Leonie’s deflation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

of Andrew Schlagweizen 2020leonie was not enthusiastic when she heard whose list she stood and that she was to blame that nobody really wanted to have anything to do with her at school and in her other environment. And exactly from that moment she hated the men too. For a year now she had been looking for more or less actively for the dream of man who would be her first. But it was as if she was bewitched as if a curse was on her load.

Neither in her village nor in her class or even at school a man came too close to her. Okay, her father, her teacher, the bus driver or even her pastor have already become suggestive that different motifs and because she now ran around like a quick fuck. Her father, with whom she has lived alone since the separation, suffered particularly from the sight. At least that was how the last attempt to talk his daughter out of her outfit.

They were sandals, abdominal -free top and jeans that competed with a microkini. “If you don’t my Leonie, mine Angel would be, I would pull you on the table now and take you through properly. Now I have to cool my heat back in the shower. “Although it could have sounded strange to Leonie to hear something from his own father, it was not quite as extraordinary. The explanations that he gave her during her first period, including the warning of sex in general, and that a member as well as his unsuitable for a first time was so plastic and direct.

Your father really has a big one. But Leonie hadn’t had more to do with this than to see him. But because she was already so desperate that nobody wanted to have anything to do with her at her age, they had already considered him and only him from the older ones alone. He had been her only true friend for six years to whom she could tell almost everything. He had stayed alone because of her.

He didn’t want her after the death of his own Mother a replacement. He deserved it. Nevertheless, she hadn’t told him anything about the real reason of her outfit because she found it embarrassing and still went in the elevator towards the bus. The village priest, who was actually very nice and at almost 28 years, was still in the tolerable limit of those who led Leonie to second place after a year after a year was also unappy above her outfit.

“Leonie! Do you want me to pull you into a confessional and beat you out the devil out of your body?”” If you use your spanking, maybe “, she said cheekily back. Since the summer leisure time two years ago and the misfortune in the lake, where he lost his swimming trunks during the rubber dinghy cap, the whole village knew that it was well stocked. Really a shame that he was her Catholic pastor. He threw his hands over his head and went back to church.

Leonie was still wondering what a pastor is doing with his pressure, when the bus was already holding. The bus driver was also from the village. He had apparently already proven that he was a good engraver. He lived at the end of the street in his house with his wife and fourteen boys. Leonie rumored that he tried so often because he really wanted a daughter, but he was just thought of how good that he hadn’t made it.

“Leonie, what do you have on there? Your father knows that?”” You know that I tell my father everything, “she said back. “But still, you are almost naked. “Wherever he was right, he was right, her top was so belly -free that her tits were more than clearly visible. She had glued it so that she didn’t show any more by carelessness with the backpack than she wanted. She quickly sat behind him, as the little ones from primary school also went on in this bus.

They didn’t have to see quite as much of her. The bus driver shook his head and drove on. Would she let him get it over if he wanted? His sons definitely, but they wouldn’t do it. The wrong religion. Rock and strictly bound hair were mandatory for them and a part of their own identity were also proud of their own identity. But that wasn’t bad, there was enough other men, in theory, just not for them.

In her class it was only partially popular. She wasn’t ugly now. But she was also a nerd. So her head for many and too much in books and too little when looking at the boys in general, the right fashion and makeup in particular and a group was not included. No special friend or a friend, she thought until a year ago, was actually not such a big problem.

But her idea of what her first had to look was definitely Luka. Not that Luka was not attractive. But he stated that he was a virgin cracker and he was immediately painted. And then everyone else seemed to have no more interested. After that, this had somehow and somehow turned up in the year and now she was the only virgin in the class and Luka the only one who wanted to take her and it shouldn’t be this shower.

In this case, however, their despair was obvious to everyone. And her outfit also showed an effect on her class teacher. He was still young, single and also lived in her village. Leonie sat in the front row and today only looked at the bump of his pants all the time, instead of following math. The day became a gauntlet run. Everyone gaffed and nobody except Luka spoke to them. It was more than intrusive and when he touched her on the free piece of the titty, a slap in the face awaited him.

