Fucked in sleep | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

A few years ago I visited my friend Denis in England. We don’t see each other often, but we make calls regularly and always get along very well even after long breaks. Our joint experiences could fill whole books. We got around in this world and also experienced some adventures in other worlds that were very strange and extraordinary.

During my last visit to Avon Upon Avon, where he has lived in an old Victorian row house with his girlfriend Jane for a few years, which they both had lovingly renovated in the old style, something happened that gave my life a completely new impulse.
On the second evening, Susanne, a friend of Jane visited us.

Actually, she just wanted to stay briefly, but my presence was one reason to change her intention. Denis and I rarely drink alcohol, We don’t like the effect. We preferred to smoke a pipe or a self -made joint.

So we drank a little beer that evening and later switched to tea with milk. Denis had a rest of a good grass and so we smoked a bit out of his primitive pipe from time to time, which I had made from a piece of oak and some copper pipe a few years ago.

In the course of the evening, the mood rose, we told ourselves a lot of stupid things that now made us laugh constantly. I looked at Susanne, as she had crossed her legs on the Saj3 armchair and kept giving me a look under her skirt on her dark brown silk panties. She was wearing a short black skirt and a white t-shirt with habit. This clearly emerged from their bra and rested breasts that were worth desirable, which made me the greatest promises with every movement.

Jane noticed my sensations for Susanne, just like Susanne himself and also Denis.

He suddenly made the proposal to tell stories. As children, he and his Brother always tells stories in the evening before going to bed. Why shouldn’t we do that too? The women were enthusiastic about the idea and asked Denis to start telling.

We laughed again and hardly got ourselves, it was so strange. When we captured each other again, Jane got up, went to the kitchen and made us fresh tea.

I followed her, helped her fill up with tea and asked her: “Jane, what should denis tell us? I know all of his exaggerated stories.“She turned to me on the side gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead and smiled at me. “Ask him if he from the night in May at my Sister Want to tell Elfi.“I looked at her questioningly, stroked her hand with her hand and then went back into the room with the tea dishes. Denis and Susanne sitting comfortably with each other and spoke to each other mysteriously. When I came, Susanne grinned me with a stealthy smile, got up and sat on the sofa next to me.

I felt her warmth, smelled her perfume and felt the light pressure of her head on my shoulder.

Jane now came out of the kitchen and brought the tea. After filling us all the cups, she sat down on the lap to Denis. I recovered from my surprise, took the chance to find some distraction and spoke to Denis. “Denis, tell us about the night of May at Elfi.“Denis suddenly became quiet, amazed me with wide eyes and then looked at Jane, whom he had now stuck with his right arm.

He grinned at her, grawed something and said after a little break: “Ok. But this is a very intimate story and I would never have told her. But we are all no more children.“Jane and I, Elfi, Ja-nes sister visited the sister in Hausim last year.

At that time she lived alone in this old row house in a small town in the south.

We spent the second day hiking over the meadows and through the forests. The day was very sunny and also warm. I met Elfi as a likeable educated woman who obviously knows exactly what she wants from life. Above all, she wants a lot of fun.

She doesn’t just look very similar to my Jane on the face. She wore her hair as long as Jane is as slim and tall as Jane and at least as crazy.“Again we laughed at the homegrown and drank the tea that was pulled down the esophagus like a hemp rope. Denis continued: “We spent the late afternoon and the early evening in a nearby pub where you can eat well. After dinner I went to the bar, drank a beer and spoke to some of the guests.

As a foreigner, your dialect initially struggled with me. After a few pints, the communication worked much better.

The two women soon said goodbye to me, but left me a front door key behind. They were tired, they said, from the strenuous running and wanted to go to sleep early. They weren’t warned me of drinking so much and not coming home so late.

An hour later I also made my way home. I no longer saw light in the apartment, so I opened the door with the key. I took off in the living room and sneaked into bedroom. I left the light out and crawled into bed.

