if her body wanted to have the hot seed of the young, black man deep inside.

“Pull it out”, gasped and whimpered suddenly panicked, “I completely forgot that I dropped my pill last week because I will get the spiral soon. “But when he slowly pulled his swollen cock out of her pussy, pressed and dragged her pussy on the huge part, reluctant to let go of every centimeter. Charlotte had excited the whole situation that she literally attached Henry to her in the evening. She put on the narrow and thin Neckholder top-tip dop, through which her breasts were visible and the Henry liked so much.

She left the bathroom and caught her boyfriend as he stood naked in her room and put on a condom. After Charlotte had read several critical articles about the side effects of the pill a few years ago, she had taken it off without further ado and insisted that her friend was wearing condoms. Charlotte moved the face when she noticed for the first time how Unsexy the rubber loose hung on Henry’s little penis. But what Charlotte most disturbed was the fact that her boyfriend was not a flat belly, no abdominal muscles, generally no muscles, no ebony skin, no cheeky grin on his face and no big black cock that proudly protruded from his pants.

Yes Charlotte had to admit that her friend wasn’t a hector. She fell on her knees and pulled the little condom off his even smaller penis. “You won’t need that,” she said in a wicked voice. Henry froze out when her lips closed around his glans. She let her tongue swirl around the tip. “Charly, you are sure that you want that?“Henry asked but also surprised,“ after all, you have never sucked on my cock.

“” Seriously, treasure? It’s a penis, no tail. “She put the small grape head back into her mouth and tried to think of Hector, whose best piece could actually be given the term“ tail ”. Charlotte literally swallowed his penis. Like the little glans, she didn’t even go to her throat and immediately felt the deep desire to blow the big black cock of the well -trained, young neighbor. The blonde Charlie looked up to see if her boyfriend liked it.

She was not surprised when he gasped with a silly facial expression: “Slowly, honey, I’m coming right away!”But it was too late. Henry’s penis was already going into her mouth after a few seconds and Charlotte pulled back and stretched her tongue towards the sleep penis, just to get a few small drops of sperm. “I’m sorry,” said Henry, “I tried to warn you. “” It’s good, treasure, “Charlotte replied, smiling at him as she got up, walking into the bathroom and spitting the measly drops of sperm in the sink.

When Charlotte left the bathroom, Henry had already fell asleep with a stupid grin on the face. She slipped into bed next to her snoring friend and stared at the ceiling. She was still too excited to be able to fall asleep calmly. But suddenly an idea came to her. She simply simple into Living room and opened her laptop. Excitedly she typed “Black Cock” into the search engine. Your screen was immediately filled with pictures of black roosters. Inevitably she has to laugh and changed the filter parameters in her search to see adult content.

The next pictures appeared on her screen let her eyes open further and she groaned slightly when she saw the big black cocks that she was displayed. One was colossal, cropped and even much bigger than that of Hector. She clicked curiously on the picture to enlarge it and was directly via the link to the website of a black porn actor called Big D. forwarded. Charlotte lay on the big sofa and stared on the screen that was filled with pictures of Big DS great black cock.

There were free samples and dozens of short video clips, which mostly show him with white women. There was even one Dildo to buy with the shape of his tail. “I would never have thought in life that black cocks are so big,” she thought and pushed two fingers between her wet thighs. With one hand she rubbed herself over her breasts and pinched her nipple with her fingers. “I wish Hector was here to fuck me,” she groaned, staring at a Big D clip.

, who just jerked his huge cock. Charly continued to finger and her lust grew when her fingers moved faster. She stared on the black cock on the screen with big eyes. While Big D. He stroked him, this huge black penis swelled even further until the black glans suddenly exploded. Suddenly Charlotte bent her back and groaned with pleasure while she kept “come! Spray me full!“Gasped. Charlotte closed her eyes and continued to finger until she started falling asleep.

The exhausted, blonde student turned to the side while her fingers were still stuck between her legs and fell into a deep damp dream.

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