“Either me or you can be a place in the monastery Search, ”he said before he disappeared with flashing eyes. Leonie was angry afterwards. Arrogant ass, she thought. But it came even thicker. After the fifth hour she was taken care of by Melanie. She had had sex several times and not only with men, that was known. And that the two were not friends, too. It was usually associated with sex by her to be pulled into a toilet, but Leonie only had something to say.

“Luka has a list on his Twitter account,” she said Leonie. What should she tell her? Melanie had pulled out her cell phone and showed Leonie Lukas profile. “All the wife of your village are on this list. There are several photos of each, as he fucked them. Only you are still missing. And that’s why he made sure that you are not touched by anyone else. So, let him go! Bring it behind you. Is not as special as you think.

“With the words, Melanie Leonie simply left it. Leonie starts her picture in the mirror. She saw the bitch that had made her out of her this year. She saw the bitch, the begging whore, The willing bitch, which had made a long nose with all of them with their undisguised nudity. But that wasn’t her. She just wanted to be hugged and held. Tears filled their eyes. Suddenly she didn’t want to be in school anymore, she didn’t want to see the men, the boys, the blaspheming girls behind her back.

She ran off, ran away, out of the toilet, out of the floor, out of school and crashed into the parking lot from the hard chest of a man. She hit her butt hard on the floor, immediately he leaned over her and she only saw the bump in his pants. At that moment she only resisted it. “Leonie, what about you? why are you crying?“It was her teacher, of all things, he number three on her list of impossible.

The man who looked at all girls in the class and who was unreachable for sex. ‘God, what do I think here’. Leonie was shocked by himself. She thought seriously about sex with her teacher, the bus driver, the pastor and her own father and all because Luka had reserved her for herself. “I’ll go home,” she said. “And I’m not coming back. “Her teacher looked at Leonie Ernst down. “You do not go.

Not like that. I’ll drive you. “”I can walk. “” You can’t, not that. Sleep in my car, no rejection. “Leonie gave up. When she was sitting next to him, she really realized what her pants showed. No matter where she pulled it, a labia pushed up. And now she also excited them for abundance and had her buds like cherry kernels out of the top. And he saw that.

His pants were stretched until the bursts. “Leonie, just let it,” he noted now. “You too?“Asked Leonie now crying. “What I am now too?”” Don’t touch me now because Luka wants it that way?“Her teachers now looked at her very strange. “You will explain that to me when we are with your father. “Leonie sank in her seat. She had never told her father, whom she had always said everything before, how much she followed on the one hand to his opinion that it had to be the right one for sex and on the other hand she suffered from the fact that she was the only one indid not have their class yet.

How should she explain that with Luka? And it was worse. There were two vehicles in front of their house. The municipal bus and the school bus. Now all four men in their list of the impossible would ask them to answer their questions. Those who if they weren’t so old should do everything with her immediately. And she would sit between them, nipple with her moistened pants and her stone -hard nipples and these horny but unfortunately old men with their hard in their pants around them.

And she should talk to them about sex. Please God. Dash me with a flash. But your request was not heard. It got worse. The three men were in their pool when Leonie was led by her teacher around the house. Leonie knew that they did it from time to time and that they were naked, she also knew. That usually didn’t matter because she had already seen it. However, this in a completely unotic context.

But today? Today she was almost naked, she was erotic herself, even had to tell her something about sex and three of the coveted but impossible pleasure cocks were invisible, but easily accessible in this pool. Her own excitement was immeasurable at that moment. They were greeted and more than a look was now concerned on the shocked face of Leonie. She was placed on a chair on the edge of the pool and her teacher took a second.

“So Leonie, now tell us what’s going on here and what Luka has done. “Leonie wanted to sink. “Honey, please, say what’s going on. We want to help you, ”said her father. “No matter what it is,” said only the pastor. “There is always a solution. “” And when Luka is pressing, we will already talk him well and say what is responsibility, “noticed her bus driver. “Luka didn’t do anything,” said Leonie very quickly. “At least nothing with me.

