Gangbang on the Gynstuhl | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Phew, finally out of work! The calls and emails did not want to end at all today and so unfortunately I had to stay at work for longer than I had planned! Such a crap – only if I hurried, could I make it to the gynecologist in time! I wanted to take a shower beforehand and shave – I had totally neglected in the recent times, because since Moritz and I broke up, I was dead trousers in bed – and the separation had been six months ago!I quickly rushed to the car and read the engine.

It only took a few minutes to practice my gynecologist, but I still had to hurry: I had received the most late possible appointment and soon the practice would close. It was only the routine examination, but I finally wanted to bring the appointment behind me – I didn’t like to go to the gynecologist very much. I break through the city and simply grabbed two parking spaces for a lack of time – the parking lot was almost empty anyway – no wonder, the shops here in the area soon closed anyway.

I quickly grown the stairs in the hallway and stopped breathing shortly before the front door of the practice – once inhaled deeply – then I entered the practice. The medical assistant smiled towards me – she was already wearing her jacket and I feared that I was too late. “Ms. Petra?“She asked cheerfully. “Um, yes, I had a appointments – I know I’m a little late …” I replied a little breathless.

“No problem – they are just in time. The Doctor is still there and is already waiting – come with them ”, so she got up and I followed her along the passage to the treatment room. The medical assistant knocked on the door, opened a gap and said to her superior: “Mr. Schilling? Ms. Petra would be there now – do you need something from me, or can I go?”Dr. Schilling replied to her that she could go for today and wished her a nice end of work.

Then she said goodbye to him and me and disappeared. I also knocked briefly and entered – the sight of my gynecologist just knocked me over again and again: around 1.85 m, wide cross, slim stature. Dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes as well as a straight nose, high cheeks and full lips. “Ms. Petra,” he greeted me and stretched my hand towards me. I shook her and the stressful working day was forgotten. “Please free yourself and lie down on the couch – you can put your clothes back there” – he pointed his hand on a chair in the corner.

I pretended to me and took off – when I came to the underwear, my hands trembled slightly because I was so excited. ‘Oje, Petra! He sees dozens of cunts every day, come down!’ I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and went to the treatment chair – how I hated this thing. I made it careful on it – as best I could. The gynecologist chair had armrests and put my feet in the bowls intended for it.

The doctor, however, had cleared something in his desk and was now devoting himself to me. He looked me in the eye, but this position was still uncomfortable to me with my spread legs. “Ms. Petra, how are you?”” G … good, thank you “(pull yourself together, petra!) “You haven’t been there for a long time – there have been any problems since last time?”” Um, no, no problems. “” Any complaints in sexual intercourse?”” I’ve had little traffic lately..“(That was lied: ‘No’ hit it better!) “..I separated from my friend, “” Ohje, I’m sorry “” No problem, he was an idiot “the doctor laughed anyway and in the noise, a large part of my tension detached.

“Why do you say that?“He asked amused. I didn’t really want to get out of it, but the Doctor didn’t let it go. He chatted with me and announced that he would feel my breasts briefly. His hands were warm and supple – while they felt me, we continued to speak carefree, so I didn’t pay attention to what he was doing. Suddenly I felt something cold and metallic on my left wrist. Before I could assign the feeling, I heard a click and I also felt a cool heavy strip on my right wrist.

Then I understood: the doctor had strapped me to the armrests of the treatment chair – but why? Panic climbed up in me, but I already felt the next buckle: my ankle was dragged onto the chair. I tore the other foot up, pulled my legs together. I gasped with shock, but the doctor pressed my legs apart. Since my rest of my body was fixed and he forced his foot into the bowl with full, I couldn’t do enough strength to keep it from his project.

