Fucking on the nudist see | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I used to be a bathing of nude, but that was a long time ago and somehow forgotten. But how I got the taste again, you can read here. It was in winter and I was working all day long in a construction site in Munich in an ice -cold basement. On the way home I had in the car The heating was placed on full performance, but until I was at home, just not warm.

I had considered whether I should get a hot bathtub or whether I would only shower hotly. Then I remembered that a colleague from the crystal thermal bath in Schwangau told me. He had reported that they had such warm brine pools. He always went into the sauna there, the prices were ok, and he could only recommend the thermal baths. Then I thought to myself, why shouldn’t I go “thawing” there. So quickly packed a bag with towels, swimming trunks, shampoo and lottery, to Schwangau.

The journey went quite well for the winter road conditions and I was about. 6:45 p.m. there. A ticket can be solved quickly at the cash register for 2 hours, and the nice lady wish me a lot of fun. In the locker room and quickly moved. Boyskin pants, under the shower and first visited the facility. Several small and larger pools with temperatures between 26 and 32 °. That was just the thing for me tonight.

Purdish into the first pool and a few trains. I see this one of the employees how he all around the curtains. I didn’t think and believed much about it, they do it every evening … After about 2 minutes, a announcement came “Welcome to our textile-free evening in Derkristall-Therme”. I had interrogated, no. The first completely naked people came from the changing area. I briefly thought about what to do was somehow surprised.

Well, I paid, I was still cold from the inside. So down with swimming trunks. Somehow the first time you always have the feeling that everyone is looking at you. But it is definitely not the case, so again into the water. It felt a bit strange not to be in the water with nothing. Still a nice, pleasant feeling. My tail Didn’t find the whole thing bad either. Because it was no longer as small as before in swimming trunks.

Just good that I was in the water. So I made a few more laps in the pool before I wanted to switch to another. When I climbed the stairs out of the water, two women came towards me who wanted to go into the water. Both, as I like it, were shaved nicely, one had a little bigger tits, the other people had nice little things. Me and my little friend found it very pleasant to see.

They smiled at me and got past me into the pelvis. I thought I could do that more often. So I switched to another pelvis where you could have underwater nozzles massaged. Wow, it felt better for a lot without swimming trunks, as with swimming trunks. My decision was made, I will do that more often. I have been in the Schwangau thermal bath more often since the evening when there is textile -free evening. I almost no longer need the swimming trunks and im Summer I only go to the nudist.

Here I initially had swimming trunks or underpants under my cargo short. In the meantime, I also leave them away, is more convenient and practical because I will pull them out again anyway. So I can also put on a cockring without pushing something. I like to wear one of my cock rings at the nudist. People sometimes look a bit irritated, but nobody has never seriously bothered it. Rather, there are nice conversations here, especially with women who sometimes address me how z.

B. When I was again at an excavator lake with the cockring for swimming. It was in the morning during the week and it was just about. 5-6 people there. I was already in the sun and wanted to go into the water because I was quite warm. When I was going to the shore at one of the few places where you could go into the water, a woman, in her mid -30s. I stood in the water up to my knees to slow myself down.

When she was shortly before me, I spoke to her that the water would be very pleasant. When she replied that it was quite fresh, she scored my cock with a cockring. I only said that it was loosely 4-5 C colder at the Forggensee. Her gaze was still fixed on my cock. So I asked her if I had something in me, a wasp or something … she just said that she hadn’t seen something like that, pointed to my cock and asked why I was wearing this.

In the meantime she was so far out of the water that she presented me with her smooth shaved pussy and the tight tits, fellow stiff nipples from the cool water. I explained to her that I would also like to wear the ring as a jewelry, whereby it is a pleasant side effect that the tail through the bloody congestion does not get quite as small even in the cold water. We talked about various lakes for a while, where you could do nudist.

When I was back in my place, she came over and asked if she could lie down, because as a single woman at the nudist. I couldn’t imagine somehow, but there are idiots everywhere, so I voted too, and she brought her bathing clothes over to my place. As she spread her towel with slightly spread legs, she already offered me a horny insight into her column when she bent down.