So not directly. “” What is it then, “asked her teacher and her look rising from the ground inevitably led over his bump. She could only continue to lift him with difficulty. “He reserved me,” she said a little distracted. “He has something?“’What have I said about that?‘, Thought Leonie. She hit her hands in front of your face. If she didn’t see anyone like that, maybe she could say everything. And so she started: “I am the last virgin in my class.

Everyone else already has, everyone has a friend and tell how great it is, just me not. I thought it was me. That I am too nerd, that I look too little cool and sexy. And that’s why I tried to make myself more attractive and showed more and more. But it was of no use. But I knew I could excite someone. You dad, I would be happy if you were not my father, I would immediately my first time give.

Or you, Pastor, your limb must feel wonderful and full of me. And when I imagine how I am on your bus, Herbert, in the last row, I want to give you ten daughters immediately. And also, Martin could have me. But you are impossible and everyone else does not emit with me. Because Luka has this list of women from the village who have already seen his tail and fucked with him.

Just not me. And now I either stay a virgin or will become one of his trophies. “Leonie now howled all her pain into her hands. She felt someone pulled her off the chair and locked her arm. The someone was wet. In the whole kind it could only be her father. “Incredible,” she heard the pastor’s voice. “Really everyone,” asked Herbert’s shocked voice, the bus driver. “I think Luka needs a lesson,” said Martin, her teacher.

“Angel,” said her father, “we take care of it. But first, take off these things. “” Yes Papa, “she said, still pulling out the unpopular top on his lap. The pants were also open quickly and ended up on the floor unnoticed. Her father rose with her and carried her into the house. He gently put them on the couch and wrapped them in a blanket. “Wait here, I’ll talk to the boys.

“And he was out of the door again. Leonie saw him standing on the edge of the pool. She had noticed her father’s stiffness. Her nudity didn’t leave him cold, she knew that. The other men now came out of the water and they all had beautiful stiff cocks. Leonie wanted nothing more than to feel it than this. How it might be licking them, feeling them? Front, maybe also back?Her finger got lost between her legs, rubbed her pearl, one in her pussy and another in her anus.

If you get everyone to do so? She pushed her fingers into the two holes. If, as the women did in the films, they would suck on the glans? She licked her lips that were completely dry. If a foreign hand would touch her pearl? She closed her eyes and her thumb rubbed the clitoris. Her strong hands press their tits together. And then he was, this moment, this overwhelming feeling that she was flushing up.

Her cry shaken through the whole living room and let the men hit. Four hard cocks under four worried views. She almost came again. “And that’s why we have to do it,” said her teacher. “She suffers from it. You see it. “” She is my daughter, “said her father. “Exactly, it should continue to suffer?“Asked the pastor. “You say something like that in particular? What about your celibacy?”” That was lost to my housekeeper, “he said with a grin.

“To Renate?“Asked her teacher in disbelief. But the bus driver laughed: “I think our pastor knows the secret of Renate. “” But she also knows Luka?“Herbert wanted to know. “Leonie has the name of Lukas Profile?“Leonie nodded quickly. “Then get your cell phone. “She should get up? Her whole shame was wet. Her hand was still in her because she hadn’t dared to move under the thin blanket. And the cocks of their dream all pointed to them.

“Leonie?“Asked her father. She had to do something. She put the blanket over her chest with her hand and had a tent to her legs. She pulled out her hand with teeth bitten together and wrapped the ceiling around on her back. So she got up and showered on the terrace to her backpack. There she rummaged after her phone and returned to the living room. All gentlemen had sat down. On the couch.

Four naked cocks that she wanted and who were not allowed to be and in the middle was the little gap for her so that she could show them what Luka was doing there. Leonie got goose bumps. “Come on Leonie”, her father now demanded and knocked on the vacancy. On the other side, Herbert, next to him the pastor and next to her father Martin, her teacher, was the only one dressed. How would she like to sit on a lap now.

