Tensioner gets herself | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The training was the purest ordeal that day. But we all bit on our teeth, because this year we finally wanted to be the first at a cheerleading challenge. There was a lot of competition in the league and it was clear to all of us that only hard training and discipline led to success. Part of the girls was already among the have a shower, When Angela and I had a slight leak and pulled the ass card because we had to clear the devices.

Angela was not doing well that evening and I offered her that she could like to disappear and I take care of everything alone. Thank you very much and quickly I found myself on the sports field and collected everything. The music ran from the recorder when I went to the perceived 1000. Time into the storage rooms under the administration and the balls and ropes granted there. There was a connecting door from the storage room that led to the changing rooms.

I took this abbreviation and quickly realized that everyone had now disappeared. My shirt stuck to me when I pulled it over my head and I fired my sports bra in the direction of my locker. The feeling was almost liberating, because my big bust was well received by fans and spectators, but it could also be annoying. I also quickly got rid of my sports pants and ran through the walk to the showers in the tanga.

I noticed that one of the showers was still running, and I was still surprised because none of the sports bags were still in the locker room except for my own. I scored around the corner and didn’t want to scare anyone. Sahra, one of the girls who had only been around the team since this year, stood under the shower And behind her a man. It was Aron, one of our players. It was clear to me that they also trained in the stadium today, but since we only remained the outdoor area, we rarely met except for games.

In addition, he was Contact partly undesirable and even prohibited for some. Aron was naked, just like Sahra and that the two had something together, I had never noticed. He stood behind her and kissed her neck as he massaged her little breasts and completely disappeared into his big hands. I almost had burst into the shower room, but I slowed myself down and joined back. The two hadn’t noticed me either and so I had the opportunity for me to just watch a little bit, which would probably happen next.

Sarah was very slim and a head bigger than me, but she looked small and fragile compared to Aron. Her little butt rubbed on him and she seemed to pursue a goal. Although she seemed to enjoy his kisses, I could also see that her hands enjoyed his best piece. This look was denied to me because they both stood with my back to me.

Actually, I just wanted to go and treat the two of them to fun … yes I was even about to go back to the changing room when he suddenly shouted at them quietly. Not loud enough to be heard outside, but at least I was startled because I was about to go. Aron grabbed her and raised her up. So high that he could caress her breasts and she pressed tightly.

Then he turned slowly. Slowly I could now see his best piece, which came to light under the butt of Sarah. Admittedly, I was pleasantly surprised. The water of the shower ran over the two and it was a pretty picture that was offered to me. I would have loved to see Sarah blows one, but I was probably too late for this part of the show. Aron still held the little one tightly in his arm when he still made it, his hard one tail To position it so that he could let her down in a playful way.

I too was enthusiastic about so much acrobatics and had to mine Legs pinch together and hold on to the door frame. I heard Sarah only briefly when his cock seemed to penetrate her deeply and a quiet screaming through the shower echoed. More and more fog formed in the shower, as Aron probably turned around, one of the showers turned off next to it. I was just able to see Sarah held up on the wide shoulder, and he almost tenderly raised her with his hands up and down.

I ran the sweat over my back and between my breasts I felt the little pearls that had a path in between. I took a step into the hallway and had to blink to see again clearly. My neck was dry and I felt my pussy tingled. I looked down at myself and took my hips to push my hands under my tanga. My skin shimmered dark because I only got out of that a few days ago Vacation came.

In contrast to the rest, there was only a little skin of my lush breasts, almost white. My nipples grew out of this stain and I felt my sweat beads tickled me. I licked my lips and let my saliva drop on it with pointed lips. I carefully turned my head over the door frame of the shower room, where Sarah is now apparently fucked. Only this one little look allowed my hand to put itself over my wet pussy and she rubbed.

I watched myself and spat into the palm of my hand, so that I was slowly rubbing everything in my crot. I tried not to give a tone of myself, but I was quickly no longer enough to finger my hot pussy. On tiptoe and still with two fingers in my hot hole, I looked for something. My path led me straight into the storage room.

The gate to the outside was still open and although I was only dressed with a tanga, I pulled at the cord to close the gate with a swing. I knew that in the corner of the camp was exactly what I was looking for and snapped the light. With a little effort I was even able to hear Aron moaning when I struck me something in the corner of the camp. Some baseball bats were in a closet and their aluminum -colored surface attracted me.