“What’s that supposed to mean? What do you have before?!“I wanted to scream, but my voice sounded breathless and shaky. “Don’t worry Ms. Petra – I will just prepare her,” he replied with a warm smile. “Prepare? Prepare for what?“ – I didn’t get an answer, the doctor just went to a closet and took out something that I couldn’t see because his back blocked my view. His broad cross, which I had admired beforehand.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Why did you fix me?“I asked panicked. “I had to tie them up so that they now keep silent – otherwise they still hurt,” he replied and turned around. “What …” – the next question got stuck in my throat when I saw what he was holding in my hand: a bottle of shaving foam and a towel and … a razor!He came up to me and pulled up a chair. “What are you going on?! Listen to it!“ – I turned, tried to get rid of myself, but I was firmly fixed on the chair and could only raise my upper body for a few centimeters.

I didn’t get an answer again – the doctor just pulled his chair up and shook the bottle with the foam – then he sprayed some of it on his hand and put it aside. I watched him horrified. He massaged the foam on my intimate area, pulled out the razor, and began to clear my cunt. I turned, but nothing helped. “Stop with it! You can’t do that! I’ll scream!“I threatened him, my nerves were curious to rip.

“Just scream Petra, nobody will hear her. Nobody is in practice and the shops around us have already closed, ”he replied while he was shaving. I screamed desperately, but I knew it was hopeless. Tears got into my eyes, then I sagged back on the chair and let the doctor complete his work. Again and again the razor slid over my shame – not a place that he does not thoroughly freed from hair.

Finally, the doctor looked at my pussy satisfied and said: “Done” I didn’t dare to say or ask something and watched him stowed the bottle of razor foam back in the closet and the towel and the razor threw into the trash can. Then he went to the door and grabbed his coat. He wouldn’t ..? He extinguished the light, left the room and closed the door behind him. My first instinct was to scream, he should come back, but I paused.

What was this crazy about me?I listened. And what I heard only shed me up more: after a few minutes I heard the door in practice falling into the castle, then silence. My heart raced – I lay here, naked, with a freshly shaved cunt and spread legs, tied to a gynecological treatment chair!I didn’t know how much time passed, but at some point I decided to start a try: I screamed for help, but none came.

At some point I gave up and was motionless in the dark room. My panicked tears from earlier had long since dried and I couldn’t think – what happened here?How much time passed – I don’t know. But suddenly I heard voices. Some voices, mess. Deep laugh – men’s voices. Then a door was opened and the tangle of vocal was louder. What should I do? If someone found me like this? Prevised and naked? The shame was too big, so I remained silent.

I can’t say how long it took – seconds, minutes? – But soon the voices became even louder and I understood that they come to the room in which I was tied up. Then the door opened and the light was switched on – bright neon light blinded me so that I knacked my eyes. Men laughed and I heard them entered. Set snaps like “She’s really cool”, “Kuck her smooth cunt” and “Wow, a mature female” flew towards her, everything turned in her head.

When she had lived in the light to some extent, she opened her eyes and frightened: five men stood around her and looked at her – from the breasts over her spread legs. Some looked shamelessly into her open cunt. Her voice failed, she did not bring out any sound – what should she say?The men wore casual clothes, were all at the beginning of 40 and very different. She knew none of them. “Dear Petra” – how did he know her name from? – “Dear Doctor said, you hadn’t had sex for half a year and he had pity and invited us to get it really you again you are a little bitch!“ – The men laughed.

I whimpered. My heart hit me in my throat. “And because dear Doctor has a family meal today and cannot be there … we will of course take the whole thing for him!“Oh no, one of the men pulled out a camera and positioned them on the desk, from where the lens filmed directly between my spread legs. Then the men came closer and started to touch me. She strokes me over my bare skin, let her flat hand clap on my thighs and grabbed my breasts.

I gasped in horror and when someone took my nipples between my fingers and put it on, I snapped to air in pain. “Neon,” I shone. But the men just laughed and continued to grop my body. “It’s totally hypothermic,” said one. “We will change that right away,” replied another. He pulled a candle out of his pocket and lit it. The others stepped back and he came up to me. Then he kept the candle crooked and hot wax dripped on my stomach.

