My 1. Sex party part 3 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The story is a continuation of the second part. As always, places and people are falsified to protect various privacy. Images do not show real people but should only serve to stimulate the imagination. I was lying on my friend in sweat and I clung to him. I was unable to move for minutes, it had been too violent. Certainly not the best and not the hottest sex of my life but definitely the physically researching.

At least at that moment I felt like that, in a very short time traffic with two men, five highlights and the exciting new situation had been physically and mentally done me. Among me, Christian conducted his penis out of me to give me relaxation. I could feel like driping the sweat through my poreates and mixed with my mucus on my labia. This love cocktail dripped further down to my friend’s hard penis and continued to wet him.

I was grateful to him that he was simply lying on and relaxed me for the time being. When the door of the bedroom was opened and closed I took Bernd to leave the bedroom. At the time I didn’t get the impression that there was a lot to do with me. It was only when I heard another voice that said “Well, you two, first rest?”I looked around. Susanne and Frank had entered the room and eyed us curiously.

Christian replied: “Yes, I think Julia needs a little break …” And Bernd added “I just thought she was very challenged by both of us …”. The whole room laughed, only I could only laugh inside. On the outside, I stayed very quietly on my boyfriend and continue to sweat him fully … a thought that another giggle caused me. I knew he loved it when I tasted of sex but at the moment I really don’t feel like I would cost him in the constitution.

With a cozy grumble I snuggled up to Christian and listened to the two newcomers a short update: “Julia put a lot of effort into it, first I took her legs high and really in, then nice doggy and when I wasWith her, this little devil jumps directly onto her boyfriend and rides him violently! No wonder that it is finished … he actually made you properly full?”.

The answer to the question took over Christian for me again: “Unfortunately, it was no longer enough for my little devil …” But laughed benevolently. Frank noticed very casually “Then Susi can take care of. “As if it were the most normal in the world to offer your partner to someone else for traffic. Susanne, of course, did not seem to have any major problems (why in this environment). I felt the body of the 18-year-old lady lying next to us and gently stroking my sweaty back.

And saw how she eyed my friend lustfully. Or rather what she could see from him because I was still exhausted on him. Her gaze clearly showed that she was keen on him. I couldn’t say whether she actually found him attractive or whether she was only curious about the “fresh meat”. Today Susanne and Frank are good friends and she swears that it was honest interest and not the desire for the new one.

From that moment when the two sat down at the table in the garden to us until today, Susanne is sympathetic to me and it was not a discomfort at the time as she looked at him. The “voting blonde” lay next to us, stroked my back and my friend’s arm wrapped around me. I watched her finger along my friend’s arm, over my shoulder and on his upper body, where they also touched my body pressed on him.

(Everyone who may be disappointed now: I’m not bi and it doesn’t work out on that either. I only enjoyed stroking. ) She was lying next to us for minutes and only gently stroked while Bernd and Frank fonded: “For Christian what new, two women, let’s see if he can do it! We are here to help in an emergency!“Two women was very optimistic, I was still only able to lie on my friend exhausted and still felt far away from the constitution.

It even cost me noticeably strength to just raise my head a few minutes later and give my friend a gentle kiss. Exactly at that moment when Susanne had stopped stroking us. I also saw why: she had taken Christian’s hands and was just slowly leading her to her step. While we kissed, I realized on Christian’s different movements under me that he was probably about to explore Susanne’s step right now.

————- Julia swears to this day that it was a coincidence. She lifted her head exactly when Susanne put my hand on her venus hill. She kissed me and got the impression for a short time as if she might want to get back now more active again. My one hand let me slide over my girlfriend’s buttocks on me. The other curiously explored the intimate area of Susanne. My impression of before the kitchen was strengthened, it had a nice completely shaved pussy and also in the 40s still very tight labia that I separated for the second time today to let my finger slide into her.

It was difficult to concentrate on these two different tasks with one hand each. About me I noticed that Julia enjoyed caressing her buttocks more for relaxation than finding them really sexually exciting. Susanne, on the other hand, grumbled softly and comfortably when I started to finger her slowly. I was a bit excited. Susanne’s hand returned to me and stroked all the places of my upper body that were not covered by Julia’s slowly breathing body.