Of course I hesitated, because how should I at least clean them a little?!I had to do that at all?! Driven by the desire to feel something between my legs, I grabbed one of the racket and examined it. He didn’t seem dirty to me and so I put it on the floor with the handle and rubbed the other end, which was much thicker on my damp pussy. I trembled and could hardly suppress my groan of lust.

Again I collected a little spit in my mouth and let it drop as best I could drip on the racket that stood between my legs. In the meantime I wasn’t just damp, I was wet and pushed the end of the baseball bat more firmly among me. I slowly let myself down and felt the cold aluminum pressed into me. I seemed to scream silently with a wide mouth when the pipe pushed into me.

My breasts floated and trembled when I slowly started moving up and down. I stood in the middle of the room and didn’t think about whether someone could come in or watch me. The aluminum pushed deeper and deeper into my pussy and I felt how I widened. I thought of Sarah and Aron again when I tried to run something. I carefully sneaked back into the hallway and decided to pull the stick out of my boiling pussy at least for this few meters to get forward faster.

On the tips of the toe, I sneaked back to the corner of the shower room and carefully crash into. Sarah knelt on the floor and Aron seemed to bounce on a rubber ball. He pushed deep into her and her face was pressed on the fine pattern of the white tiles on the floor. Her hair stuck wet on her back and hung in front of her face. I saw Aron’s root press deep into her and ran the water over him and emphasized his well -shaped body.

I held the racket in my hand and felt this horrific itch in my crotch that I ordered to satisfy me with the bar. Slightly bent forward, I spat something on the aluminum again and even slide it with my tongue. I was suddenly so wild that I almost sucked on it. Nevertheless, I held the racket behind me and tried to push it into my greedy column from behind. Without really wanting it, however, I put the racket on the wrong of the two holes and pressed him something against mine rosette.

The slight pain let me bite on my lower lip and I ran onto toe and the stick in my hand, back into the storage room, where I could at least give me a quiet whine without being heard by the other two. Delighted my lust, I felt my rosette and felt it. Something burned and this feeling still turned me on. Light and gently I started again at my back entrance and pressed something.

My rosette pressed against the racket and the muscle slowly opened around the aluminum. Apparently he slipped into me, when my saliva ran from my wide torn mouth. My hand clawed around the racket and pushed hard. The pipe pushed itself into me more and more and I was looking for a way to push the racket against it somewhere, so that I can climb on it with my whole weight.

Warm water ran down on my legs when the pipe drilled deep into my intestine with slight pain. But I didn’t have time for that. I could hardly keep on my feet, so much I was trembling. Slowly I sank to the ground and started to fuck myself in a doggystyle. I pushed the racket to the wall while my hand led it. For a while I even put it deep in me to rub it right on my hot snail that was warm and soft from the water that stood everywhere on the floor.

I did without the slippery concrete floor and sat on my butt without pulling out the racket. He turned in me and I felt how he pressed against my intestine. Looking back slightly, I spread my legs moaning and rammed the shit tube as obsessed with me. I raised my legs more and more than suddenly the light in the storage chamber went out. Musically and shocked, I stared at the door and saw a shadow that forced me to stop my breath.

I behaved absolutely quietly and did not stop the baseball bat in mine ass push. The shadow removed and I breathed out relieved. However, the racket slipped out of my slippery hand and crashed on the cold wet floor with a typical clatter. I pinched my eyes as if I could delete the sound on this white. My hand was still palpable after the racket, but he also rolled away from me for a few meters.

Before I could react further, the light switched on again in the room and the shadow was right in the door frame. If I would behave absolutely quietly now, then he might not come in, but a voice called into the room: “Anybody here??“I heard steps and how paralyzed I was still leaning back on the floor and stretched my spread legs into the air. And before he could see me, I saw Aron entering the storage room.

My first thought was that Sarah could still be there … my second, the thought of the tail. Aron did not speak German and he probably didn’t even know me. I slowly lowered my legs and smiled at it. He was a bit perplexed, but it also started to smile. “Hi Aron” I said to him when he handed me his hand and helped me get up. “Hey … what are you doing here?”END?!Thank you for reading.


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