BDSM fantasies | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I stand in front of a building that is unknown to me and wait for you. I wear keeper stockings, high shoes, my tight black dress, cuffs and my collar. Nothing else. I hold the line in my hand. I would like to give you as soon as you arrive. I don’t try to fidget and instead stand calm. To look at the attempts and not as nervous as I am. I neither wear the balls nor the vib in me and wonder what that means.

I just stand there for a few minutes and wait for you when you come around the corner. You walk to me. My gaze will be from you tied up. As always, you pull me directly in your spell before the embarrassment and my uncertainty win and I look to the ground. I take a few hesitant steps towards you. See how you shake your head and go back to my place backwards. Red sneaks into my cheeks.

I see you smile and I get warm. You bridge the distance between us with just a few steps and pull me into your arms. I take a deep breath and then take your smell in me. Come to rest and just hold on as long as I can. You take a step back and look at me. Your view wanders over my body. You look at the owner -free stockings. As soon as you loosen from me, I sink to my knees.

Put my hands on the spread thighs and kisses of your tail Through the jeans. Then I devote myself to your boots and skew a kiss on every cap before I raise my eyes and look at you. I sink in your sight. What do passers -by or the dirty soil do when I can see you? But slowly I’m getting restless. You wait a moment, ask my will to please you before you command me to raise me.

I stand upright and offer you the leash. Smiling you can stand up. Pull me up to you and kiss me passionately. My hands automatically lie on your arms and claw in your thin jacket. I am already horny. My cunt is soaked by my juice. She just waits for you to be touched by you Finger To be fucked. But I have to be patient. “You trust me, my little sub?“You breathed into my ear.

I moan and I try that Legs press together. “Yes, sir. I only belong to you alone. I am your sub and trust you completely, “I answer immediately. You pull a black blindfold out of your pocket. She shows me with relish. My heart beats out loud in my chest. I lick my lips. I can’t hold back even a groan. My cheeks glow with heat. Oh yeah. How much I want that. You point to me to turn around.

I obey. I’m trying to put my hands behind my back on your cock. I love to touch you. But it costs me overcoming to ask the necessary permission. Before I can produce the words, blackness stands over my eyes. I feel you close behind me and know that there is a wall in front of me. Your hand glides under my dress. “You are already so wet? I love how greedy and wet you are.

“Your words make me even wet and fulfill me with pride. “I am your wet and greedy slave, sir. “The pressure of your pelvis on my butt immediately increases. “Put your hands on the wall and spread your legs on. Let’s see if you were obedient. “I lick my lips. Take a step forward and put my hands on the left and right next to my head on the wall.

I spread my legs immediately and immediately feel your hand that slides over my IRO. I whimper because I long for your fingers that fuck my cunt. To my delight you sink your fingers in me and fuck me briefly and hard. I moan and have trouble standing up. But soon your fingers leave a deep emptiness in me again. Without a word you hold your wet shiny fingers, which are fragrant after my lust,.

I lick her devotedly and greedily clean. As a reward, you put your fingers into my mouth a few times before gliding down my sternum to pinch and twist my nipples. I win and moan. I feel the pain that shoots through my body directly into my hot wet cunt. Within a few minutes you made me a willing, greedy, cock -horny, submissive bitch. And I enjoy it to the fullest.

You step back a step back. It gets really cold on my back and my butt when you remove yourself from me. The train one of my leash and your energetic “come” indicates me that I should follow you. I take the first steps unsafe. You feel my uncertainty and reduce the distance to me. I can run close to you. On your right side. I thank you with a smile and try not to stamp you in a lot.

I don’t know where you lead me, but we’re going a little bit. I can hear how you open a door. A gush of warm air comes towards us. You indicate me to carefully step over the door threshold. We go on and my steps are hally again as if we are running through a corridor. After a few meters we turn left and you open another door again. You accompany me in the room and close the door.

I hear how the castle crashes and my heart accelerates his clock. I am infinitely happy to be locked up in this room instead of without you. You lead me through the room and let me stop in the middle. I should spread my legs slightly and cross my hands behind my back. Immediately I take the desired position and soon feel your hands on my body. My lips open when I feel your palms on my breasts and my waist.

I climb the tips of the toe and have to be warned by you when you pinch my nipples. I suck my breath through my teeth and whimper. Wimming quickly turns into a moan again when you sink your fingers into my cunt at the same time and fucks me with your hand. Your mouth is looking for mine and suffocates the sounds of my greed. I dive into this kiss. Put all my passion and devotion in it. Present you my lust and let me fall.

Again you hold my fingers in front of my nose and mouth. “If you like the smell of your lust, you greedy piece?“I can only moan and nod my head. “What’s it called?!“I hear that you are angry and disappointed, but also amused a trace that you have already brought me so far that my brain only works sporadically. “Yes, sir. I like the smell of my lust to take off.

“Your left hand includes my lower back. I can’t stir up on you like that. Your hand holds my wrists as your rights distributed my juice on my face. “So that you don’t forget what you are, slave. “I moan and win a little. “Sir, I’m just belonging to you. “” Oh yes, you do that, “she says with a smile. I can listen to the smile. I don’t need to see it. My dress has now been pushed up to my waist and I hope that the light in this room may have to rule.

