A midnight dream | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It’s Thursday evening around midnight and I’m lying on my bed dog tired. It was a hard working day with a lot of stress and excitement. I didn’t see you today either. Because Thursday is always your lady’s wreath in the Canapee. As I lie on the bed and think of you, I notice how you miss you. I think of the hot games we have experienced. How sparkling these situations were all.

I realize how my tail slowly. He’s big and hard now. I can’t help but take it in my hand. A cozy feeling drives me through. My hand caresses and massages it. My thoughts wander back to you. I imagine you in lingerie, beautiful and exciting at the same time. I want to dream of you even further, but the tiredness overshades me. I’m slowly slumbering away.

My breath becomes even and calm. I am sleeping!But my spirit is still busy with you. In a dream I see you, you are walking through the city. It’s your day off. It must be around 4 a.m. You go through the streets and look at the expenses in the shop windows. After a while you would like a coffee;In short, you head for the next CAF.

In the entrance area, the aromatic smell of freshly brewed coffee comes towards you. How beautiful! Your gaze wanders through the CAF, looking to a good place after searching. There, in the corner at the window, there is still something free! You are targeting. Once there, you make it comfortable. Shortly afterwards the operation is already with you and asks about your wishes. “A jug of coffee and a piece of cheese cream, please,” you give the answer.

The service is in a hurry to fulfill your wishes. In the meantime you look around a little. An older lady sits at the table opposite and sips her coffee audibly. At the table next to it is a lively discussion in progress. Loud kids. You watch for a while, but you can’t understand what it is about. Somehow it seems to you as if someone is watching you. A little unsafe, your gaze wanders through the room, looking for … for what actually!? Suddenly your gaze meet and that of a young woman who sits two tables on the left of you.

She smiles at you. This eye contact is a bit uncomfortable for you. You immediately look into another corner of the room. After a while your eyes wander back to the young woman’s table. Something attracts you. You just don’t know what. So she doesn’t look here, so you have time and can take a closer look at her!She sits in jeans and black blouse. The jeans lies closely and gives an idea of a well -shaped figure.

Black, high -heeled shoes adorn their Tie up. How can she run in it, do you think you!? Your gaze wanders up on her slim legs and stops above the table. Your blouse is freely buttocks and you can see the approach of your breasts. Large and heavy they are below the thin fabric. She definitely doesn’t wear a bra, it drives you through your head. The nipples are also very clear.

At that moment your looks meet. She looks into your eyes questioningly. She must have noticed how you saw her in the neckline. You feel caught and immediately lower your gaze. The blush of shame rises in your face. Oh god, oh god how embarrassing. “Your coffee, Miss!“, The service tears you out of your thoughts. “There … thank you”, you stutter, still embarrassed. You would have loved to go back now immediately.

But the coffee is ordered! You put milk and sugar into your cup and then stir up vigorously. After you have almost stirred the bottom of the cup with the spoon, you dare to see it up again. “Uff!“, It escapes you. She no longer looks. Now a little more calmed, you drink your coffee and eat the good cake. There is an advertising brochure on your table on furniture. Interested you leaf through it.

After you have drunk your coffee, you absolutely have to go to the toilet. You make your way with quick steps. You are in a hurry to enter a cabin. That this coffee always has to drive like this! When you push your pants back, you hear the door squeak and then the rattling of high paragraphs. You can’t see who came in, but somehow it can only be “she”. The steps fall silent in front of your cabinet door.

Your heart is pounding! What’s that supposed to mean!? Everything just imagined, you think and open the door. When the door is completely open, it stands in front of you. A horror drives you through. Hands put their hands into the hips and with an energetic look is “she” there. Your breath seems to stand still. Unable to say something, you don’t move from the spot. A hardly audible “What do you want?“, Your lips escaped.

“What I want or what you want,” says the beautiful unknown and pushing you back in the same moment. With a quick handle she has already closed the door again. “What’s that supposed to mean!?“, You ask a little naive. “Will you notice right away, my dollar!“Is the answer. Said and done. With both hands you will be packed on your shoulder and turned around with a jerk. Then pressed the wall with the face forward.

You want to defend yourself, but you don’t succeed. The woman is strong and crazy. You fidget on the wall helplessly. With one hand, she takes a few handcuffs out of her pocket, such as the policemen use it, made of stainless steel. She put the handcuffs around your wrists without much effort. But so that you are chained to a pipe that runs perpendicular from top to bottom. You get a little panicked and shake like wildly on the chain.