She lay down on her towel next to me, and I was able to take a closer look at her tits with the firm warts. We talk very nicely for a while, and she kept falling for my cock and I admired her tits. At some point I offered her to apply my back to her if she wanted what she accepted thanks. She turned on her stomach and I creamed my back when I was done, I asked if she would apply cream and legs her back, so she only said “if you are already …good.

“So I started with my legs and worked his way up to her plump ass. When I started applying my ass carefully, she spread her legs slightly so that I can get better. So she offered me a perfect insight into her slightly moist shiny column. It could no longer be moist from the water … with a slight slap on the bottom I said to her that I was finished what she replied with an “Oh, too bad”.

I just said that I can get back later. Through the insights and the ring I now had a very considerable crossbar, which I now wanted to put it a little by wanting to lie on my stomach. When I wanted to put myself on my towel, she just said that I don’t need to hide it, he looks too cool for that. Had the horny bitch had already looked at my cock all the time? She stretched out her handmade, stroking my plump eggs, drove along the shaft and gently pushed the foreskin behind the plump glossy glans.

I said to her, “If you do this 2 times, I’ll probably spray you on the butt. “Now she turned on her back and just said,” Great, I still lack the lotion in front so that I can’t get sunburn on my tits “. With these words, she drove up and off my cock a few more times until I splashed my load of the plump breasts. With the other hand she rubbed the load over her stiff nipples and grinned me.

I said to her, “Come on let’s go back into the water, we should cool down a little cleaning and a little. “With a testing look at her fully sprayed tits, she said that that was a good idea. So it is in the water, they are with the forny tits, I with the dripping, no longer plump tail, to wash off umuns. In the water I helped her to wash the sperm from the breasts, wobeidie nipple became stiff again.

In return, she helped me clean my cock, which was also gained in size again. When we were back in our place again, she said in a bad grin, “How about it if you were to nitish yourself?”I looked around briefly and said to her,” Come on, put yourself on the back, then cream your front, there are still almost no people, we can already dare “. I immediately caught on her breasts, the belly, her legs and then your column with sun milk.

I edit your sweet column extensively with my fingers, slightly plucked on the inner labia and did not leave the clit. Then I twirled her stiff nipples with one hand to massage damp, slightly swollen labia with the other tube. Her breathing was getting faster and faster, and when I massaged the clit a little, she also came over an orgasm that was wet. She just meant WoW, that was good. A little later we talked about what had just experienced, and with a laugh that we had never done anything like this before.

But found the action so horny that we were considering meeting us again, and so we met 2 times at the quarry lake and brought our climax to our climax without ever fucking each other properly. Another time, I had in spring Vacation, So I still wanted to bathing too cold Swimming pool go with a connected sauna area. The nice thing about the bathroom is, the sauna is included in the price. Packed towels, swimming trunks and other utensils early in the early, I put it on, as so often, as so often, I had already laid out the cockring and so I am off.

In the morning there is usually not so much going on. When I arrived, I moved first and I went into the sauna area, and as expected, not much was going on today. Great, I thought, then I can leave the cockring, because if a lot of people are there, I don’t like to wear ring, because otherwise there can be stupid comments. So then I went into the first sauna, there were 2 young women who talked.

I spread my towel on a bank and lay down on it. Shortly afterwards the two began to whisper when they had discovered my cock ring. A short time later they went out of the sauna, both of them staring at my cock with cockring. When I also left the sauna, I saw both back in the shower area, where I wanted to cool off. Here, too, their eyes on my cockring could not be overlooked. When I with a slight grin question whether something was, they first pushed around something, then asked me if I asked if the ring Do not get hot.

I replied that the ring does not get hot because it lies close to the body, similar to a necklace, or a ring on the finger. A little more loosely, they then asked me why I would wear the ring. I replied that I also saw the ring as jewelry, similar to a ring on the finger or a chain. Natural even as sexual stimulation, but not only. The two disappeared with the answer, with the words “Maybe you can see each other again in a sauna”.

