Teenager in the office | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Author: Musicuses is not easy for a young girl to find an apprenticeship nowadays, and Sonja had to try for a long time until she finally had an apprenticeship contract in her pocket with the help of her friend Helga. She only learned the real reason for her job after a few weeks. Helga told her without adorus that the junior boss was only on very young pretty girls and she just babled him with her friend not only bloody, but also super -sharp, and always have for a little office.

It was in the third week when Helga suddenly stormed in on late morning and whispered that the junior chief was from Vacation Back, he will surely want to do it. She had hardly talked out when he was already falling in and the next moment Sonja felt torn in her arms. For a moment she defended herself even though the guy liked her right away. Helga already seemed to know the situation, without a word she opened her blouse and began to undress.

She had already told Sonja that the junior boss was a dazzling -looking man, that she was completely in love with him. Sonja still hesitated until Helga said: ’Now raise the skirt, I saw exactly that you just came up when I came in cunt played, she followed the request. She pushed her skirt up, and her fingers touched her bare thighs, the cunt, which no panties hidden.

The junior chief sat down in the visitor chair. “Tell me, you’re so horny, or you only do it because Helga told you that I am sharp on very young girls?“He asked and looked at her examining. “… only when I like a man,” the girl stuttered. But she didn’t need to speak, Helga had already put a perfect strip and flirted with her young body that the man could no longer different than accessed.

It was exciting to see how he first caressed her thick, plump tits and finally her young cunt with the delicate hair kisses. Sonja felt that she was getting hotter. Mechanically she pulled out her skirt, watched the provocative situation with burning eyes and finally sucked on the mutant pants of the man. Be tail, That was what she wanted now and determined her pants and took out his hard bolt.

He still dealt with the girlfriend’s provocative forms, he didn’t feel what Sonja did with his tail. At first she jerked him a little – as she always did with her boyfriend. Then, first carefully, finally always kesser, she started kissing the thick hammer and finally too lick. “Ah, you are really horny, for such a young thing,” he gasped and pushed his cock deep into her mouth.

She felt that he liked this treatment, and at the same time she felt that she was getting hotter herself and hornier. Early practices, she thought like her Mother Always used to say, but it certainly didn’t mean the tail blanket. Helga had leaned down and now also sucked on the hard stand. “It’s fun to work here,” she grinned, “do you want him to fuck you?“Sonja nodded violently. Her boy itched more and more pussy, And the blood rushed through her childish body and hornier.

“Come here, I’ll put it in you …”, said Helga. Obedience Sonja rose and crouched on his lap. He didn’t need to do anything, it seemed as determined by Helga everything. First she took her little tender cunt and pulled her very far apart. “You don’t have too many hair yet,” she said, and stroked the little wet column again. “And you are tight too.

“” Be careful, “she said to the man,” she is still very small. “Then she took his cock and stroked it slowly but intensely through Sonja’s crack. Sonja began to groan, she would have loved to feel the thick pint in her cunt, but she also felt that she was still too tight. Slowly Helga pushed the hard cock deeper and deeper into the twitching cunt. Sonja wobbled with that ass.

So far, she had, except with her friend and a short one adventure at the car stop, no other tail yet enjoyed. Especially not such a big one. But she was really horny for this thick rammler, who slowly bored into her cunt …

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