Suddenly whore! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Biggi didn’t even know how she happened. She just went to the ground on the sidewalk and now sat, or rather she was in this automobile and was fiddled from top to bottom. What she went through her head when she said to this man, who only briefly opened her passenger door and offered her for a hundred mark for a Nümmerchen, she didn’t know.

And yet it was as if she was born for this moment. She felt every finger on her body, every kiss that the man gave her in his impetuous way on her bare torso with such a strong intensity as if it were a hundred fingers and dozens of mouths.

He had just torn her shirt, he didn’t stay with long priorities. He was more than excited, he was horny. Biggi held very quietly. Everything confused in her head.

She could not finish any thought. She didn’t know if she should be cheers or totally indignant. She excited her monster. So strong that huge flashes kept driving through her body and many little ones orgasm gift one after the other.

In a few clear moments, she remembered the events of this evening.

Like the last evenings before, they were disappointing. Again and again she met a nice man who could have done everything he dreamed of. And yet it seemed as if they were all in order to pinch. But this man was different.

He just took what he needed, and that’s exactly what she needed. She felt his Tongue on their nipples and the demanding hands in their lap. She would have liked to know whether his sword of lust is as brightly in flames as it is her matching vagina.

The waves of lust waved constantly. From afar she heard loud, brightly sounding moaning.

She felt that she had to be. Your lungs also pressed out the last rest every time. She always became dizzy. She had the feeling that she was completely crushed.
Come on, do yours Legs broad., the man groaned.

I’m ready. I want to fuck you now.
It suddenly became clearer around Biggi. The man had let her go and nested his pants. In his right hand he held a condom brief.

But he was so nervous and cratible that he hardly managed to open the zipper.

Biggi knew that she had to go through there now, even if she wasn’t particularly suspicious of this asleep. She would rather have felt his hands and mouth on her body. But she leaned back, plucked the slip and opened her thighs.
Darn., the man, who also managed to open the zipper after the umpteenth attempt, did not manage. Then Biggi came an idea.

Wait., she explained quickly and rose again.

let me do it.
The man looked at her for a moment of amazement, as if he wanted to say that it was actually male work. But he also recognized his failures and that it was actually better to try it. Actually, she no longer had any experience in opening zippers. But she saw her chance to do what she dreamed of in the past few weeks.

Not only the man was greedy for pure physical sex. Biggi only needed one attempt and she held the sword in her hand. She took the condom from the man’s hand, opened the letter and grazed the content over this really stately member.

She didn’t pay attention to whether he liked it or whether it was right. She only saw something after being consumed.

She also did not lie back into her seat, but pushed the man into the backrest. With an elegant sitting up, she took a seat over the man’s lap. Her hands quickly found the sword and conducted it to his place. With a loud and liberating pleasure scream, she slowly lowered herself.

Her hands clawed into the man’s shirt, while her lust for the opening of every vein, every millimeter skin felt gliding inside. She had what she needed. Now she would ride this stallion under her spores until she has arrived in the sky of all joys.

She pressed her lips on the man’s mouth and drilled her tongue deep into.

She felt the hesitant reluctance, but that didn’t matter to her. She took it. And how she took it.
Her initially leisurely walking pace slowly increased into a springy trot. Their sensations of the pure and out of them did not follow.

Every time she flinched a small flash, which in this case was only a harbing of a huge thunderstorm. Around her she saw the storm clouds that became more and more numerous and darker. The flashes in their lap spured them into a faster, more violent gear. Her legs clamped the man’s thighs.

She didn’t feel that the car swim back and forth. Even her own movements no longer felt her. She just felt how it was slow night. No thought left or paused her or paused.

It happened as if by itself. Her arms lay firmly around the man’s neck. Her breasts drilled into his chest. Her nipple Rieben on the man’s shirt.

His hands clawed in their butt. They forced this up and down. Every time the sword became larger and harder. It was soaked in plenty of sweet nectar from Biggi’s glowing cave.

You heard the loud smack when he penetrated deep into it. But that was just a subordinated noise in the orchestra of her screams.

Biggi tried to bite his neck firmly, but her shortness of breath obligation they keep refraining from. In doing so, she wanted to become one with him, fuse completely and never separate from him again. But then she felt something that she had held.

She raised her head and looked the man deep in the eye.
Hold very quietly., Knurring her in a deep voice. It sounded like a threat and was meant so. Biggi enjoyed a moment of calm. But then she rose and lowered her pool five times quickly and catapulted himself into an orgasm of superlatives.

Thousands of flashes at once in her with a bang of a feeling that are similar with a big bang. She put her head back and screamed it as loudly as possible. Just at that moment something hot shot into her. She felt it as precisely as if she got an brand.

After several moments of relaxation, she raised her head and looked at the man with glowing and satisfied eyes.
Wow., he said.

I have never experienced something like that. You are worth every penny.
Biggi didn’t know if she should stick to him or thank him. But since the man simply put the money in her shirt pocket, she didn’t refuse either. However, she brought the money to an idea.
Wait here., She said.

I’ll get something to drink quickly and then we drive to you into the apartment. There I show you that I didn’t fall on my mouth either, if you like something like that.

The man looked at Biggi in horror. He waited until Biggi got out and then stepped into the accelerator pedal. Before so much sex, he had no choice but to flee.

After all, he was just a man.
Fuck., Murmured Biggi annoyed. But then she grinned. At least for tonight your fire had been deleted. And who knows, maybe she will run over this sidewalk this evening and wait for you.

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