Cuckold dream | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Mesh!One Friday morning I met a good friend in the supermarket, namely Egon, the man of Tanja’s girlfriend Ludmilla. I asked him how he was doing and he replied “not so well!”. “My wife flew to her parents in Kazakhstan two weeks ago and my eggs soon burst!”Laughed Egon. When I asked how long she would stay there, he replied “two more weeks! Until then, my testicles have long since exploded in front of sperm mastau!”.

I asked if it was really that bad to do it Jerk off To taste. “Wanking is shit, fucking is better!“Replied to the Kazache. “Then you have to put a different fuck mouse in the meantime!”I told him. “But how? And who? I don’t know any women who would not let me fuck anything like that, so nothing!“Answered Egon. I agreed with him, I could think of that my wife Tanja would go into the “boots” with her friend Marlene tonight.

“Hey, Egon, my wife goes to the” boots “tonight. Take a look, as far as I know, there should be horny brides to tow, ”I replied to the Kazakh. The bald head then asked whether I meant the “boot” in Bopfingen. “Yes, try it there, we are guaranteed not to tell the Ludmilla!“I caught and said goodbye to Egon. At home I didn’t tell my wife about my meeting with Egon. In any case, she showered extensively in the evening, settled her hair and perfumed with Coco Chanel.

She put on hold -free black fine stockings, a wafer -thin string and a black altar boy dress. She waived a bra because her tits are stuck, but not too big. At the end of her procedure, she slipped into a 12 cm high black paint pumps with heel straps. These horny high heels brought their sexy legs even better and when I was intoxicating, the water in my mouth broke together! “You look great, really sexy and exciting! With this outfit you can definitely open ten types!”I joked.

“No worry, Marlene and I only go to look!“She replied. She left her glasses at home because she had made contact lenses in today. Shortly before eight, Tanja was picked up by her friend and I wish her a lot of fun. The two women entered the “boot” and sat down a little off a small table. At that time there were only a few guests and the small dance floor was still empty. Cool Jazz and Lounge Music was preferred in the “boot”, which is why it was particularly popular by women;And of course from crowded types who like to tore women there.

Tanja and Marlene ordered two long drinks and examined the guys who were already frolicking here. Shortly before nine o’clock, Egon entered the “boot”, looked around and then recognized my wife with her friend sitting at a table. He went to the two and then greeted the ladies with a hand kiss like a real gentleman. “Hello Egon, what are you doing here in this spelon?”Asked him Tanja. “Well, you know, Ludmilla has been in the old home for two weeks and stays there for two weeks.

The children are in a holiday camp and the booth falls on my head at home. So I treat myself to a little variety this evening!“Replied to the Kazache. The three talked to themselves when Marlene said around three quarters ten that she would slowly be tired of the strenuous day. She asked my wife if she wanted to go home, but Egon said that he would do it if she wanted to stay a little in the “boot”.

Tanja looked at the clock, thought briefly and then told her friend that she had decided to linger a little here with Egon. So Marlene said goodbye to my wife with the joking hint to stay clean. All three laughed heartily and Marlene disappeared through the now grown mass of visitors. Around half past nine I decided to go to Bopfingen and also pay a visit to the “boot”. When I drove to the parking lot in front of the pub, I recognized Egons BMW.

So I parked a little off his car because I didn’t want to run back to him today, the old steppe warrior! For unknown reasons I took my mini camcorder with me. Maybe there would be funny shots by Marlene, Egon and my wife. After entering the “boot”, I searched for the three, which was not so easy due to the many people. The dance floor was now well filled. Finally I saw Tanja and Egon sitting at a small, sitting and talking lively.

I actually wanted to approach them, but some intuition stopped me from it. I decided to watch Egon and my wife for a while. So I got a Pils at the bar and hid behind a thick pillar where they couldn’t see me. Egon now asked my wife if she wanted to dance. They affirmed and so the two went on the dance floor. A very slow piece was running, so most couples danced very closely together.

As a result, Tanja pulled the Kazache equally tightly. With her hot high -heeled shoes, she was almost as big as Egon, what he used to kiss her slim neck while holding her hips with his big hands. “You smell so seductive. What kind of perfume do you use?”He asked her. Tanja explained that it was Coco Chanel. Egon acted as if he sucked in the fragrance with his nose. “You make me really sharp, Tanja!“He said in a hoarse voice and slid with his giant paws onto her plump buttocks.

