Spontaneous fuck with Claudia | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Her name is actually different, but I just call her Claudia so that she doesn’t recognize herself right away. At that time we met fourth or fifth once or twice a week to practice for the vocational school-math, English, etc. , Male and female mixed. I was the only one with my own apartment, the others still lived with the parents. Also there was an approximately 19- or 20-year-old school colleague, Claudia.

I was solo at the time and I thought she was very pretty, but I thought she had a friend. She was a little smaller than me, maybe around 1.70m and she was athlete, bars and bars. She had a top figure, slim waist, clearly visible hips and small breasts that were firm and straight out, so I had found out later. One day it rang my doorstep and then she stood. She wanted with me for that School practice.

We sat down but not practiced, but just talked and drunk tea. After an hour she wanted to go and when I brought her to the door and she stood in front of me, I just took her in my arms and kissed it on my mouth. Nice careful, because if she didn’t want, she should be able to withdraw. But she wanted. She immediately opened her mouth and searched my tongue with her tongue.

Oh, she really went and didn’t let go of me, just as we stood in the open door to the stairwell. But it was early afternoon and neighbors didn’t come home at the time. Then I pushed up her sweater a little and drove up my hand with my hand. She was wearing a bra, but I opened it and then let my hands slide over her breasts. The nipples were already and I could feel them hard on the palms.

And we still had the mouth and tongue on the tongue. I turned her back to the door frame and pressed with the stiff tail Against her, at pussy height, and I made gentle fucking movements. And she held out with light pressure. We then went back to my apartment and first closed the door. There I pulled out the sweater for her and took the bra off while she pulled out the T-shirt for me.

It was a great feeling to feel her hard nipples on my chest and then again in the palms. Then I went down, took off her sneakers, stockings, and then I slowly pulled the jeans down. Then she was only in front of me in the panties. And then I slowly pulled her panties down and since I was still sitting on my knees, I had her pussy Right in front of me. I would have loved to push my tongue on her pussy, but we weren’t that far yet.

She pulled me up and for her knee. She opened my jeans and slowly pulled her down. It wasn’t that easy because I had a huge stand. Then the panties and then I climbed my feet from my pants. I had hoped a bit that she was putting my cock in her mouth right away, but then she got up again. I then let my hand slide over my breasts and nipples and then slowly drove down and between her legs.

She also opened access to her pussy. Then I drove between her legs with two fingers and immediately felt how damp she was. What do I say – wet. She was wet and I slid back and forth and back into her with two fingers. With a slight moan I showed that she liked it. She picked up my cock and pushed it foreskin a couple of times before and back.

But then she picked up my sack and let it Egg slide back and forth a few times in your hand. She pressed even closer to me, with my hand in and on her pussy and with her hand on my eggs. I was really about to come and she did not let her hand from my eggs, always on the move. But I felt like this woman too have a shower. I find it extremely exciting when you let each other glide your hands over the wet body, insap each other and touch in all places.

So I pulled her into the bathroom and then in the shower. She picked up my sack again and I could only make the water with difficulty. So the water ran over our bodies, my hand on their breasts and on their nipples, which were delicate pink and stuck hard. I had the other hand on her pussy and two or three fingers in the pussy. They slid in incredibly lightly and out and then over the clit and then back in.

But then we started to get each other. I drove over her back, shoulders, the breasts, over my buttocks. I drove over her pussy and then again over her buttocks. I also did not leave out the furrow and when I drove through the furrow, I let the fingertips drive a little into the back door. I wanted to see if she protests. But there was no protest. Quite the opposite. Now she drove into my poreates and let her finger slide into my hole, slowly, very slowly, and then she put her finger in completely.

She let him out almost completely again and again, a couple of times in a row. Wow, so young and yet so horny. But then she didn’t go on, but took care of my eggs again. Then she said that we should go to bed now and so the shower had ended. We dried each other and went to bed. She pulled me straight away and took the tail in her hand.