And the tingling in her no longer stopped. But all four were impossible. She sighed and dropped after the few steps between the men. Immediately she had the side of Luka with nimble fingers. The gentlemen saw one picture collection after the other. Luka really had everyone. The bakery and daughter, the wife of the butcher, the wife and daughter of the Grossbauer Schmitz, the arrogant wife and her daughters and many other, even Herbert’s wife.

It was bound with ropes on a bed, the eyes connected, a gag in the mouth and her shame was ready to fuck. There was a series of how Luka crept into the house over the balcony and then used the helpless woman. “Herbert?“, Leonie’s father asked the high -red bus driver after the embarrassing pictures. “What can I say? Renate got me a taste and my wife likes it for years. “” Yes, but where were you? Why is she so fucked, without you.

That was four weeks ago, you can still remember that. “Herbert wondered and then said:“ Oh crap. That was the day with the stupid fish from the canteen. I was on the pot that evening twenty -five times. This ass has that exploited. When I get my fingers. “Leonie had listened and just wondered how that should be to be tied up and not to know who took you there.

“I want that too,” she whispered. She did not see the most popular looks of the men who exchanged them. “We’ll come up with something too,” said her father now and Leonies goosebumps again became stronger again. The touch of her bare hairy breasts on her bare shoulder caused an explosion between her legs again by the set. “Please continue,” said the pastor. Obedience did Leonie, as she said. They followed the picture for picture attentively. Until the end.

“You are not the last in the village,” said the pastor and the others nodded. “Yes, he doesn’t have Isabella, Mia and Janin yet,” Leonie remarked firmly. The three were on the threshold for puberty and would soon fall into his prey scheme. Her father became serious: “If Luka had gone to this, then we would not think of memorial, but of the police, but he didn’t go under his age, which speaks a bit for him.

“” Just a little bit “, the bus driver noticed. “A little bit of little,” noticed her teacher. “And then who is missing?“Leonie wanted to know. “Renate,” said her father. “Sister Renate?“Asked Leonie with a certain unbelief. “How old is she?”” Luka has hardly any limits when it comes to age, “said Herbert,” my wife is sixty -three. Renate is now how old?””Seventyfive?“Asked the teacher. “It was already old when I was old,” remarked Leonie’s father, “she is definitely eighty plus.

Or how old?“The question went to the smiling pastor. “You are almost right there. Renate, who is not a sister, Leonie, and to whom we all four lost our innocence, became ninety two years ago. She says she only wears the costume so that you can finally leave the men alone. “”So, does it work?“Leonie’s father wanted to know. “Only with the very young. Those who know what Renate was still like to be affected.

“” Like you, “the teacher noticed innocent. “Like me,” the pastor replied with a smile. “Sister Renate still has sex,” asked Leonie in disbelief. “Three times a week,” confirmed the pastor. “It keeps her young and fit, she says. I can only sign this if I think of other younger women in the community who drag themselves into my trade fair every week. “” But you are a pastor? And you nun?”” I yes, you no. Actually it is sin par excellence.

She used to live in the house at the cemetery, that with the red lamp. “” Sister Renate was in the brothel?“, It broke out of Leonie. “Yes. She is the grandma of Gina, ”her father noticed now. “In any case, she doesn’t have Luka yet. So, before he is allowed to you, he should have visited the whole village first, you will not find?”” But I don’t want Luka. He is an ass. I want it from someone who really likes me and not just picks up this moment in a list.

“Now she kissed her father. “That will happen. Let yourself be surprised, trust your old gentleman. “Again there was this tingling. Would be what was not allowed?But nothing happened that day. The gentlemen continued to discuss what Renate particularly and what a ass Luka was and Leonie Döste slowly gone between them. When she woke up again, she was alone in her room. The ceiling was wrapped around it and her cell phone was on the bedside table.

There were underwear, jogging pants and shirt on the chair. A safe sign that was not desired naked at the moment. She sighed, took a shower, put on something and went down. In the kitchen her father was in short pants and shirt and cooked dinner. Everything was like she had only dreamed of the day. As if nothing had happened, yes if not outside the pool had been her clothes. “Do you still need them?“Asked her father now and stepped behind her.