Now he massaged her butt with relish, licked her tongue on her earlobe and whispered “You have no panties on? I don’t feel a slip under your dress!”” I only have a very tiny string underneath!”Tanja said, let her horny ass continue to be kneaded by him, because due to the high alcohol consumption for her circumstances, she slowly lost control of herself! Egon’s tongue now drove her neck to her lips.

Slowly she penetrated Tanja’s mouth, which now also opened her lips to reply Egon’s kiss. I looked at the two with astonishment and excitement, took out the camera and started with my film recordings. Meanwhile, the Kazache asked my wife “Would you like to go where we are a little unfavorably than here with all these people?”. “I don’t know if that would be good. What would my husband and your Ludmilla say if they found it?“Tanja asked the guy.

This replied “whom you should know from? Certainly not of both of us, and no pig knows us from the others! Don’t you feel like a little adventure?”. She was silent for a moment, but then said “I already feel like it. Then let’s go right away, otherwise my age will be suspicious when I get home too late!”. Egon took her by the hand, led her to the table, took her bag and left a banknotion for the colliery.

They pushed through the crowds to the exit and left the “boot”. I followed them at a duly distance and just saw how they climbed Egon’s car and drove off. I ran hastily to my car and shouted off. Egon drove onto the expressway to take the “nature trail” exit after a while. I drove him so slowly that he couldn’t notice it. Instead of keeping in the large parking lot of the nature trail, Egon steered his BMW on a forest path.

On the other hand, I switched off the car and could see that the other car had now stopped. Shortly afterwards the lights of the BMW came out. So I decided to turn my car in the parking lot and continue on foot. Egon had stopped in front of a forest hut on a small clearing. He jumped out of the car and opened Tanja the door. “This is a forest hut that belongs to my work colleague. I also have a key to it.

“He rummaged an old key from his pocket and then lit a lantern with a match with a match to be in front of the door to the cottage to be able to unlock. Inside he put the lantern on an old wooden table, turned on two other lanterns and put firewood in a large open fireplace. In the meantime I was also at the forest hut and looked through the windows that luckily had no curtains. In the hut there were two old worn armchairs in front of the fireplace, the said wooden table, around which four chairs were set up and an apparently ancient bed with brass rods at the head end and a stained cover.

Now I took out my camera and filmed the action in the hut. The Kazache lit the wooden section in the fireplace, went to a shabby chest of drawers, got two glasses and a bottle with a transparent liquid. “Do you also want a sip of vodka, Tanja?”He asked my wife. “But only a tiny sip, otherwise I can’t stand anymore!“She replied. The man poured the vodka into the glasses and handed her one.

“A nice evening with a hot woman!“He said and tipped the contents of his glass in one train into his throat. My wife hesitated, but then snipped on her glass and drank the vodka. She shook her head, coughed and said that the stuff would be really beamed in. Tanja handed the glass and stepped in front of the fireplace. Loss in thought, she stared into the fire when the Kazache stepped behind her, kissed her on the neck and put his huge hands on her firm tits to massage them gently.

He felt through the thin fabric of her dress that was more than stiff nipples, greedily pressed it together with his fingers and twisted it, so that my wife took a quiet moan. Now Egon opened her belt, dropped it to the ground and turned Tanja to him. “Take off your dress!“He ordered in a hoarse voice. She grazed the black knitting dress over her body and threw it into a corner with a casual movement.

“Man, you are horny, darling!“Egon called excitedly. He leaned his head and started spoiling her hard nipples with his tongue while his hands kneaded her buttocks. The man sucked lustful on her wonderful warts, which led to Tanja gasping lustfully. She gently pushed him out of herself, dragged on his polo shirt and pulled it over his head. “Oh god, what kind of muscular body do you have!“She called excited and began to caress his hard breast with her tongue and lips.

He visibly enjoyed her touches, but then took her by the hand and led her to the old wooden table. After turning one of the chairs, he asked her to sit down. The Kazache provocatively stood between her legs and now said in the commanded tone “Get mine tail out!”. Tanja pulled the zipper of his linen trouser down, grabbed with one hand and picked out a huge thick tail, which was still relatively limp.