“Nothing is of use, my sweetness!“, Says the unknown. “I’m not your sweetness!“You give back as perch and continue to try to free yourself. “Get cheeky too! I’ll teach you manners!“She doesn’t torch for long and opens your pants in just a few simple steps. With a short jerk she pulls your jeans down until it lies on the ankles. Now you stand there, slightly bent forward, because the handcuffs at the hip height on the pipe.

Your red tanga, which you wear that day, comes into its own well. Due to the slightly borrowed posture, your ass cheeks stretch and present themselves in full splendor. You feel the woman’s eyes who look at your rear part, you can hear how difficult she breathes. This view apparently excites you very much. You can’t blame her. These two baked bake that are shared by the string of the tangas in the middle!The helplessness in which you are, unable to do something against the machinations of this woman.

This thought alone causes a tingling in your lap. You can’t believe it! This situation makes you horny. “I will show you if it would be like to look unabashed to strangers into the excerpt!“, The woman tears you out of your thoughts. Hardly pronounced, she pulls your tanga off the bottom. Very slowly in centimeters after centimeter she pushes the little one a little over your ass cheeks. You try to press the thighs together in order to counteract this.

But that is exactly what the stranger spurs on even more. Despite your protest, she pulls down to knee height, despite your protest. Then she begins to spank your buttocks with her flat hand. Gossip, gossip and again and again the hand hits one of your horny baking. You feel how your ass starts to glow. But the slight pain doesn’t matter to you, on the contrary, you are getting sharper and sharper. You like what Diefrau does with you.

Your breath is becoming increasingly heavier and hectic. From the initial resistance, becomes The pure lust!“Finer, firm, please! Firm!“, You groan her enthusiastically too. This cannot be said twice and increases the pace. Your butt is already bright red. Suddenly she pauses what a disappointed one: “Oohhh, please don’t”, “draws from you. “Just don’t worry little, you’ll get at your expense!” she says. You hear how it rustles behind you.

What does she do, you ask yourself and risk a look back. You see how she knobs her blouse. You can already see your big boobs. She really doesn’t wear a bra. Horny sight she offers you there!“Look ahead!“, She hisses when she notices your eyes. Without contradiction you will look forward again and wait for what else may come. You can hear a silky rustling on the floor.

If the blouse will have been, you think. Suddenly you feel something warm, soft between your ass cheeks. She caresses you with one of her boobs. It slowly drives up and down on the PO column, with the hard nipple excited yours pussy drives through. Your soaking wet pussy! This treatment immediately wrestles again. Man, makes you sharp!”Do you like that. Small!?”, ask her. “Oohhjahh, Sehr”, you breathe back.

In this way, she presses her tits even more firmly on your hot column. The nipple slips audibly through the cunt and distributes the moisture up to yours rosette. You wind yourself like a snake and gave a great scouting of you from you. At that moment you don’t care if someone could hear you. You are entirely caught in your lust. The woman behind you too is being watched more excited. It follows you with rhythmic movements.

With one hand she opens her jeans and pulls this impetuous. Your panties also follow in the same way. She drives between the Legs and jerks up. You can hear how the finger glides into and out in her pussy. You two gets going more and more and groanes around the bet! You feel how an orgasm approaches you. “I feel right away!“, You scream. At that moment the stranger stops.

“Not so quickly mine Angel, First you will be a little more on my nipples suck!”, she says. It opens the handcuffs to you and turns around. Now freed, you could oppose her! But you don’t want it anymore. You sit on the closed toilet lid and open your mouth to caress your nipples. She also does not give a long time and press the tits into your horny lozenges.

“Beautifully suck, my little one,” she asks you. You suck on her nipple and creep up and around Wartenhof with your wet tongue. You can taste your own cunt juice because it is the tits with which she wanked you. When that becomes aware of it, it makes you even hornier. You suck wildly on her chest while she is already playing on the cunt. You too have to finger yourself now, otherwise you will no longer take it.

Together you rock yourself towards a gigantic orgasm. Your bodies start to twitch and almost at the same time you rear up when the climax comes over you. With loud screams of lust you cost it together, until the end. Exhausted you fall into your arms and press each other. “I had never experienced anything intensive!“Do you say to her. “I am pleased that you liked it!“, She replies.

After a few quiet seconds, when neither of you said anything, she gets up and gets up again. Also dress again and address your clothes. When you are dressed, she puts a business card in your hand and says: “If you like, we can see each other again. “Hardly pronounced, she turns around, opens the door and has already disappeared. Puted and unable to say something, you look at the card.

Sabine Meier is there. Sabine, you read softly and hope that you will see yourself soon again. At that moment I wake up and lie in my bed and my panties are wet. Very wet. It must have come to me when I dreamed of you! Well so what!I absolutely have to tell you that on occasion I think. [End].

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