His strong arms surround them and gave their fatherly warmth. “No. I don’t like them, they can go forever. “” You weren’t erotic anyway, “noticed her father. “Only cheap. At the weekend you will buy four with us. Everyone gives you a part. It’s for a very special evening. “Again this tingling. She quickly loosened from him so that he didn’t notice it. Outside she took the parts that triggered all of this and carried her to the garbage can with two fingers.

At that moment Luka came by with his older brother. Johannes was three years older than his little brother and the exact opposite. He was reserved and prudent and very concerned with his manners. He was now scolding Luka when this clear movements made the Leonie. “You really deserve the outstretched tongue,” he said. “Sorry Leonie. Sometimes he’s just one … “” … ass?“, Leonie finished the sentence. John laughed. “Yes, he is probably.

“I’ll take him home before you shy at one. “” He would have deserved anyway. “” Yes, he would have. “Leonie looked after the two. Johannes had a lot of his brother, the same stature, a little less muscles, a little more style. Leonie would not have been averse from the body, but she just didn’t want her to have Luka around. When she was back in there, her father asked if that was Luka.

“With his big brother John,” she sighed. Her father looked at her briefly and then continued to devote himself to the food. The week passed like in a flash, especially because she was the normal Leonie again at school. Not just like a year ago, she was still a little more styled, but the bitch was a story to do anything. She literally looked forward to the weekend, because something would happen.

On Friday, Luka stepped at her table. “So the block of ice has melted,” he asked cheekily grinning. “Do I have you where I want you now?“Leonie didn’t understand anything. Her teacher stood nearby and now came over quietly. “Oh Luka, a date in the red lantern, you are not a little too young for that?“Luka was shocked around. “I, me …” “Oh not shy young man, you are far from the first to lose his innocence there.

But without your brother you won’t get in there. “The teacher grinned meaningfully. Luka was always red. “And the woman in the red dress awaits you, the last woman from the village. That’s really great. You will have fun, I know that. “Luka murmured something and disappeared. “He thinks I will have a date in the brothel with him,” Leonie now hissed to her teacher. “Oja,” grinned. “You will both have a date there, just not together.

But have patience. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at nine o’clock. “When he was gone, Melanie came to her. “You and our teacher?“, She asked a serious question,“ I saw how you were in the car to him, on Monday. “” Can be “, grinned Leonie and left her stand. At night she did not close an eye. Something would happen tomorrow. And it would happen to the red lantern in her village -owned brothel. The house had history, which is why it had been able to maintain every order so far.

Even the red lantern try to close because of the proximity to kindergarten and the way to school, the villagers knew how to bypass. What were the hedges and walls for. And it was also well known that the house was a family business. Leonie had never been in. Your father and friends seem to. And that she now knew that Sister Renate was actually Grandma Renate and her granddaughter led the brothel, the whole story only made it bizarre.

Lady Gina was already in her mid -forties and two of her daughters went to school with Leonie. And with her she had her date the next evening. who was it? Who would have it with her? One of the four impossible? Her father? She saw his rocking member again in front of her in front of her in the living room. She longed for a cock if she was just his stepdaughter. Then it wouldn’t be quite as impossible.

It was early in the morning when she fell asleep and accordingly she climbed to the teacher the next morning. They drove to a shoe store. “I have enough shoes,” she noticed. “But no such,” said her teacher and pointed to parts that only seemed to consist of cords. “You had ballet, your father told us. “Leonie stared at the shoes. Yes, as a ballerina you could walk to something like that. But it was four years ago with her.

The last time she had stood like that at twelve or thirteen. Accordingly, she was now on the things in the shop. When she went through the shop, however, she was twelve centimeters larger and almost at eye level to her teacher. She liked that the most. Your teacher then handed her to the pastor. He led her to the city’s most expensive shop: a model shop for evening wear. “We want a red dress,” he said to the service, which smiled smugly.