Then she kept him in front of her pussy hole and I slid without resistance to the stop. My stand was big than ever before and apparently she enjoyed it, she groaned again and again when I slide it into the eggs. Shortly before I had to come, I slowly slipped down. About her little solid breasts, I licked and so -called on her nipples and then on over her stomach to her pussy.

Here I saw so close and clearly for the first time that the inner labia protruded far from the pussy. I licked over it and then pulled her apart with both hands. Then I pressed my mouth against the opening and put the tongue in as far as possible and let it circle, up and down, in and out. I almost went away. I pulled my tongue out and licked over her swollen labia.

It tasted slightly salty but it excited me without end – and obviously too. She took my head in both hands and pressed it firmly against her lips and I licked it as tight as possible. Then it came to her. She groaned and elongated than before and then the pressure against her pussy after. Then I went up again and slipped on it. She reached between my legs and jerked my cock a few times and then she went back to my sack and played with my eggs, conducted the tail between her labia and let me slide in.

It only took a few bumps and it happened to me, like ever before. I splashed in long strong trains and pressed in the inside of it as far as possible. After that we were a little side by side. But then she said that mine sperm run out of it. No problem, I took a towel and first looked between her legs. In fact it ran out a lot. I wiped it carefully and looked closely at the pussy.

Wonderful these long labia. I leaned forward and kissed her again, which she appreciates with a “hmmm”. Then I just licked, pulled my lips apart and put my tongue into the vagina again and licked inside. We were already horny again. She got even wetter, even wet, and my tail was already up like a television tower. But she turned and went into the dog.

“Lick me from behind”. Nothing better than that. I licked over and through her labia again, I pulled her apart, looked at the horny hole and put my tongue in as far as I could in. In and out, up and down. I was really horny and wanted to do nothing else that day than to fuck with this woman. Then she said I should put it in now. Sure I did what she told me.

I pulled the inner labia apart, put my cock on the wet entrance and then took it to my hips. He slid in to the stop and then I slowly let it slip out and slip out. When he was a piece outside, you could clearly see her wet on my cock shining. Then she reached with one hand between her and my legs and took my sack back in her hand and let the eggs slide back and forth in her hand.

Not that she had an egg fetish, but that seemed really to be excited. Although I had just hosed, I realized that I was back orgasm nourishing. I paused something and stroked her breasts and nipples. The nipples were still swollen and hard. But she had her hand on my sack and conducted me back and forth in front of me and she groaned quietly and then I came.

Again I felt on long trains, but not as much as before and when I pulled back back, she ran out of the pussy again. We then lay a little side by side, poor in arm and still custody. But then she got up and I asked where she wanted to go. She said that she had to pee and if I wanted to watch. So far my friends have always said that in fun but this woman said it with an exciting look and a somewhat dark undertone.

So I went after and she sat on the bathing tub and spread her legs broadly. I sat down so that I could see her vagina well and then she let it run. It came with quite pressure. I saw them so close and also in such a situation and it made me horny again. I took a finger and held it in the beam. Then I licked a few tropics from my finger.

She smiled at me my cock was already standing up again and it seemed to please her. She reached over to my cock and pushed the foreskin up and back a few times. And she let it continue. When she was finished, she wanted to take the pussy showering, but I said that she should leave it up to me. I then helped her off the bathing tub edge and led her back to bed. There she should lie down with her legs spread, which she also likes to do.

I then lay down between her legs and licked the last gold coats from her labia. It made me infinitely horny and she also liked it very much, she was wet again or she was still and then she groaned quietly again. But now I should fuck her right away and so she pulled me up again, took my cock in my hand and put it in the wet hole. This time it took a long time until I came, and there was no longer so much sperm either.

But it was still a horny number. We then smashed something and then went into the shower. We then stayed a couple for a few weeks and still had many beautiful fucking experiences. If I have time and desire, I will also write them down. Have fun all readers and stimulating experiences. ###.

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