After a break, I wanted to switch to the swimming area and got my swimming trunks. Here I found that I was exactly the swimming trunks caught had the inner lining in which my at the time my then my friend had a intoxication. Because you liked it better when you could see the thin fabric. Nothing helps now, so put on the swimming trunks and over to the swimmer area, then I swim a few rounds, when climbing over the bathing ladder a sporty blonde made a swimsuit like from Baywatch.

Extremely high leg neckline, deep back neckline, really looked like Baywatch. When I squinted at her between her legs, I found that the inner lining had to be missing here too. You could see how her labia emerged too clearly below the thin fabric. She probably looked at me when I got out of the water, and we both grinned at each other. When she came closer, she just said “We probably have the same tailor”. With a further look at her labia, I said “seems like that, but also looks very cool”.

She asked me “What do you have in your pants, I see something glitter” I replied that I was wearing a cockring that she probably sees glitter. “Wow, I would like to see that live,” she replied to it. I just said, “This can be set up, go to the sauna with me, you can see everything without an obstacle. “She thought briefly, only said” Sauna is not my thing “. I replied “then stop in one of the whirlpools”.

She agreed, quickly got her towel and so we are back to the sauna area, shortly after the access control I took off my swimming trunks again and she peeled out of her swimsuit. She looked really cool, firm, beautiful big big breasts with pointed nipples, as I had already suspected by the fabric. A neatly shaved column, with slightly gripping inner labia. Really a great sight that pumped my blood into my tail.

It’s great if you wear a cockring, it all seems even better. Running through the sauna with a ring is already borderline, but with a crossbar and ring … I wrapped my towel around my hip so that I could not stand out quite as much, which I succeeded rather badly. So we went to the whirlpools that are intended for 4-6 people. We were lucky, one of the pools was free and we got into it, there she already had a hand on my stiff tail and scratched my eggs.

I said to her that she shouldn’t be so stormy, I don’t want to inject in the pool. In the meantime I also had a hand on her column when I twisted her clit between the fingers, she spread her legs even further under a groan. So we stimulated each other for a while until she said, “Tell me, there is not a corner where you are very undisturbed?”. I replied “one stick higher is solarium cabins, we could visit”.

“Good idea,” she said, “we do that if you want”. I was able to examine her firm nipples and the slightly swollen clit while climbing out of the pool. She didn’t even make the effort to change the towel while I tried again to hide my latte with the towel. So we then got out of the sauna area, into the staircase, which is no longer part of the textile -free area, the stairs up, here a couple came towards us that looked a bit in a surprise when we came to you naked naked.

There were no people to be seen above, and so we disappeared into one of the solarium cabins. When I closed the door behind us, she threw away her towel and got on my knees, took my towel off and put her lips over my stiff cock. She pushed my foreskin back and played with her tongue on my groove, where the first drops of pleasure also emerged. Wow, this horny sweeper could blow. So I spoiled me for a while until I pulled it up and pushed backwards onto the solarium lounger.

She sat on it, spread her legs and I started to let my tongue dance over her clit. See a bitter taste when I licked the column when she started to twitch, I continued to stimulate her clit, and with one hand I twirled her nipples until she came violently. When she had recovered something, she wanted to spoil me again with her mouth, and so I left her again on my still standing cock, and she spoiled me really cool.

When I said it would come to me, she just said that I should inject the load in her mouth, which I also made with strong batches shortly afterwards. She swallowed the entire load, and then licked my cock clean, which was now also shrunk to a size that can be presented for the sauna area. We then rose in the whirlpool again, where we had played around a little more. A short time later she left the bathroom.

I also went a little later, so I hadn’t imagined the “wellness day”, but was fully satisfied with the outcome. So I got dressed and drove towards home. Halfway, I passed a factory outlet, where it was recognizable from afar, which is reduced by jeans up to 70%. Great, I had the purchase of new jeans on my list anyway. Just stupid, since I was still on the road without underwear and with a cockring.