“Heaven, what kind of monster is that? I have never seen such a monster!“Said her in a documented voice. “You are stunning, what? It is fully extended 23 cm long! Well, come on, make him really hard and stiff!“Grunted the bald head. My wife comprised the gigantic limb with one hand on the shaft, pulled the other one with the other foreskin Back and looked amazed at his fat plump glans, which shimmered in the dim light of the Lila hut.

Meanwhile, Egon opened his belt, which slid down his pants to the ankles. Now Tanja also saw his two oversized eggs, who dangled under his spanking. With slow movements she started to jerk off the enormous penis of the Kazakh, stimulating the huge testicles with the other hand. “You do that very well, Tanja. But now suck on my cock!“Egon whined. She opened her mouth, put her hot lips over the throbbing acorn and slowly let it slide into her mouth.

With her tongue she spoiled the hard tail tip at the finest, so that Egon joined with lust. Tanja now went over to polish his glans and the shaft of the fat cock properly. The man grabbed her head, took out the pool and fucked her violently in her mouth. He pushed in the centimeter of centimeters in her throat until the whole huge cock had finally disappeared to the attack in her mouth. My wife choked and gasped, but Egon knew no mercy, but stayed in this position for at least half a minute.

Then he pulled out his fuck stick again and finally climbed out of his pants and also got rid of his slippers. He ordered her to get up, put the chair out of his way and lifted Tanja on the table top, so that her cunt ended with the edge of the old furniture. Now he spread out her labia with his fingers and began licking the moist meat of her cunt and clit. My wife lay on the table top with her back, spread her thighs even more so that Egon could pamper her properly.

Smart, the Kazache sucked on her clitoris and made Tanja to cook with it. She groaned, gasped and obviously seemed to be very satisfied with his leak. He now rose, put in the middle and index finger in her wet cunt, massaged her clit with his thumb and kneaded one of the two boobs with his other hand. With his fingers he gently squeezed the stiff nipple, which elicited a quiet whine. “Do you have a condom with you, Egon? I’m not taking a pill at the moment, ”gasped Tanja.

The bald head said no!“And fingered them. “You should do that too, because I had my last rule ten days ago!“She called moaning. “Don’t worry, sweetie! I know my cock. I notice when he wants to cum!”. Egon now thought it was time to fuck her. The man took his penis in his hand, hit the wet meat of her cunt with the swollen acorn and cheated on “Last chance for a back.

Or should I fuck you now, mouse?“Grunted the Kazache, rubbed the Eichelspitze over the pussy meat and my wife’s hard clit. “Oh yes, finally put your giant cock into my wet cunt and fuck me through, you horny stallion!“Tanja groaned. Egon pressed his mighty acorn very leisurely into her hot and expectation -happy fuck channel until the thing finally slipped in. Now he drilled his mega fuck bridge into the narrow hole bit by bit until he had stretched it so that the chunky Schwengel had disappeared to the attack in her cunt.

I also got my already hard cock out of my pants and jerked it off with my left hand, while I was filming with my right hand, how the guy now spread out her long legs to a “V” with his strong hands and started, with powerful bumpsfuck! My wife massaged the tits and gasped ever louder, since Egon’s tremendous phallus literally beat her! Rhythmically, the Kazache let his monstrous fuck organ thunder through her tight love tunnel, so that his eggs clapped noisily against her coccyx with each of his bumps! He was sniffing Tanja, who lost more and more reference to her environment.

“I want to fuck you now, Tanja!“Said the bald head and pulled his penis, which was quite well oiled with cunt juice. He pulled it down from the table top, turned it over and said that she should lie on the surface of the table with her belly. Now he spread her thighs, pressed his plump glans against the cunt entrance and drilled my wife impetuously into the slimy furrow. The guy massaged her ass cheeks on the rabid with his powerful spanking rabidly from behind.

For loud lust and lust, she scratched her fingernails on the table top and moaned like a crumbled mare. The vodid slide bird my wife incessantly, ramped like a crazy and got more and more into a first category fuck rush! “Well, how do you find my cock, baby?”He asked her, whereupon she replied” unlikely cool! You tear me out with your fuck lance, you monster!”. The longing sperm donor hissed through her wet cunt faster and faster, penetrated her up to the root and gave Tanja true waves of lust.

