A horny experience of the third art | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I can hardly describe this feeling – do not correctly put into words that spread out in me on this one Thursday evening in December last year.
We got to know each other in chat. He was one of the few who didn’t like me “What do you like most, babe?“Or even like one of the very hard guys with“ Do you want to fuck with me?“Has chatted. He was incredibly likeable to me straight away. It quickly turned out that he lived only half an hour away from me.

It also didn’t bother him that I was married – he had just separated from his girlfriend and was looking for one adventure.

We got on well and therefore quickly agreed that we should meet as soon as possible. After a few hours in chat we had already learned quite a bit and also found a lot of similarities. However, we both didn’t just want an ordinary tech mechter in pairs..
For many couples, this situation may be nothing more unusual – it is simply part of everyday life. Well, it was different with us.

It was the famous notorious “first time”!!! We were, believed, all three were pretty nervous and excited to see how everything would be – what would expect us …

Tom and I were already able to experience the first blind date on Tuesday. He really wanted to get to know me alone beforehand. And, I have to say it has sparked a bit between us. Without this certain sympathy, I could not imagine an exchange of tenderness …
So it is now Thursday! Ca.

8 p.m. – I hear automobile drive onto our entrance. My heart knocks as if I had 5 cups of coffee at once. “Ding Dong”.. So now the big moment had come.

I open the door, give Tom a kiss and we go to my husband Jan in Living room. Damped light ..

Candlery … red wine on the table ..

With three glasses … everything prepared for a beautiful rendezvous.
We sit on our round corner made of dark brown leather, talk about God and the world, listen to quiet music, drink the wine, but everyone doesn’t really know how to speak of the topic. Already a strange situation – everyone knows exactly why we three are sitting here – but nobody dares to start. At some point my husband pursues his natural needs.

Meanwhile I sit next to Tom.
We look deep into our eyes … and I just can’t help it … start kissing him. At that moment Jan comes back.

I don’t really know how to behave, but stay next to Tomsitzen first.

He does not go back to his place, but sits on my other side and begins to stroke me very lovingly everywhere. So the spell is probably broken. Tom kisses me again. Long, intensive and incredibly gentle kisses.

I feel his hands on my body, how they slowly and very tenderly research it and I can feel Jan’s hands who also hike with a lot of love over my body. It is already an overwhelming feeling …

We decide to leave the living room and upwards bedroom switch. So now we are here – in the middle of the room – in front of the wardrobe with the two mirror doors. Jan hugs me and starts to kiss me passionately and tenderly again.

From behind my hands from Tom … stroke over my breasts … my sides … over my buttocks.

Jan is not inactive either. He pulls out my red, slightly transparent shirt. I had already noticed the slightly blaspheming looks of the two when they looked at my sweater. No wonder, my contours and my black bra There were no overlook among them.

It doesn’t take long either, Tom is getting involved in the closure of my bra.

He probably has practice in it – it is open in no time. Jan slowly roams him over my arms and he finally ends up on the floor, not far from my shirt. Jan steps closer to me, kiss my neck, then my shoulders and finally my breasts – while Tom showered my back with petting units at the same time. I am already overwhelmed by the abundance of tenderness that I can find out today.

Slowly I take off Jan’s sweater. Suddenly Tom turns me over and kisses me again, strokes my Nipple, which have become incredibly hard before excitation. I also take off his top.

Jan strokes my back … ever deeper ..

over my butt … and slowly with his warm hands forward … and touches me gently between my legs. I flinch together.

He opens my pants and takes a lot of time, she mine Legs slide down. He kisses me on my buttocks and then gets rid of me my briefs. With his tongue he conquered my butt, my back, my shoulders when Tom still kisses me hot and intimate and our tongues threaten to merge closely with each other ..

Jan turns me back to him. I kiss him as passionately and hot as before Tom.

At the same time, I let my fingernails slide over his upper body after I took off his t-shirt. He shrugs briefly as if he has driven a peak through his whole body. The eyes of the two keep hiking towards the mirror, sparkling in their eyes, despite the subdued light of the lava lamp, I am not hidden from me. With my lips I slowly go down to Jan’s body.

I kiss his ear and gently breath, he has to moan softly. With my tongue I drive the contours of his ear and gently suck on his earlobe.