Hm, should I try on the pants without underpants? Well, I was freshly showered because I just came out of the bathroom, i.e. from a hygienic point of view. Maybe put the ring on a toilet beforehand? Rather not…. What speaks about it then, I thought about it and so I turned into the outlet. First gives a rough overview, then one or the other jeans that would be considered. When I was still looking for the stack of jeans, a seller came up to me, so in the middle to the end of 30.

Nice face, long brown hair bound into a braid. A figure -hugging top, under the small, solid breasts, and one until just above the knee, narrow black skirt. Black tights and ankle boots rounded off the sight. Really a good figure that was recognizable. She asked if she could help me what I was affirming. So she helped me out 2-3 more pants before it disappeared with the things in the next changing room.

I then tried the first pants that fit quite well. At first it was a bit of a strange feeling to stand in the changing room without underwear, so I look at the spacious changing room in the mirror. So get out of the first pants, into the next, which also fit quite well when the seller, who was probably still close to the changing rooms, asked me if everything was okay. I replied that the pants already fit quite well, what she said, I should show her whether she should not look for another one that might fit better.

So I came out of the changing room and showed her the pants that I was trying to try. Then she said, “I have another one, they should sit even better”, and I should try them. So again change the changing room and pants, out and look at in front of the mirror. “It is still better, the butt looks even crisp,” she said of her pants. “But could also be well emphasized by the underwear”.

I answered something irritated with a “I don’t think” because I don’t wear underwear. I wanted to try on another pair of pants and went back to the locker room to change my pants. Just when I had one pair of pants, she put her head through the curtain, probably because she had found another trouser that I should try. So I stood naked, with my ring around and eggs, in the changing room, I got a red head when she saw me that way.

With a grin on the face, she only said, “Aha, then it is actually not because of the underwear that the butt looks like that”. I answered it, “no, not it” when I had a little caught and saw that she took it easy. She continued to grin through the curtain gap and only said, “Then you have the same underwear as I do, because I don’t like it if it emerges under the clothes”. With these words she pushed the curtain aside and was already in the locker room.

Here she pushed her black skirt up, the pantyhose was open in the crotch, and brought a clean shaved cunt with a piercing over the clit. Wow, I hadn’t expected that. She grabbed Miran the tail that slowly started to straighten up and began to massage me. Of course I was immediately on her pussy, which was already a bit damp, and plucked slightly anihs labia. She started running slowly when I literally fucked her with two fingers.

My foreskin had pushed it back and worked on my hard shaft with two hands. In the meantime, their hard nipples were clearly recognizable through the top and I started to twirle and press them, which she acknowledged with a slight groan. We really had to be careful so that nobody would hear us. After a while she left my tailless, kneeled and started licking my plump glans.

Again and again, hard cock shone until the stop in her mouth cunt. I could hardly believe it to meet two such talented cockwinds in one day, was realizable. A little later I unloaded myself in her mouth, she swallowed everything, my load was no longer so big, since I had already injected today. Now I was on my mouth to spoil her, she sat on the small chair in the cabin.

A little later she also cramped in a violent orgasm. I played a little with the piercing on her clit until she caught up again. In the meantime my cock was hard again, I turned it over, she was now supporting her arms on a chair, and I pushed my strap into the dripping cunt from behind. With every push my eggs clapped to their clit, and so we didn’t need too long to be before the next orgasm.

Shortly before it was ready, she said to me quietly “just don’t spray me in my cunt, otherwise I have to be in the shop in the shop for the rest of the day, I don’t have any panties with me”. So I quickly pulled it out beforehand, she turned and I injected her again in her mouth. As before in the pool, she also licked my cock nicely clean. What a horny woman. We grinned at each other, and everyone got dressed again, well, actually she had only pushed her skirt down and directed her top.

I stowed my freshly milked cock in my pants. Then we are out of the changing room one after the other. Of course I bought the two jeans, after such a “advice” when buying clothes that was a matter of course. I was there again later, but unfortunately I didn’t find my “consultant” anymore.

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