There are two beds in the room. The bed of Jane and me was on the right and that of Elli left in the room.

I crawled carefully and quietly into the soft and warm bed to my Jane. She lay on the side with her face to the wall. I kissed her on her cheek, lay down next to her and soon fell asleep.

I didn’t sleep long. At some point in the night I woke up and had such a stiff that I thought I couldn’t stand it anymore.““ You only had a beer latte.“I interrupted and we let the pipe circle again. Susanne took my hand and led her under her skirt.

Denis continued. “I was so horny on the body lying next to me, whose smell and warmth brought me around the mind and so I let my drive completely run away.

Jane was still lying to the wall with her face and her back and her hips were fully tangible to me. She slept without panties and the entrance to her hot grotto was easily accessible to my fingers. I made her damp, held her labia apart with my fingers and massaged the inside with my damp fingers of the other hand. I was very careful because I didn’t want to wake her up.

The thought that you think you sleep tail To put it in, made me particularly horny and so kissed and stroked her back, blew my hot breath over her pale skin and massaged, and massaged with my finger.

“Denis interrupted here, let Jane get up from the lap and disappeared into the bathroom. In the meantime my fingers were wet from Susanne’s horny pussy And I would have loved to put her on my back right away and showed her what I can get her, but Denis came back back then. This tea is simply not for my bladder. I have to run more than with beer, he scolded, sat next to Jane again and continued told.
I couldn’t believe that my sweetness was still sleeping, but that was right for me now.

When I gave rise to getting started with her cave, I put my stiff cock in position. Mine foreskin Glittvon of the acorn. I moisten them with my spit. Then I carefully pushed the tip of my tight penis between her labia, into her hot and moist grotto.

There was no resistance.

Carefully and slowly I now pushed the whole sword into the vagina with gentle pressure. A jubilee scream went through my body when I penetrated and felt her overwhelming heat. I wanted to scream and groan about the tension, but only two meters next to me in the other bed sleeped her sister. I was afraid of her awakening.

Now I was lying next to her with my strong and stiff member in this woman and could not understand that she was still slept. I lay down very close to her back with my hairy upper bodies and waited. What will she dream, I thought to myself when it started to twitch in her.
Then I pulled my penis out of the danger zone a little, the grotto calmed down immediately after that. I pushed again and pulled back right away.

So I did until the grotto could no longer calm down and her lower body moved rhythmically. Now the whole sleeping woman moved. She slowly turned to me and I pushed myself under her so that her back came to lie on my stomach and so that our union could not come loose.

She groaned slightly and groaned my penis with her hand so that he couldn’t escape her. She turned back to the wall and came to the mattress with her belly.

I followed the movement and was now kneeling overhaping, taking her slim hips and answering her thrusting movements. Alternately I grabbed her breasts and massaged her buds. These sweet cherries immediately became hard. It was dark in the room, but the beam of the street lantern in front of the house seemed a little.

My cock now shrugged violently.

I quickly pulled him out of the hot horny woman. I lay down under her, sucked and sucked on her hard buds. Immediately she put my cock back into her now wide, hot and wet cunt. My mouth sucked on the buds of her tight breasts and my hands kept caressing her hips and her stomach.

Your hair hung down into my face. Your tips of your hair electrified me.
Now I hit her violently and with all my strength my pelvis. Soon I couldn’t control myself anymore. I put the woman and turned her on her back, quickly pushed her hard branch back into the wet hole, sucked her breasts again and now also bite on her red hard sipping.

Then an insane quake felt in her pussy and my cock could hardly be kept anymore.

I don’t know how to get over her anymore, but when I kissed her wildly and her long hair did out of my face, a beam of pale road light fell on her. Now I recognized her face. It was Elfi and not Jane and at that moment of recognizing it was a huge one orgasm, We ruthlessly groaned loudly and let the lustful explosion run wild.

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