I breathed in and my stomach pulled down. That was again laughter from the strangers. “Don’t stand up like that, little Petra,” said the guy with the candle and continued the procedure. After a few more drops on the stomach, he got higher, twisted my nipple and then let hot wax drip on it. I got tears in my eyes, I pulled on my bonds as tightly as possible, but I was totally helpless.

No matter what these men were up to, I was delivered to them. The thought scared me, but at the same time I felt a tingling in my abdomen. With every hot, stinging painful drop it got warmer until – I don’t know how long – one of the men called: “Look at that! The horny bitch likes this “ – Johle from the strangers. I winced together! Between my legs I felt a warm moisture that spread – why only? I was totally scared and panicked!But my body seemed to cheat me.

“I think she’s too hot now … We should cool her!“, Called one. Johle again. Someone disappeared from the room and when they came back, they had something in his hands. I couldn’t see what, but when he put it on my bare skin, I flinched: cold! They were ice cubes. I whimpered. The men laughed. Now I realized that some of them had opened the trouser stable and held their cocks in their hands.

Others were just in the process of undressing completely. “Gibs of the bitch!“, Called one. “Yes, give something to your hungry cunt!“Another agreed. My current tormentor couldn’t say that twice. The ice cubes circled down my navel down to my pussy. Across my excited clitoris to my column. There he pressed against my labia with the cold ice cream – I gasped! And then my cunt gave in and the ice slid into me.

He pushed the ice cube, which was already quite melted, and read his finger in it. The men got you down and cheered on my tormentor. My pussy cramped and I was horrified to find that I wanted to move in me in the rhythm of my finger. I bit my teeth together so as not to moan. Then the stranger retired and I felt the ice slow. Despite the cold that had just been introduced in me, I was totally hot – I sweated all over the body.

What came next made me totally panicked again, but I didn’t get any words, let alone whole sentences out of me. I was reduced to gasps, whimpering and moaning. The one who had tortured me with the candle came up to me. This time, however, she was over and he held it so that the wick showed away from me. He stood between my legs and I pinched his eyes. I heard how the men gasped for excitement and got a down.

Then I felt the wax at my entrance. And bit by bit it was pressed into my tight slit, and deeper and deeper, until I no longer kept it and scored with pain. The stranger paused, then he pulled out the candle a little. And pushed them back in. Slowly he started a steady fuck rhythm and became faster and faster. It’s good that I was so moist – the candle slid and out without any problems and the whispering and moaning of the strangers, which became more and more violent, made me totally awesome.

One grave on my tits and kept rubbing his plump glans on my nipples, another licked and sucked on my toes and sprayed his fertilization juice in the face while I already had a scail deep in my mouth. You little horny bitch Petra I heard her again and again, we will now use you every day and you will obey us !I felt my lower body tangled and then suddenly without being able to stop it, I came violently! The orgasm shook me all over the body and I screamed the lust out in a loud moaning – again and again until the last wave of the huge explosion had warped.

Then the candle was pulled out of me and I felt strangely empty – but soon the wax was replaced by something else: one of the men pushed his stiff cock in and fucked me. It didn’t take long for him to get because he had worked on his cock for some time. When he retired from me, I came up with an evil predecessor: each of them would fuck me now!And so it was, the next one was ready to penetrate me.

The whole thing made me so horny that I had two more orgasms while the men worked me. When the last of the strangers came and then pulled out of me, I was totally finished. My whole body tingled and my mind had long since said goodbye. I heard dull as the strangers talked. “Look at the bitch Petra – she had it quite necessary” “Yes, we really did something good” laughter. I heard a click and realized that it was probably my bonds they had solved.

I only got blurred how the men put and then disappeared laughing. They took the camera with them and I still heard them eagerly joking in the stairwell. I stayed like that for some time because I couldn’t move. My whole body burned. At some point I put all my strength together and climbed off the couch. I had to hold on so that my shaky legs did not give up. I guessed my legs down like a large amount of sperm from my wet pussy.

Then I collected my clothes from the ground, put on and left the practice. I was still undecided whether I should see this gynecologist again … who knows …

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