A fucking morning | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It’s Saturday morning, I sit comfortably in a small cafe and drink my latte macchiato. The sun shines and lets my hair shine golden because it is very warm, the top button on my white blouse is open and lets a little view of my breasts. Nothing happens for a long time and I enjoy this beautiful morning without guessing that it will be much nicer.

I see her to come to the cafe from afar. Your black hair shimmers and her long skirt blows around her long in the wind Legs.

She is pretty big, I guess her on 1m80. She wears a black top with the blue skirt. Your clothes emphasize your hot curves. Your top makes her big breasts stand out and the skirt emphasizes her hammer hips.

Mine immediately catches fantasy to hit turf trees. When she sets two tables next to my sitting down our eyes and I see her beautiful blue eyes.

Like me, she orders a crossbar with a lot of foam. I look at her how she starts drinking slowly and then licking the foam off my lips with exuberant gesture. I feel like mine pussy slowly becomes moist and I get more and more excited.

After taking this ritual to the last sip, she takes a mysterious look at me and goes to the vibrant hips Toilet, I slowly follow her by curiosity.

When I enter the toilet, she leans against the sink and strokes her breasts. Since they don’t bra I can wear your tough through your top nipple see. Without saying a word, I reject the door behind me and button up my blouse.

Slowly I do it the same and pet mine Tits. Slowly she comes up to me and pulls out my blouse completely. Your full lips meet mine and we kiss passionately. It opens my bra pulling it out and pulls me on the toilet.

I sit on it and spread my legs. She pushes my mini skirt up and slowly starts to stroke my clitoris with her tongue, I will be damn wet with excitement and she licks everything nicely. Then I grab her on her hair and force her up. I tear her skirt and the top of the body and kiss her passionately.

I gently push it onto the wall and we face each other naked. She smiles at me mischievously and then calmly says “I am Kathi” “I’m happy to get to know you Kathi, I am Laura” while I look at her lustfully. I kiss and lick her tits lustfully, she starts to moan quietly. A finger slowly walks to her pussy and strokes her.

When I feel how wet she is, I kneel down and slowly lick her pussy while my finger continues to penetrate her. She almost tightly tits her tits and presses them tightly and moans loudly on “Aaahhhhhhhh” “Quiet my sweetness quietly” I am gay them. I lick and finger her more and more until she can no longer. It really sprays out of her when she groaned loudly for the last time, I let her inject everything over my tits and then lick her pussy nicely while her body and controlled together with every touch of my tongue.

I get up slowly and smile at her, she grabs me on my hair and pulls my neck back. Then she starts licking me, her entire juice that lies on my tits licks and swallows it. Then she gets me back on the toilet spread my legs and starts me hard finger. First only with one finger then one after the other is added until all 5 are in.

It continues to penetrate and pushes her petite hand into my pussy. She fisted me hard and I can’t stand it long. Accompanied by a loud cry it comes over me and I can’t hold back the orgasm. The juice runs down on her hand and she slowly takes it out, then she takes her hand in her mouth and licks everything off.

Completely finished I sit on the toilet, heavily breathing. She is passionate about kissing me again and presses a little paper in my hand, then she whispered softly in my ear “Call me to my little sugar snail”. Then she turns around, pulls on and disappears quietly, only her fragrance remains in the air. I look at the paper and see … your name and a phone number on it.

I am happy and think how long I can endure without calling them!!!

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