It was somehow strange to have my girlfriend lying on me, with relish purring while I caressed her buttocks and susanne next to me, who groaned with increasing desire while I had my finger played between her labia. An contrast from increasing relaxation with Julia and increasing sexual tension with Susanne. Somewhere in this way, the two women must have agreed by transmission of thought. Julia slowly pushed herself down from me and Susanne moved closer to me on the right.

My girlfriend kissed me lovingly while Susanne began to gently stroke my upper body with her fingernails. Now with better access she could do that on my chest, which I really liked. The fact that my cock was still looking steeply was first ignored by her, even if I was sure that she had noticed it. Apparently she wanted to start slowly and did not immediately come to the essentials. Slowly she started kissing my upper body.

My girlfriend was close to me, pushed a pillow under his head and watched the other woman’s lips wandered over my upper body. I enjoyed it, I liked to be so spoiled and Julia knew that. However, it was surprisingly good that I liked it was surprisingly good for what I liked. That we should not only understand each other in the constellation Frank, Christian, Susanne and Jullia but should also meet more often at the time, but we don’t want to anticipate at the time.

The lips of the 45-year-old carefully wandered over my upper body, every time her tongue was slightly over my little “men’s tips” I flinched. Susanne seemed to motivate that, she continued to bend over me. Her tongue played on the nipples more and more often and her hands slowly began to stroke my testicles. Susanne spoiled me tenderly under my girlfriend’s curious eyes. Her kisses soon covered my upper body but the entire area from my lips to my loins.

She obviously struggled to make it as pleasant as possible, but did not seem to go away empty -handed. Her kisses remained more and more often on my loin and her rear part pushed more and more up towards Mein’s head. At some point I decided for a little more initiative. I gently press against the inside of your thigh. Gently steer her to me and she understands. Commented by a curious giggle of my girlfriend she swings over me and places her knees on the side of my head.

For a moment I enjoy the free deep insight that I have in your pubic area. Then slowly sink their labia on my face. She is by no means passive, in the best 69-coarse manner she begins to lick my glans as my tongue splits her labia. I curiously explore her labia with my tongue and continue to work further. It tastes fresh, apparently she had taken an intermediate shower to freshen up before Frank and she came into the bedroom.

When I slowly play my tongue game between the labia on your clit and the entrance to your most intimate output, it starts to taste more and more according to your desire. The distinctive taste of pleasure juice is becoming more and more intense, the longer I deal with your intimate area. It is good that my concentration is especially in my own tongue game because it processes my pleasure tab with her mouth quite violently and quite skilfully. So it comes to me to be a little distracted so that oral pleasure in my own intimate area does not lead me too close to an orgasm.

————— It is kind of fascinating. I had only seen something like that in porn before. Despite my exhaustion, I had struggled to straighten up and could now see exactly how Susanne knelt over my friend’s button. I could really see everything. Her knee, which is slightly spread next to his head, gave me the full insight: From the back entrance between her buttocks to the labia opened from my friend’s tongue, the position of the two extremely intimate insights opened me.

I wondered whether I had ever looked at the female intimate area since biology lessons in class 9. I came to the conclusion that it was probably the first time, outside of the show images in school and the pictures of the porn industry in any case … it was interesting to see and not just because of the deep insight. I could see how it looked when Christian spoiled me orally. His tongue once played on her labia, then his lips crowded in between and sucked on her clit before stretching his tongue wide and massaging the entrance to her vagina.

It didn’t even feel strange to watch him see how he struggled to sink his tongue into Susanne’s lust channel and thus gain an even more intense feeling. However, since he was not a gecko, it remained with the efforts and an easy game at the entrance. Still somehow fascinating, and what did the other side of the 69-zig do? I change my observer position and immediately see Susanne lets his penis slide into her mouth.

Every now and then I see how my friend’s glans are pressed against the cheek of his play partner and then disappears again. Susanne does not seem to take note of me. She is far too much concerned with spoiling the stiff member in her mouth. I look at a few moments like Susanne my friend orally delighted before I turn to the most interesting perspective on the other side again. The widely opened intimate area of the likeable lady is now shining from Christian’s saliva and, as I accept, from her own comed juice.