“Little, a pastor?“She asked Leonie in the back. “He is a friend of my father who have concealed something. “” A Sugardaddy “, asked the service, but Leonie didn’t really know what that should be and therefore nodded. The woman smiled. “Do you want to really turn him on?“Leonie thought of the Monday outfit and shook his head. “So nothing like this?“The woman pointed to a dress that went to the ground, but it was almost as open at the back.

“Will be glued,” asked Leonie and received appreciative looks. “A little more closed”, she now determined. The woman continued. At first it was too bad, then too short or you needed a bust size that Leonie was missing. But when she was already thinking of jeans with blouse, there was still an amazing dress. It was similar to the first, was completely smooth, had slots on the sides, it was open on the stomach and the back is free. “May I try it out?““ But that’s even hornier than the first one.

“” Yes, but different. “” But you still need shoes. “” I already have it, my teacher bought me. “” Sexual studies?“, The operation tried with a joke. “Math and physics,” said Leonie with his head in the bag where her heels were. “So your father, pastor and your teacher have something with you? respect. “Leonie St;. “But that’s not the case, she tried to explain”, but the heels in their hands confirmed the opinion of the seller.

Leonie undressed and the heels dressed. “So the panties still have to go,” said the woman and ensured a short stamp by Leonie Fantasie. Then she was already there without. “You should shave,” she said. “Old men like clean naked meat. “Leonie liked the woman less and less and when she saw that her dress fit her, she determined that she wanted it and quickly moved around.

Herbert and the pastor sat outside. “They both belong to me,” Leonie cheated on a possible remark of the woman. And after paying, she clinked into Herbert and gave the pastor a kiss. Until later she fled and dragged her out of the business. “I wish you a nice evening,” said the priest and drew from then. “He’s not there tonight?”” I am not either, just nearby. Name me your backing, ”confirmed Herbert.

“And where do you take me?””Let yourself be surprised. “When they were standing in front of the last business, Leonie only said:“ They don’t let me in there. “” With me, I am here more often. “” But that’s … “” A well -stocked erotic shop that has really great lingerie. And the best thing is, you don’t have to try it out. You can have them demonstrated. “He pulled her into the shop. A short whisper with the woman behind the counter and a short time later, a girl introduced herself that Leonie was similar in size and stature.

And then it started. Socks. Straps. Corsets or only chest. White, black, red, pink, neon green. Leonie was delighted with the selection and could not decide. Then Herbert helped and showed the woman the dress and asked her for her opinion. Briefly stopping fabric on Leonies arm and she announced a number unerringly. Leonie had no idea which one was and nodded bravely. Now she just trusted Herbert and this woman.

She would have bought half of the laundry and no one ever attracted public. With such things on the body, she was able to “fuck me” as a sign around her neck. However, a subtle arrow on her shame would be more than enough. At home she was alone. A note from her father told her that she should be ready by eighteen. Herbert would pick them up and bring them to the lantern. She had two hours.

She went quickly to take a shower. What would you expect? Who would expect it? Her thousand thoughts went through her head. When her fingers were on her shame, she thought of the words of the stupid wife. Should she do that? Would like her teacher, Herbert or her father? She thought of Herbert’s wife. She couldn’t remember any hair in the picture. But how do you get them off? Then Leonie saw her father’s wet dry razor.

Whether the? When she led the vibrating thing to her shame, she almost came. She had to concentrate properly on cutting. And that they don’t cut themselves. After fifteen minutes everything was gone and it felt so infinitely cool. Now it was time for her to make a hairstyle, put on make -up and then climb into this dress. When she got the lingerie out of the bag, she thought something was missing.

The slip was missing. Halterless stockings were in it, the silk ends of which were raised to their shame. When she ran, she was tickled with every step as if someone stroked with a spring there. She got goosebumps from the finest. Not only were they black, glittering stones were also installed at the top. When Leonie put on the dress and the heels laced up her calf, it looked like they were growing up their legs like tendrils.

