After the disco deflowered | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was shortly before my 19th birthday and I was still Virgo. I actually wanted my first time Always spend totally romantic, with a lot of time and tenderness. But then it turned a little differently.

That evening I was completely done from the week and actually just wanted to go to the tub and then sleep, but my two best friends had something to do with me. After all, it was Saturday and on such a day I couldn’t crouch at home alone.

Especially not when I had my birthday the next day. After half an hour they finally got me that way and I quickly jumped into the shower and made myself ready to go out.

At the disco When I got my mood, my mood was already flattened again and I hung alone at the counter for the first hour and watched them dance. Then some type of the side also chatted me, whereupon I threw him at his head, he should piss off because I don’t feel like his gibberish. Already while I said it, I was sorry because he couldn’t do anything for me to do it that way.

So I reached his sleeve and pulled him back, next to me at the counter.

“Sorry, but I’m not in a good mood today …” I said briefly, “I am Sandra, Hi…”

“Frank” he answers,

“Hi frank” I replied.

Frank was approx. 1.90m tall, and looked pretty well trained.

“Why are you here when you’re sooo bad?”

“My two friends back there, loved me!”

“Maybe I can cheer you up?!?”

“Ok, we’ll see…”

We were still sitting about. 1 hour at the bar and entertained us about this and that, and over time our conversation became more and more ambiguous … after all, I asked him if he lived far away from here and the answer “Ca.

5 minutes on foot ”I liked. I quickly scurried with my two girls and told them that they shouldn’t wait for me, then I went back to Frank and we disappeared outside.

We went so slowly that we for the approx. 400m needed almost 1 hour to his apartment, and before we went up, we kissed for a long time and passionate. As soon as we arrived in his apartment, we immediately fell on top of each other.

On the way from the hallway into the living room one garment fell after the other and when we got there we stood naked in front of each other. I pressed myself tightly and we kissed again while I noticed that his tail became more and more tougher and now pressed vigorously against my stomach. I took a few steps back and pointed to him to stay there, whereupon I let myself fall on the sofa.

I was sitting on the sofa and put my legs wide to the left and right of me, which gave him a clear view in between. Slowly he massaged his cock as he watched me with one hand on my breasts and with the other on mine pussy played.

I was totally slippery in my pussy and was totally curious about how a cock feels in me, because so far I had only felt my little dildo collection at home. So I raised my hand and interpreted him with a clear gesture that I wanted to feel it now. He immediately understood and knelt between my legs and then gently rubs through my column with his glans. Always from top to bottom, and vice versa.

Right I feel a man in me for the first time, I thought now and was totally excited.

My pulse raced.

Come on, push, I thought.

Then I wanted to know and wrapped my legs around his hips to push him into me. Slowly he slid into me and I enjoyed every cm that pushed himself deeper into me until he was completely sunken into me. So we stayed for a while while I felt it deep inside me how his glans pulsed slightly in me. Then he started to push me slowly, where I tried to feather to him.

His bumps became faster and faster and more violent. Then he suddenly stopped and stood in front of me. I didn’t know what to think of it, but then he raised me and carried me into the bedroom, with the comment;

“It’s more convenient here …”. He carefully put me on the bed and before he lay down, I pulled him down and sat on him.

I slowly let my pelvis slide back and forth until I felt his cock right in front of my pussy. Then I let myself slide back very slowly to let him slide completely into me again. I now circled my pelvis, with its tip really moving in my stomach, which I found totally cool. Slowly I started to move up and down on him.

Very slowly. Frank’s moans were getting more and more violent and when I had just moved again, he reared up violently under me, and grabbed my hip. At the same moment I felt his cock began to twitch, and then it got hot in my pussy. He pulled me down with both hands, so I was sitting on him again.

He still winced wildly and pumped his hot juice into me.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed this feeling what his coming triggered in me. So it feels like that when a man has his orgasm, I thought with myself. Slowly twitched his twitch and now I let myself sink on his upper body to cuddle up to him completely. I rolled down on the side of him and he covered us both with his big blanket.

We then slowly do it away, after about approx. Half an hour was awakened again. I was there for a while and thought about what was just happening. So that was My first sex.

I now also noticed the sticky feeling between my legs where to be sperm just ran out of me. Until then, I didn’t know that it happened that way, since I had never talked about the “after” after sex with my friends. Until then, I thought when a man came, then there are a few drops, and somehow they stay in the stomach and good, but I would not have thought that it was such an intense and cool feeling. Now I got tired again and fell asleep.

The next morning.


A door was closed. It was the bathroom and I woke up from the flap. I had an uncomfortable feeling in the crotch because the dried remnants of the night stuck there. I quickly got up and went towards the bathroom where I heard how Frank did the shower.

Showers would do me well now … maybe together with Frank, I thought and opened the door. Frank was already in the shower and I saw his outline through the fogged cabinet door. I sat quietly on the toilet and hoped I am fast enough so that I can take a shower to him without noticing me.

Everything worked out. I easily opened the door of the shower cubicle and stepped to him. He smiled at me and asked;“Slept well, sweetie?”. “Jaaaa” I answered him with a dreamy look.

At the moment our lips stuck together again and his cock became tough. Our kisses, the hot water on my skin and being against me against me, also aroused me.

I wanted him immediately. Not a big around it. Here and now.

“Take me here … immediately!“I gasped in his ear. He said no sound and turned around. Then I leaned forward slightly and felt his hard glans on my pussy at that moment.

I reached into the crotch and pulled my labia apart slightly so that he slid into me without any problems. Immediately he started to push me violently and deeply, while I was rubbing on my pearl at the same time. The hot water that pounded on my back and then ran down between my legs, the violent bumps and rubbing on my clit were simply too much for me. I came violently and moaning loudly and moaning and I had to stick to the shower rod so as not to lose the stop.

And in the middle of the twitch of my lap, Frank pumped his climax. His juice flooded my pussy and I felt that he weren’t at all to stop spraying. Completely exhausted we were still in the shower before we washed and put it back. Then he drove me home where my birthday company was waiting ..

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