A hot number with Kai? | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was Summer. I was solo again and invited to a birthday party with friends. I deliberately dressed in a short mini and thin top sparingly, because there was possibly the possibility to tow a nice guy.

The view of my flawless, slim Legs, Those who looked through the high heels even longer than they are anyway and my truly not too small, crisp breasts had never missed its effect.
The small apartment was packed. About 20 guests populated that Living room, the hallway and the kitchen.

Right as I entered the living room, I noticed Kai. Brown -burned, black curls and rather wide shoulders – I quickly become weak. He was leaned against the sideboard, with a glass in his hand and talked to Matthias, the host. Matthias seemed to tell him a joke, because in the next moment both of them laughed out of full neck.

Kai ’s bright white teeth flashed open.

At that moment he looked over to the door and our eyes met. A stab went through my heart and my pulse accelerated rapidly. These sparkling, water-blue eyes!We looked at each other for a long time. In the meantime, he seemed to address Matthias on me, because he too he oversmen to me.

He talked to Kai briefly, then he came up to me. “Hello Mandy! Nice that you’re here!“He greeted me.

I gave him a kiss on his cheek without letting Kai out of his eyes and congratulated him on his birthday.
“I have to introduce you to someone!”Said Matthias, took me by the hand and pulled me through the crowd to Kai. “May I make known?” asked he. “This is Kai.

My new work colleague. He wanted to get to know you!“Kai shaked my hand and greeted me.
“I leave both of you alone now, I have to take care of drinks in drinks. Have fun!“With these words and a wink, Matthias retired.

At first we stood there a little embarrassed. Then Kai asked me if he could get me something to drink.

“Yes gladly!“I replied,“ maybe a glass of sparkling wine?“He nodded and disappeared.
When he appeared with my glass again after a few minutes and looked at me with his bright smile, it was clear to me that I would do everything I could to get him into which bed.

He told about his work and the weekends when, whenever the weather permitted, he was traveling with his motorcycle. However, I only listened with half an ear, because in my mind’s eye I saw him over, below and behind me. I pretended how to ride on him, he will surely strengthen his from behind tail Drive into me and I on his magnificent, hard stand suck and would suck.
“Hello!“I heard his voice from a long way. “Mandy! Are you not doing well?“My absent look seemed to worry him.

“How? What? Oh sorry!”I stammered.

“I was just somewhere else with my thoughts! I’m sorry!”” Oh, not that bad!“He said and put his arm around my shoulders. “Let’s go a little on the terrace?“I nodded and we strolled out. The night was warm and starry. We were all alone out there.

Then he turned me around, covered my narrow waist and looked deep into my eyes.
My legs became soft, like jelly. His lips were slowly approaching mine. I opened my mouth a little piece and the next moment our lips touched. A passionate kiss developed within a few seconds.

Our tongues whirled around each other. I wrapped my arms around Kai ’s neck and pressed myself very close to him. I pushed one leg between his. I clearly felt his obviously pretty hard cock on my pelvis.

Slowly his hands slid down until they lay on my butt.

With his strong hands he pressed me itself. My desire increased into immeasurable. I wanted him! Immediately!I carefully loosened from him, took his hand and pulled it into the back of the garden, where there was a small log house behind high bushes. Matthias occasionally used this house as a “guest room”.

As always, the door was unlocked and so we scurried in. The pale moonlight illuminated the small room sparse. The few furnishings can be seen vague.

I turned around, leaned backwards at Kai and wrapped my arms around his head. I made a hollow cross and stretched my breasts out wide.

I pressed my butt against his lower body. Again I felt his hard strap. This time, however, in my poreates.
Kai gently put his warm hands on my bare waist, pushed them forward until they met over my navel. I could feel his hot breath on my ear when he nibbled around on it.

I ran a pleasant shower over my back.

Slowly he let his hands slide under the thin fabric of my top, gently stroked over the underside of my breasts and circled my nipples with his fingers. Then he grabbed! With a firm grip he wrapped my tits, pressed it and rubbed my nipple, which has now become tough.
I had it granted him for a few moments before I loosened out of his hug. I turned in Hemm and stretched both arms up. “Take off me!“I whispered into his ear.
Sparkling slowly Kai pulled my top over my head and dropped it next to us on the small sofa bed.

“You look really stunning!”He said and stroked my breasts.