When she stepped in front of the mirror in the hallway, she did not recognize herself again. That wasn’t her. Neither the little nerd nor the cheap bitch could be seen in this reflection. Last virgin in the village? Not in life. On the one hand, Leonie felt completely excited in this outfit on the other hand. A “wow. “She smiled shyly towards Herbert. “Leonie. I would have spontaneously held out for forty -five years ago.

“Leonie became red and then asked himself briefly how old Herbert really was. He was wearing a black suit, white shirt and just looked great. He led her out to his family bus, where she was allowed to get back in the back. Actually it was stupid to take the bus. From the house of her father to the red lantern it was only five hundred meters. She could have run that easily, even with these shoes. But then she would have seen half the village with Herbert and that in this presentation.

So after a short journey she was received by Lady Gina. This smiled and led them inside, where a table with two chairs and white candles was waiting for it in a room that was covered with red velvet. Her father was there. “Oh Leonie, you just look fantastic. “He had tears in his eyes. “You are a beautiful angel. “And you are my favorite daddy in the world, my Sugardaddy.

“Her father raised the eyebrows:“ Where did you get that from. “” This is how a seller called you. “” Not everything such women say is nice. “He kissed his daughter’s hand and led her to the table. For both of them, a candlelight dinner followed with small dishes that were alternately served by their teacher and Lady Gina. After the flamed cherries in chocolate, Leonie was extremely happy. Even without sex, this evening was the most erotic that she had experienced so far.

This feeling of sitting here in this place to be treated as a princess that everyone could see so deeply at her and then this feeling of the tickling tip on her shame when she moved her legs. Simply gigantic. Lady Gina came to her father at some point and whispered: “The time has come. “He nodded and looked at his daughter. “Angel, you trust me?”” You are my father. I trust you my life and innocence, ”she said with tremors in the voice.

Her father smiled, got up, stepped around the table and pulled out a black cloth. He combined her eyes. He helped her get up and led her up to the rooms. So now it would happen, now she would finally have her first time. Every step stroked her through her shame and increased her excitement. She was already glowing when she felt the soft pillow of the bed. Without helping her to undress, she was pressed onto the bed by her father.

Then she felt silk scarves that were laid around her wrists and also around her ankles. She was now completely spread and she trembled with excitement. Her father got up from the bed and she heard his steps in the room. He is definitely taking off now, Leonie thought. She imagined him how he had stood there. As his member had pointed to her. Then she heard her father’s voice near the door.

“Be nice to her. “”Will I. “She could not assign the voice of this short sentence. But it wouldn’t be her father who was now doing this act. Was it Herbert? Martin, her teacher? The pastor?It wasn’t Luka. He hated his voice and she shouted if it were. She heard steps, the rustling of fabric, the noise of a trouser that was opened. How much would she have loved to see who it was, but she had told her father that she trusted him and she did that now.

She felt her hands on her legs that freed her ankles. She felt the slots slide up. She felt a flat hand on her stomach, felt how the man’s weight pressed the bed down next to her hip. And then he was very close to her. She smelled the aftershave. It was that of her father. He was it? They had only changed the words to free them from the feeling that your own father shouldn’t be, who was now with her here?Lips touched theirs.

Only gently. There were lips that no hair grew around. It wasn’t her father, but not Herbert either, both were bearing beard. Was it the pastor or her teacher? Again the touch of the lips, this time slightly opened. A tongue pushed between her lips. A kiss, a real kiss, she groaned her desire in this kiss. One hand drove down, while this man played her tongue with her father’s smell. She felt her hand on her pearl and she knew exactly what she had to do.

That was an experienced hand, definitely not that of the pastor. Although?Leonie drove through a small explosion when her fingers now conquered her grotto. They really heated them up, these fingers. But before she could come, they were gone. She wailed, begged about it, they may continue. But this man with his talented tongue now kissed her neck down and cleared her little hard tits. She gasped as his lips enveloped her delicate bud and then gently bite her into her.