At least that was always the case with me when he delighted me in this way I think about it. In the meantime, he has also started to gently petting his hands over her buttocks and pulling her apart another time. When he does for the first time I tried to take a finger and push it into the opening between the buttocks, just out of curiosity. However, the fleeting thought evaporates immediately, probably because he is now pressing her buttocks down vigorously and thus pushing her intimate area into his face vigorously.

I think about whether this is not uncomfortable for him but he sucks and licks so greedily that obviously the opposite is the case. But not only does it seem to give him more joy, I hear like Susanne moaning loudly. With an unusually deep voice, she whispers “Oh yes, that’s exactly what is good! Keep going!“From my VIP viewer-Platz I can see how he likes to meet the request. As if he wanted to bite into a large burger, he opens his mouth and presses it on Susanne’s intimate area.

For a short time, her vagina including labia disappears into his mouth and Susanne immediately comments on it with enthusiastic moaning. It’s a shame, my insight so far so much is disturbed because my friend yes thinks of having to cover all of her intimate area with his mouth. Well, I can understand that he is motivated because Susanne groans more and more violently and cheered him on to continue. Slowly her back stretches into the more upright position. As a result, Susanne can of course press her intimate area more firmly into my friend’s face.

However, I can now only see how two buttocks always slide back and forth on my friend’s face. Susanne straightened up, apparently her concentration was at the end. Now I could only see how two buttocks enthroned half above my friend’s face and came to light in between before making her disappear deep between the buttocks. Susanne stretched into the hollow cross on him and I changed the perspective, from the front I could see how his face had opened the labia wide and buried deep in between.

I knew how much he liked licked, he had to have a lot of fun I was sure. Susanne stretched on him and groaned with relish. Her chest rose and sank excitedly. I admired her body, she was slim and had the advantage of the rather small breasts. Although she definitely had to be 10-15 years older when I was still taut and were in position from her upper body. I watched admiring and a little jealous how her chest rose faster and lowered and she groaned more and more excitedly.

Christian was really fantastic licking and he was showing her that right now. I painted myself how he gently sucked her clit but certainly sucked and let him dance through his mouth and how his tongue played on her hole. I imagined how I would have come to Susanne’s place after less than five minutes. But Susanne himself also seemed on the home straight and groaned long and loud. “Meeeeeinnnn … Oh Maaan you are good ..!”Steetk out admiringly.

I knew from countless experience how right she was and that he would soon take her over the point with his mouth and tongue. I expected it every moment, I wondered if Susanne would then sink together on his face trembling. But the blonde had other plans. I admired her discipline when she raised her body. With an regretful sigh, but still pulled it through and slipped down from my friend’s face.

He still stretched the neck and tongue behind the honey pot of the 18-year-old wife. It had to have made him incredibly horny to taste. I wondered how long it was that he had cost a different one than my vagina. I found for 2.5 years. I treat him to the experience even if he seemed dissatisfied with the result. I granted him and also treated him to how Susanne lay down next to him and gratefully pushed his tongue into his mouth.

“My God you are amazing!”The blonde stuck appreciatively. With a questioning look she grabbed his still stiff penis “But you don’t want to catch up with what we missed in the kitchen and finish it with it?“Christian had to be Spitz like Lumpi. I had ridden him but couldn’t quite finish it. Then he had been allowed to lick a foreign pleasure grotto to their heart’s content. I had to make it so pointed.

He grinned the nice lady only on whom traffic had just offered traffic “Sure like …” While Susanne delights her tongue back in his mouth sank a condom from the bowl on the dessert and rolled it over the excited penis. Quite skillful, after a few moments it was packed but the two smooches a little more. I was lying on the side and was so concentrated for me to see that new spectacle for me that I didn’t even notice that Frank had lieden behind me.

It was only when his hand began to stroke my pool I took note of him. He robbed me behind me as a “big spoon” and we watched our partners in lovemaking while he was gently caressing my hips. Naked as we were, I could feel his body on my and he whispered in my ear “We didn’t leave something unfinished in the kitchen?“I had to admit I wasn’t averse, a little had remained in the kitchen.

