Morning surprise | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

If your own parents want to visit old friends, this is often a boring undertaking for the offspring. It was no different with me when my parents wanted to go to the distance from Munich again to visit a couple who were friends with them who had moved away from our homeland years ago. Apart from the fact that it was boring, it was also more difficult for mine to Brother and I were forced to share a room there. With a pubescent guy, a horror idea for every woman, especially since he had apparently never heard of reluctance.

I was glad that he put boxer shorts to sleep, but when he got up in the morning, I turned away as a precaution to ensure that I am not his Bar would see. The only bright spot of the trip was that Daughter the other couple, Eva-Nadine. She was a few years older than me and a slim blonde beauty. Even if I was clearly more on boys, I couldn’t deny a certain erotic attraction that had started.

Even if, of course, I would never have admitted that. Of course, I couldn’t guess that I would see Eva-Nadine and my brother with different eyes soon when we got on the train towards Munich again one summer morning.

It was early in the morning when I woke up on the third day of our vacation. I looked at the little watch next to my bed and was amazed that the second bed in the room was referred. However, I didn’t worry about it, because my brother tended to score in the evening in front of the television and since I had disappeared from the television evening early the night before, I was able to think well that he would lie on the sofa on the ground floor.

When I felt my bladder reported, I struck the duvet and stood up. I only wore a thin nightgown and a panties underneath, because even at night it hardly cooled down to less than 20 degrees. Then I left the room and went to the nearby bathroom that Eva-Nadine was otherwise available. Llessly, as you are in the morning slumber, I opened the door and took a first step into the bathroom.

Then I immediately frozen when my view of the small wall mirror fell, which hung at the other end of the room. Through this it was possible for me to step into the room without any further. In this I saw Eva-Nadine, who knelt naked in front of my brother and his already hard tail spoiled with her lips spoiled.

Her tongue circled around his glans again and again before sucking him deep into her mouth. In doing so, she massaged his shaft with her hand.

My brother leaned on the wall of the shower cubicle and had closed his eyes. According to his moan, he liked what Eva-Nadine did and, according to her passionate sucking, she too had fun with it. For a moment I thought about whether I was supposed to withdraw, but the situation captivated me. So I stayed and kept myself in the door frame that I hoped the two would not notice me.

After sucking on him for some time, Eva-Nadine got up and stand next to my brother to the shower cub. This now stepped behind her and presented me with a look at his hard cock. He was shaved smoothly and of a size that I would hardly have believed in his slim physique. His hands reached for her butt and without hesitation, he penetrated into her standing into her.

Eva-Nadine supported the wall and received his bumps with the hip opposed.

My brother got deep and hard and I could hear his body clapping her. Eva-Nadine started moaning immediately. With one hand she reached for her breasts and started massaging them. “Oh yes, horny, deeper,” she gasped.

“Give me right!“My brother couldn’t be said twice. His bumps increased in speed. I watched fascinated and felt how my body started to be excited. It was the first time, that I watched a stranger during sex.

It was a strange feeling that it was my brother, but that’s why it didn’t get me any less.

I caught myself that I wondered how he felt comfortable. His cock was actually as big as he seemed? Supposedly things seemed bigger than they were in the mirror. But Eva-Nadine’s moan did not sound like that he was particularly small. His technology also seemed to be a lot.

He was increasingly tough and she seemed to have an effort not to let her moan too loud. My gaze wandered from his cock to her breasts, whose nipples stood out hard. To my even greater astonishment, this sight also excited me. I had always thought she was erotic, but that was different now.

I would have loved to put myself in front of her and researched her body with my hands and lips at that moment.

Then my brother suddenly pulled his cock out of her. I was excited to see what the two would do next. He massaged her buttocks and played around with the glans on her hole. Then he slowly pushed too.

I involuntarily shrugged when I saw his hard cock disappeared into her buttocks. “God, that’s horny,” gasped Eva-Nadine. “Yes, let me feel it. Push your cock into my ass!“She looked over his shoulder to him and waited until he was completely in her.

Then she reached between her Legs and started massaging your clit. At the same time, my brother started to get slow. Again and again he pressed his cock into her buttocks and I was amazed that he could penetrate this tightness so easily.

My hand slowly pushed my breasts and through the fabric of my nightgown I started massaging it. My nipples became hard and I automatically compared them to Eva-Nadines.

Her breasts were somewhat smaller than mine, but firmer. Nevertheless, they swung back and forth slightly when she received my brother’s bumps. “It’s hard to endure,” she gasped excitedly. Her bunting chased showed up shiver over my back.

I almost wished to feel a cock. My breath became heavier and I felt the urge to get myself greater and bigger. My brother now got more and more closer. He clawed in her buttocks and alternately looked at Eva-Nadine and the ceiling.

Eva-Nadine rubbed her clit faster and faster and I believed that she wouldn’t take long anymore.

Her gaze became slightly glassy and her eyes twitched. She turned her head back towards the wall and lowered it. My brother got more and more violent. Her moan grew louder and louder and the movements of her fingers on her clit faster.

Then her whole body started to twitch. She clawed on the wall and my brother gave her a few deep bumps. She didn’t say it, but I was sure she came. For a moment my brother stopped and had them enjoyed the orgasm.

Then he picked up his bumps.

“Yes, spray your cream into my ass!”Eva-Nadine fired him at him. Instinctively I looked back at her hip. My brother’s tail was rock hard and his Egg plump. “Come on, fill my ass!“Eva-Nadine gasped.

My brother grinned and pushed a few more times. Then he groaned for a long time and got stuck in her with the complete cock. The idea of how his entire load was splashing deep into her bottom left mine pussy Tingle up immediately. Before the two of them calmed down, I quickly got around and disappeared.

I sprinted into the guest room and threw myself on the bed. While my hands disappeared into my panties at lightning speed, I hoped that the two would still take plenty of time in the bathroom.

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