I finally wanted to see his cock. With both hands I reached between his thighs. What I could feel under the thin fabric of his wide summer pants increased even more my lust. Slowly I got on my knees in front of him, opened his belt, then the button and finally, like in slow motion, the zipper.

The pants fell to the ground. With both hands I drove up on his thighs, up in the trouser legs of his shorts until I felt him. A strong stand of promising size! I handled him with both hands and pressed him a little.

Kai groaned softly. I stroked his shaft with one hand until I reached the tip.

A bit of the slippery liquid had escaped from it. I gently deteriorate her on his glans, which elicited him another, this time a little louder groan. Then I slowly pulled my hands out of his pants. I finally wanted to see him! I put into the covenant of his shorts and pulled them in one go hemnter.
There he stood in front of me! He stretched splendidly in front of my face.

Although little light fell on Kais ’s lower body, I could see that nature had meant very well with him. I pushed a hand under his and started his Egg Massifying gently. They were also of considerable size. I inevitably wondered whether their size would probably indicate the content straight away.

With my free hand I started to edit his shaft.

I gently grazed his foreskin back and forth, still fascinated by the horny sight of his mighty pile. Again a small drop formed on his tail tip. I got his shaft tightly clutched a little, so that his glans were in front of my mouth. I opened my mouth, stretched out my tongue and carefully dived into the liquid.

Then I slowly moved away from him and a very fine thread tasted, getting longer and longer, from his tail tip to my tongue. Finally he tore off. I leaned back and licked the remaining remaining from his glans. I deteriorate it in my mouth between my tongue and my palate.

It was a very soft, creamy feeling.
“Oh Mandy! You drive Me crazy!“Whispered Kai.

At that time he had no idea that he should get to know the madness ..
Slowly I slid his tail and eggs out of my hand, up on him. At the level of his chest I paused. No hair dismissed her. Like his entire upper body, she was pleasantly muscular.

I licked, sucked and nibbled on his nipples for a moment. Then I let go of it and went to the SO-FA. I turned to him in Hemm, opened the zip of my minis and let him fall to the ground.
“Come here and take me out completely!“I asked him quietly.
Kai climbed out of his lowered pants and came up to me. He knelt in front of me and included my butt.

Then he quickly pulled my slip hemnter to me.
“You are completely smooth!“Delicately.

“Yes!”I whispered. “Do not you like that?””But! And how! I think that’s totally cool!“He added a little quieter:“ At least you don’t have any hair in your mouth all the time!“While I now climbed out of my slip on the ground, I quickly pulled Kai over my head and then pulled it to the sofa. With wide spread, bent legs, I sat on it. I took my hands and pulled my labia apart as far as possible.
“Come! lick me!“I asked him.
Kai knelt in front of the sofa immediately and started licking gently through my grotto.

He took off briefly and whispered: “Your fragrance is irresistible!“Then he continued immediately. He stood up very skillfully. He licked and sucked on me with as much feeling that I had never experienced before. His hands groan under my butt and cautiously raised him.

His tongue ran through my pussi, at times penetrated a small piece into her to hike further towards my butt. I wondered what he was going to do.

Kai drove down with his tongue until he reached my hole. With great dedication he circled it with his tongue. That was new to me.

Never had someone licked my hole. But I liked it extraordinarily! Actually, it was not a problem at all, because I had bathed extensively in the afternoon and washed myself properly everywhere downwards.

I stroked through his beautiful curls and told him that I would really like that. He continued for a while, then rose and leaned over me. I pushed my hands between our bodies and worked on his stand again and his eggs, as I thought, even greater eggs.
Again he nibbled on my ear and whispered: “I want to fuck you now! turn around!“While he rose, I had my legs slid down from the seat and knelt in front of the sofa with my belly on the seat.

I crossed my arms under my head.

Kai slipped between my spread legs from behind and slowly pressed his hard cock into my soaking wet column. I feel very clearly how he penetrated me in centimeters by centimeter. Ever deeper and deeper. He paused again and again, pulled him back a little to drill him back into me.

As I said, nature had richly considered it. So it took a while for Kai to have his gem completely inside.

In the beginning I thought it would tear me off. But after a short time the pain disappeared and it was really cool! With even, careful bumps, he worked me in a very skilful way. As with licking, it turned out that he was an absolute stroke of luck.