And it excited me to see how Christian gently climbed next to me about this other woman. He caressed her breasts, sucked and licked her nipples while his knees gently spread her thighs until he found space in between. Frank’s whisper on my ear also made me sharp and he kissed my neck carefully. But I still wanted to watch little, I was too curious, I was as it was when Christian slept with another woman. And if Frank then also caressed me, he should make you calm.

I see how Christian’s kisses continue to hike, how the lips of the two touch how they hug themselves … and then Susanne closes the eyes with a pleasant expression on the face. She had to feel for the first time how my partner’s well -shaped acorn penetrated into her. And Christian felt another woman for the first time in a long time. He takes a look at me full of love, see Frank behind me, looks back at Susanne and grins broadly.

I grin back before turning his head back to Susanne, she kisses and I see how his body begins to move slowly. I never thought that it would excite me to see as my steady friend sleeps with another woman. But that did, very even, it was an erotic sight because the two did it slowly and didn’t have wild sex. I was satisfied, let my hand go back, slide between my buttocks and Frank’s step and was delighted when his penis began to grow after a few movements of my hand.

Again and again I gently pulled the foreskin back and forth. I almost forgot it, but luckily Frank was aware. Out of sheer habit, I was already positioning his glans in front of my hole when he avoided me briefly and I heard he opened a rubber behind me … ———— – I had only felt Julia’s pussy for years and now slowly as my acorn inSusanne penetrate it was wonderfully exciting. I exchanged views with Julia and noticed that Frank had already positioned herself behind her and started the prelude.

Then Susanne and I started our comedy. I slowly penetrated her, pulled myself back gently just to get slow and soulful but deeply into her. She groaned softly in my ear and the thick nipples on the solid tits I felt exactly on my upper body. She kept me gently clutched and I press my body on her … and into it. It was surprisingly intimate for this opportunity and intimately how we dealt with each other.

We immediately played well together, of course not as perfect as Julia but surprisingly good. Again and again my penis slid through the fresh and tight lust channel, despite 10-15 years of age,. She gently pressed me gently every time she was gently but determined her pelvis and took me even deeper. I looked at Julia and looked at how she and Frank watched us in the spoon position and obviously had sex in her part.

At least their faces allowed few other conclusions and the movements of their bodies were not. I saw like Frank after the wonderful D-cup gripped the hung from Julia’s upper body and grabbed them. Then Susanne put her hand gently on my cheek, turned my head to him and says: “Let it just have fun and we concentrate on us yes? It’s just so beautiful … ”Apparently she enjoyed the unusual intimacy and closeness that was created by our good interaction.

I smiled again at Julia before I hugged Susanne and slowly let my glans slide deep into her abdomen. I was now focusing on my current playmate. For minutes I did nothing more than to push my penis slowly again and again. Whereupon she is slightly high and pressed it in my direction until the root of my penis was tightly pressed onto her labia. And then from the front, minutes long. I enjoyed it slowly to fuck her.

It was wonderful but slowly at some point had an effect. Almost as if she had noticed what’s going on with me, she whispers to me tenderly in the ear “Just come when you are ready, it’s wonderful with you …” I hold back. Try to hesitate. I contradict the call of the approaching orgasm I should strongly bump it. But I don’t increase the pace, I keep fucking it slowly and intensely, she caresses my back with her fingers and slowly and satisfied me in my ear.

But as I said, slowly you get to the goal at some point. I held it back, I kept holding it back, hesitating it for over five minutes due to the slow pace. But then she just pushed her pelvis again, my cock twitched as with the last time when he was pushed deep into her abdomen. It pushed me deep into her, crossed the threshold and she pressed towards me.

It came to me and she whispered to me only “Jaaaa is good …” and I came, long and intense. It was a great orgasm because he lasted for so long after I had delayed it for so long. Susanne was guaranteed not to come but the sex seemed to have given her something. When we loved each other minutes later, she looked at me very satisfied. I looked back gratefully. And for Julia her breasts were just shaken by violent bumps.

And at Frank’s moans I realized that he was soon at the destination. I didn’t need to wait much longer. ———— It was wonderfully exciting to see how Christian the blonde only loved 30 cm next to my body. I knew that feelings were just for me. She could get it like that if she liked it, he could finally do that. deleted.

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