Your left hand keep holding my wrists while you walk around me. You are now behind me and knead my butt. “Two steps ahead. “I take two steps forward. “Two steps to the right. “Again I go carefully in the desired direction. Goosebumps cover my body and cozy showers further increase my excitement when I feel your mouth on my ear. “Two steps in front of you is a bed.

Kneel on it. Yours ass raised. ” I hesitate. I trust you. But I don’t dare yet. I hear you breathe while waiting. I know you will not push me. This step should come from me. I tighten my shoulders and choose the freedom “to be”. Two steps forward. Then I kneel on the bed. I want to put my hands on the bed in front of me.

But…. I suck the air frightened and jump almost back from the bed. You skilfully catch me. I flee into your arms. You caress me. My hair. My back. My face. Murger to me words that bring me to rest. “Yes, there is a young woman on the bed. Yes my little slave. You will kneel on this bed so that I can fuck you from behind while you enjoy her with your tongue.

You will enjoy your little Vötzchen with relish. “You feel how it shakes me for a moment of excitement. “And yes, my sub, she won’t see you. She also wears a blindfold. She will only feel you. Your lips, your tongue and maybe your fingers. Make me proud. I will very like to see you in front of me and to fuck you. You will do it, my slave?“I breathe a few times and turn around in your arms.

Blow my back on you and stick to your arms in front of my body. Grate the fingers of your right hand as if by chance my clit and almost take the decision. I would like to be fucked by you. And I myself already spoke of this fantasy. You make it possible for me to live out. It would be stupid and ungrateful to let this opportunity pass. I take two steps forward. Knee on the bed and rely on my forearms.

I can pick up your fragrance in me. Sken my warm breath on your wet pussy and wobbles with my butt for you. I hear you moan and a smile steals on my lips. Again I shake up to my butt. I can already feel your hands on my hips. My tongue dives through its wet gap and for the first time the juice of a stranger wets my face. I hear a dull moan and feel a slight twitch below me.

At the same time you penetrate me with a strong, enjoyable push. Your voice very close to my ear molts that it is also tied up and gagged. My head cinema runs in full swing, while her wordlessly starts to fuck me hard from behind. My tongue explores her wet cunt. Conquered every corner. I lick her juice, rub my face on her and dive into her cup with my tongue.

Enjoy the knowledge that she cannot defend herself. That she is moaning and sweating below me while you fuck me from behind and watch over both of us. I can’t let it take and insert two fingers into her tight cunt. I know what it does for me when I fingered and licked at the same time and hope you also go. Immediately she begins to move her hip rhythmically. She fucks my face and my finger.

I groan on your wet clit, feel your hands on my hip. Your cock in me. And lick a strange woman. I am so insanely horny that I greedily go and just go over. The young woman comes. She screams hers orgasm in the gag. The grip around my body is getting narrower. Your movements more violently than you pour yourself in me. I smile happily and satisfied.

Feel your weight on me. Feel free. I’m curious to see if I can come too. Maybe you will bind the young woman. Removes your gag and I also come to an orgasm? My excitement blows up every scale and I start to wind up among you. As a punishment, I get a pat on the buttocks and you withdraw from me. The mix of our juices runs down my legs and makes me blushing.

How I have to look … used, red shiny labia and with sperm On the thighs … I hear as you say that you like my sight extremely well. I bite my lip to suppress a moan. I’m so horny … should I beg? Yes I want to beg. “Sir, I would love to come terribly. Please, may I?”” Move your butt on the bed. The legs spread wide. The view towards the headboard from the bed. “Wet and greasy as I am, I obey you.

I can feel your legs on my legs. Both with spread legs. Facing each other. “Touch you. Do it, my sub. But you can’t come. “Sulating steals on my lips. “Nana, who will swell up there right away. You probably don’t want your reward?!“Immediately I give up and make sure how I would like to receive a reward from you. My fingers slide down over my stomach and I start rubbing my clit.

“Who says you will receive the reward from me?“I moan deeply and quietly, tie my pelvis up and down while my fingers move over my wound fuck meat. By the way, I suspect that the young woman frees her. You have taken off the gag. I hear how she thanked you. Jealousy cooks in me. Your cock belongs to me, she will probably not touch him or even put it in her mouth.

I hear how you can tell her and am relieved. I immediately relax again. I can hear how she explains to the woman in detail what she should do that you wish. I see you lean on the wall in my mind’s eye, follow the spectacle with interest. I’m horny. Unspeakably horny. And embarrassed and full of shame. But lust predominates. I can feel your hands glide up my legs. Lights explode behind my eyelids.

I twitch and scream. Only when I come to rest do I hear you tell you. “Someone allowed you to come? My instructions were indistinct?“I’m swallowing heavily. The aftershocks are still rushing through my body. “No no.. Sir.. “I stammer a little more dazed. ” “I’m sorry. I .. it … I’m sorry. “A tear seeps through the blindfold. The bed next to me sinks in a piece and I am pulled into your arms.

“Everything is fine, my little sub. It was forgiven. “I gratefully smuggly smuggled, exhausted and happy to you. I hear soft foot tapser when the strange woman leaves the room and leaves us alone. You take off my blindfold and I let myself be dragged into your arm. I sit on your chest, breathe in your breast, breathe in your fragrance, feel your warmth and enjoy your firm hugs. Together we let the evening end and simply enjoy the company of the other.


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