He fucked my pussi with a lot of feeling. He immediately noticed when it was time to reduce the pace and brought me a few times to the climax. It was a crazy experience to be fucked like that.

I had lost almost every sense of time, but I guess that this game took at least half an hour. But then I wanted a change of position.

I wanted to ride on him, feel his rod even deeper in me. So Kai lay on the carpet and I crouched about him. With one hand I conducted his stone stand in front of my column and slowly let myself sink down. Again I felt how he came into my grotto deeper and deeper into my grotto.

I leaned over him and supported myself next to his body on the floor. So my breasts were easy to reach for him.

Kai also immediately picked up. He rubbed, kneaded and licked them while I rode up and down on his cock, well lubricated by my juices. These movements were accompanied by a non -stop, smacking sound that came from my grotto.

All of this horny me so that I could no longer turn away the climax that I waved into me and also did not want to. I straightened up a straight line, moistened two of my fingers with the juices sucking out of my pus-si and rubbed my clit mostly. Several orgasms shaked my body one after the other. Unimaginable showers crossed me.

A crazy tingling and itching chased through my abdomen. An uncontrollable twitch went through me from top to bottom. As if from very far, I heard and groan Kai while he pushed his cock into me like a steam jar in me.
“Aaahh …Jeeeetz …“He pressed out.

Oh no! He shouldn’t come in me! I wanted to see how he sprayed!With one sentence I was down from him and knelt next to him. I quickly grabbed his twitching cock and pulled his foreskin back completely.

I still stretched out my tongue to tickle his plump glans with it. However, I couldn’t get to that, because it was exactly at that moment he started being sperm blaze out. The first gush hit me in the middle of the face.

I still don’t know why, but I automatically tore up my mouth. One charge after the other splashed deep into my throat.

I swallowed the whole stuff down. Tons of this slimy liquid pumped kai into my mouth.
After he had completely emptied, he was heavily breathing and stared up into the darkness. His wide chest rose and lowered with even, strong movements.
I lay down next to him and nestled very close to him. I put my head on his stomach and my hand on his, still very slippery cock from my juice.

Slowly he swelled and lay on his abdomen like a thick garden hose.

I was still able to perceive the taste of his sperm and thought that I would like to feel this gem even more often in me.
After a few minutes, his breath went almost normal again, he said that we should slowly go back to the others. In the end one would still search for us and find us in this situation.
So we got dressed and went out into the garden. Outside, Kai said: “Go ahead! I have to briefly for little royal tiger.“The next moment he had disappeared behind a large rhododendred bush. I paused for a moment.

Something in me said: “Go afterwards!“I also crept behind the bush on quiet soles. But Kai couldn’t be seen! Where he was around everything in the world? There was a branch behind me quietly behind me. I was startled and turned around. Behind me stood kai! “What are you doing here?”He asked softly.

His wide grin let his bright teeth flash open.

Yes, what did I do there anyway?“Did you want to span, watch me pee?“I stammered senselessly and incoherent chunks of words in front of me. I would like to be sunken at the ground at the ground. What should he think of me? I looked to the ground.
Kai put a finger under my chin, lifted my head and said: “That’s okay! No problem! If you want, you can go to me!“While he said that, he opened his slot and picked out his Schwengel. He turned a bit, so I stood next to him and his strap was in my field of vision.

“Do you want to hold it?” asked he.

I nodded eagerly and put my hand around his cock. “Not so firm!“He protested. I loosened my grip and straightened his skirts so far that he was pretty straight away from his body.
“Yes! So will go!“Whispered Kai. After a few seconds I noticed how his urine started to rush through his cock.

A strong jet shot from his tail tip in a high arc and hit the floor splashfully.

It was a fascinating sight and a crazy feeling. Totally cool! The wildest thoughts buzzed through my head. I painted how it would be if Kai ’s beam did not run on the floor, but over my body. How it would feel if this hot juice ripple on my breasts and run down over my stomach.

Then Kai woke me out of my dream: “Hey! I’m done! You can let him go again now! Nothing comes there at first!“Completely confused I let go of his horny part.

While Kai put his pants too, he said: “You are really in a good mood! I think we should see each other often. We could definitely have a lot of fun with each other!“He hugged me and we strolled back to the others. When we entered the terrace, there was a closely wrapped couple there. Whether they had just as much fun in the course of the evening as we do?

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