Then I keep kissing over his neck, his chest and over his stomach – finally to his best piece. I carefully bite into it so that he has to flinch again. My tongue drives along his shaft -down and up again -then slightly circular over his already very damp glans.

Slowly I surround it with my lips and she disappears deeper and deeper in my mouth. Suddenly I feel that Tom encompasses my hips a little more firmly and carefully -but decisive -penetrate from behind -a little further. In the meantime he had moved out alone. His hands determine our rhythm.

I have to moan and start to suck on the tail of Jan, and his breath is getting louder, my head always moves up and down. In all of us, the pleasure level increases a lot …

After all, I let Jan’s pleasure slide out of my mouth again, straighten up and give him a nice kiss. I can still feel Tom in me, very deep in my hole. I always get more dizzy over time.

Jan pulls me closer and turns me back to my back. He also enjoyed pushing his cock into me, full of feeling and bit by bit. Tom takes my head in his two hands and leads it down to his stiff penis. I also take him in my mouth full of lust and suck and suck – always back and forth – ever firmer.

His hands massage my back. Jan at the same time spoils my sensitive and already swollen clit with his tender hands. I can no longer remember when I had such a wet pussy for the last time …

We decide to lie on the bed – it is big enough with its 2 times 2 meters – even though I keep being intimate when Jan and I are intimate, whether it will keep up again this time. And now we are three! Well, I will already work, I think when Tom takes me by the hand, pulls me towards the bed purposefully and slowly drops on it.

Jan lays down to my feet and begins to gently caress me on my legs, Tom kisses me again with passion and strokes my breasts.

Jan slowly wanders up my legs with his tongue and I have a lot of trouble to stay still. Finally I notice his tongue on the inside of my thighs, as she walks up and finally reaches my pussy. Dediting Jan now licks over her, caressing my clit again continuously. His head always moves back and forth.

I put my pelvis towards him – leave it easily – oh man, I could go to the ceiling. Everything starts to turn in my head. It is a wonderful feeling – only hands everywhere – my whole body is showered by tenderness and kissing. I’m getting louder – my moaning fills the whole room.

And every time I notice that Jan and Tom will make it even more excited …

The two exchange seats and the game begins from the front. You just don’t give me a chance to reach the highlight of the absolute desire. Jan lets his tongue slide over my breasts – then takes it tenderly between his lips and sucks on them – only very carefully – but the louder I have to moan, the more violent it will be sucking. Tom now spoils my mouth, his tongue, my ever wet -becoming pleasure cavity and my completely swollen clit.

He straightens up and looks at my body. I look at him and wonder why he stops. Then I feel his glans – first on my hill, then right in front of my love hole.
He gently lets her sink in it – ever deeper – and looks directly into my face.

He has to be able to recognize my lust in it – with every push from him I forgive it and keep closing my eyes. With one hand I claw on my pillow that is right next to me. With the other hand, I grab my loved one after the penis filled with blood and always move them back and forth.

I hear the moaning of the two, my moans, I don’t know where my head is more. Jan keep kissing me, his right hand rubs on my pleasure pearl – ever more violent.

Tom’s movements become faster -he lets his pelvis circle -I keep pushing me towards him, everything wants to experience everything very precisely. And faster and faster – I feel his bumps in me ever deeper – I get black in front of me and I scream my lust and whole passion out of me. The sweat runs down his back.

Jan’s hands stroke my upper body and it sucks violently on my breasts.

I still have his cock firmly in my hand and move it back and forth faster and faster. I would like to get away from my own feelings, but I have no chance of escaping my two men’s hands. I scream louder and a wonderful tingling and a strange heat pull through my whole slightly vibrating body. I am finally redeemed and can enjoy my lust to the fullest.

After all, I feel Tom’s pent -up in the pleasure in me, his penis shrugs without end. His moan goes through and through. A wonderful feeling. And Jan can no longer hold back and discharges his complete tension – directly on my stomach …

Tom is still gently stroking my legs and, like Jan, lets himself fall into bed with totally exhausted.

From both sides they hug me lovingly and an exhausted but because it is incredibly satisfied makes our faces shine. The whole room is filled with a sweet horny smell of pure sex. It was an indescribable experience for me today – an experience that I will never forget in my life and with this story I was unfortunately only able to describe how I felt about. It is difficult to put such intensive sensations into words …

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