And then there was this breath of air when this man raised her dress and exposed her pounding shame. She stretched her towards him and whispered: “Please!””Please what?“Said a quiet but dark warm voice. who was that?“Please come to me. Make me a woman, please. “And she already felt it. This round head of a penis. Shaped like a ball that slowly pushed into her. You requested. She wanted to see him. Before he really took her now, she wanted to see who it was.

She pulled vigorously on the silk bonds, which were relieved quickly. She felt the man withdrew to get to the final shock. Her hands flinched to the scarf and dragged him away from her eyes when he came over her. This short pain and then the great feeling to be penetrated into the last depth. “John”, she screamed through the room and exploded in orgasm at the same time. She needed something to catch her again.

Until her throbbing snail calmed down. He was hard and firm in her all the time. She looked at him. Johannes, the brother of Luka. The young man who had shaken her afterwards secretly, so that nobody noticed it. Not even John himself. She had told her father, but only in one sentence. He had told her to trust him and he had brought her her dream prince. “Fuck me,” she whispered now.

“Leonie, I can’t understand you. “” You should fuck me, “she said a little louder now. “I still don’t hear you. “Leonie grabbed his shoulder and pulled up. She crossed her legs behind his back. She kissed him and then said quietly again, “Please fuck me. “Johannes had an understanding and pushed his hands under her butt. Now he moved her on his cock every gentle rhythm. She gasped with her head on his shoulder.

He was so strong. He was so powerful. He fulfilled her so wonderfully that she felt her new fulfillment. Then he slowly let himself slide back. She was now on his chest, excited, but did not really know how to proceed. “Ride me,” he said. “I do not know how. “” Make it as if you were sitting on a horse. “She never had. But on a holiday leisure, she had sat on a cow whether that was possible?She straightened up and began to let her pelvis circle.

“My god, what do you do,” asked John. “Riding you how you wanted it. “” You are crasy and so horny. Leonie. “His hands skipped and grabbed her breasts. He kneaded her firmly, which Leonie, in turn, immeasurably excited and then she felt something new. The limb twitched and then she felt it. A feeling like when the massage beam of your shower head urged into her belly button. A strong beam massaged her inner most and she came herself, violent and overwhelming.

She lost in it. She still felt her hands caught and pulled her down. She smiled when she became more conscious again. He was still in her, smaller, but he was still there. The pleasure of the pleasure that she had made her from the girl to wife. But now she was doing another thought, Luka. Now there was no longer any reason to show him, except ..?“John? May I ask you something?”” Of course my little princess.

“”Are we a couple now?“Johannes looked at her first and then he smiled:“ Yes Leonie, we are a couple. “He kissed her and she was as extremely happy as never before in her life. “Should we go to the others?”, asked he. “I would like to see your room or show you mine,” he said. “I’ll show you mine,” said Leonie and straightens up. With a little regret, she dismissed Johannes Schaft from her inside.

She felt her mucus expired. Whether there was blood? Who could say on a red sheet. She got up and her knees trembled. Immediately he was there and held her until she caught up. Then he also got dressed and they left the room together. Below the conspiratorial four sat with Lady Gina and smiled expectantly. She fell around her throat: “Thank you dad, thank you so much.

“” Well, I had to do that, for my little angel. “” Then we can all go, “she said now. “You can go,” noticed her teacher. “I think John and you have something else. “Leonie nodded grinning. “And what are you doing?”” We are careful not to drop Luka. “” Luka is here? Why?“Johannes smiled and led her to a room on the same floor. Before they looked through the door, they heard a clapping blow.

“My brother is getting a lesson in the humility of Lady Renate. “Leonie lifted an eyebrow and had to help but laugh when she saw around the corner. Luka knelt in the middle of the room. His naked butt was bright red. Lady Renate stood in front of her, in a red dominity dress. One hand on the back of Luka, who licked her shame. The other held a paddle. “More right,” she commanded and the paddle whistled through the air and hit Luka’s glowing ass cheek.

Leonie totally granted him to him and before she disturbed the situation by laughing, Johannes pulled away from the door. They both had a nice night with her.

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