The dirty secretary | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello. My name is Sven, I am 21 years old and work in a warehouse. Our chief secretary, who also takes care of the machine machine in the warehouse, is an incredibly good -looking woman. I don’t just have to admit that I think it’s a shame that Birgit is not married to me. Again and again I talked to her and made her ambiguous comments that aimed at realizing how sharp she makes me.

Birgit is almost 180cm tall, slim like a bean bar, has a little breast, a pretty face and incredibly long legs. In addition, it also comes that your crisp butt is mostly packed in very tight pants and I make no secret of it, I find your ass really crisp and totally cool. At some point she had looked through me and said that I should tell her calmly if I like something about her, she would keep it to herself and not it in the company tell about.

So I then confessed to her that I had a crush on her up to both ears in her, in her figure, in her long legs, in her hot chassis and especially in this extreme cracking butt. At first she found it funny, but then she also asked me if that was my serious one and I answered in the affirmative. Since then, the pants have become even closer, incredibly tight jeans, sometimes even shiny leather leggings, which were literally glued on the long legs and the hot butt.

With that she almost brought me to the mind. I had decided not to stare at your Knackpo anymore, but try the attempt when a horny sow with such a chassis dances twice a day 2-3 times a day. After all, we are talking about such a firm knackpo here. Last week she had her closest jeans so far and I have to confess, I was totally excited. She filled up the machine again in the warehouse, then went into the small adjoining room, where the reserve of the drinks stood and called around the corner for me.

So I left my desk, bog around the corner and stopped in the door frame of the small adjoining room. She had just put a carrier on the floor and filled it with various drinks. She had spread the legs to the left and right of the wearer and every time she bent down after a new bottle, it easily pulled down this ultra tight pants and the Leopard triangle of a string tangas came out.

When she noticed me, she asked: “Sven, do you want to stare on my ass now or you will help me ?“Then I replied:“ You don’t even believe how long I could stare on this wonderfully horny ass. “The next thing I heard was a little less stylish:“ Let’s go now, help me, the wearer is too heavy for me. “But I didn’t want to do it that simple today. Well she was the Secretary From the boss and yes, 20 years older and freshly married, but only her help, without consideration, that could not be.

So I put all my courage together, because that I was horny on her, that she knew for a long time. I came close to her and whispered with her: “Birgit, I help you, but I want to do that today. First we fill up with the machines together, then we go in here again and I can finally grasp this horny ass. “With these words, I now entered new territory, because it could have cost me my job.

Birgit turned to me, smiled at me and said, “Agreement if you come up to me afterwards and help me find my earring. “Well that was a word. I reached for the carrier with the drinks, brought him to the machine and replenished it. Birgit closed the machine and went back to the small adjoining room with me. Then I made the door and when I looked forward, Birgit was as ultra again as just as just as.

Slightly bent forward, my legs spread and so I saw this chassis and this hammer ass. At first I just stared on it, the tiny string panties looked out a little again and then Birgit said to me: “Go now, do someone before someone else caught. I then took 2 steps forward and first put both hands on this extremely crisp butt. Then I started stroking this horny ass and groaning Birgit quietly.

I don’t need to mention that I had a stand. When I asked her when I asked her why she had never had these extremely tight jeans, she said: “In my pants, I somehow feel naked. “And then it happened, I didn’t have a grip. One hand moved up at the front, on her small, crisp bosom, the other hand over these horny cheeks directly in her crotch, where I could take in heartily cloth with her warm cunt.

Birgit had run totally hot and let himself go full. She twisted her eyes, groaned lustfully in the small room and let me bust and step massaged. But then I let off her breasts again, now stood very close to this wonderful cracking butt from behind and pressed my body against her hot, horny butt. I knew what she would feel now, even if the thing was still in my pants.

I pressed everything against her ass and then heard: “My goodness Sven, you are totally excited. “Then I had to cancel, otherwise I would have fully sought my pants from the inside. I went back 1 step, took out and hit my boss’s secretary, really full and hard on this wonderfully horny ass from behind, which was in this vulgar tight jeans. She screamed 2x loudly: “Aua auuuuua.

“Then I fled out of the room in front of her, sat down at my desk again and started to go back to my work. Then she came to me briefly, handed me the key to the drinking machine, whispered to me: “After 4:30 p.m !“Licked her tongue over her upper lip and disappeared just as horny with hers Gorgeous, How it came earlier. It took almost 30 minutes for my tube to calm down and I could get other thoughts again.

But the working day also came to an end at some point and I had promised her to help you search for the earring. At 16:15 the most employees left the company, ten minutes later the boss and the last colleagues were also gone. Then my phone rang and Birgit asked me how far I was and when I would come to her. I took another 10 minutes, then went up and knocked on the boss’s anteroom.

Birgit got me in and said she quickly put on her private things and then I should help her search. She disappeared next door and I was still considering: “What kind of private things ? Was the extreme jeans and the top not something private ?“Then she came back and almost my eyes out of my head many. She sat down right in front of me the couch of the boss and looked at me.