“I want to ride on your cock!“She roared. So Egon let his gigantic pipe slip out, went to one of the two armchairs on the fireplace and sat down. My old man stood with his face to him over the plump pulsating acorn and pulled her labia apart with her fingers. Now she greedily pressed his tail tip into her hot fuck hole and let herself slide down until the whole huge strap up to his pubic hair was immersed in her.

Then she opened the horny lovemaking with wild, rhythmic movements, let her pelvis circle and gave the man a cool riding fuck with the help of her cunt muscles! She rode the bone of the Kazakh, which had now started to knead my wife’s tits violently. She was slowly but surely completely out of control and gave unarmed sounds. “Get off and on my knees in front of me, you horny fuck bitch! I want to fuck you again in my mouth!“Egon ordered my wife.

This immediately complied with his request and opened her lips expectantly when the boy had already sunk his shiny acorn in her mouth. The crossbar penetrated with pleasure and deeper into its throat before he held and clutched her head with his hands. Then he pushed back and forth, as if my wife’s mouth were one pussy! The Glatzkopf vehemently chased its sperm mesh into her mouth to the root, then pulled back almost completely and performed this procedure again! Tanja wailed and choked, but Egon was not put off and fucked like a obsessed.

After all, he had mercy with her, let his steel -hard fuck tube slide out and shouted snuffingly “Now lie down on the bed with his back and spread the legs very far apart!”. She did what she was on and held her hands on the brass rods while Egon lay on her and pressed his twitching glans against her pussy entrance with one hand. He rammed his fat stick into her to the attack and then he started like a wild one from New Guinea! He fucked my old one through a gunman, sucked on her nipples smacking and hammered the thick smile into her like crazy.

Tanja Grub her pointed fingernails into his buttocks fucking, opened her lips and called groaned “Kiss me, Egon. Your cock will kill me!”. The Kazache put his tongue into her oral cavity and increased the pace and the intensity of his bumps again. He reached her slim Tie up, pressed her legs together and then lay on her with the whole body weight. “Well, how do you find me, sweetness? Should we meet more often in the future?“The horny bald head gasped.

“Oh yes, Egon, gladly. I love your Bock -hard cock!“My wife replied in a hoarse voice. He fucked her through in an indescribably horny way when he suddenly called “I have to spray straight away! Should I pull it out now?”” No, please don’t pull out, you horny cock! I want you to splash your hot fuck juice deep into my cunt!“Tanja begged, completely from an insane orgasm intoxicated. The man could not be said twice and balanced her his now, which was swollen to an incredible size, a few more times into the slimy fuck hole.

Then Egon reared up and literally exploded his cock in her pleasure grotto! With uncontrolled twitches, his giant cock Tanja pumped his boiling seed deep into the uterus, flooded her steaming cunt with sperm! Countless pushing of hot cums threw his glans into my wife’s hot fucked love cavity, which visibly enjoyed this. Egon ejaculated with the teeth bitten together, the entire sperm supply, which had accumulated in its plump eggs in the last fourteen days! Only after twenty -five seconds had the guy injected his testicles completely empty and collapsed on my wife’s body.

I was also ready and jerked my juice against the wooden cladding of the hut. The hot scenario had turned me on a lot! Meanwhile, Egon let herself roll from her body and stayed as dead on her back next to her. From my wife’s widely opened furrow, his viscous sperm, which dripped onto the cover in long threads. His cock was completely smeared with seeds and cunt juice and shimmered in the diffuse light of the lanterns.

Tanja put his head on Egon’s chest and said that she would be grateful for this wonderful fuck and that he could fuck her again at any time. The Kazache kissed my wife and said that he too had enjoyed the night with her. But now she called that it should be very late and that she should now go home immediately so that I would not be suspected. When I heard this, I quickly made my way to my car, because I really had to be home in front of my old one.

Tanja came home twenty minutes after me. I stood asleep so that she had no idea that I not only witnessed her adventure with Egon live, but also filmed everything! Since the matter had more than excited me, I would punish Tanja and Egon in a very pleasant way …

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