Aja, so that was her private outfit, so of course she could hardly walk around at work. Every employee would have done about them. Then she chatted with me briefly and showed me an earring that looked just like the one we should now look for. I told her that I will search on the carpet and she should take the couch. So then the search began, although I was less able to concentrate on the search of the ear ring than much more on what I would now be offered.

Birgit knew no pardon whether she knew what she did with her search and her outfit ?The first time I saw Birgit from behind, that was very exciting. She was looking for the couch behind the pillows and in the grooves, had spread the long legs slightly and I not only saw these incredibly long stilts, no the mini skirt had also shifted slightly and the small leopard string tanga, which she came upEarlier also worn under the vulgar tight jeans.

Completely thoughtless or totally targeted, she either started looking for or playing with me. Then the blond mane was thrown to the left, sometimes to the right, the legs were spread less times more times, when I got this hot sight to the side of the nose. And since I was looking for it, I came closer and closer to her. Very carefully I felt the carpet on the floor and kept looking at Birgit on the long legs and slightly under these horny, short mini skirt.

Insane how this tiny panties tensioned on her groove and pulled between these horny crunchy baking. After she hadn’t found anything and I was also looking, I said to her that she had to try to look deeper between the upholstery. I got her in response: “If you are right, then I’ll try here. “Now I had already reached the couch and when I looked upwards, to her hot rear, it took my breath away.

How could Birgit drive me so crazy ?Completely unabashedly, the mini skirt moved higher and higher, only centimeters, but I got more and more of her hot ass and above all, to see from this tiny panties. Then she got up jerkily, I quickly quickly returned, not that an accident would pass and then she gave everything to find the ring and drive me crazy. Now she knelt in front of me, on the couch.

The skirt had raised completely and 20cm in front of my head were these horny bare ass cheeks. If she hadn’t worn a panties, I would have penetrated her now, without ifs and buts. But I enjoyed this sight and when I could no longer master myself, I reached. First my hands were on their horny baked baking and I heard about something like: “Ah yes. “Then I stroked, over the thighs and let 1 hand slide on their inside.

The next thing I heard: “Jaaaaaaaa ?“And then this hand slid up on the inside of her bare thigh until my fingers pushed horny on her little string and immediately began to rub there. Birgit now shrugged briefly, but then spread a little further and then said very lustfully: “Jjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:” This is how I treated her hot plum a little with my fingers while the other hand had started to open my pants and meLeave around below.

Birgit had gone powerfully, but then wanted to stop, pressed my hand out of her crotch and said without seeing me: “I think that’s enough now. “So I got up, about 2 meters behind her, she began to bend and search for the left over the couch again and I stood below without there, with my hard, bare pipe. Now on the one hand I had to hope that Birgit will look at my best piece, on the other hand, she was not allowed to be so frightened that she would get powerless.

So I took the initiative again and said to her: “Birgit, thank you for seeing and touching your hot naked ass and also thank you for being able to touch your plum, but here someone wants to tell you good day now. “It took a moment, Birgit suspected what would come to her now and what she would see. When she dared and turned to me, she stared at my megalatt.

I admit that her gaze was almost a state of intoxication for me. She stopped and stared onto my pipe. I stared first on her bare ass, then on these long legs and finally in her face. She was shocked, either because of my hard palm tree, or because I showed myself in front of her, so with stiff cock. Since she found no words, I started now. “Birgit, how is it ? Do you want to jerk me off, maybe you also feel like blowing me or real sex ?“Immediately she stood in front of me, pulled the mini skirt and sat in front of me shocked on the couch.

Then, after another 2 minutes in which she only stared at my lance, she said to me: “Sven, I don’t think so now. Is that because of my legs, my thighs, my butt, my tight jeans and or my mini skirt ? Do you have such a pipe because you are immorally touching me ?I tell you something. I won’t do anything with you, but if you want, do it yourself and I watch.

Don’t worry, nobody will find out about it. “So I went to her 1 step closer to her, also took off my shirt and then got it myself, with my hand, in front of Birgit, our chief secretary. And when I exploded tremendously after a few seconds and splashed my juice in her direction, she made eyes. To my delight, she wiped the mess and will definitely get my seeds on her fingers.

In any case, she allows me now, but only if we are really alone that I can grasp her on the ass. At any time and anywhere in the workplace. And to my 2. She enjoyed me yesterday, in the lunch break, In that beverage chamber, smooched around with me and then got me there, really skillful or horny. That didn’t take long either, because I can’t hold back with her. But she really got everything into her mouth and she swallowed it.

Now I’m actually only waiting for the very special evening when everyone is already gone, maybe on a Friday. I want to see her completely naked in the company, not in the office But maybe somewhere in the warehouse and there I want to fuck her properly. She has known it for a few days, because I keep whoting her that I finally want to nail her now. Let’s see how long she can control herself and until then I provoke her by taking her everywhere on the horny cracked butt or crotch.


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